The Curse Conduit

Chapter 75

Casta and Simian had also been stunned at the transformation of their room. It was spotless, not a thing out of place, broken mirrors replaced, broken furniture replaced and the food. Simian’s stomach rumbled as his eyes swept across the table.

However Casta’s attention had been drawn to the genealogy charts which had been placed neatly back on the walls. At first he could not put his finger on what had caught his attention, thinking it was just because everything in the room was so neat and tidy. But on a closer look he realised, they had changed; the information on them had changed. He remembered what he had read before his friends had disappeared and now things were different. He looked from one to the other while Simian happily tucked into an apricot danish and a nice cup of coffee oblivious to his Spanish friend’s unusual find. It was not until Casta sat down at the small coffee table and picked up Elizabeth’s chart that Simian’s attention waned from the food. “Casta, you are frowning. What is wrong?”

Casta shook his head. “Not wrong just different.” He held up the chart. “They have all changed.”

Simian stopped in mid chew and swallowed while sitting next to Casta to look at Elizabeth’s chart. “Are you sure? I mean maybe Henry just gave us new ones?”

Casta shook his head. “No, No. Look at the others. Uriah and Derek’s lines. Look they are so different.” Casta took a deep breath. “They did change the future, so many lives. If they had not gone back would we have ever met?”

It was Simian’s turn to shake his head. “Don’t start that again I still have a rotten headache. Who knows? I was more worried about what would happen if they didn’t come back. “

Casta nodded in silent confirmation when there was a knock at the door.

“It’s Kimberly. Can I come in?”

Simian went to answer the door while finishing off the last piece of danish.

Kimberly smiled. “I see Henry’s home delivery has been here as well.”

Simian smiled as he let her into the room but it was soon replaced by a look of concern. “Is everything okay Cherie. Elizabeth?”

“I left her soaking in the bath. She’s had a rough day.”

Simian and Casta looked to each other then back at Kimberly who realised her fumble. “Okay bad choice of words but you know what I mean.”

She went on to tell them about the dresses and Casta showed her the charts. The trio were silent for a while when Kimberly got up to leave. “I really just came down to check to make sure you guys were okay.”

Both men stood, thanking her and kissing her on the back of the hand and Simian showed her to the door. “We are here if you need us Cherie, anytime.”

Kimberly gave him a cheeky look before leaving. “Curious choice of words Simian. See you in the morning.”

After checking on Elizabeth, Kimberly made a phone call to the hospital and was more than a little nervous when the nurse told her she would put her through to the doctor, surprised to hear Dr Horton on the other end of the phone. “Hey doc, don’t you ever go home?”

Dr Horton was equally surprised as Kimberly had failed to introduce herself. “Who is this?’

“Sorry Doc, Kimberly Wade. You were looking after my friends Uriah and Derek. Are they all right? The nurse put me straight to you.”

Yes, yes sleeping comfortably. Are you alright Miss Wade? You have been through some trauma yourself.”

Yeah Doc. I am okay. I just wanted to check on the guys before going to bed. You think they will be able to be discharged tomorrow?”

“I can’t see why not. Then maybe I can go home as well.”

Kimberly laughed a little. “You’re a champion Doc. Others would not have been as open minded about all this.”

“Thank you I think. I will be here for a few more hours if you need anything.”

Terminating the call Kimberly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. It was time for bed.

All but one had dreams that night, dreams not of past times and battles and lost loves but dreams that soothed the heart and soul.

Casta dreamt of walking though meadows of waist high flowers of every colour you could imagine with little children playing and laughing all around him.

Simian’s dreams were full of animated food. Scones and cakes all dancing on a stage, losing their fillings or their toppings. When he woke he would put it down to the fact that he had over indulged the night before, eating far too much but he would be smiling.

Kimberly dreamt of walking along the edge of a lake under a moon lit sky. Alone at first but as she walked someone else was walking towards her. As they got closer she realised it was Uriah. He wore a smile the likes of which she had never seen on his face before and it warmed her heart. He stopped in front of her, took her hands and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She felt the tingle all the way to her toes.

Elizabeth’s dreams were full of music. Music she had listen to her Dar play as she had grown up and spent weekends and holidays with them, the music of Synergy as she watched the scenes unfold in her dreams. Like Casta she was walking in a meadow but it was a meadow of gently swaying grass and she was wearing her dress. The sky was a brilliant blue, the air smelt sweet and bird song could be heard. Yet there was another sound off in the distance that made her heart light. It was the sound of Derek singing as he came to her. As she watched him all other things faded. He was wearing the clothes that Uri had given him. Elizabeth smiled, he looked so much like Declan, and he could have been a knight. As he got to her there was silence. He looked into her eyes before he kissed her.

As their lips parted two simple words escaped from Elizabeth. “Marry me.”

As Dr Horton kept a watch on Derek and Uriah they rested peacefully, stirring just ever so slightly now and then. This gave Dr Horton some relief. The scorch marks on the walls of the room were testament to what could happen around these people. He watched as Derek stirred again, he was dreaming but seemed peaceful enough and indeed he was. His dreams had taken him to a place where he had always felt safe and loved. His family home. He was sitting in the back yard gently swinging back and forth on the two seater chair as he watched Elizabeth walk out of the back of the house carrying two glasses of lemonade. He stopped swinging so she could sit next to him. As she handed him his glass she turned and smiled. “Marry me Derek.”

Derek smiled, taking her hand. “We already are my sweet Princess.”

Elizabeth looked at her hand to see the wedding band.

It would be sometime before Uriah and Kimberly put the pieces of their dreams together but eventually they would find out that they had been having the same dream on this night. Uriah stirred as he took her hand on the shore of the lake and walked her into the future. His dreams would help him understand the feelings he was having for Kimberly and make him realise just how very much she did love him.

That night Uriah’s dreams changed. Or was it Uriah who had changed? Before their little adventure, before he had begun to get pulled into Derek’s tortured dream world, he had never remembered many of his dreams. Now he could remember everyone but then again now he always dreamt of the future. Uriah would come to accept his new gift. Never talk to anyone about it but he would be comfortable knowing he could get glimpses of things that could happen and maybe in some small way change them for the better if need be. At first he had been surprised that it was not Derek who had been given this gift as it has been Danny who had dreamt of their future. Then again Uriah had seen Derek’s death before they changed the curse. Maybe he had been gifted all along and not wanting to know about it just pushed it so far down he never did remember his dreams.

Yes: this night as he slept in the hospital a lot changed for Uriah.

Urian was the only one who did not dream that night. He slept peacefully for the first time in years. His dreams had invaded his sleep for so many years it was hard to comprehend a night without any at all. It was blissful. In his heart Urian knew that his journey was coming to an end. He was an old man and grateful he had lived long enough to see it to its completion. Just a few more things to put to rest and he would be content.

The morning found them all back at the hospital except for Urian and Henry. Elizabeth was eager to talk to her Dar but also wanted to make sure that Derek and Uriah were recovering. Torn between whether to stay at the hotel or go the decision had been made for her by Henry. Whether or not Uriah and Derek were discharged lunch with Urian had been arranged.

So Elizabeth found herself by Derek’s bedside once more as Kimberly found herself by Uriah’s. If it was possible Kimberly felt like her love for Uriah had grown overnight. But so had the apprehension that he may never love her, he may not be able to love her.

Simian and Casta sat and waited. Dr Horton had given the two men the all clear to be discharged if they felt up to it. Knowing their two friends as they did, they did not think that Uriah or Derek would take too much persuasion to leave.

In unison Elizabeth and Kimberly lent over the sleeping men and kissed them lightly on the lips. It had the desired effect, Derek woke first, and smiling as his eyes fell on Elizabeth. “Hi princess.”

“Hi yourself. How are you feeling?”

To answer her question Derek shuffled himself up the bed so he could pull her into a hug. “Better now. How are you doing?”

Elizabeth sighed. “Okay. So much has happened, with us, with my Dar.”

Derek’s eyes darted around the room smiling at Simian and Casta. “He’s not here, Is Urian alright?”

Elizabeth was about to answer when they all heard Uriah as he sat up. “Urian is waiting at the hotel. He is well.”

Kimberly gasped as the rest of the room fell into stunned silence. Uriah looked from one to the other until his eyes fell back on Kimberly. “Did I say something wrong?”

Kimberly shook her head “No but how did you know Urian is waiting back at the hotel?”

Uriah could feel the tension building in the room. “Well he is, isn’t he?”

Simian stood to his feet as he answered. “Yes my friend he is, we have lunch with him later if you are up to it. The doctor says you can both leave.”

Before the words were out of Simian’s mouth Derek flung the sheets back and was on his feet, draping his arms around Elizabeth shoulders. “Well I have everything I need let’s go.”

They all laughed but Casta was a little concerned. “Are you sure Derek, how is your leg?”

“It’s great, I am great. I need to get out of here.”

He looked over to Uriah who was only just making his way out of bed. “How about you Uriah, You ready to go?”

His tone was a little more serious. “Yes I am Derek but I would like to get dressed first.” He looked around the room. “In private.”

Everyone laughed again as Kimberly went to the small wardrobe and pulled out the clothes that Henry has brought for them. Holding two hangers full of folded clothes out in front of her she tried to make the decision of whose clothes were whose when Uriah stepped forward and took his. “Thank you Kimberly, I was not looking forward to leaving the hospital in the clothes they brought me in.”

She smiled but did not answer him only moving so she could pass Derek’s clothes to him.

Simian clapped his hands together. “Well I guess we will wait outside for you two.”

Uriah nodded his appreciation, Derek kissed Elizabeth tenderly and they all left.

While they waited Elizabeth took Kimberly aside. “How are you holding up?”

Kimberly smiled. “I should be asking you that. You had a rough time of it yesterday.”

“Thanks Kimber. I am still trying to get my head around all this. Urian being my Dar and……..Well you know.”


“Kimber give Uriah some time. I know he will love you as much as you already love him. I think he already does, Simian seems to think so.”

Simian had heard some of their conversation and came to put his arm around Kimberly. “Cherie, do not doubt that he loves you, he does, but…”

Kimberly finished off Simian’s words for him. “Give him time. I will Simian promise; I will walk at his pace.” Kimberly’s thoughts drifted off to her dream the night before as Simian pulled her into a hug and kissed her on top of the head.

“Then you shall have his love forever.”

Derek and Uriah appeared from the room looking better but still in need of a shave. Uriah had pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, not sure how to approach Kimberly now he was out of bed. Feeling his awkwardness she smiled. “You guys want to get back to the hotel and get really freshened up before lunch.”

Uriah nodded but Derek had a cheeky glint in his eyes. “Aww you think I need some freshening up do you?”

Elizabeth slapped him playfully on the stomach. “That would be a yes. Come on lets go.”

As they walked to the elevator Derek threw out another question. “What happened to the clothes we were in? My phone was still in the pocked.”

Casta gave him the answer. “Henry took them back to the hotel Derek. Your phone is safe. Why…… did you take some time travel photos?”

Derek threw him a look that they all took to mean he had.

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