The Dark One (Vicious Lost Boys Book 2)

The Dark One: Chapter 30

We’re all in the loft waiting for the Never King to wake.

Tonight is the night he’ll go to Hook’s territory and search for his shadow. They all seem confident he’ll find it.

Vane is sitting in the corner of the couch reading a book. My head is in his lap and I’m stretched out the length of the couch with Bash nestled between my thighs. He takes in a deep breath of my scent and his eyes roll back in his head.

“You smell so good, Darling,” he says. “Mind if I have a taste?”

“I’m full of Vane’s cum,” I tell him. “But go ahead.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Vane says on a grumble.

He’s finally given in to me, but he’s still not quite happy about it which makes me doubly happy.

“I’m hungry,” Bash says, “but not that hungry.” He resettles between my legs and I run my fingers through his dark, silky hair.

Across the room, Kas is in one of the leather chairs, legs kicked over the arm while he tries to solve one of those little wooden novelty puzzles. His brow is furrowed, his focus unshakeable. He has the same determined look on his face from when I was tied to the Never Tree and he was wrenching orgasm after orgasm out of me.

It’s hard to believe that this is my new reality. That I have four insanely hot men all to myself. That they not only want to fuck me, but also seem to like me for exactly who I am.

And who I’m not.

Could this be my life from now on? Just lazing on the beach and fucking any one of them whenever I want? Letting Bash cook me food while Kas tells me a story and Vane broods beside me while Peter Pan smokes a cigarette and looks sexier than any man has a right to look.

I want it to be my reality so badly it makes my stomach hurt.

As the sun goes down, my anticipation grows and when I hear the door on Pan’s tomb clank open, I get an excited swirl in my belly.

“Got it,” Kas says and holds up the reassembled wooden puzzle, looking pleased with himself.

“Well done, brother,” Bash says as he hooks his arm around my thigh. “You solved a children’s toy.”

“Oh, shut the fuck up,” Kas says.

“Both of you shut the fuck up.”

The Never King has awoken.

God, he is hot.

He’s shirtless and his pants hang low on his hips, exposing the cut lines that dip down below the waistband of his pants. Like Vane, he’s not as bulky as the twins, but he’s easily the tallest and his presence takes up the most space.

We’re all a little enamored with him, I think. Even Vane.

I look up from Vane’s lap and Pan meets my gaze and the wrinkle between his brows smooths out when he takes in the relaxed sight of us, like he’s been carrying the tension between Vane and me in that space between his eyes.

I don’t know why, but his relief at seeing us all getting along makes me feel something deep in my chest that almost feels like warmth.

Please let this be real.

“Get up, all of you,” he says. “We have somewhere to be.”

“Me too?” I ask.

“You’ll stay nearby but out of sight with the twins. I’m not leaving you here alone for Hook to send his men along to steal you.”

Kas and Bash are shirtless and in shorts—their normal beach attire—so they get up and disappear down the hall to get dressed.

“Bash make coffee?” Pan asks.

“Yes,” I answer.

“You two come with me.” He heads into the kitchen.

I get up. Vane shuts his book and sets it aside and rises beside me. He gives me a long, lingering look that makes my insides quake and my scalp tingle.

Then he pushes me toward the kitchen.

Pan is at the counter filling a clay mug with hot coffee. Steam rises from the pot. “Tell me how you are,” he says, but he doesn’t make it clear who he’s referring to.

Vane leans his back against the edge of the counter and folds his arms over his chest.

“I’m fine,” I answer. “Better than fine.”

Cup in hand, Pan turns to me. His eyes go to my throat, then roam over my body as if checking for lies. When he seems satisfied with what he finds, he cuts to Vane. “You figured it out then?”

“Yes,” Vane replies.

Pan doesn’t ask for specifics and I admire his confidence in letting us keep our secrets.

I should have known that the way to the Dark One’s heart was through pain and blood. But most of all, vulnerability.

Vane and I understand each other because we are both broken.

And both of us hate to admit it.

So we won’t.

We will tell those truths in sex and pain and blood until we’re both satiated.

Pan nods at us and then sips from his coffee. The steam stretches across the sharp planes of his face and I’m envious of its proximity to him.

I know he has a mission to fulfill, a shadow to claim, but I am suddenly hungry for him too.

“We’ll leave soon,” Pan says. “Put on more clothes, Darling,” he adds. “Only we get to appreciate you.”

“You mean we’re not going to add Captain Hook to our harem?” I tease.

Both Pan and Vane scowl like I just suggested we add an octopus. “Do not utter those words ever again,” Vane says on a grumble.

Pan tips his cup at Vane. “I will second that. Now go, Darling. Ten minutes.”

“All right. Fine.” I start to walk away, but Pan snatches me by the wrist and yanks me back into him. He plants his lips on mine but opens wide so his tongue can dart into my mouth and meet my own.

I shiver even though his body burns hot next to mine.

When he pulls away, he nudges me toward Vane.

And Vane takes the challenge.

He spins me so my back is to his chest and then hooks one arm around my waist, while the other hand is curled around my throat. He turns me up to him and claims my mouth with his, his tongue sinking deeper into me than Pan’s ever did.

I cling to his arm, trying to keep myself upright as my head spins and my breathing quickens. My pussy is buzzing for attention and Vane lifts his hand to my breast and squeezes it hard, finishing on my nipple with a pinch so acute, I moan into his mouth.

When he ends the kiss and rights me, I’m dizzy and delirious and swaying on my feet.

Pan licks his lips, clearly liking the show. But for once, he’s more focused on his mission than he is on my pussy. “Go on,” he says and tips his head toward my room.

Maybe when we get back, I can have them both, the Death Shadow and the Life Shadow.

Oh god, just the thought of them both filling me up is orgasmic. I won’t last five minutes with these brutal men.

As I leave the room, I make sure to put extra sway into my hips.

I want them to know exactly what they have to look forward to after this mission.

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