The cursed Moon.

Chapter 23

Mena awoke to darkness outside, a soft glow in her room from the light in the hall. Her eyes scanned the room and soon found Ronan asleep on the chair.

She squinted through the darkness to make out his features. When he slept he looked strangely vulnerable. She didn't see the arrogance, the taunting, nor his dominating demeanor, all she saw was him.

His scent was thick in the air as she inhaled quietly, not wanting to wake him.

Ronan had always had a distinct scent to her. It was raw and masculine, since she had shifted it had become overpowering, everything he did was overpowering.

Ronan had been right about Dean though, Mena felt foolish that she had been blinded by his niceties, his flattery. She should have known better, Ronan obviously did. He would never let her live that down.

Ronan was unbearable, intolerable, stubborn, and he frustrated her beyond belief, but for whatever reason she had felt a pull to him ever since he arrived.

Mena recalled the first time she put her hands on him, to free Moon, when her hand touched his arm she felt a jolt, a shock. It was as if that was where their familiarity began. Every time after when his hands touched her, she felt a warm sensation, it spread through her like wildfire. How could someone so stoic, so cold, make her feel warm, and safe?

Since she had shifted, that sensation had also changed from a warmth to almost a humming under her skin. She couldn't wait for the side effects of the anthora to run their course. It was bad enough she felt a pull to him; she didn't need the tingles whenever he touched her on top of that.

As she stared into the darkness, he stirred and, for whatever reason, she clamped her eyes shut and pretended to remain asleep.

She listened carefully as he rose from his seat, drawing closer, his scent almost suffocating, and then she felt his hands as he lightly caressed her face. The sensation it caused hadn't worn off, why hadn't it worn off, more importantly why was he touching her with such a gentle fondness.

She could feel him as he watched her, just as she had watched him. It was strange; he cared for nothing, nobody but himself and he had made his dislike of her clear, so why was he here, why was he showing affection when he believed her to be asleep, but never when she was awake?

Was it because she saved him that he believed her owed her tenderness? Or was he merely here as he wanted to gloat at the first opportunity he got? Both were options she dreaded.

Mena slowly opened her eyes to find his open wide with relief.

“Ronan? Your still here?” She asked, acting surprised.

“Zions orders.” he replied.

“And here I was thinking you may genuinely care for another person, I should have known.” Mena replied, clearing her throat.

“Good to see your fighting spirit has returned.” he smiled.

“I wouldn't want to disappoint you Ronan.” she teased back.

"You couldn't disappoint me huntress, no matter how hard you do try, so how are you feeling?” Ronan asked, his voice switched to concern.

“You are asking me how I feel? What did Luke do to you out there?” Mena asked teasingly.

“Aside from the torture and trying to kill me, nothing I haven't faced before.” He replied.

“Ronan… I am” Mena started.

“Don't say it, huntress, you don't owe me an apology, nor do I require one.” he cut her off before she could finish.

“So you can ask me how I feel, but I cannot apologize? I will never know how I should converse with you, I am always left confused” Mena stated.

“What do you have to be sorry for Mena?” He asked with seriousness.

“Dean, Luke. I guess my terrible choices in the people I trust. I should be more like you, trust no one.” she explained.

Ronan stared at her, a look of frustration crossed onto his face as he rubbed his hand over his forehead and stood.

“I cannot do this Mena, I can't.” Ronan exclaimed.

“Do what?” Mena asked, confused by his sudden mood change.

“This, you. I have been alone for centuries and I like it that way. We are about to go to war, I have a god to slay. You huntress, you are a distraction that I neither need or desire.” Ronan said as he paced the room.

“I don't understand, a distraction, believe me, I do not wish to hinder you, can we just talk about this?” she said as she grabbed onto his hand.

Their eyes locked as the sparks flew all over her skin, spreading to her stomach, she didn't want to let go, he looked pained.

“That is half the problem, isn't it, you don't understand what is happening here. I have never been afraid before Mena, not of anything. Since meeting you, I fear death, but only yours. A man who has fear cannot fight.” he said as he pulled his hand from hers, leaving her alone in the darkness.

Mena had no idea what had just happened, what she had done, nor what she was doing when it came to him. She did know everytime they had an interaction she was left confused and hurt. He always made her feel as if she had done something wrong, that she was wrong. No more, she would not let him tear her down again.


Zion sat up, woken by the sounds of banging in the next room. He looked down at Moon, who still lay sleeping at his side. He then looked to the window and saw the sun had not yet risen.

He placed a kiss on Moon's sleeping face before exiting his room to inspect the noises, and found Ronan sitting in his study, a large bottle of ale in his hand, already half empty.

“Ronan? It's a little early for drinking is it not, and weren't you supposed to be keeping watch over Mena?” Zion questioned.

“I am wallowing in self-pity, let her siblings watch over her, and before you start you can spare me the lecture.” Ronan remarked before drinking from his bottle.

“I will not lecture you then.” Zion said as he took a seat.

“You you won't? Well, that is a very welcomed surprise.” Ronan replied.

“I figure the torture you're inflicting on yourself is probably punishment enough.”

“I am a sucker for punishment.” Ronan countered.

“Can I just ask why?” Zion questioned.

“I don't need the distraction.” Ronan answered.

“You think you are distracted now? Wait until she consumes almost all of your thoughts, the sleepless nights, you won't eat. A hole will open up inside you that no amount of denial, or liquor, can fill. You will feel empty, and then you will go insane” Zion explained.

“We agreed to no lectures, remember? Besides, I have felt nothing for the past six hundred years. I am not about to start now.” Ronan brushed off Zions warning.

“Well that is all good and well but what about Mena, have you considered her feeling at all?” Zion asked with concern.

“She is in just as much denial as I am, it's called balance Zion.” Ronan tipped his bottle in Zion's direction before emptying the contents into his stomach.

“You are of course aware we have training today.” Zion reminded him.

“I am aware, and I look forward to it, I have a lot of rage that needs exercised.” Ronan said as he stood, making his way out the door.

Zion furrowed his brow, he knew from experience that if Ronan continued down this path, it would be a downhill course. He was already unpredictable, ill-tempered, everybody would have to brace themselves for the worse. Zion hoped it would not come to that, but judging by Ronan's demeanor it was highly possibly that he would need subdued.


Mena sat in a stunned silence, for how long she couldn't tell. It was only when the dark was replaced by the morning sun that she was able to snap herself out of daze she was in.

This isn't who she was, she took nothing lying down. If Ronan wanted to be difficult, cryptic, then she would beat him at his own game. She had always been competitive, if he saw her as some sort of distraction, then that is what she would be.

She stepped off her bed, wobbly at first, but she had a rush of determination. She would not stay here a moment longer, she would train the women, she would be cut-throat, vicious, she would be the huntress. Her prey, Max.

“Mena, you're up, tread carefully, you are recovering.” Moon said with surprise as she entered the room.

“I am recovered, I thought I may go back to training today. Kat left a spot open, it needs to be filled.” Mena replied.

“Ronan's volunteered to train the women today, you should focus on rest.” Moon said with concern.

“I will continue my work with the warriors then, I don't need to rest Moon. I can not lay about when a war is coming. I feel fine, I swear it.” Mena pleaded.

"Mena you almost died.” Moon said softly.

“So everybody keeps reminding me. Guess what, I am not dead, I am alive. Trust me, training will make me feel far better than being trapped in bed will.” Mena asserted.

“Well I also wanted to speak with you about something else.” Moon whispered.

“Do you remember the day you got here, when I showed you everything I had experienced before you arrived?” Moon would do for Mena what Atlas had done for her, she would explain the bond.

“I remember, where are you going with this” Mena answered.

“And when I met Zion, do you remember what I felt?” Moon asked.

“I do, why are you bringing this up now?” Mena asked.

“You shifted Mena.” Moon pressed further.

“So did you.” Mena said with ignorance.

“I shifted after I met Zion, after I scented him, after the spark, the first tingles. It was all after Mena.” Moon searched her face, she knew, she had to know.

“I've always had good scenting skills, always, and the tingles it's a side effect from the anthora, see.” Mena reached out and touched her hand to Moons, but there was nothing, no tingling, no wildfire.

“Mena, what are you doing?” Moon asked with curiosity.

“They are gone.” Mena said staring at her hands with confusion.

“Because I am not your mate.” Moon pushed once more.

“I don't have a mate, what I do have is training, so if you will excuse me. I need to wash and change beforehand.” Mena said, brushing off Moons words.

“Mena I am only trying to help.” Moon said.

“I know you are Moon, but I haven't mated. I felt what you do for Zion also, it's pure, its light, and uncomplicated. I don't feel that for anyone, you told me to wait for that, and I will, but right now, I need out of this room so can we please go” Mena pleaded.

“Only if you are sure?” Moon replied.

“I am sure.” Mena smiled.


Mena walked to the training grounds refreshed, feeling the eyes of the warriors on her as she passed each one.

“Why are they all staring at me?” She asked Apollo as she came to stand at his side.

“You were as good as dead when Ronan carried you through here just days ago. I guess they are as impressed as I am at your determination.” he answered.

"Well I guess I should show them how determined I really am" she replied with a smile.

She then approached the weapons stand, feeling a hand on her arm tugging, the tingling igniting once more. She lifted her eyes to be met with the angry ones of Ronan.

“What do you think you are you doing huntress? You are not fit for training today.” he growled quietly.

Mena pulled herself from his grip and glared at him. She could smell the ale on his breath, see the change on his face, he had been drinking.

“I am none of your concern. Now if you don't mind, it is you who is distracting me.” she spoke as she brushed past him.

Ronan pulled her back once more and met her eyes, searching them as the anger disappeared from his features, replaced with sadness. She felt his grip melt from her as he breathed a heavy sigh.

“You are right, of course, my apologies.” he stated before moving back towards the group of women.

Mena pulled multiple bows from the weapons stand, handing them out to a row of men. As their wolves they would have to be in close proximity to their enemy before they could attack, the hunters expected that, depended on it. If she could teach the shifters to shoot with as much precision as herself than they could wipe out the front line before shifting.

She watched on with pride as the warriors slowly but surely hit their intended targets. She had always enjoyed her bow, it had been her weapon of choice since she was a child. She pulled back on the quiver when a breeze stirred, Ronan's scent flooding her as it passed.

Her eyes followed the scent as she relaxed her grip on her bow. Ronan stood with a smirk, as he relished in the she-wolves fawning over him. His eyes met hers as he lent in closer to one woman, whispering in her ear, causing a giggle to escape her. He was toying with her and she knew it.

Mena felt a rage build in her stomach, she could not understand where it came from, but she hated him. She hated his smirk, his games. She pulled back her quiver once more, pointing the arrow in his direction, sending it whizzing in the small space between him and the female shifter who now had her hand on his arm, coming to rest in the tree behind them.

Both looked at her in surprise, as she feigned a look of apology, but it hadn't had the effect she had hoped for, as Ronan's smirk grew wider. He had gotten to her and he knew it.

“Would you like to explain what that was?” Zion asked as he walked behind her.

“My fingers slipped, it was a simple mistake.” she lied.

“You don't make mistakes Mena. I get it, I have the urge to shoot him myself sometimes, but we can't have an alpha dying before the battle has even begun.” Zion said with humor.

“If I wanted to shoot him, I would have.” Mena answered as she reloaded her bow.

“I know, as I said you dont make mistakes. Good work by the way, the warrior's aim has improved greatly today.” Zion praised.

She released another arrow, hitting the bullseye before reloading, mad with herself for letting Ronan think he had affected her. Mad with herself that she had let him.


Moon and Atlas stood in the clearing, where their training had been taking place for the last few weeks, away from the eyes of the soldiers. It was more or less to keep them safe, Moon still hadn't mastered complete control.

“We need to find out what Max knows, if he knows about the she-wolves being bait for his scouts, then they maybe walking into a slaughter.” Reid spoke calmly as he addressed Atlas and Moon.

“Zion has his spies, surely they would have warned us by now.” Moon deducted.

“That's just it. None told him of Dean and Kats betrayal. None have been heard from in weeks, I am afraid they may have met an untimely death.” Reid replied.

“It makes sense, but how else can we find out what he does and does not know?" Atlas asked.

“You can read minds.” Reid said, stating the obvious.

“Not dead ones.” Moon added.

“Why not?” Reid asked.

“That would be impossible, wouldn't it?” Moon questioned.

“You, of all people Moon, should know that nothing is impossible. I am standing here alive after facing certain death, that is the impossible.” Reid said.

“I can do it, I just need to channel Kat. But Reid, to do that I need you. You were her mate, her last connection to the physical world.” Atlas spoke.

“Whatever it takes.” Reid commented.

“You have to be certain, you will have to relive a memory of her, it may be painful.” Atlas knew Reid was still recovering.

“Just do it, whatever it takes right.” Reid ordered.

Atlas put his hands on Reid's shoulders, both men standing in a trance as Atlas entered into his mind.

Atlas found himself in Reid's room, Reid laying on his back on the bed, Kat splayed across his chest, running her fingers over his flesh.

He approached Kat. Now she was dead her walls would be down. He would see what was needed, and then he would be out. The longer he stayed, the longer Reid would have to relive the memory.

He took what was needed from Kat, any conversation she may have had with Max or his men, and then he quickly retreated.

He opened his eyes to find Reid's, a singular tear escaping his eye.

“Reid?” Moon questioned as she put a hand on his back.

“I am fine, it wasn't real. None of it was. Did you get what we needed?” He asked Atlas.

“She wasn't able to tell him any battle strategies before she passed, her and Dean they were working together, he was unsuccessful too.” Atlas spoke.

“That good news, isn't it?” Moon asked as she registered Atlas's downcast look.

“It is, but there is more. He knows you are Zions mate. More than that, he knows what you really are, and just as we suspected, he will do almost anything to have you.” Atlas said with concern.

Moon gulped, she had exposed herself to the men, to Kat. She should not of been so trusting, it could very well be the end of her, of all of them.

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