The Curse Conduit

Chapter 58

The trip back to the castle was sombre and quiet, the sound of horses and the footsteps of knights the only sound to ring through the countryside. Uri held Nightwish’s reins guiding the horse with Declan having been secured to its back and covered. Beth-Elena and the King rode behind, dry streaks of tears etched on Beth-Elena’s face, a shadow of lament resting heavy on the King’s face. Behind them rode Danny and Bethie. Every now and then Bethie would reach out and take Danny’s hand. He was alive but he had not spoken much since leaving the battlefield. He mourned for the loss of Declan, as well as for those he had not known who had lost their lives. He had seen war and carnage up close and it had disturbed him. Danny had lost friends during the war he had been involved in back in his own time but the suffering he had seen this day would live with him forever and it kept his words buried deep in his throat for now.

Urian rode behind Danny and Bethie, happy that his friend was alive, happy that Bethie would not have to mourn his death and yet so very tormented at knowing he would never be able to give her the love he held for her. He felt like he had aged a lifetime. As they rode back to the castle Urian made up his mind to find a way to distance himself from his two most precious friends once they returned home, if they returned home. He had no strength left to be so close to Bethie and be able to remain impartial.

Elizabeth rode on one side of Derek with Uriah on the other. Derek slumped more than sat in his saddle, his wounds were raw, and he was weak and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Uriah rode close making sure that Derek did not fall, every now and then leaning over to help his friend. Elizabeth had not taken her eyes off him afraid that if she did he would leave again. No one spoke but their thoughts travelled the same road. Would Derek fully recover? Would they get home? Why had Declan died? What would be waiting for them if they got home? How did they get home?

Uriah looked over to Elizabeth giving her a weak smile of assurance as his heart broke a little more.

They all gave a little sigh of relief as the castle walls loomed into sight, even the horses sensed that home was now within reach. People from the village came to meet the returning knights many a wife reunited with their husbands, children with their fathers and in silent reverence others took Declan’s horse from Uri. Mary, Beth-Elena’s hand maiden along with several other ladies of the court guided her through the castle grounds.

Uriah dismounted and helped several villages take Derek from his horse and place him onto a stretcher. Uriah followed them into the castle with Elizabeth by his side, holding her hand.

Bethie tucked her arm around Danny as he walked slowly with the aid of other villagers. He smiled his thanks at them and gave Bethie a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

Silently with all three horses in his charge Urian followed. He smiled a little as young Geoffrey darted from some unseen hiding place and took hold of one of the reins. The young boy uttered no words just walked side by side with Urian understanding far more that he should.

Declan had been taken to be prepared for his funeral, while Mary had taken Beth-Elena back to her room. She held her while she cried herself to sleep. Danny had insisted that he was much better but he also fell asleep in the arms of his wife, Bethie.

Bethie on the other hand lay awake watching her husband sleep, listening to his gentle breathing and let her tears of relief flow. More than once she bent over kissing him gently on the forehead and whispering in his ear.” I love you Danny. I will love you until the end of time.”

Derek’s condition had not improved. Although his wounds had stopped bleeding, his body was covered in bruises, cuts and welts. He was so very pale and the last time he had slipped into unconsciousness he had not woken up. Elizabeth had begged to stay with him but she had been taken away. Taken care of, cleaned up so when she was once again by Derek’s side she really did look like a princess.

Derek had also been cleaned up making him look even paler. Elizabeth knelt by his bed, gently stroking her fingers over his brow, bending over to kiss him lightly on the lips. Waiting, praying and waiting.

Uri, Urian and Uriah once again found themselves in the King’s great hall. Food had been provided but no one ate. Heavy souls, tortured thoughts and broken hearts weighed them down.

Uri looked to the others. “What are we to do now my friends?”

He did not get a reply, the ominous presence of the uncertain cloaking them.

Uriah had expected them to be transported forward in time when the curse had been lifted, when they had finished the job they had been sent to do. “Is there more for us to do?”

His eyes darted from Uri to Urian, each man shrugging his shoulders sitting in silence a few moments longer before Urian spoke.

“Maybe destiny is being kind and giving Danny and Derek the time they need to heal.”

Uriah’s eyes coloured with doubt. “Maybe she is being cruel and has captured us here, never to return.”

Uri’s stare did not leave the table as he spoke. “Would that be so unbearable?” Slowly he looked to his friends.

Again Uriah spoke. “We don’t belong. How much of the future have we already changed. How much more would we change if we stayed?”

“Did you ever consider that you are supposed to remain? That you are your own history?”

Uriah and Urian both looked at Uri, not wanting to consider he may be right.

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