The Dark Rising (The Hidden of Vrohkaria Book Two)

The Dark Rising: Chapter 50

the white, cotton dress, I look around the hall full of Elites. A few have their eyes on me, not vicious, more curious after battling the rogures outside the keep. Some have respect in their eyes after I slit the throat of a traitor just hours ago and tip their heads to me before going back to their meal. Sconces decorate the hall to light the dark room as the moonlight shines through the windows. Plates and bowls of food are placed on the tables, a feast fit for almost a ball instead of hardened warriors as they drink back their ale. We all deserve to relax a little after the battle.

My gaze moves over to Colten as he talks with a male further down the hall. The conversation looks slightly heated, but then the Elite reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder, causing Hudson, who sits across from me, to tense at the contact. I smirk into my cup, letting the cool water slide down my throat. The ever protective Hudson clenches his jaw, his eyes homed in on that hand and he stands, moving closer to Colten and leaning against the wall. I snort.

“What’s so funny?” Josh asks, and I nod my head over to them. “Gods, they are so blind.”

“I don’t think they are blind,” I tell him, picking up a berry and popping it into my mouth. “They just need to sort their shit out, whatever that is.”

“They are too stubborn, or at least one of them is,” Taylor mutters into his drink.

“They need to fuck,” Anna says, and I let loose a smile.

“We can fuck,” Seb flirts, licking his lips at Anna as she visibly recoils at him.

A laugh busts free before I can stop it, putting a hand over my mouth to try and silence it. A growl comes from my left and my eyes snap to the table at the back of the room, at the male with a scowl on his face. He watches me, then his eyes go to Anna and Seb across from me. I roll my eyes at him, but they soon trail down his muscular chest, then watch his arms as he brings a cup to his lips as he takes a drink. My gaze moves further up and our eyes connect, locking in place.

Darius tilts his head, his own eyes trailing over me in the dress he gave me to wear tonight. I shift at his perusal, not used to wearing anything like this. It’s modest, comes just above my knee and the neck of the dress only dips ever so slightly at my front, still hiding anything that could be seen as vulgar. But with the way Darius is looking at me, I feel practically naked. I squirm in my seat, my thighs clenching and his eyes heat, watching the movement.

I’ve been restless since we came back to the keep. He went to torture the males he tied up and I watched, turned on as he dragged them away, his face full of anger and deadly intent.

I don’t know why that makes my need for him strong, but his show of strength makes me want him to show me that strength in another way. His hands on my hips as he drives into me, his lips at my neck, telling me how I make him feel…

I shake my head, damn male.

His eyes eventually move away from me and I breathe out a breath, reaching for another berry. Darius then stands, and the room quiets down as the Elites focus on their Alpha.

“For now, the Highers do not know we are not under their paw. We need to keep it that way for as long as possible to prepare. War will come eventually between the Elites and the Highers, and with rogures plaguing the lands, I foresee a lot of deaths in the coming future.” I pick at my fingernail. I never wanted to bring anyone into my desire to rid the Highers at the cost of lives, but this is bigger than just my own personal revenge, they have hurt so many others, and it seems, are continuing to do so. “When I or any of my brothers are not present in the keep, Maverick will be here in my stead, assigning those who still need to go hunting and those who will stay back and guard the keep.” My eyes move to Maverick at the table across from me as he nods his head in acknowledgement. “No Higher is allowed into the keep when I am gone, or their witches. Some Elites, who are currently on hunts, will not return, they were traitors to me and the lands. As for the ones who went to the basement, we gained some information.” Everyone sits up straight at the news, including myself. “The Highers’ witches have sometimes been giving us incorrect information when they have told us they have found power spikes in the lands. They did this by either diverting our attention away from what was really going on in towns and villages, or sending specific Elites who were loyal to the Highers to murder parents and steal children for their sick purpose that we are not fully sure of.” The room is silent at his words, but you can taste the anger in the air. I feel it inside myself at just how low they would go to gain children. “The prisoners do not know the locations where these children have been taken, but we now know we cannot trust any information we received from the witches. At this time, when we receive news of power spikes or rogures from them, only half will go, assess the situation before any reinforcements port in. We cannot risk the lives of innocents, but we will do what we do best and protect them and others.”

I watch the Elites take in the news, full of fury and disgust at what the Highers have been doing. Guilt is spread across some faces and I can’t help but feel sorry for them. They had no idea, how could they? They thought going to every call from the Higher’s witches would be doing good, and would save lives. When sometimes getting that information causes deaths.

They have all been lied to, tricked and deceived. I’m sure this isn’t what they signed up for when they chose to become an Elites, and I understand the failure I’m sure they must feel.

Maverick stands. “I will do as you ask, Alpha.” He tips his head. “We all will, we will not fail you.” The other Elites stand one by one and place their palms flat against their chest and again, I can’t help but feel pride in their respect for their Alpha, their unwavering loyalty that Darius has earned from them.

Darius, for the asshole he is, does want to do good, he wants to protect and he wants what’s best for the people of Vrohkaria.

He’s made mistakes, but he made them under the assumption that I was the bad one, I was the traitor and he’s trying to make amends for that. I can’t deny it.

We all go back to eating, the chatter casually getting louder as the night goes on. Finishing my meal, I stand and decide to call it a day and make my way out of the room. Pausing a few steps away, I look around and see all the Elites eyes on me. Uncomfortable with the attention, I come to a halt and run my hands down my dress. An Elite stands from a table and I hold my breath for…what? Cruel remarks, accusations, I don’t know what but it wasn’t what comes from his mouth.

“Goodnight Rhea, Heir of Zahariss. I hope you rest well.” Stunned, I just blink at him as others agree, smiles on their faces as they wish me goodnight.

A hand on my arm has me coming out of my daze and then my feet are moving as Darius guides me out of the hall. We round a corner, and then I’m dragged into a dark alcove, my back hitting the wall.

“Dar—“ His hand is wrapped around my throat in an instant, his furious gaze on me and I bring my hands to his wrist.

“Did you think I forgot that you left our room and took it upon yourself to come out of the keep’s walls, putting yourself in danger? Again?” he growls, dipping his head.

“I couldn’t—“ I try to choke out.

“Then,” he murmurs, his face inches from mine. “You made my men curious and I had no choice but to let you reveal yourself.” His nose is now touching mine, his eyes alight with anger. “They could have all attacked you. They could have harmed every hair on your pretty, little head, and then I would have had to kill them.”

I suck in a breath and he rubs his nose on mine. His scent invades me and tingles spread throughout my body. He moves back, his gaze darkening when he roams over my body, his nostrils flaring. I’m suddenly turned and my hands land flat on the stone wall. His hand drops from my throat to grip the back of my neck. He pushes me forward and I turn my head so it’s flat against the wall. My breathing picks up and I lick my dry lips, which causes Darius to release a low growl as he pulls my dress up and over my hips. A rumble comes from him as he slides his palm over my skin and then he slowly peels my panties down my trembling thighs.

His fingers roam down between my legs and I groan as he plays with me, feeling how wet I am. “You think I didn’t notice you fucking me with your eyes?” I whimper. “So needy, little wolf.” His voice whispers in my ear and a shiver wracks through me as I press back into his hand. His dark chuckle reaches me and then his hand is gone. I almost whine at the loss but then I feel the head of his cock moving back and forth, gathering my wetness.

“Darius,” I moan, squirming while his hand tightens on the back of my neck.

“Is this what you want?” he asks as he puts the head inside of me. I try to push back further but a hand on my hip stills me. “Tell me.”

I groan in frustration. “Asshole.”

“Tell me.” He nips at my neck. “I will give it to you, all you have to do is tell me.” I slump against the wall, wiggling on the tip of his cock. “Greedy little wolf,” he murmurs, and I clench around him.

I’ve never told him what I want, never voiced it really unless I said so in my heat that I don’t recall. Every time he has put his hands on me since then, he has always been the one to initiate it, and I’ve let him have his way every time. Now though he’s waiting for me, and my cheeks heat thinking about it. Why does he need me to say it?

I wiggle some more, going on my tiptoes and pressing back to get him deeper, but he halts me again. His hand comes around and starts lightly petting my clit, and I whine at needing more as he teases me, then pulls his hand away all together. I need him fully inside of me now.

“Darius, fuck me,” I tell him on a growl. “I want you to fuck me.” He chuckles darkly before he fills me in one smooth motion.

My hands scramble on the wall as a long moan tears from my throat, and he wastes no time, driving in and out of me at a punishing pace as I clench around him. He growls low, feeling me, feeling what he’s doing to me and my eyes roll in the back of my head as pleasure washes over me.

“Do not ever put yourself in danger again,” he orders, the sound of our skin slapping together echoing around the alcove. “Answer me.”

“I wanted to help,” I pant, moving a hand down until I reach between my legs and feel him pushing into me.

“Fuck,” he groans, moving his hand from the back of my neck and to my throat. He pulls me up, his mouth attacking my neck as he continues to slam into me. “You will not help unless I allow it, Rhea.”

“You cannot tell me what to do,” I whimper when he does a hard thrust and I arch into him, his hand squeezing the air from my lungs. “Darius.”

“Want to come, little wolf?”

“You know I do,” I pant, moving my hand up to rub my clit. I tense around him and he licks up my neck, biting and sucking.

“Then answer me,” he demands, his grunts right in my ear and he moves a hand over my fingers and rubs them over my clit, harder.

Pleasure builds as my orgasm nears, and I whine at the sound of us, the feel of him pounding in and out of me. “Why does it always feel this good?”

“Because it’s you and me,” he groans. I try to move my hand faster, but he stills it and I let out a cry, frustration building as he won’t send me over the edge.

“Please, Darius,” I pant, wanting, no needing him to let me move my hand so I can feed the need that he has caused inside of me. He groans into the skin at my neck as he picks up his pace. “Gods,” I breathe when he hits that spot inside of me and my legs begin to tremble. “Okay, okay. I won’t help unless you say so.”

“Good little wolf.” His hand moves over mine and his fingers move between us until he pinches my clit, moving in circular motions. He squeezes my throat next, my breath hitches and with two more thrusts, my orgasm barrels into me, curling my toes as I let out a long, loud moan. So loud I think they would hear it back in the hall.

“Fuck, Rhea.” I feel Darius tense, and then he releases into me, making sure there is nothing left as I tremble against his chest. He releases my throat as I come down and I slump forward against the wall, panting as I try and catch my breath. Darius lets go of my throat and pulls out of me, lifting my panties back up. He runs a finger over the seam, feeling his release gather and he hums to himself. “I want you smelling of me for as long as possible.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I huff as he pulls my dress down and turns me around to face him.

He narrows his eyes. “If you wash me from your body too soon, I will replace it.”

I tilt my head, my own eyes roaming his body as he tucks himself away. “And that would be a problem because…” A sound rumbles from his chest and before I know it, I’m picked up, put over his shoulder and we are striding up the stairs toward his room. “Put me down, you overgrown oaf,” I laugh, feeling satisfied and feeling lighter as I shimmy in place.

He pauses, and then smacks my ass. “I’ll show you the problem when you can’t stand or string a coherent sentence together after I’m done with you.”

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