The Curse Conduit

Chapter 52

Uriah got his wish. The King had ordered his army to move out and the little band of travellers was at the front riding with the King. The ladies had dressed the same, in the same dress and same colour. It was very difficult to tell them apart. It had also become increasingly difficult for them to tell the men apart as they had dressed in similar clothes. Each woman had to look into the eyes of the men to know who was who. It was through their eyes they could tell them apart. Elizabeth’s heart went out to Uriah, his eyes were so full of sadness, full of a pain she knew she was responsible for.

As they rode towards their destiny she had the chance to ride beside him for a while. “Are you okay Uriah?”

Uriah gave her a small, sad smile. “I’m tired Lizzie, I just want this to be over so we can go home. I want my life back. I…..” Uriah never finished just staring out at the road ahead.

Elizabeth wondered if Uriah had realised he had called her Lizzie, it was not something he did very often and she liked the way her name rolled off his tongue. Leaning into him a little meaning to take his hand to let him know he was not alone they were both shocked at what happened next. As Elizabeth’s hand brushed across the top of Uriah’s, sparks flew and electricity bounced between them making them both jump and cry out in pain. Unfortunately the noise and the sparks had also upset their horses. Both of which reared up and took off in a gallop with Elizabeth and Uriah still on board. Having some experience with a horse Uriah managed to pull his under control rather quickly, however Elizabeth was now hanging on for dear life as her horse charged away from the rest of them. As Uriah was about to kick his horse into action when several knights flew passed him. Declan and Uri among them.

Derek pulled up next to Uriah. “What the hell happened?”

By the time Uriah answered Danny, Urian, Bethie and Beth-Elena had joined him.

Uriah was rubbing the back of his hand. “She shocked me again Derek. It spooked the horses.” Uriah looked into his friends eyes. “Have you been shocked since we left the hotel?”

Derek shook his head. “No, not by Lizzie but you know when we all held hands.”

Bethie gasped. “Oh god Uriah you two could have ended up anywhere. I mean…”

Uriah shook his head. “I don’t think so. We are meant to be here. We all know we are meant to be here. I think it has something to do with the fact that we are getting closer to fulfilling this destiny we are tangled in.”

They all looked down the road and saw Uri guiding Elizabeth’s horse back to them with Declan on the other side and the rest of the knights riding around her like a protective halo. Derek split from the rest and once he was close enough dismounted and ran to help Elizabeth off her horse. She flung herself into his arms. “Oh Derek what is wrong? Why did that happen and why now?”

Derek pulled her a little closer and rested his chin on the top of her head. “It’s okay Lizzie. Are you hurt?”

Elizabeth rubbed her face against his chest as she shook her head. “No I’m okay.” Pulling away from Derek, Elizabeth looked up at the King who was still mounted on his horse. “I’m sorry Sire. We have delayed you.”

The King smiled and dismounted along with Uri and Declan. All the men coming to stand next to her. The King took her hand and kissed it. “I am just happy that you have not been injured. Destiny still holds a few cards none of us have seen.”

As many of the knights organised themselves back into formation, the little group gathered to discuss the reason for such an event. What they did not realise was that they were being watched.

Watched by a spy from the enemy camp. A spy who had thought he had been found out when Elizabeth’s horse bolted. He had been sent out to track down the King’s party and then report back to his own general as to how big the contingent was. What he saw and witnessed next would send him scurrying back amazed and afraid. He could see Elizabeth but he could only see pieces of the others around her. He heard speech that was unfamiliar to him and decided he needed a new vantage point as to be able to see as much as possible. Upon changing his position the spy had to muffle a gasp. For not only was the lady beautiful she was also three. Standing silently beside her Bethie and Beth-Elena cast a spell over the man without even knowing it. However the witchcraft was not over. As the small group discussed what had happened the others came into view and the spy got to see all of them. Uri, Urian, Uriah, Declan, Danny and Derek. His mind raced, his legs wanting to do the same but he was planted to the spot by fear and shock. The stories he had heard drifting around the camp had been true. This King indeed did have the help of a powerful sorceress but he also had the help of some powerful sorcerers as well. They would be fighting a battle that had the protection of these special creatures. Regaining the feeling in his legs the spy was about to make his way back to his own camp but continued to watch as the small group did something that would scar the man so much he would never forget it as long as he lived.

Because Elizabeth and Uriah had made sparks fly and because they could feel each other’s presence and with assurance from Uriah that they would not be transported somewhere else in time they formed a circle. Standing side by side. Uri, Beth-Elena, Declan, Urian, Bethie, Danny, Uriah, Elizabeth and Derek. They all took a deep breath and with the King and his men watching they completed the links in the circle by joining hands. Derek’s voice trembled as he spoke. “We do this together okay on the count of three.”

Everyone nodded.

Derek counted off. “One…..Two……Three.”

As they clasped hands thunder rumbled, shaking the ground as lightening exploded from the middle of the circle pushing a wind outwards, knocking many an unaware knight off his feet as well as spooking many of the horses.

The explosion sent shivers of terror through the spy as he buried his face behind a tree.

As all became quiet again the little group stood and looked at each other, they were not harmed, and they had not travelled in time, so what had happened?

As his men tried to gain control of the horses the King approached. “That is some wizardry you have my friends. Does it have a purpose other than to shock my horses?”

The King was looking at Uri so it was Uri who answered. “Sire I….” Uri stopped and looked to Uriah, rubbing his temple “Your voice Uriah. It resides in my head.”

As Uri spoke the others all gasped, looking from one to the other. They were connected to each other much, much closer than before. Each one could hear the voice of the others. They could talk to each other without being heard by anyone else. Eyes danced from one face to the other as they all tried to sort out whose voice was whose as everyone was talking at once. Derek shouted for everyone to be quiet, no one but the little group heard him.

The King eyes once again fell on Uri. “You have something you want to tell me Master Uri?”

Uri looked to his companions before answering. “We have been given the power to speak without words Sire.”

They could hear what they would normally have spoken but could not read each other’s thoughts. Uriah considered this a good thing bearing in mind where his thoughts had been lately.

While the small group explained to the King what had happened the spy bolted back to his own camp to report on what he had seen. His return unnerved many who came into contact with him before he got to the general. He was rambling about witches and wizards commanding the heavens to open up and delivering retribution to them all. It did not take long for news of his return and the tale he had to tell to spread through the camp. The general had been sceptical about the story of a great sorceress until the spy had returned. Now he wondered if they had any hope of winning.

The groups little show had shocked the King’s men as well but unlike the enemy whose doubts of victory had well and truly been shaken, it had given them a new found courage and strength.

As they travelled to the battle field the King kept an eye on his niece and the others as they practiced with their new found talent. Silently practiced.

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