The Damaged Soul by Troy Calkins

Chapter Chapter: 8

The feast was the biggest I’ve ever seen in our town. Thorkel, Asfrid, Arngunn, and I sit at the head table. Our siblings all sat at a table to the side with the children from the leaders of the other clans.

My father and mother sit with Koll, his wives including my aunt Ingithora and Sigvor along with the leaders of the other clans including the Wolf Clan.

My wife, which is a happy thought, clenches my hand under the table. She doesn’t enjoy being at the center of attention. Especially with such an immense crowd full of important people. There are so many people here that there had to be tables set up outside throughout the town center. I share her feelings. Sitting here with everyone looking is nerve-wracking. I think I’d rather fight Grom and his friends. Thorkel and Asfrid, on the other hand, seem to enjoy it. He was always one for flair and she is cut from the same cloth. I think that’s why we married who we did. Arngunn is as perfect for me as Asfrid is for Thorkel.

The people pound the table and yell at us to kiss. Thorkel and Asfrid laugh. Arni, on the other hand, is as red as the wine we drink. But she turns to me anyways with that sweet, adorable smile only made even more desirable by the blush on her face. She leans up and I sink my lips into hers. The people erupt with cheers. Arni’s face is even redder than the silk around her waist.

My father gets up. silence creeps over the hall and the town as people cram in together to hear what he has to say. “My fellow true Northman. We are a proud people, are we not?”

The crowd erupts in cheers. My father grins and just as the crowd grows quiet, he says one word to get them going again. “Skol!”

The word echoes through the hall and the town as they all say it before quieting down once more. “As proud Northerners, we hold sacred to our traditions, some lost over time and new ones found. And we honor the Gods. And we have seen their presence, today of all days.”

Whispers spread through the hall before getting put out like a flame with a gust of wind. “There is no doubt in my mind that the gods smile upon us. You saw it yourself when they shined down upon the ceremony to bless the marriage of my two sons and my newly wedded daughters by law. As the Wise One said, they will bring us children. Children who’ll carry on our history and culture. That is what it means to be a Northerner. To bring new life into our clans and carry on tradition and culture.”

He turns to us and takes a moment to take us all in. “I haven’t said this enough, but I am proud of my two sons, and I am grateful for the two women they have chosen to marry. Those women surely have their work cut out for them in keeping those two iron heads out of trouble.”

The crowd erupts into laughter. Father gives us a warm smile and a wink. “But, if I am being honest, they remind me of myself at their age. Young and full of pride and ambition. They take on the world as if they had skin of iron. Hopefully, these women can shrink their heads a bit. What is a Northerner without a strong woman by their side? Eh?”

The men and women all nod and agree. Several cheers to it. But not everyone. The old Earl from the Wolf Clan, Bjarni, and his son Vidkunn and his children all seem to keep stoney faces. All but the youngest one who seems to always wear a smile. He even seems to find a friend in Thormar. Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. But the rest seem to try to keep their distance. There is no love between us, and it is not a world-shattering revelation with the bloody history we share. A cycle of war and death. Which makes Sigvor’s words ring in my head. What did she mean? Whose daughter? Mine? Thorkel’s? What did she mean by the Daughter of the Sea? We are people of the sea, so I guess that makes sense unless she’s referring to something else. The only other possibility I can think of is the god Nasi who we make a sacrifice to before every raid.

“May Fridgerd be praised for giving her blessing on these two unions, but any Kraken knows these two beautiful women were destined to be with my sons.”

A few familiar voices shout out in agreement. Father only nods. “Practically tied at the hip, those four are. This just makes it official. Now, I’ll stop my rambling, and let’s celebrate. Eh?”

The crowd erupts in cheers.

“Bring out the feast!” My father shouts over them, making them cheer even louder. They drum on the table once more and Thorkel gives out a loud laugh. I turn to Arni, who once more has a face the color of a rose as she turns to look up at me. This time I dive right in and kiss her, which leaves her with a big smile. She in return kisses me back. The thralls bring out the food followed by Thyri, the cook, snapping at each and every one of them with her wooden ladle in hand, swinging it around as if it were a battle ax. That woman is as fierce as any Viking Berserker.

They put plates buried in a mountain of food in front of us while putting the major platters on each table. They bring tables outside to put out food for the rest of the town who couldn’t fit inside the great hall.

We dig in and feast until our bellies hurt with delicious beef and pork roasts, potatoes, sweet mazzletofs, string beans, corn dripping with butter, smoked fish, steamed calamari, boiled cabbage smothered with more butter, and melted cheese to cover it all. I wash the food down with a cup of tingle fruit wine, savoring the taste. It’s strange how such a tart fruit makes for a sweet wine. As good as it tastes, it’s that strange fizzle that makes it undeniably delicious. And of course, Thyri personally brought me my favorite, tazzle berry pie. Even though I could puke with how full I am, I still cram the deliciously sweet pie in my mouth.

An argument breaks out between my father, Koll, Einar, and the Wolf Clan leaders, Bjarni and his son Vidkunn, and the one I recognize as Vidkunn’s oldest son… I can’t remember his name… Thor something. Hall or grim or… I don’t know. Baldric and Siv give them all scornful looks. I can certainly verify the claims of them and those wolves firsthand. I shudder at the memory.

I also see Aldam arguing with his two siblings, Baggisli and Oddim Bronzehammer. Aldam slams his fist on the table. His little brother only smirks at him. Baggisli simply shakes her head.

Five women walk up to us. Three seem younger than the other two, but they’re all from the Valkyrie village. I recognize Amalasontha and her daughter Tonna along with the girl, Almedha, from the docks, but the other two I don’t. Although I think the older one goes to the Clan Meetings… Maybe they both do? I don’t know; I need to pay more attention during the meetings, but they’re so boring. She is probably the Matriarch or whatever. They are surely warriors, or were, that I have no doubt.

Arni leans over and whispers in my ear before they arrive. “It is Dasyra Ragnarsdóttir, the Matriarchal Spiritual Leader, along with Amalgunda, the Chieftess, and surely you remember Amalasontha, the War Leader of the Valkyrie clan. And, of course, Tonna is here. I’m sure Asfrid is so happy to see her. The other girl is Almedha, daughter of Dasyra.”

My eyes go wide… Almedha is the daughter of the Spiritual Matriarch? I did not know that.

As a woman who seems a tad bit older than my mother approaches first, I stand to greet her.

“It is a pleasure, Dasyra of the Valkyrie. Along with Amalgunda and Amalasontha. Thank you for joining us in our celebration. Tonna…” I nod at Amalasontha and Tonna and receive one in return. Tonna looks as if she’s holding back a laugh. Amalasontha wears a stony expression, as usual. The other two women also seem to hold back laughs. I look over at Almedha, who’s snickering. “Uhhh… Almedha… It’s good to see you as well. I didn’t realize you were…”

Arni elbows me. I look down and she nods over to the younger woman standing behind the older woman who approached me. “That is Dasyra.”

My eyes go wide. She is no older than I am! Why would she be the Spiritual Matriarchal Leader? And why do they need three different leaders? The woman standing in front of me along with Dasyra both smile. Dasyra speaks up. “It is okay. This happens all the time.”

I eye her warily. Then, the lady who approached first speaks. “I’m Amalgunda, the clan Chieftess, and this is Amalasontha, our war leader.”

Amalasontha finally smiles for the first time that I’ve ever seen as she nods. “We’ve met before, but it was a long time ago when the four of them were just children playing in our woods.”

“I have not forgotten that,” I say with a forced smile.

“We have come to honor you and your wife along with your brother and his wife and will pray for success upon the unions,” Amalgunda says as all three bow their heads.

I do the same in return. “Well, your honor is much appreciated,”

All three women nod and retreat. Tonna leans in. “Way to go, Bothvar. I can’t believe you mistook the chiefess for the Matriarch. I’m sure they were very amused, probably not as much as I was, but it’s been a long laugh in our village at how many people make that mistake.”

“Well, you could’ve given me a heads up,” I say.

“And miss the look on your face when you realize you got it wrong? Nah. By the way, it’s good to see you two. I haven’t seen you, Bothvar, since the All-Clan Meeting, and you, Arngunn, since the forest. I must’ve just missed you at the clan meeting,” Tonna says.

“That’s because Thorkel and Bothvar ditched us,” Asfrid says in a bitter tone as she interrupts. “Didn’t expect to see you here, Tonna…”

Tonna gives her a smile. “It is good to see you too, Asfrid. And you as well, Thorkel.”

“Ahh. it is good to see you again, Tonna,” Thorkel says with his usual smile until he sees the look on Asfrid’s face, and that smile is quickly washed off.

“Maybe at the next All Clan Meeting you can actually make a plan when you try to prank the Wolves and it might actually succeed,” Tonna says.

“Right… And perhaps going through the forest full of wolves wasn’t the best idea,” Thorkel says, with a forced grin before Asfrid’s expression goes from cold to burning hot.

“Well, I am going to go enjoy the festivities. I wish you four the best of luck in your marriages,” Tonna says with a smile and a nod before skipping off.

Almedha smiles as she approaches. “So, did you ever figure out that problem of yours?”

“I think it’ll always be a work in progress,” I say, returning the smile before looking over at Thorkel. I return my gaze to meet Almedha’s vibrant green eyes. “And yours?”

“I could say the same,” she says with a laugh as she looks back at the four walking away. “Well, I wish you four all the best in your marriages. It was nice to meet you, Arngunn. You’re a lucky woman. And you as well, Thorkel and Asfrid. Bothvar, it was good to see you again. Congratulations on your marriages.”

She then walks away, and both Arni and Thorkel lean in, asking what that was all about. I only shrug and tell them I’ll explain later.

I lean over to Arni. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand them. Why is the youngest one the Matriarch? And why do they have three different leaders? Talk about too many skippers on a ship.”

“I wouldn’t be too quick to judge. Besides, I heard a rumor that Dasyra is actually super old, but magic makes her look young. She’s really the daughter of Ragnar Bjornsson. The illegitimate daughter from an elven slave, but daughter nonetheless.”

“And how did I not know you were hanging with Tonna at the All Meeting?” Asfrid asks my brother, venom dripping from her words. But mutters under her breath. “Even though I figured so.”

Thorkel goes white as snow. “It was nothing. We just saw each other in passing, that’s all.”

“It certainly didn’t sound like nothing. What was this about a prank on the Wolf Clan?” Asfrid asks, crossing her arms against her chest and raising an eyebrow.

“We were just trying to have some laughs at the Wolves’ expense. Didn’t quite go the way we wanted it, and I didn’t know Tonna would join us. It was only a brief moment. Nothing more,” Thorkel says while rubbing the back of his neck. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’s sweating.

To my surprise, Baldric and Siv walk up. Baldric is a man with shoulders as wide as the door frames. He towers over most. Siv tosses her red hair behind her shoulder and smirks. She is not short, but it’s hard to deny she’s beautiful. But her face is kinda wolf-like, just like Baldric’s. Not ugly, though. Rather majestic, but intimidating as well. “I see you two haven’t been sulking in the forest since that All Clan Meeting so long ago.”

“I see you two haven’t forgotten it,” Thorkel says, not daring to look at Asfrid. “Maybe next time you can leave your dogs in the woods and we can fight like warriors.”

Siv laughs. “Still wouldn’t be a fair fight for you. Wolves are just naturally stronger and faster than anything else on land.”

“But you wouldn’t dare step foot into the water, because nothing beats the Kraken in the water,” Thorkel retorts.

She only shrugs. Baldric steps up. “Regardless, we didn’t come to cross swords. We came to offer congratulations on your marriages. Maybe another day we can find out who the better warriors are, but today, we will put aside this petty squabbling and show our respect.”

“I’ll be truthful. I didn’t expect this from you two or your clan, but I’ll return the respect.” Thorkel stands up, grabs his goblet, and holds it up. “Share our drink and enjoy the games and festivities. We can fight in the days to come.”

Baldric and Siv nod and toast to that, along with the rest of us. Baldric looks back at our family, arguing with each other. Father still argues with Bjarni and Vidkunn. “If only our family could do the same.”

That actually gets a chuckle out of Thorkel. “Who knew I’d find a laugh from Wolf’s humor. Maybe you’re not so bad after all, Baldric.”

Baldric shrugs. He then nods and his eyes meet mine. It feels as if I’m seeing someone I should know better. Someone I’ve known for a long time, but I’ve only spoken to him maybe once. He nods and I return in kind. Siv’s eyes also catch mine, and there’s a similar feeling there. Her eyes remain on mine for a bit longer before the two of them walk away.

“What a strange lot they are,” Asfrid says, then she punches Thorkel on the shoulder. “Next time you go off trying to prank the Wolf Clan and don’t invite me, you’re going to be sleeping outside in the cold after I knock your teeth out.”

“Fair enough,” Thorkel says, nearly coughing on his drink.

Semet, the green-eyed elf, walks up and fills our drinks. Arni’s servant that my mother gave her. The two have always been inseparable. When she goes to walk away, Arni stops her. “Semet, why don’t you get something to eat and enjoy the rest of the night? You are my friend and you should celebrate as well.”

Semet smiles and nods. “As you wish.”

More people come to greet us and congratulate us as we eat. Styrkar Hreinsson and his brother Saksis. Both have sons a little older than us and serve on our father’s ship, and so will their sons. Varin Hialtisson, father of Sigvid, who is the father of Solmund and Griotgard, comes to give us congratulations. He has taken Skardi under his wing and is teaching him how to navigate the seas. We tap our mugs with his and drink up.

Earl Trehame of the Builders, a jolly old man with a long beard and a wide belly, comes up with joyful praise and a warm congratulation. He seems like a fun one to be around.

Even the Giant Earl Kveldulf and his wife Thyre, along with their son Bergthor, come up to congratulate us. All three of them can hardly fit into the hall being so tall. Even Thyre is almost half a man taller than everyone outside of the giants.

As the feast finished, we were ushered outside around the large fire where drums, lutes, panpipes, and harps create a festive melody. I pull Arni in my arms, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around while she laughs and holds on.

We move and dance to the flow of the music with Thorkel and Asfrid. Arni wraps her hands around my neck and holds on to me as we spin and move to the beat of the drums.

At some point, Arngunn sees something that upsets her. She pulls away and heads out of the square where everyone is dancing and singing. I follow her out of the crowd and down a side alley into the dark, where I hear a familiar voice of a woman pleading and struggling.

“Get off of her!” Arngunn yells.

I walk past Arni to find Gorm trying to force himself on Semet. She’s in tears as she struggles against Gorm. I pull him off of her and push him back, grabbing her and pulling her over to Arni as she takes the girl into her arms. He growls at me and tries to push me but I bat his hands away and push him against the building. “She is not yours to use!”

Others stop what they are doing and gather to witness. Thorkel and my father push through. “What is going on?”

“It is clear what is going on. Gorm is at it again, disgracing himself,” Thorkel says with a snarl.

Gorm looks at all the other people, grimacing. “She’s just a slave.”

“But she is not your slave,” my father says, stepping up.

“Who cares? She is not a Viking. She is not of our people. She is a filthy elf,” he says, snarling.

“That does not matter. You are damaging someone else’s property. That is as good as theft,” my father says, glaring at him. Gorm meets his gaze with scorn. My father doesn’t back down but glares back with a much deeper intensity. “If I find you trying to steal someone’s property again, you will face some dire consequences. Do you understand?”

Gorm spits on the ground and walks away. My father meets my eyes with a nod before looking over at the slave and my wife, then he looks around. “What are you all standing around for? Let’s get back to the festivities.”

Everyone reluctantly returns to dancing and games. My brother claps his hand on my shoulder before he returns with Asfrid to dance. Sometimes I don’t understand my brother. I still can’t forget what happened that night at the All-Clan Meeting with that slave, yet here he is against it…

I help Arni escort Semet back into the hall. She takes her back to her own quarters that my father gave her and lets her stay there. Not long after, she returns to me and barricades herself in my arms, leaning up to kiss me. “Thank you, Bothvi. She means a lot to me, and I would not have any harm come to her.”

Leaning down, I press my forehead against hers. “I know, my sweet love. She will be safe as long as I’m around. I remember when we first met her after we learned that your parents died. I know she helped you heal, and for that I will forever be in her debt.”

Arni smiles, bringing her soft delicate hand up to my cheek, caressing it. I wish I could keep the warmth of her touch forever against my skin. I lean into her hand, closing my eyes. She then grabs my beard and pulls me down to meet her kiss.

We head back out to join the fun, singing, and dancing. Playing games and laughing throughout the night. With Arni by my side, my life feels complete. Our dance lasts long into the night before the music stops. My father, mother, and my aunts all walk up. My father steps forward as people gather around. “It is time for the most important part of the ceremony.”

He smiles as he looks at my brother and me. “Time to make me a grandfather. I want a kid from each of you this winter and more to come.”

“What your father is trying to say, it is time to consummate your marriages,” Aunt Sigvor says as she claps her hands together. “A marriage isn’t truly final until it’s consummated and the dowry is paid tomorrow morning, however, this is a special case since the brides’ parents feast in Valholl for the honors they’ve accomplished, they were put in the protection of the Earl. And it wouldn’t make sense for Earl Beorcol to pay himself. We will forgo the dowry. Instead, payment will be made with children to carry on Beorcol’s line.”

“Now let’s get these four into their beds!” my father shouts as we’re suddenly ushered forward, practically dragged and pushed through the great hall into our rooms. However, none of them leave.

“You’re all not going to watch, are ya?” I ask, looking around.

“We have to witness the two of you getting into bed and then we’ll give you some privacy,” Aunt Sigvor says.

I grab the fur blanket and hold it in front of my wife as she slips her dress off and gets in bed. Then I take my shirt and boots off before slipping my trousers off. I slide in next to her and pull her into my arms.

“Okay, now we will leave,” my aunt says as she ushers people out. “Out, out! All of you. Let them get down to baby-making.”

I hear my father yell as he leaves Thorkel’s room. “I better hear the sweet sound of lovemaking. By the time winter ends, I want grandsons. Oh, and don’t rush. You’ll be doing your woman a favor. Take it slow and be gentle.”

We’re finally alone as silence creeps over the room. I get up and put an extra log in the brazier and then slip back into bed. We lay there in the fire’s light, neither saying a word.

There’s tension in the air and it’s as thick as whale blubber. I finally decide to speak. “Well… I guess we should… a… make some babies.”

She laughs and leans up to give me a peck on the cheek. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never… uh… done any baby making.”

“Well… I once walked in to find my father and mother doing some baby-making once. I think that’s when Bodvar was made.”

“And how were they doing it?” she asks as she reaches up and combs a finger through the beard I’ve been growing. It’s not quite long enough to braid yet.

“Well, my mother was on her hands and knees with my father behind her, but we shouldn’t do it that way because Bodvar is a few ore men short of a full boat.”

She snorts a laugh. “Well, he tends to act before he thinks, but he is still a child. The gods know we weren’t the wisest children. We were always getting into trouble.”

“True,” I say with a smile.

A loud bang rings out from the door. “I don’t hear any baby-making going on.”

I let out a long sigh. “He is relentless sometimes.”

“How about I lay on my back and you just stick it in? That will work, right?”

“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter how it is done, as long as I lay my seed inside you,” I say as she rolls on her back.

I get up and crawl between her legs. She looks up at me with those crystal blue eyes as shimmering as the sea and bites her lip. “Just be gentle. I heard it hurts the first time. Sigvor told me I’d bleed.”

My eyes go wide. “I don’t want to hurt you, let alone make you bleed. Why would you bleed? We’re not fighting, we’re just making babies.”

“I don’t know. That’s just what she said. But she said it’d only hurt at the beginning and it’ll feel good after you’re inside me for a bit.”

“Well… Just tell me if it’s too much,” I say as I spread her legs and push them up against her. I stroke my cock. Then I go to press it up against her slit.

“Wait!” she says as she pushes me back. Then she turns and gets on her hands and knees, bringing her mouth down to my cock. She looks up at me as she takes my dick in her hands. “Sigvor said to get your cock wet with my mouth and that would help it go in better.”

“You’re going to put my cock in your mouth? That doesn’t seem very… Eh. I guess.” I only shrug, but then I feel her hot, wet mouth wrap around my cock, and pleasure shoots out from it. “Oh, that feels good.”

She takes it out and looks up at me with a smile. “Yeah? You like that? Maybe if you’re good, my handsome husband, I’ll do it more often. It doesn’t taste half bad.”

I smile down at her as I run my hand through her soft hair and bring my fingers to her cheek, gently stroking it with my thumb. “Oh, then I will treat you like a queen if that is the case.”

She laughs and then takes my cock back into her mouth. “For the love of the gods, that feels wonderful. Better than anything I’ve ever felt!”

She slowly sucks on it while moving her tongue around, and I shudder as a passionate fire erupts through me. Who would’ve ever thought of a woman taking a cock in her mouth? I certainly wouldn’t have.

She takes as much of my dick in her mouth as she can before she gags on it. As she catches her breath, she lets it fall from her mouth. She spits on it and rubs the spit around my cock with her hand. She looks up at me with those sapphire gems. “I think it’s wet enough now.”

“Should I use my tongue on your slit?” I ask as she lays back down and spreads her legs.

“Probably wouldn’t hurt,” she says.

I slide down onto my stomach and bury my face between her soft, white thighs. The smell of her cunt drives me wild as I drag my tongue around her slit. I give the insides of her thighs some kisses before diving back in, licking up and down the walls of her slit. She grips my hair. “Oh, my word. Don’t stop, that feels so good.”

I smile and lick my tongue up the little round bead-looking thing and that causes her to cry out. “For the love of the gods!”

She likes that. She thrusts her hips against my face when I do it again. I finally pull away. “I think it’s plenty wet now.”

“Okay.” She pants. I get back between her legs, lifting them against her chest. Slowly, I press my cock up against her cunt and make my descent.

Her eyes go wide as she gasps. “Oooh! That hurts.”

“I’m so sorry. Should I stop? Do you want me to pull it out?” I ask.

She shakes her head no. “Keep going. We have to do this to consummate the wedding. They’ll know if we don’t.”

“Okay, just tell me if it hurts too much,” I say as I continue sliding my cock inside her. It’s so tight. I really have to take my time and slide a finger length by finger length. Stopping each time to allow her time to breathe.

I slip in a little more, finding a break in her resistance. She screams out in agony. My eyes go wide and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I will stop. We don’t have to do this. I…”

“It’s okay,” she says in a breath. She whimpers a bit. This isn’t how sex should be. This isn’t how I imagined our first time would go. Whenever I saw my mother and father having sex, they seemed to enjoy it. Our people have never been shy about having sex. Whenever we have large feasts and celebrate, people always have sex out in the open and they all seem to enjoy themselves. Besides a few slaves who didn’t seem to enjoy it. What am I doing wrong? I don’t like seeing Arni like this. She grits her teeth. “Just keep going.”

I lean down and bring my face down to hers as I wrap my arms around her neck. She holds onto my shoulders. Slowly, I continue to push more of my cock inside her. She winces, grits her teeth, and digs her nails into my back. This is not how I pictured our first time together. I don’t go any farther and slowly retreat. She looks up at me, confused. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t enjoy hurting you,” I say.

She smiles wearily at me and then leans up and kisses me. “It’s okay. Just get it over with. This will only hurt this once. That’s what Sigvor and your mother said.”

I grit my teeth and slowly slide my cock inside her and she yells out in pain. My cock is finally all the way inside her. “There it’s in.”

She is gasping for breath. I just keep it inside her without moving. While leaning on one arm, I bring my other to gently swipe the loose hair from her face. Sweat beads on her brow. She finally catches her breath. “I think I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” I ask.

She nods. I lean down and kiss her. Ever so slowly, I roll my hips back as she bites her lip. I nudge my dick forward and she grimaces. I pause to make sure she is okay. She only nods. So, I continue. I make short, slow movements back and forth. Taking my time and being as gentle as I can be. It’s excruciating. I have the urge to go faster. To thrust my hips in and let loose, but I hold back with all my will. I won’t ever hurt Arni. She has my heart, and hurting her would be like hurting myself. I keep control over my urges and keep it slow. Stopping whenever she winces.

“Don’t stop. It’s starting to feel good.”

“It doesn’t look like it to me,” I say.

“Just keep going,” she says, and I do. I slowly rock my hips back and forth. By the gods, does it feel good. She is so tight. She claws her nails against my back and I groan out. But fuck, it feels so good to be inside her. She moans out as she closes her eyes.

I lean down and kiss her. She kisses me back, running her hands through my hair as I thrust into her at a steadier pace. I pull her head back as I kiss down her neck. A fire of pleasure burns within my cock and ripples through my entire body. I fight the urge to lose control and fuck her harder, but it’s so hard. I just want to let go. The way she looks with her eyes closed as she moans out, pleasure melting on her face drives me even crazier. I lean down and kiss her as she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me to her. Her hands run through my hair and grips it, pulling me back to meet her kisses.

In this moment, we truly are one. It’s hard to tell where I end and she begins. Arni reaches down and starts to rub the top of her slit, I lay my hand on top of hers and she takes my fingers and guides them along the top of her vagina. I just want to remain like this forever, but I feel so close to erupting. I fight it as long as I can, but I can’t stop myself from falling over the edge as my cock bursts with pleasure as she tightens around me, crying out in ecstasy. I fill her with my seed as she continues to clamp down on me and tremble in pleasure. Her moans are quivering pleas of surrender.

I finally finish as a chill sweeps over my sweat-soaked skin. Pulling myself off her, I roll onto my back and collapse. We’re both panting for breath. She finally rolls to turn to me, leans up, and kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest. “That was… wow.”

“I know. At first, it hurt. A lot, but the pleasure quickly overcame the pain. I’ve felt nothing like that before,” she says as her finger traces circles on my chest.

“Yes, I agree. I have no words to describe how I felt.” I run a hand through her hair.

“I know you just put a baby inside me. I know it’s a son. He’ll grow up to be big and strong like his father,” she says with a smile.

“I hope I can make him proud to be my son.” My arm moves down to her shoulder and caresses it.

“I know you will,” she says, leaning up to kiss my cheek again. This time I turn and kiss those sweet, luscious lips and she laughs before kissing me back.

“Let us get cleaned up and get some sleep.” I force myself to get up and so does she. That is when I realize there is blood on the sheets and on her as well, coming out of her cunt. Horror washes over my face. “For the love of the gods, what did I do to you?”

“Relax, husband. Sigvor and your mother said this happens to all virgins for the first time they have sex,” she says.

“Let me get us some new sheets, towels, and a wash bucket.” I grab on some britches and rip the old sheets off, taking them out to find my father, mother, aunts, Koll, and several others up.

As soon as they see me, they’re up and are congratulating me. My aunts and my mother take the sheets from me, practically parading them all over with the other women. My father, Koll, and the other men congratulate me. All this for having sex.

Finally, I’m able to get my wife and I cleaned up while slaves replace our sheets just as Thorkel comes out but without bloody sheets. Everyone looks confused. Thorkel shrugs with a sly grin. “We may have done it once or twice before. I didn’t realize we would need to show the sheets.”

The room erupts into laughter. Everyone but my mother, Sigvor, and Ingithora are laughing. They don’t seem happy at all. Mother shakes her head. “You’re going to bring bad luck upon your marriage…”

I slip into my room and fall into bed with my wife. I smile at the thought of her as my wife while I pull her into my arms and kiss her shoulder. She snuggles up to me, and we lay like that until sleep takes us.

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