The Curse Conduit

Chapter 9

Because the dreams had started while they were on tour it was hoped that by coming home they would stop.

Apprehensively Derek and Uriah told Casta and Simian to go home. They had things they needed to do. Casta’s wife was flying in from Spain to spend some time with him and Simian’s fiancé would be waiting no doubt with open arms for his return. Although the tour had kept them in England for the last few months they had not made it home. So both Derek and Uriah found themselves standing just inside their respective homes not sure if they wanted to go in or not. Both men hoped that the others had been right and the dreams would stop. Hauntingly, deep down they knew they would not.

Uriah was still coming to terms with the information they had found. Casta had suggested a Google search of the names and places they could remember. At first they all joked about it but when they found information about Urian it quickly changed their moods.

It had taken a bit of research and not wanting to sleep both Derek and Uriah had taken on the responsibility of tracking down whatever they could. Through computer searches and phone calls they had found a genealogist willing to help with tracking down anything they could find on Declan and Beth-Elena and Uri as well as Danny and Bethie and Urian.

As they knew Urian was a real person they had all had the same thoughts about the other characters in the dreams. However none of the members of the group had spoken of it to the others. Someway hoping that by keeping silent history would not launch itself into the twenty first century. Hoping that the other dreams were just that, dreams.

Uriah threw his bags into the corner as he walked into the house. Normally he would have gone straight to his room and unpacked. Today was different, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be home. He certainly knew he did not want to fall asleep and be caught up in the nightmares that hounded him. This is how he had come to see his dreams. Nightmares and they had become so real and intense he was having a hard time holding on to reality. He had not spoken to the others but he was not sure how much more he could take. No sleep, and when he did sleep no rest. When he was awake he had a constant headache, his nerves were beginning to unravel and he had to try so very hard to keep his temper under control. All the littlest things annoyed him.

He had been glad that Simian and Casta now knew, at least they understood. He worried that if the situation kept going he was going to come undone. With these thoughts he headed for the kitchen and poured himself a large stiff drink. Why had he been thrust into Derek’s dreams? Mores the question, why had Derek’s dreams invaded his life?

Thanks to the alcohol in his system Uriah drifted off to sleep on the sofa. Soon enough he would find out why and how he and Derek were connected. Uriah dreamt as he knew he would.

Derek was having similar thoughts to Uriah as he walked through his home. He stopped at the bedroom door and just threw his bags onto the bed before walking back down to the lounge room and setting up his laptop, letting it come to life. As Uriah had done Derek headed to the fridge and at first pulled out a beer but then replaced it with a coke. As much as he wanted a drink he didn’t want to fall asleep any sooner than necessary. His dreams had become so real to him it was like he was living three lives and it was exhausting.Looking in the large mirror that hung on the lounge room wall Derek lifted up his shirt to see the bruises left by the last dream. He and Uriah (Uri) had been in battle together and Derek had suffered some heavy blows by their opponents. The bruises on his front and back, proof of his other life.

In his last dream Derek had called Uri, Uriah in the hopes that Uriah was really there but it was not to be. So far it seemed that they were locked in their own dreams never to cross. When Derek was in his dream, although Uri had Urian’s features he was still Uri. Likewise when Uriah was in his dream Declan was still Declan. By comparing their dreams they did know that they were dreaming much the same thing. Derek knew if he had dreamt about Danny and Bethie so had Uriah.

He had intended to check his e mails but even without the help of a beer he found himself asleep. His mind tugging at reality as the vision of Beth–Elena appeared to Derek. She had tears in her eyes and a pained look on her face. Derek could feel he was resting in her arms. Suddenly, he realised where he was. The pain of the wound in his side was overwhelming. He went to speak but only coughed. Beth-Elena stroked his cheek with her tender hand. Derek tried to smile.

“I love you Declan.”

Derek was finding it hard to handle the pain that racked his body. If this was dying he didn’t want to go this way. He tried to move which only made the pain worse. Somewhere in his mind he knew he was dreaming but it felt so very real it scared him. He did not want to die. “I want to go home.”

“You’re home my sweet.”

Derek looked in to her face as he felt himself slipping away from her. It was Beth-Elena but it was also Bethie and Elizabeth he saw. ’I’m sorry.” Was all he could say.

What happened next was so surreal to him. He watched as Beth-Elena took Uri’s knife and sliced her own hand and then his, clasping them together and declaring her eternal love for him. Derek felt himself die but as he did he heard Beth-Elena’s wails of anguish and sorrow.

He found himself standing next to Uri, looking down on Declan and Beth-Elena. Her total sadness broke his heart. “I am so sorry.”

Uri turned to where Derek was standing and spoke one word. “Declan?”

Derek gasped thinking that Uri could see him. Uri was looking straight at Derek. “Uri… can you see me Uri?” Derek saw the recognition in Uri’s eyes just as his dream flung him back into reality and he woke up shouting. ’Nooooooooooo.”

Derek had stood up but no sooner had he done so he doubled over in pain clutching at his side. He lifted his shirt to see the bruise. This time it was much, much worse, red and angry. Derek looked like he had just finished a fight and it was weeping blood. He had trouble standing straight, again clutching his side. This time he noticed that his hand hurt as well. Looking at it he was amazed to see the cut that Beth-Elena has made. It was fresh, no bruise this time. The gash on the palm of his hand was bleeding. Any deeper and Derek thought he would have needed stitches. Walking tentatively to the kitchen he grabbed a tea towel and wrapped up his hand to stop the flow of blood. Once this was done he headed for the bathroom and took several painkillers. Looking up at himself in the mirror he wished he hadn’t. Staring back at him was Declan. Derek held on to the basin for fear that he would pass out with the combination of pain and shock. Declan looked back at him in silence as small tear escaping and running down his cheek.

Derek closed his eyes and shook his head but when he looked, Declan was still there. This time he spoke. “We need you Derek.”

The disbelief registered all over Derek’s face. He moved his injured hand to touch the mirror. As he did Declan copied his moves only his hand was not wrapped and Derek could see the gash. Derek’s voice was a little shaky as he spoke. “You know me, my name?”

As their hands touched Derek was given such a shock it sent him reeling backwards. He groaned but when he looked back in the mirror Declan was gone only his words lingering in the air. “Help us Derek, help yourself.”

Derek looked at himself in the mirror. “What the ……”

His mobile phone rang so he returned to the lounge room to answer it.

It was Uriah.


Uriah’s voice was rough and scratchy as he spoke. He cleared his throat several times. “You just finished sleeping.”

Derek’s voice was not much better, his voice peppered with pain. “Sleep, what’s that.”

“Derek are you okay?”

“Yeah just got a hole in my side, a nasty slice in my hand and oh yeah a ghost who knows my name.”

“What? You’re not making sense.”

“Uriah none of this makes sense. I just felt myself die in Beth-Elena’s arms and then stood next to Uri and watched her cry for Declan. He saw me, Uri saw me.” Derek sucked in his breath as he moved and the pain from his side shot thought his body. “Uriah I have to go. I need to…..” He was going to say rest but didn’t.

“Derek how much pain are you in?”

“Uriah. I feel like. ..Oh god I feel ill. I feel like I am going to pass out.” Derek’s words slipped over his lips as he slid to the floor unconscious, his phone falling from his hand.

Uriah kept shouting down the phone for his friend. “Derek! Derek answer me!”

When Derek did not answer Uriah ended the call and called the paramedics giving them Derek’s address and all the information he had which wasn’t much. Then he called Simian and Casta. Within minutes all three were on the way to the hospital.

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