The cursed Moon.

Chapter 7

Zion slipped off his shirt and carefully lay next to Moon, he pulled her in close and breathed her in. Since the woods he had wanted this, the last two weeks he had wanted her, wanted this. Not having it had nearly driven him mad.

The closest he would allow himself to get had been watching her from afar, sneaking into her room to watch her sleep. It had been hard to resist her knowing she was just out of reach; he had longed for this closeness.

Her head was gently pressed against his chest and the longer he held her there, the more he felt her trembling slow, the more he felt himself becoming complete. Zion couldn't believe she felt it, she felt the bond, just as he did, if not more intensely.

As he lay there with her the energy that sparked between them filled the room. It seemed to seep into his skin until the current of it flowed through his being, settling in his bones. He ran a hand through her hair, brushing his fingers over her face as he passed, his eyes tracing every feature on her resting face.

It was over for him then, he wouldn't fight the bond, he couldn't, she was part of him.

He didn't want to fight it either, this, her, he wanted it more than he had ever wanted anything. Would Moon want him when she figured out who he was, known the things he had done?

He wouldn't risk it, she couldn't know the truth. He wanted Moon to know him first, not as an Alpha, as her mate. He wanted to show her he wasn't all beast.

“My Moon.” he spoke gently in her ear, just as Atlas had said to.

“I am here my Moon, I have got you, you are safe.” he kept repeating whispered reassurance's, hoping she would understand he was with here. Zion lay there for what seemed to be hours, watching the rise and fall of her chest, allow her skin to light up his own. He forgot time, he left reality, until a light knock interrupted, snapping him back to himself. It would be Atlas, although he had felt Moon completely relaxed in his arms, Zion needed to be certain she was out of the thick of it, Atlas could give him that reassurance.

“Come in.” Zion said quietly.

Atlas stepped pass the threshold of the room, coming to sit on the window bench where he would often find Moon reading. “Alpha, why didn't you tell me you had mated? And with Moon, you know I would of helped you, the way you helped with Reign.” Atlas seemed genuinely hurt he had been lied to by his closest friend.

“When did you figure it out?” Zion knew Atlas had known far longer then he would admit.

"I've had my suspicions since you bonded, when you were clearly miserable at the packhouse. I cant read your mind, but any emotion that is strong enough, I can feel. The strongest are the feelings of the bond, the love, the want, the need. I didn't confront you, because I knew it was a matter of time before it all came to a head.” Atlas smiled then. He was very observant, a step ahead of everyone.

“I have no idea what I am doing, how to navigate this, why i didnt tell you. She knows it was on the Alpha's orders she was taken, my orders, shes afraid of that beast, afraid of me.” Zion explained.

“You should give your mate more credit. She does seems to be recovering faster then most humans would, she is out of the darkness. She will be drained, she needs time to heal. It maybe a few more days before she wakes up. The bad new is, Kat is back from visiting her mother, and she is furious about Grey. She's looking for you.” Atlas warned.

Zion hadn't even thought about Kat, he knew she would become an issue, even more so if she found out about Moon.

Zion had once had somewhat of a relationship with Kat, their involvement the only reason Grey made gamma.

Kat was Grey's sister and like him, she was more wild than most of the pack, she was power hungry too. She had tried many times in vain to have Zion mark her, make her Luna At one time he thought perhaps he would.

He was lonely, settling for a chosen mate would have eased the emptiness. But now laying here, holding Moon to his chest he was glad he waited for this, for her.

“It's probably best I leave, Kat will tear the grounds apart if she can't find me. Can I just have one more minute with my mate, to say goodbye? It maybe sometime before she wakes, even then I have to practice restraint. The risk of my enemies, of Kat finding out I have mated are too high.” Zion sighed, he knew he couldn't stay, he had responsibilities, one being the saftey of his mate, if Kat found him here with Moon there was no telling what she would do.

“Say your goodbyes, but you better make them quickAtlas said as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Zion gently rolled moon off his arm and onto her right side, pulling the covers over her. He got up from the bed and lent over her, tucking her hair behind her ear, that's when he saw it, the mark of the Moon goddess.

A mark only very few selected shifters had ever had, even the gifted ones. A little crescent Moon birthmark nestled under her flowing hair, it could mean only one thing.

“Atlas!” Zion called.

This was something that would shock even him. Atlas rushed back into the room, looking panicked.

“What is it Alpha, is she ok?” he asked.

Zion was lost for words, all he could do was gesture to the spot behind her ear that was now exposed.

Atlas approached, letting out an audible gasp as he did.

“This can't be right Zion, only shifters from the Moon goddesses bloodline have this mark, besides Reid, I am the only one left. It can't be possible, I would of known, I would have seen, even in her mind. Unless she hides it, unless she ashamed. Still it cannot be possible, how could I miss it....the dark spots, she hid it, why....” Atlas was talking in circles to himself, like his brain had cracked. Zion was slightly amused, it wasn't often his Beta didn't have the answers for everything.

“It is there as clear as the day Atlas. We have to let go of what is possible and accept what is.” Zion answered with smugness.

"I'm sure I can get to the bottom of this, Reid will have answers, maybe I should send word. There is much to learn about her." Atlas still more talking to himself.

"I shall leave this matter in your very capable hands." Zion replied. He exited the room, the whole home felt calm, peaceful. Reign reflected that in her face as she smiled lightly at her Alpha from the table.

Zion smiled back, before stepping out into the crisp air of dawn. Inside he was torn, one part wanting to return to Moon, to hold her for eternity. The other knowing he couldn't, he was the Alpha, his pack needed him too.

He smelt Kat before he reached his study. Her scent was sweet, but nothing compared to the one he had just spent the last few hours wrapped in.

“What do you want Kat?” he said as he took his seat behind the desk

“Nice to see you too Zion.” she spoke with her hands on her hips, a scowl on her otherwise pretty face.

“Can we just get this over with? I have patrols to do.” This was the first time they had spoken in near a month.

He had been clear then, he would never make her Luna.

“Don't act ignorant, it's about my brother.” Kat was aggressive. It was in her nature, now was no exception.

“Your brother tried to force himself on a woman. He knows the rule's, I don't have to explain myself to you. Or have you forgotten your place?” Zion was agitated.

He wanted to be with his mate, not here, anywhere but here.

“Are we forgetting she is just a human? A pawn? You haven't gone soft in my absence, have you Zion?” she almost purred his name and to his surprise, it didn't stir any desire within him.

“Alpha to you Kat, use my title. We aren't an item, we are not friends, and what she is, it's beyond the point. We are not monster's, Grey knew the consequences of his actions. Count yourself lucky you didn't face the same fate.” Zion hadn't forgotten what she had done.

“Is this over the Luna issue, so I told a few of the warriors I was the Luna, gave a few commands. Get over it, you are only fighting the inevitable, eventually you will have to face the fact that you will never find your mate. I will be waiting for that day, so you should be nicer.” Kat spoke as she slunk towards him, positioning herself on his desk.

“And you should leave.” Zion retorted as he stood, turning away from her. Kat couldn't find out about Moon, her scent clung to his skin.

Kat was dangerous, possessive and both he and Atlas needed more time to work out who Moon really was. Kat walked to the door, sulking.

She was use to getting what she wanted, and she wanted him. She wanted the power that came with being Luna. She would do almost anything to have that, he knew it.

The afternoon out on patrols was tedious, still no sign of the human's, nothing out of sorts. It made Zion feel a variety of different emotions. He was sad for her that no one had cared enough to start a search, mad at her people for being so blind to her magic, for not allowing her to shine. But mostly he was happy, what her village had lost he had gained.

Every moment that passed without her made his longing grow.

He wanted to see her eyes as they opened, looking up at him. But what he wanted and what was possible were two vastly different things.

Zion kept himself busy longer than he needed to. He had to keep his mind occupied, it was the only way he could keep in the urge to run to Moon.

When he arrived back to his study there was a letter on his desk. The pattern on the seal stamp gave away the sender, a large village nestled in the mountains, the letter was from Max.

He unrolled the parchment, and what he read made his blood boil, his skin crawled.

'You may have your spies Zion, but so do I. You have taken something from me, something I want, something that is mine. Return the girl, or we will have war.'

Zion raged, his desk cracked underneath the grip of his large hands. Things were becoming increasingly difficult for himself and for Moon.

Zion's mind was already thinking about war, he wouldn't return her to him. Max would have to take her, Zion knew he would kill an entire army to prevent that.

Zion pulled a paper from his draw, scrawling over the page.

'For generations your people have hunted us, tortured us. I swear this on my life, it is now me who is hunting you. You would have to pry Moon from my cold dead hands.'

He closed it up with his pack's emblem seal, it reminded him of his mate, a small crescent moon imprint dried into the red wax. If Max wanted a war, he would have it. Zion no longer wanted the peace treaty, if war kept Moon from harm, then a war he would have.

He had hoped that he could spend time with Moon, figure her out. Between Max and Kat, that precious time could be stolen from him, she could be stolen.

She wasnt a mere human, that much he knew. She is something else, something mystical.

Zion would have to increase his packs training immediately, he had little time. He would need to ask neighboring packs if they would fight by him. For them, it would be a pleasure. They had wanted to go on the attack for years, Zion the only one wanting to keep the peace with a treaty, not now, now he would happily walk into battle.

Zion would have to leave momentarily, it would take little time before the army of mortals would reach them from the mountains, it left him perhaps a month to prepare.

As much as he didn't want to leave, he would have to. He needed to do this, this was for her.

He would head to the neighboring pack on the east first, Alpha Reid's territory. He had one of the fiercest wolves Zion was yet to see. It was only a day and a halves travel if he shifted, and continuously ran at top speed.

He could be back in time for Moons awaking, he would check in with her. Then he would go north, where each member of Alpha Ronan's pack trained from birth. He would need a few men for that journey, it was not an easy one.

Atlas arrived at Zion's study just as he was preparing for his departure.

“Zion, what's going on?” Atlas could tell by Zion's pacing that he was itching to run.

Zion tossed Max's letter in Atlas's direction.

“If he wants a war, then he shall have one.” Zion said as Atlas read the page.

“And you are sure about this?” Atlas had always known Zion to harbor the peace, but Atlas had been wanting to fight since the day he found Reign.

“I am certain, this ends now. I am heading east to speak with Reid. I will fill you in on my return with more details, for now, I am leaving you in charge. Be mindful of Kat, I don't want her near Moon.” Zion didn't even give Atlas time to answer before he was out the door.


Zion reached Reid's pack the following evening, the moon shining off the coastal waters, the sound of the crashing waves cutting through the silence of the night. The beach buildings where built of clay and mud. The air was warm, even in the dead of night. It smelt of salt and sand, the people here kind and cautious.

Reid had once fought alongside Zion's grandfather, his wolf a legend in the shifter community.

Shifters lived for centuries without the interference of hunters. Once they transitioned into their wolf their aging process slowed completely. Most of the elders were over four hundred years old. Zion had never cared to ask Reid how long exactly he had roamed the earth, his guess was as good as any.

“Alpha Zion, what brings you here?” Zion was now seated in front of Reid in his chambers, he could see the intrigue written on the elders face.

Reid was a larger than life shifter, his body held the scars of battle. His fight against the humans spanning decades. Zion knew he wouldn't need to give him an excuse to go to war, Reid had many, but he knew his own change of mind in the matter warranted explanation.

“I need your complete confidentiality on what I am about to tell you Alpha.” Zion knew he couldn't omit any detail.

“You have my word.” Reid replied, slightly curious by the late-night visit.

“I had my men take a woman from a village. She is the she-hunter's sister and set to marry Max. She seemed to be the perfect leverage to obtain a peace treaty.” Zion needed to start from the beginning.

“You and your peace treaty, you know my opinion on this. The only reason my pack hasn't attacked is at your request. I respect you Zion, but I don't understand you.” Reid cut in.

“Please let me finish, I have mate bonded with this human woman. She is very unique Reid, Atlas has had his head in a spin trying to figure her out.” Zion became more aware of the distance between them as he spoke about her.

“Are you sure about what you are saying, mate bonding with a human is unheard of?” The surprise was written on Reid's face.

“I am certain of it. As I was explaining she is unique, she doesn't look like most humans, doesn't act like most humans, and she has the mark. She is of the moon goddesses bloodline, your bloodline.” Zion needed to be sure that Reid knew, Moon wasn't like the rest, she wasn't the enemy.

“I am listening, please go on.” Reid lent in closer, eager to hear more details.

"I received a letter from the mountain village in the early afternoon just yesterday, return my mate or there will be a war. Max wishes to possess her, I believe he is aware she is something else. I cannot hand her over to that monster, you understand, he will destroy her.” Zion swallowed a lump of rage at the idea.

Reid sat silently, deep in thought.

“Well war it is then Zion, you need not say anymore.” Reid said with a smile.

"And you are sure about this? You will fight by my side, for this stanger?” Zion asked.

“I would die by your side in battle. Your grandfather died at mine, it would be an honor. I only have one condition Zion” Reid answered.

“Name it and it shall be yours.” Zion was curious about what it was Reid wanted.

“I would like to meet her, your mate. I would like to meet the woman who has made this war possible. I want to see for myself who exactly you are fighting for, and I wish to see her mark.” Reids demands werent unreasonable, it was an easy agreement.

“Then you shall, again I must press that no one shall know what she is to me, not yet, she will be used against me by my enemies." Zion explained.

“Ive given my w.” Reid spoke as he took Zion's hand in his, shaking it. A verbal agreement that they were in this together.

“Thank you, Reid.” Zion said gratefully.

“No, thank you, Zion. I have waited many years for this. Now let's go meet this mate of yours” Reid spoke with sincerity.

They wasted no time in their departure, Reid made arrangements for his warriors to march to Zions lands, training would begin immediately. By dawn, the two Alphas had shifted, running side by side to Moon.

Having Alpha Reid on his side bought little relief, if they really wanted a war, they would need Ronans men,Ronan had a reputation, one he lived upto. Zion knew half the battle was ahead, Ronan was difficult at the best of times. He could only hope he would have his support.

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