The Curse Conduit

Chapter 71

With Dr Horton’s permission Elizabeth went back to be with Derek. Casta and Simian were hovering at the door but before they could give their argument for getting back in to see Uriah and Derek the doctor stopped them. “I know gentleman, but give me a few minutes with the patients and I will decide whether they can have more visitors.”

Elizabeth hugged them both. “They will be alright; we’ll all be together again soon.”

Just before she entered the room Henry touched her on the shoulder. “Miss Elizabeth. I need to attend to something.” He handed her his mobile phone. I will not be long but if you need anything call me.”

Elizabeth had a quizzical look on her face. “But this is your phone Henry, how am I supposed to call you?”

Smiling Henry pulled yet another phone from his pocket. “On this. Just hit the number one and it will connect.”

“Thank you Henry, you have been a great help.”

Elizabeth took a deep breath before following Dr Horton into the room. Kimberly had been sitting next to Uriah holding his hand the whole time he slept. She smiled at her friend. “You okay Lizzie?”

“Yeah, just a bump on the head. How is Uriah?”

Kimberly stole a quick look at him. He looks so peaceful; it’s hard to imagine that you have all just gone through so much.”

Derek stirred as the doctor checked his vital signs and his leg, drawing Elizabeth’s attention. She smiled down at him waiting for his eyes to open. As Derek focused on her face a small tear escaped down her cheek. “Don’t cry Lizzie.” His hand reached up to gently brush it away. “Are you hurt?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No just a headache.”

Derek looked to the doctor. “And me Doc what’s the verdict?”

Dr Horton sighed; he really had no idea what he was going to tell them. “How does your leg feel?”

Derek moved his leg and winced, he took hold of Elizabeth’s hand when he saw the pain and concern on her face. “Still hurts Doc but not as bad.”

“Well considering how you have recovered from your other err, injuries. I am hoping you will recover from this one very quickly as well. But you both need some rest. So I want to keep you here for a few days just to be on the safe side.”

A glint of cheekiness washed over Derek’s face. “Make sure we don’t have a relapse more like it. Right Doc?”

Dr Horton looked from Derek to Uriah then to Elizabeth. “Let’s just say I want to make sure you are well enough to be discharged.”

He began to leave when Elizabeth stopped him. “The others, can they come in now?”

Dr Horton nodded his approval and left. Within seconds Casta and Simian were in the room fussing over Derek while trying to keep quiet so they did not wake Uriah. Kimberly kept shushing them which made Elizabeth smile; she really was taken with Uriah. She only hoped that Uriah had some feelings for Kimberly.

Derek was glad to have the playful antics of his friends to distract him for a while. His sides actually started to hurt from laughter as Casta and Simian told their own story. Unlike Uriah, when Derek had fallen back to sleep he had dreamt and it was of the plane crash. Deep down he knew that as long as he kept the images with him his leg would hurt but he had no idea how to stop them. He also worried that because he was still dreaming there was a chance he would get bounced back in time. This was not something he wanted to do. Every so often he would steel a look at Uriah sleeping peacefully and wonder if he was also dreaming.

In their attempts to make Derek feel better Casta and Simian got a little over rambunctious and Uriah did stir. Kimberly reprimanded them both as she smiled back at Uriah. “Hi.”

Uriah looked from her then around the room to see all his friends. As his eyes fell on Derek he took a deep breath. “Is this real Derek? We are home?”

Kimberly squeezed his hand as Derek answered. “Yes Uriah, we made it home.”

Uriah caught the shadow that crossed Derek’s face. “Yet you still dream don’t you?”

His question shocked everyone, the implication very real to them all.

Derek just nodded.

Elizabeth’s tears flowed again. “But Derek…… It is over. We did everything we had to. What are you dreaming about?”

Derek was just about to answer when Henry entered the room with an older gentleman at his side.

The old man looked at Uriah and bowed then looked to Derek. “Dreams are just that sometimes, only dreams.”

Elizabeth gasped and dropped Derek’s hand as she moved over to the older man engulfing him in a hug much to the surprise of the others. “Dar what are you doing here? How did you get here?” Elizabeth threw Henry an ‘I want answers look’ as she continued to hug the old man.

Pulling back she looped her arm through his, smiled and introduced him to the others. “Everyone this is my Grandfather. My Dar…… Ian.”

Ian nodded to everyone and once again his eyes fell on Uriah. He smiled that worn out smile of a man who had seen many years pass by and waited. Uriah pulled himself to a sitting position never letting his gaze drift. His words sent a shock wave around the room. “Urian?”

Ian nodded. “The one and the same. You are just how I remember you Uriah.” He looked to Derek. “Exactly the same.”

Elizabeth put her hand over her mouth, looking at her Grandfather with new eyes. “Dar….you’re Urian. But….. All this time you never said anything. Why? How?”

By now Derek had also pulled himself up the bed. “Urian, you’re Lizzie’s grandfather? I think we all need to hear this story.”

Still with Elizabeth at his side Urian slowly walked over to the side of Derek’s bed. “All in good time, young Derek.” Urian sighed. “You and Danny look so much alike.”

Derek looked expectantly at the door. “Danny is with you?”

Urian shook his head but it was Elizabeth who spoke. “No…He passed away before I was born. Didn’t he Dar? I get it now. I remember it was always you and Nana Anna and Great Aunt Bea.”

The room seemed to tense at her words. “Danny, he was married to Aunt Bea.?” Elizabeth began to shake and cry as the reality hit her, the pain she felt cracking her voice. “Aunt Bea… she was Bethie. Why didn’t you tell me? Why Dar?”

Elizabeth took a quick look at everyone before she ran from the room. Derek and Uriah yelling after her, both men trying to get out of bed. Kimberly stopped Uriah; the pain in Derek’s leg stopped him.

Henry took off after Elizabeth as Casta helped Urian to a chair. The old man shaking his head. “This was a mistake. I should not have tried to find you. She will never forgive me.”

Under the cautious stare of Kimberly Uriah did get out of bed and went to sit next to Urian. “You have been keeping this secret all this time?”

Urian smiled weakly, it was unnerving looking at someone who reminded you of yourself so many years ago. “Do you think she would have understood if we had tried to tell her before you took your trip?”

“No Urian, I don’t think any of us would have. For what it is worth I think you did the right thing.”

Simian cleared his throat. “Maybe with more time. You have only just got back.”

Urian looked to Simian. “I should have waited longer. But with only me left to tell the tale.” He stopped and looked into Uriah’s sad eyes, knowing the young man understood what he was about to say. “Danny died in an aircraft accident in the sixties. Bethie died when Beth, when Elizabeth was in her teens. My Anna, my sweet dear Anna passed too many years ago.” Urian looked to Derek and then back to Uriah. “I needed to see this through to the end. I needed to tell Beth who she is, what happened.”

Uriah has been making silent calculations while Urian was talking. “Bethie and Anna?”

“They were sisters.” Again Urian looked from Derek to Uriah. “I married Bethie’s sister.

Danny and Bethie never had any children and knowing what we did about the future and the past, when my daughter Elena gave birth to Elizabeth I knew she was the one. As soon as Bethie held her for the first time we all knew she was the one.”

Derek was intrigued. “How did you know?”

Casta and Simian got closer waiting for the answer.

“The spark. At less than a day old Elizabeth gave her aunt an electric shock. After that day Bethie had no more dreams of….” Urian stopped. “All her life I have watched and waited. Now I am not sure I should have come.”

Uriah stood looking at the door. “Yes you should Urian. Elizabeth is a strong woman. She will want to know.”

Kimberly put her hand in Uriah’s. “I will go and see if she is alright.”

Without thinking Uriah kissed her on the top off the head before she left.

Uriah kept watching the door as it closed. “We are related. Elizabeth and I are related.”

Urian coughed. “You are son. Our line goes all the way back to Uri.”

Everyone turned to look at Urian.

Derek Whistled.


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