The Curse Conduit

Chapter 66

Doctor Horton arrived with several paramedics in tow only nodding briefly at Kimberly, Casta and Simian as his attention focused on the two unconscious bodies on the floor.

Dr Horton quickly assessed the state of the two. “We need to get them to hospital.” Standing he made way for the two paramedics. As they made ready to transport Derek by stretcher one of them called for assistance. “M.E.U zero, zero two to M.E.U zero four nine. Request second stretcher.”

Dr Horton then looked to Casta who had not moved from the couch. “You’ve not escaped this mess have you?”

The doctor pushed on Casta’s shoulder and he winced.

“I can put this back in for you but I still want you to come to the hospital for x rays to make sure there is no ligament damage.”

Silently Casta nodded.

The doctor looked Casta straight in the eyes. “This is going to hurt like hell.”

Casta went to nod but yelled in pain as the doctor relocated his shoulder. Kimberly shouted and Simian swore under his breath.

The two paramedics just went about their business having got Derek onto the stretcher. “We’re ready to transport this one Doc.”

Dr Horton nodded but Simian went to stand next to Derek. “I am going with my friend.”

Dr Horton nodded his approval and Simian left with the paramedics just as two more arrived with the other stretcher for Uriah.

Kimberly had gone to kneel next to him while the doctor put a sling on Casta’s arm to help ease his pain.

Her voice was strained. “He is going to be alright isn’t he?”

Dr Horton looked from Uriah to Kimberly and gave her a small smile. “We’ll get him to the hospital then we will know more.”

“I want to go with him.”

The doctor was about to give his approval when Casta mentioned the fact that Elizabeth was still sleeping in the other room.

The doctor shot him a worried look as he began to walk to the bedroom. “Is she alright?”

Casta nodded. “Yes, she was awake, we spoke. She was just very upset.”

Casta and Kimberly followed the doctor into Elizabeth’s room. He checked her over and she only stirred a little. “Everything seems to be okay. I would rather not leave her on her own though.”

“I will stay with her.” Kimberly’s voice was choked with her own tears.

Dr Horton smiled and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “I will take good care of your friends. I promise.”

Kimberly sat on the side of Elizabeth’s bed and watched the doctor guide Casta out of the hotel room. “Please be okay.”

The sight of two ambulances parked outside the hotel had sent the whole place buzzing so when the stretchers appeared in the lobby everyone was curious as to whom it was. Casta and the doctor had ridden down in the lift with Uriah and this may have been the end of it but someone had recognised Casta and shouted out his name.

He looked to see a women coming towards him and tried to smile but kept walking. She fell in step beside him and was about to ask how he was when her eyes fell on Uriah. “Oh Casta what happened to you all? Are you all hurt?”

She was beginning to cry.

“Arr Bella, It was a little accident we shall be alright. Just a precaution, you shall see.”

Once again she looked at Uriah as he was loaded into the back of the ambulance. “But Casta, Uriah, he’s….:”

Casta stopped her by putting his hand on her arm and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Uriah is a strong man. He will be okay.”

Casta got into the back of the ambulance and watched the woman out the back window as they drove off. She already had her mobile phone out.

Casta sighed. It was obvious she was a fan, how long would it take for the news of their little mishap to spread? Did she know that Derek and Simian were also on the way to the hospital? Would anyone on the hotel staff leak the news?

Hotel management had sent someone up to the room to check on the rest of the occupants. Cautiously Kimberly opened the door to the room. Smiling down at her was a very large African American porter. “Afternoon Miss. The hotel has sent me to see that you have everything you need.”

Kimberley was about to answer when the porter’s eyes scanned across the room behind her and a little frown appeared. “I think I best get to making this room ship shape.” Again he smiled down at her. “Would you mind if I came in and tidied up a little?”

Kimberly made room for him and he entered. The porter bowed a little and carried on talking while he made the room presentable. “Is there anything you need Miss. I am more than happy to do anything for you. The hotel has assigned me as your personal valet for the time being.”

It was Kimberly’s turn to have a small frown on her face. “I don’t understand.”

“They want to make sure that the hotel does not get a bad name out of all this.”

“Why would they. I mean it was not their fault.” Kimberly was still confused.

“I think it has to do with who was involved not what happened.”

Kimberly smiled. “I don’t think the hotel has anything to worry about. But it was nice of them to volunteer you to be our valet.”

The porter smiled at her words. “I like that…. volunteered. My name is Henry by the way.”

He held out his large hand for her to shake.

“Mine’s Kimberly. Henry you are so tall. How tall are you?”

Henry smiled. “Just on seven foot.”

Again Kimberley smiled. “I like your Henry.”

Henry smiled and bowed a little. “Now is there anything I can do for you? “

Kimberly looked to the bedroom. She desperately wanted to go to the hospital but worried about Elizabeth.

“You are worried about your friend?”

“I think she is just exhausted but my other friends have gone to the hospital. I don’t know how they are.”

“I would be happy to stay with your friend here if you like.”

Kimberly shook her head. “No, she would not know who you are when she wakes up and after what she has been through that might not be a good thing.”

“If we wake her and she knew who I was then surely that would be okay.”

Kimberly thought for a moment when Henry continued. “If she does not want you to go then you do not go but at least let her make a choice.”

Gently Kimberly nudged Elizabeth and waited for her to wake. “Hi Lizzie. How are you feeling?”

“Better. I heard voices before, are Derek and Uriah alright?”

Kimberly bit her lip and the tears she had been holding back began to flow. “Dr Horton has been; he took them all to the hospital.”

Elizabeth was shocked, pushing herself up the bed and trying to get out.

“Where are you going Lizzie?”

Elizabeth looked at her friend as she stood. “Where do you think? We’re going to the hospital.”

Kimberly was a little taken back. “But…. Are you okay? I mean shouldn’t you rest.”

Elizabeth gave her a hug. “Kimber, I can’t explain now but I have been through so much lately. We’ve all been through so much. I have to be with Derek.”

It was then that Elizabeth pushed her hands down her dress to straighten it and she realised what she was wearing. “Oh dear. I guess I better find something else to wear. Maybe I should go home. ”

Kimberley smiled and took hold of Elizabeth’s hand. “Come with me. I think we can fix that.”

Henry turned and smiled at the two women as they entered the lounge. “Miss Kimberly. Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Henry and Kimberly laughed. “Yeah he’s a big fella. Lizzie this is our Valet courtesy of the hotel.”

Elizabeth smiled and gave Henry a small wave as Kimberley continued. “Henry do you think the hotels hospitality would stretch to a new set of clothes for my friend. She wants to go to the hospital and I’m not about to take her looking like that.”

Elizabeth went to protest but Henry only smiled, holding up his hand. “I think that is a brilliant suggestion Miss Kimberly. Just give me a moment to call the Hotel boutique, let them know to expect you.”

Elizabeth whispered to Kimberly. “I have perfectly good clothes at home you know.”

“So. When are we ever going to get the chance to shop in a place like this again? Have you seen the prices in that shop downstairs and the clothes?”

“Yes I have.”

Henry put the phone down. “All arranged ladies. If you would like to follow me it would be my pleasure to escort you.” He gave Elizabeth a concerned look. “Are you up to this Miss Elizabeth? I can have something brought up for you to try on if you like.”

Elizabeth shook her head as she began to head for the door. “I’ve just stood on a battle field and watched men get hurt and injured and die. I’ve had to suffer the loss of great friends, I can get myself to a shop and to a hospital I think.”

Henry watched as Elizabeth took off down the hallway to the elevators. Walking next to Kimberly he bent down and whispered to her. “Feisty that one but she talked of strange things. Are you sure she is alright.”

Kimberly took hold of Henry’s hand. “Promise me not to ask about that Henry. From what I can gather they have all been through a great deal.”

She felt him squeeze her hand. “Your secret is safe with me.”

For some reason Kimberly knew that it was, knew that Henry held many secrets close to his heart and it made her feel safe.

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