The Curse (H. Academy Series #1)

Chapter 37: Rendezvous

Leon grabbed my arm, leaving a burning trail on my skin, and pulled me out of the smoke’s way. Dumbfounded, I ran after him, knowing we had mere seconds before being discovered. In the distance, I could hear my father’s enraged cry, as well as the much closer sound of the smoke alarm.

“Faster!” Leon kept dragging me.

I took off my heels and handed them to him, then ran as fast as my limbs allowed me. Adrenaline pumped through me, strong and persistent, pushing my body to its absolute limits. Suddenly, the entire Academy came alive. Shouts and protests followed us even as we left the main building through the backdoor and ran across the lawn.

“Stop it.” I said, out of breath. “Stop the fire.”

“It’s gone!” He shouted, his hand still wrapped around my wrist, “It dies out when I get too far!”

Once we reached the wall of the boys’ building, and were close enough to the party, I stopped him.

“Wait, wait.” My breaths were short and ragged. “I think we’re far away now.”

Fuck, I was out of shape.

All students were still out in the backyard. The happy shrieks gave way to surprised and worried murmurs. Teachers marched around, approaching the main building with resolve, like they finally had a culprit they stood a chance against.

Leon brushed the sweaty strands of hair off his face and leaned against the wall, “Do you think he felt us?”

I shook my head, “I don’t think he had time. He had to stop the fire in his office.”

The moment I said it, I burst out laughing. The adrenaline was still pumping through me, and the energy building up inside had nowhere to go, so it hit straight into my nerves. Leon’s lips spread into a grin.

I covered my mouth with my hand, “You lit my dad’s office on fire.”

“What? He’s a jackass.”

Another bubbly laughter left my lips, but Leon shushed me.

“Come on.” He said under his breath. “We still have to pretend like we were at the party all along.”

I was still grinning, but spread out my hand, “Shoes.”

“Oh, right.” He glanced at the heels in his hand and handed them to me, eyes quickly jumping to my wrist, the tattooed one. “Sorry about that.”

There was a red mark in the shape of a hand on my wrist, wrapping neatly over the tattoo. The mark of his fire. It tingled, but wasn’t completely uncomfortable.

I took my heeled boots, “You have an element.”

Leon shrugged.

“And you didn’t tell anybody.”

“Ah, elementals.” He chuckled. “They have all these extra classes, I just couldn’t do it.”

He took out a pack and put one cigarette between his lips. I just stared as the tip of his finger lit up with fire and he breathed in the thick smoke. The back of his head leaned against the wall and sweat trickled down the side of his face, sliding to his Adam’s apple. He didn’t mind the heat.

“Come on.” He exhaled and pushed himself off the wall. “Before we get caught.”

Without a word, I took his hand and followed him to the middle of the crowd, where confused and shocked students gathered on the lawn before the boys’ building. Hushed questions and comments buzzed around us, but Leon just smoked his cigarette, as casual as ever, like he hadn’t just set the Vice Mage’s office on fire.

For a second, my mind was clear, free from the lust charm’s grip, and I saw exactly why I liked him. I liked the chaos, the unpredictability, the aloofness. Not a care in the world, that one, with his hidden elemental power and his cigarettes and his arrogance.

Like a moth to a flame, I wanted to taste it. The freedom of no boundaries. The destructiveness of no rules. The allure of no expectations.

“Damn me straight to hell.” I glanced away.


“Nothing.” I swallowed my heartbeat, “Thar’s coming.”

And indeed he was marching towards us through the crowd, his stride long and determined, eyes alert and focused. Smoke rose from the building, but there was no indication of flame.

“What. The. Fuck. Did you do?” He stopped in front of us, gaze jumping from Leon to me and back. “I timed you, you were gone for ten minutes.”

“Oh, that.” Leon took a drag. “Jade and I were just discussing our plans for the future.”

I couldn’t even roll my eyes.

All I wanted was to apologize.

“Jade?” Thar looked at me, gaze cold.

“I’m sorry.” I blabbed, something in me shifting so fundamentally I couldn’t muster up a lie. “You can talk to Darth later, but for now, just... cover for us.”

Leon squeezed my hand, making me realise he has been holding it this entire time. Thar noticed, too, or at least he’s slipped and let it show when his gaze wandered to it.

What was I supposed to do?

There was no future for us. For at least another five years. And if he wanted to be just my teacher, what the fuck was I supposed to do? Chase him? Beg him? Stay alone until he changed his mind?

He didn’t have time to answer, because the crowd around us stilled and all faced the same direction – the direction my father was marching from. Thar regained his composure and took a few long steps away from us. My heart skipped a beat.

I had never seen my father so calm, and I’d never been this unnerved by seeing calmness. He walked towards the crowd of students, his hands behind his back, shoulders slumped, and an almost mellow smile on his lips. He looked apologetic, almost submissive, so unlike him it almost made me shiver.

“I see someone’s having some fun tonight.” My father’s lips spread into a genuine smile. “Too much fun, I’d say.”

Some of the students exhaled a relieved sigh and my nerves tingled.

“Vice Mage Montgomery.” Thar stepped out of the crowd. “This party has gotten completely out of hand! Every single student in his group has been using unauthorized magic. With the influx of new students from Winston Academy, I suggest we either add more surveillance to these gatherings or forbid them completely.”

The drunk crowd rebelled instantly.

“But we did nothing!”

“Oh, come on, our magic wasn’t even close to the main building.”

“It was an accident!”

“We didn’t set anything on fire!”

My father cleared his throat and everyone went quiet.

Leon squeezed my hand and we exchanged a quick glance.

“What would happen if I questioned each and every fire user in this crowd?” My father still kept that mellow smile, appearing creepier than usual. “Would I find the culprit? Or is the culprit not even aware of the damage his or her magic can create?”

“Vice Mage Montgomery.” Thar cut in, glance jumping towards me. “Each and every student has been using magic tonight. I suggest we punish them all.”

“Oh, come on!”

“That’s not fair.”

“We didn’t even do anything.”

My father cleared his throat again, “I want a list of all students attending this school and a witness to their whereabouts during this night. I also want a list of every fire user in this school.”

Now, students shut up.

Okay, this was good. He just wanted to know our whereabouts. Fortunately, everyone saw me leaving with Leon upstairs and returning a reasonable amount of time later. Thar wouldn’t tell my father we were gone for the past ten minutes. Morta and Bella were literally with my father when the fire started. And... Leon didn’t tell anyone he had an element.

“Vice Mage Montgomery!” A harsh, hoarse voice reached through the open door of the boys’ building, and Professor Darth walked out, Amma and Eugene at his heel.

A lump blocked my throat.

“Where have these two been?” My father turned his head slowly, the smile unwavering.

“I found them-” Darth cleared his throat. “Being intimate in the hallway.”

Amma pinched the bridge of her nose, hiding her face behind her hand. She was still dressed like she was about to go gardening. At least she got rid of the gloves. As whispers spread through the crowd, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Leon lowered his head to my ear, “I guess it’s better than telling him she’s been catching a demon.”

“I’m sure she’s thrilled.”

“As I was saying.” My father’s voice shushed the whispers. “I’ll be checking each and every fire user in this school. Now, wrap up this party.”

“Vice Mage Montgomery.” Thar cut in. “I suggest we stop the gatherings for now-”

“No need.” My father’s back was already turned to the crowd. “Let the kids have their parties.”

Thar’s expression went slack, and the crowd sighed in relief.

Unease settled in my gut.

Why would he-

“I think we’re done for tonight.” Amma’s voice cut my thoughts off. “Where’s Morta?”

I let Leon’s hand go, and went through my hair awkwardly, “Uh, probably somewhere with Bella.”

“What happened here?” She looked around, gaze stopping at the smoke still rising from the building.

I pursed my lips.

“Someone set Vice Mage Montgomery’s office on fire.” Leon shrugged. “Probably by accident.”

Amma’s eyes narrowed at him, “Yeah, I bet.”

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later.” Amma said. “Once we’re back in our rooms. For now, I need a shower.”

The crowd dispersed slowly, but surely, and soon enough, there were only a dozen or so people lingering around, those most desperate to keep the party going.

“Damn, it’s a shame we missed the party.” Eugene walked over to us, Dean next to him. “I thought it would last until morning.”

“It was way too hectic.” Dean shook his head.

“I love hectic.”

“Goddess!” The sound of Morta’s displeased voice made me turn around. “I seriously did not think I’d be helping your father put out a fire in his office tonight. I don’t know how, Jade, but-”

“Shh! Shut up.” I put my finger on my lips and glanced around. “He’s probably lurking around.”

The only people I saw were Thar and Darth walking together through the garden, not paying attention to us.

“Yeah, we need to get out of here.” Eugene agreed. “Rendezvous at Jade’s in two hours? I have to eat something or I’ll pass out.”

“Amma’s.” I corrected on impulse. “Uh, she has better isolation.”

“It’s true.” Amma nodded, oblivious as ever. “Jade is lazy with her spells.”

“Is she?” Leon glanced at me.

“She is.” I forced a smile. “Let’s go.”

Morta yawned. “You’ve no idea how boring following teachers around all night can be. I hope there’s leftover booze.”

“Well, I hope you’re not expecting me to show up.” Leon grinned. “I think I’ve done enough for tonight.”

“Please, don’t show up. I’m begging you.” Morta mumbled, rolling her eyes.

“No problem.” He was already walking towards the building, “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”

“Wait up.” Eugene followed him through the door.

Dean glanced at us, “I’ll see you in two hours.”

Once the boys left, Morta put her hands on her hips and turned to Amma and me, “You have some explaining to do.”

“A shower.” Amma gestured at her attire. “Food. Then conversation.”

My legs felt like they were made of lead as I followed them to our building. The sudden silence filled me up with anxiety. I’ve gotten used to being bombarded with magic, and the lack of it felt like stepping out of a loud club into quiet streets. My ears buzzed, my skin tingled, and my heartbeat wouldn’t settle into a normal rhythm.

“Hey.” I stopped right when we reached the double door. “Uh, my dad just texted me.”

Morta and Amma faced me.

I waved with my phone, the movement hectic.

“Really?” Morta asked, eyebrow jumping up.

“Uh, yeah.” I put my hands behind my back, palm sweaty against the phone screen. “He needs help with cleaning. I- I should probably go, just to, you know, keep him off our trail. Play nice. Get back into his good graces.”

The peak of Morta’s arched eyebrow sharpened, “I thought you enjoyed pissing him off.”

“Well, I think it’s in our best interest if I play nice.”

“Right.” Morta nodded. “We’ll see you in two hours then?”

“Or so.”

“Or so.” Morta repeated, staring at me.

“See you.” I forced a smile, turned on my heel and walked away.

There was definitely a demon possessing me, no doubt about that.

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