The Darkest King: A Dark Mafia Romance (The Dark Kings of NYC Book 1)

Chapter 21

I feel Connor’s hand in the small of my back as I follow my father. Talk about tense. Two powerful men meeting for the first time, with me standing between them.

Not something I want to do again.

But we still have more family members to introduce my new fiancé to, and I know both of them won’t make it easy.

I can’t work out why Connor has become so protective and possessive. I appreciate he’s a man used to being in charge and getting what he wants, but does he really care that much about one point five million dollars and sleeping with me for six months?

He’s taking this very seriously.

I suppose coming up against the head of the mafia is no small thing, and I should be grateful. He’s saving me from a life of pure hell with men like Salvo.

But it’s not just that.

No one was there when Connor fucked me into submission last night. No one was sitting opposite us during the long drive to my family home tonight, while he held my hand so tightly my fingers almost lost feeling.

As if I would run away if he let go.

Or someone would steal me.

It is just confusing. I haven’t had that many lovers, but there is an intensity about sex with Connor that feels emotionless, like the damns are about to smash open and let it all out.

There are moments when it almost scares me.

But he notices every nuance and will soften a little and bring me back to him. His fingers will slide through mine, or he’ll cup my face with an I’ve got you.

I’m not sure it was meant to be like this. It is more intimate than either of us acknowledges.

Even now, despite my furious rejection of being owned, I feel like I am Connor’s. Forget labels of fiancé, girlfriend, or wife. I belong beside this man.

I just don’t know how to work that out logically.

“Sit,” my father says, waving a hand around the enormous living room.

This is the house where I spent most of my life growing up. We would go to Manhattan for periods of time, but this is my home.

Technically, it’s a mansion with three levels, thirty bedrooms, as many more bathrooms, five living areas, an enormous yard with a lap pool, bar, hot pool, and entertainment area. The kitchen is a chef’s dream, which is handy as there are three on staff.

The huge glass doors to the outdoor area are wide open, letting in a cool breeze after a warm June day. Mack and the other two men position themselves nearby as we sit on one of the sofas.

Father sits in his usual large armchair and waves at me. “Mia, go find your brother. I told him to be down here at seven.”

I go to stand, but Connor puts his hand on my arm. I sit back down, not unhappy after Cade’s actions last night, but I shoot Connor a look, wondering if he is going to defy my father at every point.

Joe Mancini isn’t a patient man. Sooner or later, he’ll snap. I don’t want anyone getting hurt over my desire for freedom. That isn’t a price I am willing to pay.

My father stays silent as a tray of drinks is handed out. They offer the men whiskey, while I accept a vodka dry.

“Now you are pushing my patience, Mr. Barrett,” Papa says, nursing the crystal glass in his hand.

And there it is.

“Your son accosted Mia while she was out having drinks with her friends last night,” Connor says without flinching. “I initially thought it was at your instruction, but something tells me he was acting alone.”

My father stares at Connor for a long moment and then glances at me. “Is this true, Mia?”

I nod, then let out a sigh.

I suddenly want to know the truth. Was it him, or was it Cade who decided to come and interrupt my night.

“Yes. It was horrible, Papa. Guns were drawn, my friends were scared, and I know you don’t care about the life I’ve created, but they are my friends, and I never wanted them to see any of this,” I admit, feeling my shoulders sag.

He glances back at Connor. “Who drew first?”

“Mancini men,” Connor replies. “However, Mia’s personal security detail did need to intervene as your son went to grab her by pushing him aside.”

My father’s brows lift, and then he’s back looking at me.

I feel like this entire thing is my fault. If I hadn’t said I was engaged to Connor, I could be…Well, I’d be packing my bags, knowing I’d be moving home.

I’d be told I was being married off to Salvo Vitale.


I wish my mom was here. It all catches up with me now that I’m sitting in front of my father. I blink away the emotion, and he notices.

“I don’t not care about your life, Mia. But you belong in the family. It is just how these things are. In saying that, I did not order anyone to bring you home. Least of all your brother.”

I’m relieved.

So relieved. My father has the power to force me home if he really wants. Connor thinks he can stop him, but I’m not convinced he can.

“Okay,” I reply, pulling my lip gloss out of my purse and sliding it over my lips. “Can you tell him to back off before someone gets hurt? That was not cool.”

“No one is getting hurt,” Connor growls, laying a protective hand on my thigh.


“Your brother won’t harm you.” My father watches every move Connor makes. “I will speak to him.”

It is just as I thought.

Cade won’t harm a hair on my body. He’d be punished if he did. My father might want to curtail my life and freedom, but he would never let anyone harm me.

Including my brother.

I glance around at the empty room. I was expecting the entire family to be here, interrogating us.

“The others will join us shortly,” Papa says, reading my mind. “For now, I want to get to know the man who thinks he is marrying you.”

I roll my eyes, but Connor ignores the jab and says, “Whatever you want to know, just ask.”

Papa lifts his glass to his lips. “Good. Tell me about yourself, then, Mr. Barrett. Things I cannot find on the internet.”

And so, it begins.


I RELAX ON the cushions of the sofa, stretch out a leg, and wrap an arm around Mia. Joe doesn’t like it.

Tough shit.

“There’s not a lot about my life that’s not on paper already,” I reply. There’s nothing I’m going to tell you. “My life is mostly work and very little play. Recently, I met your beautiful daughter, and I fell for those stunning eyes.”

Mia glances up at me, and I smile. Then I fucking hate myself when I see those blue globes sparkle. She deserves to be genuinely loved by someone, not being used for the cold revenge I’m after.

Yet here we are, and I’m not walking away.

I’m also not leaving her unprotected, now I’m sure I know what Cade is up to. It’s clear Joe Mancini loves his daughter, but if the right partnership opportunity arises, he would marry her off.

It’s sick to think Cade would even consider handing Mia over to Vitale. He’s brutal. Nathan’s description of Vitale a constant reminder. Has her brother given a single fucking thought to her safety or happiness?

Fury runs through my veins.

I press her closer against me, and I see the question in her eyes, but I can’t give her any answers. I never will be able to. Which sends my thoughts in a spiral. Right now, Mia is in my arms, but until I know she’s safe, I’m not walking away from her.

Which may impact my plans, and that’s a fucking issue I’ll deal with tomorrow.

Right now, Joe Mancini is sitting in front of me, and I need to make him think I love his daughter.

“And what do you have in common?” he asks, glancing between us both. “Marriage is about partnership, loyalty, family. How do you see this working?”

Jesus. I was expecting him to threaten my life, not marriage council us.

“One day at a time,” I reply. “Together. Dealing with life’s challenges.”

Mia leans into me, grinning, Goddamn her. So far, she’s been an excellent little actress, but the attraction between us is real.

Really fucking real.

When she’s in my arms and around my cock, there’s just her and pleasure and my need to chain her to my life.

“What he said.” She smiles at me and then at her father.

God, I’m a cunt.

“Basically, Connor will do whatever it takes to make me happy,” she adds, and when her eyes meet mine again, my brows lift..

Then she smirks at me.

Little minx.

Joe barks out a laugh and goes on to ask several more questions about how I achieved my success and the causes I give to. I don’t ask about his. We all know how he makes his money.

When he prods about my inheritance, things get a little close for comfort.

“So, you lost your family when you were young.”

Yeah, and you may have been the asshole who gave the order to have them assassinated. But I will withhold judgement until I’m sure.

Actually no, that’s bullshit. I hate you more than you could know. The drugs you pedal, the children you traffic, the women you sell, it’s disgusting.

“I barely remember them,” I reply, instead of saying any of that. It’s a story that’s out in the world, so I stay on script. “They died in an accident, and I inherited their insurance payout when I was twenty-one. Still in the marines at that point. I invested and got lucky, I guess.”

Luck has never factored in my life. Unless I consider Mia walking into it and handing me access to her father. I call it an opportunity.

“My condolences. What did your father do?” he asks.

I force my heart rate to stay calm.

That fucking question haunts me. The truth is, I don’t know. The boxes of files I have from the FBI and that key need to be looked into.

But what if I find my worst nightmare?

If I find out my father was involved…if he was the reason…

I steady my breathing.

These are the things that could destroy the very essence of my life’s purpose. I’m not going down that rabbit hole as I sit across from my enemy.

“No idea. All I know is, he worked in an office.” I lift the glass to my lips. “Things that were boring to a little boy interested in cars and trains.”

Joe nods and accepts a top-up of his drink without even looking at the woman. His eyes remain on mine.

He’s like a predator seeking his next prey.

But I’m a snake.

“That’s difficult, losing your parents so early. Mia, as you know, lost her mother,” Joe says, and I nod. “Will you two be having children?”


Mia spits out the vodka she’s drinking and begins coughing and patting her dress. “Dad. Jeez. We’ve just got engaged.”

She stands, reaching for a cocktail napkin, and dabs at it.

Joe shrugs. “These are questions your mother would’ve asked, Mia. Things you should discuss before marrying.”

I notice she’s embarrassed, and my mood improves. She continues muttering oh my God, then lifts her face to mine. Her cheeks are rosy, and it’s adorable.

“We are definitely having children,” I say, enjoying watching her blush deepen.

God, we would have gorgeous babies.

Not that I’m ever expecting to have children, but Mia is a beautiful woman, and I know I’m a good-looking guy. Between us, I could just imagine the offspring we could create.

Jesus, this fake marriage is going to my head.

“I need to get some soda on this, or it will stain,” Mia says and runs out of the room.

I shoot Mack a glance, but he’s already following her.

When I turn back to Joe, all the warmth is gone. Time for the men to stop playing games and get to the heart of what this meeting is really about.

“I can see Mia is very taken with you,” Joe says, his voice low. “You have a very impressive career and have amassed far greater wealth than I have or ever will.”


“I’m sure you’re an influential man, Mr. Barrett,” he adds.

“Please, call me, Connor.” I force back a smile because it will only antagonize him. I need his trust, not to make an enemy out of him. He has no idea how influential I am.

I have information about the Mancini mafia that could devastate his organization in a matter of days, should I choose. People in powerful government positions owe me favors, who would make sure the damage is painful.

And I have his daughter.

I am influential.

I’m the biggest threat to his business, life, and family, and he has no idea.

That’s not the goal today.

I want answers. I want Carlos, and whoever else is responsible for my family’s death. I want to watch them scream as they take their last breaths, just as my baby sister, Rebecca, did.

“However, I see you do not love my daughter, as you claim,” Joes says, ignoring my offer.

I don’t respond straight away. Not because he’s right, but because I’m not going to address it head-on. I’m as cunning as he is, and whether he likes it or not, I am marrying Mia.

“Perhaps marriage—partnership, as you called it earlier—is not so much about love as it is a mutual understanding and sharing the same objectives,” I reply.

Jesus, I need to be careful.

That’s getting a little too close to the truth. Not that the mobster will have any clue who I am or what I am up to. If he did, I’d have a bullet between my eyes right now.

Joe takes another slow drink, watching me over his crystal cut glass.

A chill runs down my spine.

I’ve seen that look in a man’s eyes before, and it’s dangerous.

I stretch out my arm along the back of the sofa and cross my legs, not letting him intimidate me. He may be the head of the mafia, but I could snap his neck before he finishes his next sip if I wanted to.

My men are fast and trained. They’d have bullets in the men surrounding the room before they could touch me.

Joe lowers his glass and leans forward, placing it on the table. “You remind me of a man who double-crossed me once, many years ago. Don’t make that mistake, Connor Barrett.”

The fuck?

Is he referring to my father?

I do a quick calculation. There’s no way he could know who I am. My identity is so deeply buried, no one will ever find it. Not even him. If he did and Mancini is the man who gave the kill order, I’d already be dead.

This is simply intimidation.

He doesn’t want me to have Mia.

Tough shit.

It is time to let the head of the Italian mafia know exactly who Connor Barrett is. The man I hide from almost everyone, except the Dark Kings.

I lower my arm from the back of the sofa, lean forward, my forearms on my knees, and look him straight in the eye.

“I don’t like threats, Mr. Mancini. Don’t mistake me for a while-collar guy with a gym membership. I’m a marine, and I protect what’s mine. And Mia is mine.”

WHEN MIA STEPS back into the room, the air is thick with tension, but we’ve said what we had to say, and now our boundaries are clear.

Cade Mancini chooses that moment to come into the room. He has two men with him. They stop behind Mia.


My heckles rise as I stand and go to her, while doing everything I can to not make eye contact with Nathan.

What the hell is he doing in the Mancini family home in Long Island?

He’s head to toe in black, a leather jacket with the collar up, despite the early summer heat. And he has shades on his head.

Mia turns, and when she spots them, I see her reaction.  She knows Nathan. Which makes sense. He’s been working for her father for six years.

He winks at her and sticks a toothpick in his mouth, chewing.

The fuck?

I pull Mia to my side and glare at him. I trust the guy with my fucking life, yet I want to smash my fist through the side of his head.

Our eyes meet, and he grins at me. Motherfucker.

But he’s playing the role he should, and I am trying really hard to remember that as Mia leans into me.

Cade laughs and shoots Nathan a shit-kicking grin.

Smile, asshole. One day, I’m going to wipe it off your face with your blood.

“About time, Cade. Go get your aunts and uncles. It’s time for dinner,” Joes says. “And meet your future brother-in-law.”

Now, it’s my turn to smirk and watch his smile fade.

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