The Dark Rising (The Hidden of Vrohkaria Book Two)

The Dark Rising: Chapter 3

blades of grass as we walk through the woods. Sounds of creatures’ squawking and chuffing can be heard in the distance as we continue forward toward Witches Rest. Thirteen long days it has taken us to reach here, and since we left Wolvorn Castle and left Kade behind, along with Josie and Danny’s bodies.

I try not to dwell on leaving them, try to block it from my mind. The pain is too much to bear, so I push it down and keep it placed in a bubble of agony so I can keep going.

Our survival is what matters now.

Four days ago, we saw rogures in the distance, heard their terrifying howls that sent chills down my spine. It was a reminder that those creatures are plaguing the lands and tear anything to shreds in its path. We aren’t equipped to fight off a pack of them, shit, not even one. Only Anna and her magic, and our bare hands as our weapons. Even then, I’m no use to anyone in my current state.

I hobble forward, the pain wracking through my body becomes a welcomed feeling. It shows I’m alive through the current numbness of my emotions, it shows that I can still fight. I just need these damn terbium cuffs off.

My blonde hair sticks to my face as sweat dampens my body with exertion, but still, I keep going, we keep going. I’ve slowed them all down, but not once have any of them complained. Runa sleeps within me, gathering her rest as much as she can. She’s been extremely quiet, as have I since we set off to look for sanctuary. What is there to say? We are beaten and bruised, but still, we keep moving on.

Eerie lights appear sparingly up ahead, their blurry glow barely seen through the mist as it thickens and rises to our waist. My bloody, bare feet sink into the soggy earth, cold moisture threatening to make them freeze. Sagging trees take over the wood, its dark green vines hanging from them, move in a snake-like manner, swaying to an unknown breeze. At the base of the trees, tall, purple flowers wrap around each other, opening and closing their petals as we pass them by, their stems moving to reach out to us as we move away from them, not knowing what they would do.

I shiver. I have no idea what they are, having never seen them before, but I don’t think touching them would be a good idea.

“Just up ahead, keep going straight,” Anna whispers from in front of us. Josh puts his arm around me, keeping me steady as my injuries still haven’t healed. Sebastian, Taylor, Hudson, and Colten are at my back, following closely behind.

It’s strange to be out in the open in the lands having spent so much time in Eridian. It feels like I don’t even know Vrohkaria anymore, even though Edward has always updated me as best as he can.

I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. Not my home in Zakith, not Eridian as it’s lost, and no one will harbor a traitor of the lands. Where do I fit?

We enter the white, curling mist, trusting Anna as we follow her blindly. I’m barely able to see my hand in front of me. Josh holds me tighter, his body as tense as mine. Lights appear, the orange and red dots floating in and out around us and I watch them in awe. They disappear ahead of me, only to come back and hover around us again and I follow each one, wanting to hold my hand out and touch them.

“Because that’s not creepy,” Colten mutters. If I had the energy, I would try and scare him, I’m sure Sebastian would get a kick out of that.

“Hush, pup,” I hear Hudson tell him. “Keep alert.”

“You do know I was going to be an Elite, right?” Colten whispers back. “I can scan for danger—“

“Quiet,” Hudson commands, his voice a small growl and I hear a small whimper in response. I peek up at Josh and he gives me a tired smile at Hudson silencing him.

“Finally,” Taylor huffs. “Blessed silence.”

We carry on forward, alert and careful until my foot hits a hard surface. I stumble, holding my breath and waiting for the pain as I fall forward. Josh grabs my arm roughly and spins me around, tightly pinning me against his chest to keep me from eating wood. I hiss as the movement sends burning pain to the open wounds on my back.

“Sorry,” he rushes out, looking me over until his gaze lifts over my shoulder. His eyes widen, his fingers tightening on my arm before I turn.

The mist has thinned out now, and I see we’re on a wooden bridge. The planks are worn but not rotted, full of leaves and dirt. A wooden railing sits on either side with running water under it. I look down, seeing yellow flowers floating on top of the surface. They don’t move with the current, just bobbing from side to side. A pink fish pops its head out, its mouth opening and closing as it looks directly at me, like it’s come to see who’s on the bridge before it sinks back under the water.

I blink at all the new things I’m seeing. When I was a child, I stayed at home or went to the woods to play. Mom and Dad never took me anywhere else. When I left with Josh and Kade and roamed the lands for a few years. I had never come across anything like this before, and I’ve been in Eridian ever since.

It’s like a whole other land just opened up.

Josh nudges me, and I move my eyes from the water as we trudge forward along the bridge. Two wooden poles are at the end on either side, that orange and red light atop of them, lighting the way. We step off the bridge and walk along a dirt path, looking ahead at the wooden homes raised on stilts above the soggy ground. Crudely built steps lead up to them, composed of all mismatched wood. Bridges appear everywhere as the glow of the lights illuminate them, going from home to home, over the swamp water to other paths and areas. A light, barely visible mist clings above our heads, making the place feel gloomy and dull, but with the home and the twinkling lights, it’s hauntingly beautiful.

Anna stands still ahead of us, and I hobble up next to her, wincing as the dirt seeps into the wounds on my feet. I look at Anna and follow her gaze to the people walking around, carrying items in their woven baskets or putting wooden crates outside their homes. Their clothes look thin, but clean with their cloaks made of animal fur resting on their backs. I take it all in.

Children play on the paths, their laughter echoing through the air, and the innocence of it warms me. A woman with light hair twirls her fingers and lights appear around her home’s structure, dancing where they have been placed by their maker. The woman suddenly stills, her back straightens and her eyes turn to land on us. They widen for a second before she puts the small crate down, and begins to walk toward us.

Anna tenses, my hackles rise as she approaches, and the guys stand ready at our backs. We are in new territory here and with the rumors of these witches, we could be taking our last breaths. Stopping in front of us, the woman’s dark, moss-colored eyes narrow on me, then to Josh at my side before looking over our shoulder. Her gaze eventually comes back to Anna and she sneers, causing my pulse to rise.

I haven’t met any blood witches other than Anna, and Witches Rest is apparently full of them.

Maybe this was a mistake. Have we just gotten ourselves killed?

“Sister, why are you here?” Sister? My eyes widen in surprise as I look at Anna and this other witch. I didn’t know Anna had a sister, and they look nothing alike. The witch crosses her arms, her small nose twitching in distaste as she looks directly at Anna.

“Janette,” Anna replies coldly, and I can tell there is no love lost between these two. “Where is Grandmother?”

“Why are you here?” Janette snaps, her fingers producing a red-like tendril of magic as she stares down Anna. “And who are these people? You all look like you have been dragged out of a hole.”

“Just tell me where Grandmother is,” Anna grinds out, not flinching at the sight of her sister’s magic.

“No way, turn around and go back to whatever cave you came from, we don’t want you here,” Janette spits out, and I resist the urge to growl at the tone she uses with Anna as I sense the guys stiffen at my back.

“Now girl, is that any way to talk to your sister?” a voice says from behind us, and we all spin, startled by the presence, having not sensed it. I waver on my feet and Josh pulls me closer, letting me rest against his side.

An older woman trails along the bridge, her steps unhurried. Her gray hair is long and hanging to the front of her chest, the tips taking on a burned, red hue. A leather strap hangs down from her neck, small bones and dried herbs adorning it. She has a wooden branch as tall as her in her hand. The sound of it hitting the wood of the bridge with her every step makes my temples pound with the same rhythm as my pulse. The same light around the swamp rests at the top of the stick, but it’s encased in a circular, clear ball with branches curving around it. The smell of lavender and something old hits me as she walks by, but it’s not an uncomfortable smell. She reaches Janette, turning to look over at Anna and her wrinkled face moves as she smiles before bringing her into a hug.

“Oh how I have missed you, granddaughter,” the woman murmurs, pulling away from Anna as Janette huffs and folds her arms, her magic nowhere to be seen.

“I’ve missed you too, Grandmother,” Anna chokes out, and the sound of sadness is clear in her voice as I watch them both.

“I see you have brought friends. Come, let us go to the family home. You can eat, wash, and rest, then we will discuss what brings you here. Though I am very glad you have arrived. I didn’t think you would all make it.” My gaze snaps to her and she looks my way, her light, violet eyes full of knowledge and power. I can sense it, feel it. “You are safe here, and we have much to talk about.”

That’s it? No interrogation or threats or boiling blood?

She turns and we follow Anna at her side, looking around at the other residents as they watch us. I peek at Josh, and he looks back at me, giving me a reassuring smile that I don’t feel. He draws me closer to him as I shiver, feeling cold more than ever. I sigh into his skin, feeling his warmth, but my body won’t stop shaking. My teeth chatter, my legs growing weak beneath me as my vision wavers. I taper forward.

Josh grabs me, his hands going to the back of my thighs as he lifts me. My legs go around his waist, my arms around his neck as I tuck my head under his chin, a muffled scream coming from me as pain rips up my body. “I’ve got you, Milal,” he murmurs. I close my eyes and relax in his hold, knowing he won’t let me fall. I breathe deeply, my body still shaking but not as much, and I let myself sink deeper into my exhaustion after holding on for so long.

I wake with a start, shooting upright into a sitting position. I cry out, my back burning as I gasp for breath. “Gods, Rhea!” Josh rushes to my side, propping pillows up behind me before gently easing my back so I can sit comfortably. “Careful.”

I squint at him, looking him over and noting how refreshed he looks. He’s wearing a light-colored tunic and dark linen pants. His face and arms are clear of blood and grime, and no longer littered with bruises.

“Where are we?” I ask, my voice hoarse as I look around the room nervously.

Dimly lit lanterns are scattered around the room. A fireplace crackles in front of me, two well-worn chairs facing it. A dresser is to my right with a variety of flowers in a tall vase on the top with a window behind it, letting the darkness of night peer through. A small table and chairs are on the other side of the room against the wall, some dried foods on a plate and the other looks like half-eaten meat. I look down and run my hand through the dark fur covering me on the bed, feeling its softness before I clench my fingers into it. I look back to Josh, waiting for an answer.

He sits on the bed next to me, his hip resting against my knee. “We are in Belldame’s home, Anna’s grandmother, you’re in one of her spare rooms.”

My heartbeat kicks up a notch. “Are we safe?”

“We are.” A sigh of relief escapes me and he frowns, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “Are you okay?”

Am I okay? I’m tired, exhausted really, and my back is still on fire. I wiggle a little, stopping immediately as pain spreads up my back. I’m filthy, still covered in dried blood and my head feels like it’s about to explode.

On a whim, I try to reach out to Kade through the link, knowing it’s not there but do it anyway. Again I find nothing.

“I’m okay,” I tell him, not wanting to worry him or put more stress on him. I know he’s feeling the loss of so many things too. “My back really hurts but with these on.” I lift my wrists and look down at the cuffs there. “I don’t think my back will be okay for a while.”

If at all.

“We managed to get ours off.” He shows me his now-bare wrists. “And we’re looking into how we can get yours off. Belldame thinks she might be able to with the help of Anna.”

I nod, not letting myself hope just yet. These cuffs are infused with terbium, once on, they don’t come off from what I have been told. Did Darius put these on me or someone else?

I wince at the thought of him, or the assumption that he would have some good inside of him. After we made the vow in my cave, I was sure we were getting somewhere. I even thought that maybe after we built some trust, I would tell him all about how Eridian became what it is today, and that maybe he could help me and keep it safe. Yet he was quick to go back on our vow that was sealed before the Gods. All over a fucking crystal that showed him bullshit. Over the lies the Highers and my family told.

I was stupid to think differently. I’m a stranger to him, so why would he believe me? Even at Wolvorn Castle, I still had some hope he would help me escape, that he would realize that something isn’t right. The connection I thought we had was a lie, nothing in what I had begun to feel for him meant anything, even with the words he uttered to me before we left, it doesn’t mean anything. Yet, a stupid part of me thought he would see me; that he could see my truth. It’s that thought that makes it hurt more and I rub my chest, the ache there intensifying.

There is no hope in these lands, no mercy.

Just like I told him, just like he told me.

I watch Josh as he gets up and goes to the table with the dried food on it. He picks up the plate then brings it back and shoves it at me. “Eat, it’s been a while since you have.” My stomach reacts to the food in front of me, growling in hunger, and my mouth waters. We had barely eaten since escaping, trying to get to Witches Rest as quickly as possible as the hunt for us was no doubt underway.

I pick up a piece of what looks like some kind of dried meat, uncaring of my filthy hands, and take a bite. I moan as the taste fills my mouth, savoring the juices before I swallow. Josh chuckles, shaking his head at me and picks up a little piece of his own. “We ate some berries just yesterday, I don’t understand why I’m so hungry,” I mumble around another piece of meat. I’ve gone without food for a long time before, but I’ve never felt this much hunger in a long time.

He pauses, the strip of meat halfway to his mouth, “Rhea, you’ve been out for nearly two weeks now.” I choke on a bit of food, coughing and banging my chest even though it hurts. Josh rushes off back to the table and brings me a wooden cup. I take a sip of the cool water, washing my food down as he watches me carefully.

“What!” I stare at Josh with wide eyes as I get the words out.

“You were exhausted, your body decided enough was enough, so we just let you rest. We were getting worried the last couple of days because you still hadn’t woken yet, but Belldame said it was normal for how much you’ve been through, and when we told her about you using your power from being an Heir, she determined that you were so depleted from it that sleep was the best thing.”

“They all know I’m an Heir?” I ask carefully, knowing the reputation we have.

“They do, you’re safe here, Milal, I vow it.” I nod, and then his eyes turn sad. “Belldame gave you some tonics and we helped wrap your back in bandages with some healing salve. Anna just changed it yesterday, and it’s looking a little better. You had an infection, but it cleared up after six days.” He sighs, taking one of my hands in his. “I’m just glad you’re awake now, you scared me.” He says it so quietly, like he didn’t want to tell me his worries.

I lean forward and reach for the back of his neck, ignoring the pain in my back, and pull him closer. Our foreheads touch and I close my eyes, trying to reassure him that I’m okay. “I’m sorry I worried you, I’m feeling better, apart from my back, but I’m glad you’re all healed up.”

He lets out a breath and rubs his forehead against mine before moving back. “Now that you’re awake, how about a bath after you’ve eaten? I’m sure the rest of the guys want to see you as soon as they know you’re awake, so now would be the time to sneak away first.” I moan at the thought of a bath and he snickers. “Eat up, I’ll run a bath and grab you some clothes.”

I smile up at him as he ruffles my hair and leaves the room, closing the door gently behind him. My face drops when he’s no longer in sight, feeling everything crashing around inside of me from everything that has happened. Pinpricks of pain at my wrists have me looking at the cuffs as they glow slightly with the runes on there. I frown down at them, running a finger against the cool metal.

The sooner I get these off of me the better. Let’s hope this Belldame has found a way to do so, because I can’t be sitting around waiting to heal. I need to get Kade, and I need to get Sarah.

And I need to kill some Highers.

After I finally tell Josh where Sarah has been taken.

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