The Curse (H. Academy Series #1)

Chapter 5: Black Swan

“Which one of you is going to explain what the hell happened?” Thar Adara demanded, his voice reaching the level of sternness I sometimes heard from my father’s mouth.

“She broke my bone!” Bella screamed, her damaged leg was patched up by a Healer, but the wound was nowhere near gone. Magic could help to some extent, but she would have to rest for a week or two.

“You tried to kill me.” I emphasized, turning to her. She rested on a leather rocking chair in what I guessed was Thar’s office. The room was surprisingly cosy, with a great view over the western field devoid of trees. He probably got a lot of sun. The walls were beige, but the curtains and the leather rocking chair were deep green, a colour I didn’t expect he would enjoy. He leaned against the dark brown oak table, with an exasperated look on his face.

“I didn’t try to kill you!” She screamed again so loudly that I was tempted to cover my ears with my palms.

“You literally choked me.” I fought back. Her brown hair was messed up and the strap of her black dress fell down her shoulder, almost entirely exposing her breast.

“Oh, yeah? But you’re alright, whereas I have to rest for two weeks, even with all the magic they poured into me! How is what you’ve done to me justified just because you weren’t the first one to attack?” Her words made sense, but then I reminded myself that I couldn’t breathe because of her spell.

“Because you attacked first? I was defending myself because I couldn’t breathe.” I looked at Thar, emphasizing my words. He had to know this wasn’t my fault. I wasn’t the type to look for trouble, but if trouble found me, I would defend myself.

“Well, you looked at Leon like he was something to eat! I was afraid of you. Goddess only knows what you’re capable of!” Bella shouted and blood boiled in my veins. This girl was seriously asking for a punch in the face.

“Excuse me? First of all, you were jerking him off in front of everyone, you should not be so surprised that someone looked.” I shot back. “Second of all, he was the one that stared at me. You’re mad at the wrong person, hun.”

“And why the fuck would he be staring at you?!”

“Maybe he got bored.”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Thar interrupted us. “Maybe I should’ve called Professor Lange.”

“No!” Bella and I shouted at the same time and then angrily looked at each other.

“I have to report this in any case.” Thar sighed and went through his thick hair with his hand. His muscles tensed at the movement and it was enough for me to realise the lust charm was probably still kicking in. Or maybe it was the witch’s brew.

“Please, don’t tell Professor Lange,” Bella whined, “another smudge on my resume and they’re going to kick me out of the school.”

“Maybe you can do my homework for the semester.” I suggested, unable to stop the mischievous grin forming on my lips.

“I’d rather be expelled.” Bella muttered.

“You two are going to work together on a project in my class.” Thar said suddenly and both Bella and I grimaced and shook our heads. “It’ll do you good. Bella, you already listened to it and Jade has an affinity for black magic. I think both of you can learn something.”

“That’s not the right strategy if you want to keep both of us alive.” I said and Bella nodded, confirming my words.

“You’re young witches that need practice. It might sound strange, but situations like this aren’t that uncommon. Fights in the Academy tend to reach a whole new level.” Thar shrugged.

“Fine.” Bella was the first one to speak.

“Okay.” I nodded, knowing this was better than the alternatives.

“I know the tension tends to get high in this school,” Thar began through a sigh, “but I truly believe we need to stick together during these times. I think you’d both rather have each other’s backs if something serious happened to this school.”

He was right and we both knew it. Even Bella, with her limited wits.

“I’m sorry.” I murmured, half to Thar and half to Bella.

“Sorry I choked you.” She said unwillingly. As I turned to look at her, I caught sight of my own expression in the bookshelf glass. Goddess, I was flushed. My cheeks were red and my eyes seemed glossy.

“How long till this lust charm wears off?” I asked no one in particular.

“Few hours. Sooner, if you have someone to help.” Bella winked and got off the rocking chair slowly.

“Alright, I think that’s it for tonight.” Thar pinched the bridge of his nose and both Bella and I headed for the exit. It took all of my strength not to shove her on the way out.

“Jade.” Thar called for me and I stopped. “Can I talk to you alone for a moment?”

A mixture of jealousy and support crossed over Bella’s face and I almost laughed out loud.

“Okay.” I murmured and turned to him, closing he door.

“What you did tonight was reckless.” He said and I felt my heart twist. Thar Adara was the only practitioner of black magic besides me and that made his approval important. My father used to say that we needed to stick together and fight against everyone who tried to ostracize us because we were different.

“I thought we were done with lecturing.” I came closer timidly, not wanting to seem hostile. Which I very much was.

“Unfortunately, I’m not done lecturing you.” Thar gazed at me and a jolt of electricity spread through my body. His eyes were so deep brown that losing oneself in them seemed easy, soothing. But I knew it was the lust charm still gripping me so I cleared my throat to shake it off. How old was he anyways? Definitely older than me, but he had to be in his twenties.

“I’m sorry, okay?” I asked, surprised by how gentle my voice sounded.

“You shouldn’t have done it, Jade. Not just because engaging in provocations should be beyond you, but also because you can be extremely dangerous.” His words angered me and the horniness evaporated. I stomped over to him, closing the distance between us.

“She tried to kill me.” I repeated my words, trying to ignore the sudden lack of distance and the bubble of warmth that formed in the airspace around us.

“I get that. And I believe you. But if someone had only pushed her aside, her spell would have stopped. Yet, you seriously hurt her.” The proximity of our bodies seemed to make him uncomfortable, because he didn’t look into my eyes. Maybe the lust charm was contagious. Fearing that, I stepped away.

“I couldn’t have known her spell was so easily stopped. I was running out of air and I did the first thing that I thought of, I fought back.” I defended myself, suddenly feeling stupid. Bella got to walk away and I was being scrutinized because of standing up for myself.

“Do you think I don’t know that girl?” Thar asked, raising his voice. The lines on his face twisted into a frown. “Maybe you don’t know, but I had her in my class last year, as well. I know how she gets and I understand she stepped on your toes. But your magic is way too strong to engage in petty fights with it.”

“You can’t expect me to sit back and let someone bully me like that.” I shook my head.

“I never said that.” He cut me off. “But tell me the truth, was breaking her bone your intention?”

I shut my mouth, as my eyes jumped up to his. His hair hugged the back of his neck and it looked so soft that I wanted to run my fingers through it. I realised two things. He was right about everything and this situation was dangerously inappropriate.

“I wanted to push her away.” I admitted.

“Yet, your spell was so strong that you broke her leg.” Thar nodded, his suspicions obviously confirmed.

“I don’t have it under control, do I?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“No. And that’s okay, because you have the opportunity to learn. But I won’t teach you if you keep stooping to Bella’s level.”

“You’ll teach me?” My eyes shot back up again. The warmth radiated off his body and I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers down his toned chest. Oh, Goddess, Jade, calm down.

“I have to teach you. The Academy might be in danger and I know one black magic user isn’t enough.” Thar shook his head.

“I know your magic is strong.” The need to comfort him was strong and the part of me drunk on lust charm was ready to give in. “I can feel it in your veins, rumbling, begging to come out.”

I watched his throat bob, so I came closer.

“Jade, you’re under a lust charm.” He said carefully, making me giggle.

“I know, they’re kind of awesome.” I admitted.

“They’re dangerous.” He grabbed both of my shoulders and moved me aside. The haze passed as I blinked a couple of times.

“Oh, Goddess, I’m sorry.” I mumbled, feeling the wave of embarrassment hit me.

“I know how they work.” Thar smiled and it was the first time I’ve seen him do it. The smile lit his entire face up, adding another touch of warmth to his features. The power in him and the gentleness of his smile was a wild combination. Enough to drive me wild, that is.

“How old are you?” I asked, before my brain managed to step on the brakes.

“Twenty five. I graduated a year ago.” He seemed just as surprised by the question as I was by asking it.

“How did you manage to become a teacher so soon?”

“Because the last one died.” My breath stopped in my throat, but Thar chuckled. “Of old age. Not everyone in our world is tragically murdered by evil forces. Still, they needed a replacement fast and there just aren’t enough black magic users around.” He looked at me. “Your father refused the position.”

“Oh.” Another reason for everyone to hate my father.

“Nothing bad, actually. He talked to me before and asked me if I wanted to teach. He said he was content working for the Arch mage and that I could have the job, if I wanted it. Which I did.” Thar smiled.

“Well, I’d much rather have you as the teacher than my father.” I shrugged. “Look, I know I may not always be the exemplary student. I mean, I won’t do my homework, like, ever-”

“I didn’t need to know that.”

“But I will try to be a better witch. If it means uncovering what happened to my grandma and if it means that we’ll save some lives, then sure. It wasn’t my profession of choice, but eh, you get what you get.” I plastered a smile on my face, hoping he wouldn’t see the disappointment. To my surprise, he looked into my eyes, the questioning expression hazing his features.

“What would be the profession of choice?”

“I’d be a painter.” I shrugged, expecting disapproval on his face. People usually disapproved of my attempts at doing what I love, something about never having enough money.

“You can still do that.” His voice was gentle.

“I guess.”

“Listen, Jade...” Thar fidgeted slightly. “I know being a black swan in this school is hard. I went here, too. And other witches and mages can be cruel to someone different. But you have to know that you are different, you’re stronger, more powerful. And they don’t attack you because they’re evil, they attack you because they are scared of you.”

“I never wanted anyone to be scared of me.” I shook my head hastily, missing my high school. Sure, high schools were full of mean girls, but at least no one knew who I was, no one knew what I was capable of.

“It has its perks.” Thar shrugged.

“Still waiting to see them.” I felt the need to leave, or at least not talk about any of this. But I also needed to ask one more question. “Professor Adara,” I tasted the words on my tongue, “I want to help you. With the murder.”


“No, listen to me. I don’t know how or why, but this could be connected to my grandmother. And if you let me, I think I can help.” I pled my case.

“How? Did you even meet your grandmother?”

“No, she died before I was born.” I sighed.

“I’ll think about it.” Thar finally said and this was my queue to leave.

“Thank you. For not telling Professor Lange about what happened. She’d whoop our asses.” I smiled and Thar stepped away from the table and approached me.

My breath hitched and goose bumps spread all over my body once he came close. The lust charm combined with the proximity of his body was enough to send me spiralling and I consciously had to stop myself from closing the leftover distance.

“Just please, make this the last incident.” He said and just by the heaviness of his tone, I realised the lust charm was probably affecting him, too. Being the good girl that I was, I stepped away.

“I’ll see you in class.” I murmured and excused myself.

Once in the hallway, I took a deep breath. I had to sleep this damn charm off. I leaned onto the wall and wiped the sweat off my forehead, which would probably look weird to a naive observer.

“Jade.” A voice reached my ears and I opened my eyes, finding Leon in front of me. His black shirt was unbuttoned and his hair rustled. And his eyes were full of longing that made the icy colour seem darker, inviting me.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“What?” I asked, my voice meaner than I planned for it to be.

“I’m sorry, about Bella, honestly. I didn’t know she’d do something like that.” Leon scratched his neck, worry and discomfort enveloping his features.

“I’ve two things to say to you, Leon. First, be careful how you treat your girlfriend. And second, which might seem contradictory to the first, don’t put your dick in crazy.” I said clearly, enjoying the shock on his face.

And then I walked away, as the graceful black swan that I was.

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