The Curse Conduit

Chapter 46

Declan, Urian and Danny came upon the women, once again seated under that same tree. They had fallen into relaxed conversation once the talk of battles was concluded. The men could hear gentle laughter as it carried on the breeze and it brought a smile to all their faces, lifting the heaviness from their hearts. Declan was overcome by the beauty of the three. “Aren’t they the most divine and beautiful creatures you have ever seen? It is surely a miracle that brought them together.” Declan’s tone changed as sadness crept back into his voice. “How do I tell my sweet Beth-Elena that she will have to live without me? That we shall never marry.”

Urian and Danny looked at each other before looking at Declan; they could see the heartache written all over his face. Danny patted him on the shoulder as they got closer to the ladies. “Don’t tell her Declan. If we had not arrived neither one of you would have known when you were to die. It could all change as well, the King will see to that. So it would be better not to say anything. Have her worry about something that may not happen. I for one will do my best to make sure it doesn’t.”

Declan smiled at Danny. “You are wise cousin. But I fear that no one can stop what destiny has started.”

Urian smiled. “But we have. Danny is still alive. We have changed destiny and we will change it again if we have to. You will see.”

They saw Elizabeth wave to them and Bethie jumped to her feet, running to Danny, throwing herself into his arms. He laughed as he hugged her. “My, My I could get used to that kind of reception. You alright Bethie?”

She nodded and kissed him tenderly on the lips. “I am now.”

Beth-Elena and Declan’s meeting was more sedate, she curtsied and he bowed to her but everyone could feel the electricity between them.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh for heaven’s sake…” With that she pushed Beth-Elena towards Declan. Urian realising what she was doing pushed Declan from behind so the two had no choice but to hug each other. When they did not move into kiss Elizabeth pushed Beth-Elena gently closer to Declan. “Well kiss her already will you Declan.”

Declan looked to his companions, Danny and Urian smiling, Bethie now snuggled under Danny’s arm stifled a giggle. Beth-Elena blushed. “Not in public, it would not be proper.”

Again Elizabeth let out an exasperated sigh. “What public, you are with friends. Kiss him or I will.”

Hearing Elizabeth’s words and seeing her take a step forward Declan decided he better kiss Beth-Elena or forever feel her wrath. He pulled her closer, giving her a very long, deep, passionate kiss that left her totally breathless, weak at the knees, light headed and in no doubt that Declan was the man she loved.

Danny and Urian whistled, while Elizabeth and Bethie smiled knowingly.

Once she had regained her voice but feeling rather hot, Beth-Elena smiled at Declan. “Oh my. That was, I mean, You….Oh my.”

Declan let out a hearty laugh pulling Beth-Elena under his arm and kissing her on top of the head as the others cheered. There was no mistaking that these two people were very much in love and very ready to become man and wife.

Elizabeth was not sure but she thought she saw a shadow flicker across Declan’s eyes just for a second. She wondered if their discussion with the King had worried him somehow. Looking around it was then that she noticed that Derek and Uriah had not joined them. “Declan, are the others not joining us?”

He shook his head as he pulled Beth-Elena a little closer. “Uri went to the stable to make arrangements for our travel back to the King’s castle. I think Derek and Uriah have some things that they need to discuss.”

Elizabeth looked to Urian and he obliged her with an answer. “Although they both have had many of the same dreams, they have also had dreams quite separate from each other.”

Elizabeth looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. “Is there a problem?”

Urian shook his head. “No, I think they just need to compare notes make sure we have all the information we need for….” He stopped not wanting to talk about the upcoming battle. Not wanting to involve the women.

Elizabeth stepped a little closer and took his hands in hers as the others watched. “You have been enlisted to fight another war haven’t you?”

Urian looked to Danny and Declan but it was Elizabeth’s soft voice that he heard. “We always knew that it may come down to this, with Derek’s dreams of battle it was always a possibility. The King asked for Derek’s help, he will have asked you as well.”

Knowing that he should not but doing it anyway Urian pulled Elizabeth into a hug as he looked to his male companions. “We have nothing to worry about gentlemen. Our women are far more aware than we give them credit.” He hugged Elizabeth a little tighter. “Maybe you should go and find Derek.”

Elizabeth looked into Urian’s eyes and saw his compassion and concern, squeezing his hand before she departed leaving the others to contemplate what was about to happen, what they were all involved in.

Walking along the hallway Elizabeth heard Uriah and Derek before she saw them, still in Derek’s room they were talking about the battle. Her smile turned to a frown as she hesitated at the door, listening to their conversation.

“But Uriah you have to tell them. If the King intends to use the girls as well as us in this battle they need to be prepared.”

Elizabeth couldn’t see him but Uriah was shaking his head and pacing the room. “No Derek we have to find a way to keep them away from all that. It’s not right.”

“But Uriah you’ve seen it and……”

Uriah cut him off getting very frustrated and angry. “I don’t care. If I have seen it I should be able to stop it! We stopped Danny from dying! We can stop Declan from dying again! We can stop the girls from going into battle, We….”

The door opened to reveal Elizabeth. “Declan still dies?” She looked from Uriah to Derek. “But I thought that was why we are here to stop that. What did you see?” Again she looked at the two men. “And what about me and the other girls going into battle? You have to tell me. One of you has to tell me.” Her eyes danced from Uriah to Derek waiting for one of them to talk to her.

Uriah wanted so much to hold her and tell her everything would be alright but he just stood, silent, not sure if he should when Derek took a step forward. “Lizzie, it’s not that simple.”

They both saw Elizabeth put her hands on her hips and knew that Derek had said the wrong thing and before he could rectify his mistake Elizabeth fired at them. “Simple! Simple! Derek! What part of this has ever been simple?” Her hands began to fly as Elizabeth paced back and forth between the two bewildered men. “Typical. We’ve travelled back in time …Twice. We’ve seen things we should never have seen! For god’s sake, I’m comparing notes with my ancestors. We might never get home and you are worried about a battle. I want this over and I want to go home! So if we have to fight the whole damn country to be able to do it then bring it on!”

The room was silent until Elizabeth’s resolve deserted her and she broke down sobbing.

Immediately Derek pulled her into his arms neither he nor Uriah had realised just how hard their situation had been on her. She always seemed to be so strong, so assured, always there with a smile or a hug when they needed her. Now her tears soaked into Derek’s tunic and her sobs wracked Uriah’s heart.

“I want to go home Derek. I can’t do this anymore.” With those words Elizabeth collapsed fully into his arms taking him by surprise. Uriah came to their rescue and helped Derek carry her to the bed. As Derek placed her on the bed Uriah gently pushed the hair from her face. She looked so small, so frail.

Derek knelt by her, taking her hand and putting it to his cheek. “We’ll get home Lizzie. I promise.”

Uriah placed his hand on Derek’s shoulder wondering if it was a promise he would not be able to keep. Looking down at Elizabeth he wondered just how much their travels had affected them all. His own resolve had threatened to dessert him on more than one occasion. He squeezed Derek’s shoulder. “Maybe we should get Bethie and Bea?”

Derek shook his head. “No Uriah. I’ll stay with her.” Derek looked up at Uriah. “What if she doesn’t wake up?”

Uriah knew there was no point in explaining why he knew she would. “She will Derek, just give her some time. She always knew you would talk again, told us all to give you time. Just give her time Derek and she’ll be back.”

In the great hall just as Elizabeth collapsed Bethie and Beth-Elena looked at each other, tensing up and holding hands. They both began to walk out without saying a word when Declan called after them. “Where are you going?”

Bethie-Elena turned. “Something is wrong with Elizabeth.”

At her words all the men stood and followed them. Declan looked to the others. “How do they know there is something amiss with the Lady Elizabeth?”

Urian answered. “Because they are connected as only females can be. We may have dreams but I fear their connection is much stronger and goes much deeper. If they say something is wrong then I believe them.”

They all came upon Uriah as he was leaving Derek’s room, their presence surprised him, the serious look on Bethie and Beth-Elena’s face worried him.

Bethie stood in front of him. “What’s wrong with Elizabeth?”

Ur’s eyes darted from one to the other as they all wanted to hear what he had to say. “She collapsed.”

Bethie and Beth-Elena went to move passed him but he stopped them. “Derek is with her, give them some time.”

Danny put his arm around Bethie and Declan put his arm around Beth-Elena as Uriah continued. He didn’t want to tell them about the girl’s involvement afraid that they would have a repeat of Elizabeth’s collapse but he also knew they had to be informed. Once more the females of this little group surprised the men by their reaction to the news.

Uriah marvelled at the fact that both women took up the same stance that Elizabeth had done, hands on hips. Beth-Elena looked to Bethie. “We have some work to do Sister.”

Bethie smiled. “Yes we do.”

That night Derek held Elizabeth in his arms, Declan slept with Beth-Elena and Danny slept with Bethie. No man wanting to let them out of his sight. Once again Uriah, Urian and even Uri found themselves alone and sleepless.

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