The Curse Conduit

Chapter 63

Declan’s funeral was somewhat of an unusual affair. He was not of noble blood, nor had he been knighted. Yet he would be given a state funeral and a place of rest in the King’s family crypt.

Gathered in the church on the grounds of the castle were many whose lives Declan had touched. All of the men he had fought side by side with in many a battle, Almost all of the people from his own village, children including Geoffrey, for who Declan had been their hero and their friend. All those that worked in the King’s castle and many who worked for Uri had also travelled to be at the funeral. Then there was Declan’s mother, the King, Beth-Elena, Uri, Danny, Urian, Bethie, Derek, Uriah and Elizabeth. As always the appearance of them all together sent ripples through the crowd. Knowing this would happen the small group had tried to arrange themselves so that Danny and Derek were not together, nor were Uri, Urian or Uriah. The girls however had banded and no power on earth was going to separate them.

There were still many in the crowd that did not know of the likeness of the travellers to their own Princess, or Uri. But it was Derek and Danny that drew the most attention.

Everyone one could hear the whispers as they took flight around the church. Some wondering if Declan was really dead. Even in the hallowed sanctuary of the church talk of witchcraft and sorcery murmured from lips.

Elizabeth and Bethie stood by Beth-Elena, the three women stunning in their attire, dresses of regal beauty flowing in shades of blue, aqua and violet. In quiet reverence they cast a spell over the crowd and the church soon fell silent. All eyes on the triplets waiting, watching and wondering. The three women held hands. They had discussed singing a song for Declan earlier and Beth-Elena insisted that she take part. Now standing off to the side, not far from where her beloved lay in his casket, Beth-Elena took strength from the other two as they sang of their love for him in sweet angelic tones that brought many to tears that day. The words they sang spoke of love that would never fade and dreams that would live on in their hearts, of a place in heaven. As they sang Elizabeth’s eyes sought out Derek. In return he gave her a warm, gentle smile of encouragement and love. When she looked to Uriah, he also gave her a smile, she almost forgot to sing seeing the sadness in his eyes and knowing it was not only for Declan that he grieved.

Bethie did much the same and held Danny’s gaze for a moment before looking to Urian. She saw the tears just before he bowed his head and how her heart hurt for him.

As the last notes of their song melted into the atmosphere, once again the church was shrouded in silence making the King’s baritone voice resonate so much louder as he took his place at the front of the church.

“Thank you my friends for sharing this sad time with us. Declan was indeed a man that meant so much to so many. His smile, his laugh, his playful nature.” At these words he looked to his kitchen staff and Uri looked to the staff that had come from his home. They all understood about Declan’s playful nature. “But Master Declan was much more than this. He proved himself worthy of my niece’s hand in marriage.”

Beth-Elena squeezed the other women’s hands and bit the inside of her cheek to stop a cry from escaping. The King gave her a small nod of recognition. “Sadly we farewell a man of honour, dignity and integrity instead of celebrating a wedding. True this is sad but we can celebrate Declan’s life. He would want us to continue, to go forward.”

Uri, Uriah and Urian looked at each other at the Kings words.

The King continued. “To celebrate Declan’s life I would like him to be known as the true knight he was for all eternity.”

Stepping closer to the casket the King drew his sword and bestowed on Declan the knighthood he would have been given on his wedding day. “From this day forward you shall be known as Sir Declan De’Mailluer.” The King bowed, everyone else in the church following his lead.

Hearing Declan’s full name had surprised Derek. He had seen it on the charts that Angus had given them but until he had heard it spoken he did not truly understand just how connected they were.

The King got the attention of Uri. He had a part to play in the day’s events, as did Urian and Uriah. As the three men stood together next to the King a murmur rang out across the church. Dressed in equally noble and majestic garments their likeness was undeniable, their handsome presence unquestionable. When they began to sing it was as if God had given their voices wings, wanting them to reach to heaven so that angels could hear the passion, love and pure splendour of a human voice. They sang the song they all knew, the one they had sung that night at Uri’s home. After the first verse Danny and Derek joined them, Danny helping Derek to the front of the church. He was still having problems with his leg but there was nothing wrong with his voice. As the five men sang it shifted through the very air they breathed. Husbands took wives under their arms, children stood closer to their parents, Geoffrey went to stand next to Declan’s mother and she pulled him close, young ones at the beginning of their lovers journey held hands and every heart was touched, everyone moved as the five men sang for Declan. Everyone knowing Declan would be with them forever.

The King had once again cradled Beth-Elena under his arm but as the men finished their song he moved to the front of the church. He looked down at the casket. “We will always remember you Sir Declan.”

The King sent his gaze over the crowd and held his hand out for Beth-Elena to come and stand beside him, which she obediently did. “I have thought about my next duty for some many long hours and feel that Declan would approve of my decision. Declan’s cousins have put themselves in great danger to help us.” The King looked to Uriah, Derek, Danny and Urian and beckoned them to come to him. Slowly they walked toward the King. “Please kneel before me.”

In silence the four men knelt down, Uriah helping Derek. It was obvious by the strained look on his face he was in pain and for a moment the King had thought to ask him to keep standing. He may have only known this little band of travellers for a short time but he knew enough that Derek would insist he kneel with his friends.

As the King took his sword from the top of Declan’s caskets Beth-Elena gasped understanding what her uncle was about to do. A few seconds later the rest of the congregation also understood. The four kneeling men were the last to comprehend.

The King stood in front of each man, placing his sword first on their right shoulder, then the left, then the right again. Going down the line he did this four times, speaking the words that would embed the men in history forever. He knighted them all. He stopped in front of Uriah. “Rise Sir Uriah.”

At the Kings words Uriah stood to his feet and bowed just a little, still bemused at what had just happened.

The King stepped in front of Derek. “Rise Sir Derek.”

Derek began to struggle and again Uriah helped his friend. Derek bowed to the King.

Next it was Danny’s turn and then Urian. Both men overcome at the enormity of what had just happened.

Beth-Elena followed her uncle along the line of men and kissed each one on the cheek.

“You have done this land great honour by your presence. Your names shall dance on the lips of children for many a generation.”

Beth-Elena had a wonderful smile on her face as did Elizabeth and Bethie. But the King had one more task to perform.

His eyes fixed on Uri. “Uri, you have been a good friend and good counsel in times of darkness. You have held steadfast when all others thought it folly. You have proven your loyalty to your King and country in ways no King should have to ask and yet I did so asked and you obeyed without question. ”

As the King pulled a medallion from around his neck everyone in the church gasped. He approached Uri and placed the same medallion over his neck resting it gently on his chest. By giving Uri the crest the King was effectively making him an heir.

Beth-Elena whispered these facts to Elizabeth who in turn told Bethie. Once all the men understood what had just happened they understood just how unusual the scene before them was.

“Master Uri, Sir Uri. I can think of no greater man to bestow this honour on. Accept the seal of your King with his humble thanks.”

Once again the crowd gasped as the King bowed to Uri, the King bowed to no man.

Uri was horrified that his King would do such a thing, gently touching him on the arm so he would once again be standing. “Sire you give me unjust praise. I am but a humble servant who deserves far less.” He touched the medallion. “I am unworthy to wear such as this.”

The King’s hand fell on Uri’s shoulder. “Uri it is because you think you are unworthy which makes you even more so.”

Uri bowed to the King. He had no idea what else to say. He caught Beth-Elena smiling at him and again he bowed.

The King gave the command and the congregation began to leave, he had given several of his high ranking knights the official job of transporting Declan to the family crypt just behind the church.

As people filtered out of the church the small band of friends gathered around Uri. The ladies giving him kisses and the men, slaps on the back.

Seeing that it was only them left in the church Uri turned to Beth-Elena. “It was not right for your uncle to do this.”

Beth-Elena took his hand. “It was the choice of a King Uri. A choice well thought out. An honour given to a man who deserves so much more.” She stretched and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

Thunder rumbled, the ground shook, lightening crackled and the explosion was so forceful it shattered many of the stain glass windows.

Uri pulled Beth-Elena to him to protect her, safeguarding them both with his ceremonial shield. As the church fell silent once more they were both stunned at what they found.

Derek, Uriah, Elizabeth, Danny, Urian and Beth were gone.

No trace of them.

Uri pulled Beth-Elena closer “God’s speed my friends.”

Part Four - Grounded

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