The Curse of 1977 (Book 2)

Chapter 39

Lynnette sat shaking on the couch with Isaiah huddled close to her while the beast lurched in front of them like a guard dog. Its
fangs were still fresh and laced with Cloyse's blood that was mixed in with soapy foam.The smell and feel of the entire room was
pungent to the point where Lynnette could see hazy lines in front of her amidst the candlelight.
Every so often she would glance down at Isaiah to find him dozing in and out of sleep. She prayed that he would just fall asleep
for a while, or even more, altogether, just to spare him the prolonged torture that their captors had in store.
At certain points, the beast would stop right in front of them for no other reason than just to stare with its shiny eyes. Lynnette
could tell that it wanted to attack both her and her child just by how loud its fangs clashed against each, making them sound like
steel utensils grinding back and forth. She couldn't fathom that such a thing was actually before her.
When Isaac attacked she never got much of an chance to view the animal's striking features, but right there in front of her was
something that her human imagination couldn't even conjure. It was so big and evil looking, like its anger could set fire to the
entire room.The claws that it possessed were as sharp as a grizzly's; every time it moved about on the floor they could be heard
loudly clicking and clacking. They looked like they could slice right through steel without a single pause. The muscles on its arms
and legs which were hidden behind so much fur were substantial enough to where breaking through solid brick walls the way
they had been doing in past days seemed like no trouble at all.
Then there were the eyes behind the brown fur. The burning, bright eyes that she saw the final night she made love to Isaac. It
was one of the very last images Lynnette wanted to conjure, and in all honesty, it just appeared from out of nowhere. But his
eyes were something that she never gave much consideration to when he first woke up with them. It was that man, and only that
man that Lynnette could see in front of her.
She was aware that a woman named Akoni had changed, but Isaac Mercer still wanted to eat her and their son. Suddenly,
Lynnette's shaking slowly began to draw down to a bitter ease.
"What do you tink of, mama?" Arthur asked, standing at the threshold from what looked to be the kitchen.
Lynnette jumped in her seat to find the man looking down at her. "I...I don't know what you mean." She stammered.
Arthur went over and took Isaiah from out of her arms before he grabbed Lynnette's hands and pulled her off of the couch.
Lynnette began shivering all over again as Arthur wrapped his hands into hers and began waltzing about the room while staring
at her with his bright eyes.Crying, Lynnette would look back at Isaiah to see him wallowing about on the couch before looking
back at Arthur who just happened to be grinning at her.

"What goes through dat head of yours, mama?" He softly uttered into her face with his smelly breath. "I watched you every night.
I saw as you were having pleasure with your Isaac."
"Did...did you?" she cringed.
"Come now, are you still afraid of me?"
Instead of answering the question Lynnette caught a glimpse of Cloyse's maimed corpse still lying on the floor. Parts of his face
were scattered to one side while his left arm barely hung on to the bone, making him appear like a jigsaw puzzle.
"Please...let us go."
"No, no, mama, you and baby no go anywhere." Arthur said as he unlocked his hands from hers and proceeded to then unbuckle
her pants.
"No, no, don't do that!" Lynnette furiously fought back.
But Arthur would have none of it as he forced her down to the floor and climbed on top of her. Lynnette continued to struggle
against the man who only began fondling her breasts.
"Please, God, don't do this!" Lynnette hollered at the top of her lungs.
"I told you, mama, I won my child!" Arthur yelled back before unzipping her jeans.
Lynnette looked down to see the man undo his own pants before attempting to pull out his member. At that juncture all she
wanted to do was pass out as quickly as possible or do something to make the beast just kill her.
"Where am I?" One of the persons underneath the sheets on the floor shrieked out in terror.The beast roared back to life before
galloping over.
Arthur instantly jumped up from off of Lynnette and uncovered the sheet that was hiding Claudia underneath it.
Lynnette looked up to see a bloody woman's hands shaking and rising. Both Arthur and the beast just lumbered over her in a
curious fashion, appearing as if they were surprised that she was still alive.
"Yes...even the dead come back." A scratchy voice soon spoke.

Lynnette whipped her head from the woman on the floor to the other side of the room to see Cloyse's body move about on the
floor. Lynnette did all she could not to vomit all over herself.Arthur immediately knelt to the floor as the voice from the dead man's
body cackled in elation.
"Ahh, the cunt and her bastard are here." The voice said. "Finish the bitch off." It then pointed to Claudia.
At once, the beast tore right into Claudia, whipping her body from side to side, separating limbs in the process.
Lynnette cried out in shock as she rolled over and attempted to get up, only to have Arthur grab her from behind and hold her
Cloyse's body began to get up from off the floor and approach Lynnette. In the candlelight she could see the body dripping from
head to toe in blood as its eyes glowed a dark orange. The left arm dangled while its legs limped forward.
"I have Isaac in here with me." It hissed. "He longs to join you and your child."
Lynnette kicked and screamed at both Arthur and the spirit. She bit down on her own tongue, but that pain was miniscule
compared to her current dilemma.
"Inside your sister's trousers is a gift." It said to Arthur.
At first, Arthur looked perplexed. He released Lynnette and went over to where Akoni's clothes were still lying on the floor. He
checked in every pocket before finding Cloyse's pouch.
"Ahh, de farm boy must have brought it wit him." Arthur breathed a sigh of relief as he came back over to Lynnette. "Do you
know what dis is, mama?"
But Lynnette no longer had the desire to speak; as a matter of fact she no longer possessed the desire to do much of anything at
that point but die.
Arthur took out a pinch of the grain from within the pouch and blew it into Lynnette's face. Lynnette wiped the dust away before
struggling to slide her body back over to the couch where Isaiah was sitting.
"It shall make the ordeal much less painful." The entity said, standing behind Arthur.
"Is anyone in there?" A loud voice from outside shouted.

Instinctively, the beast roared, so loud that Lynnette had to cover her ears. It then rampaged through the room, accidentally
knocking some of the candles that were sitting on the floor onto their sides on its way out the door. It sounded like a marauding
brute on its way into boisterous battle as it galloped down the numerous flights of stairs.
Arthur ran over and looked out the window. "It's de law," he grunted.
"Go, be by your sister's side and dispatch of them." The spirit ordered.
Lynnette watched as Arthur raced out the door. She then looked up at Cloyse's body that was standing over her. Due to the
turned over candles the face was more visible to see. Cloyse's skull was nearly exposed while his jaw bone hung to the side.
"Who...who are you?" She shivered.
"Ask me who I was."
But Lynnette didn't do so; she instead listened as the police officers outside screeched out in terror as both beasts tore into them.
The room in which she, Isaiah and the spirit were gathered inside was becoming more engrossed in flames. The bodies that
were lying on the floor eventually caught on fire.
"You and your child may leave." The spirit pointed to the door.
At once, Lynnette's entire being lit up with the exuberance of a freed prisoner after years of incarceration, that was until she
realized that there could have been an underlying motivation.
"Your freedom has been paid in full."
Without blinking, Lynnette got up from off the couch, gathered Isaiah into her arms and fled past the spirit and growing flames on
her way out the door.
Down the dark hallway she sprinted until she came to the stairwell. Nearly tripping and falling Lynnette managed to hold on to the
railing and regain her footing. The very second she reached the sixth floor a sensation from out of nowhere abruptly seized her
Lynnette slowed down but not enough to where she had to stop. The young woman kept on until she reached the next set of
stairs, but by then the same chest pain was starting to make her legs feel like she were treading cement.

Completely out of breath, Lynnette stumbled backwards. She gazed down the steps only to have her head swim causing her
vision to become distorted. The stairs that she was about to venture down appeared as though they weren't there at all. A
sudden burst of sweat exploded all over her body.
"Hold" Lynnette wheezed as she backed away from the stairs.
The hallway began to spin out of control. The doors on both sides of the hall looked as if they were melting, but Lynnette didn't
want to stop, such a ghastly notion never occurred to her. But her body, for the strangest reason, had other thoughts in mind. At
first she just figured that she was physically spent, her strength had eluded her, but there was something else afoot; something
quite menacing.
"No, God, no," she whimpered as she allowed her body to back further and further away from the stairs.
Lynnette bumped and blundered about the hallway like a pinball before collapsing against one of the doors that immediately
gave way sending her and Isaiah crashing to the floor.
The woman sat up and pushed the door closed before crawling back to her child.The sweat was dripping off of her like blood
from a gaping wound. Soon enough, not only were her legs becoming numb and immobile, but her arms felt like they no longer
wanted to operate. Just reaching out for her baby made her feel as though her right arm wasn't even there anymore.
Isaiah crawled over, and in what appeared to be a gesture of compassion, took his mother's right hand and held it, only to have
Lynnette's entire body drop back first onto the wooden floor.
"God...what...what's happening?" She fought to speak with all her might.
She tried to raise her arms, but they just wouldn't move. Her legs felt as if something or someone were holding them down. Just
attempting to twist and squirm in the slightest measure was for nothing. She couldn't move one single muscle below her
trembling jaws.
Then, much to her horror, the inevitable began taking place. Her eyesight started to grow shadowy. At first she thought it was
due to the sweat that had been pouring into her eyes, but rather than see a glassy image, all her eyes could register was grey
fog until the fog itself all but vanished leaving her in complete darkness.
There Lynnette was, lying perfectly motionless on the floor. She could still feel and hear. She could feel Isaiah patting her on the
forehead while crying "Mommy, mommy!" over and over. She could hear something like that of a monstrous roar echo back into

the building. But the roar seemed to be followed by that of another in the far distance. Lynnette had the wherewithal to realize
that brother Arthur had taken part in his beastly transformation as well.
"Don'" Lynnette's feeble tongue dragged on.

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