The Dark Thrall Mating Olivia

Chapter 16 -



A family came into the park, a toddler walking between the two of them. They both looked tired and held to-go coffee cups. When they crossed past the fence, they let go of their child's hand. Watching her toddle off towards the playground equipment.

The man moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he pulled her close. She looked up smiling up at him with a soft couple-y smile and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. I turned back to pushing Everly, feeling happy for them. But jealous at the same time. I wanted those tired mornings at the park to share with another person. I wanted forehead kisses. Maybe, just maybe, those dragons would want that too.

I pushed Everly until her head started to droop. We were getting close to nap time and I knew that if I didn't get her home in time for a real nap she'd be cranky for the rest of the day. Strapping her into the stroller, I took us home. Ready to nurse her to sleep and take a shower. After that, I was going to call Killian and Jay.

***Killian POV***

Jay and I pulled into the diner parking lot. Taking up a space in front of the red brick building. I turned the key, killing my engine before pulling my keys out and shoving them into the pocket of my jacket.

I climbed off of my bike, taking my helmet off and tucking it onto the back of my motorcycle. I looked at the big windows, scanning them in the hopes that I would see the pretty little wolf again.

A redheaded woman stood at the counter, wiping it down while she talked to a lean-looking man. A smile spread across her face as she listened to something that he said and I wondered if they were together. I knew it wasn't my place to wonder about them but I couldn't help it. It was like I was seeing couples everywhere that I went. I took in her outfit, noticing that she had on the same kind of apron that Olivia had worn last night.

The man sitting at the counter turned to look at us, pushing his dark hair out of his eyes. The woman in front of him said something, pulling his attention back to her. Her eyes flicked towards us before she went back to work. Picking up a tea pitcher before moving through the diner.

I looked over at Jay as he pulled his helmet off, hooking it onto the handlebars. He shook out the long strands of his damp blue hair and I watched the light glimmer off those dark blue strands. I loved it when he wore his hair down like that, it made me long to tangle my fingers in it. "Maybe she isn't working today?" I said, dragging my fingers through the messy waves of my own hair. Tugging at the ends to smooth them back into place. Wishing that I had spent more time worrying about my appearance. I knew that I was good looking. I had seen the looks that others tossed my way. It helped that my thrall mate always looked at me with desire clear in his dark eyes, always flashing for me.

Jay shrugged his shoulders, letting out a long sigh. "Maybe she isn't. We're still eating here. Breakfast is important and I need coffee."

"Fine, cranky pants." I muttered, looking back at the building. Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I didn't want to go in there if she wasn't working. Everything in me was ready to go and find her. Jay climbed off his bike, moving to stand beside me. "We'll eat here, then we will call her alpha back. If she agrees, then we'll get her number and you can call her. If you keep giving me lip-❞ "I get to call her first?" I asked, smiling up at him.

Jay's lips twitched and I caught the ghost of his smile before he nodded. "Consider it a reward." "And what am I being rewarded for?"

"That thing you did with your tongue." Jay said, winking at me before sauntering over to the sidewalk.

"You mean the thing where I twist my hands while sucking on your-"

"Yeah, that," Jay said, cutting me off. "You normally give good head, but this morning, fuck." He trailed off and I felt the tops of my ears turn red.

"What can I say? I woke up excited."

"Feel free to share your excitement anytime you want."

I chuckled at his words, feeling the heat of his caress against our bond as we walked up the sidewalk to the entrance of the diner. I opened the door, holding it open for Jay and he dipped

his head in thanks. Stepping past me, I took a deep breath, following him inside.

I was nervous and excited after hearing Jay talk with Olivia's alpha. Micheal hadn't shared much with us about her and he seemed very protective of her during their brief conversation. Jay's jealousy had trickled through the bond and into me. I knew that he couldn't help it, that he was already starting to think of her as ours, just like I was. It was her alpha's right to be protective of his pack. Logically, we both knew this. It didn't stop the need that we both felt to hunt her and claim her so that any other male who looked her way knew that she was claimed. That she was ours.

The man at the counter finished up his coffee before pulling out his wallet and handing the waitress a twenty.

"Thanks, Micheal." She said, tucking the money away and picking up his empty coffee cup. Her fingers brushed against his and he pulled his hand back.

"Don't mention it, Shana." He said, pushing himself to stand. The alpha turned towards us and I felt the power rolling off of him. "Gentlemen."

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