The Curse Conduit

Chapter 44

Declan had been sent to collect Derek and found young Geoffrey skulking just outside the hall door. “I expect you can lead me to our new friends?”

Geoffrey tried to stand taller, proud to be of service and not getting into trouble for loitering. “I can Master Declan.”

Declan and the young boy walked the length of the hallway, Geoffrey taking the opportunity to ask Declan about his new friends. “Master Declan, the strangers, they come from a world not yet made do they not.?”

Declan stopped and looked down at the boy, who was indeed very intuitive. “Do you understand what you say?

Geoffrey nodded and bit his lip trying to think of a way to explain to Declan so he would understand. “Yes Sire. They have not been born yet. I mean they are here but they are born in the future and somehow come back into the past before they were born. One of your cousins fights in the skies, the other…..” Geoffrey struggled to find the words to describe what Derek did. A smile crossed his face when he figured it out. “The other, he makes dreams come true.”

Declan was not sure if the young boy understood the duality of his statement.

“And Master Uri’s cousin the one that is so serious all the time he also fights in the skies and the other he also makes dreams come true. The cook is most upset at the distraction they have caused in the kitchen.”

Declan let out a booming laugh as they continued along the hallway. “Then maybe we should visit the kitchen and check on Master Uri’s staff……. And of course the food.”

Geoffrey liked Declan, he wanted to grow up to be just like him one day and maybe he too could marry a princess.

As they entered the garden they found the group settled under the same tree that Derek had picked the first time. That particular part of the estate seemed to call to them, Declan wondered if their new friends did bring some magic with them.

As he reached them they all stood. Declan’s eyes rested on Derek. “You have an audience with the King my friend.”

Derek shuffled a little uneasily. “Why does the King want to see me?”

Declan used the King’s own words to answer Derek. “You are the keeper of the dreams Derek. The King wants you to tell him how this battle will be won or lost.”

Derek looked around the others shocked. “I can’t do that Declan. I have no idea how the battle will end.”

“You are from a future we will not see my friend, you have already told us that you know how the battle ends, how our lives will end.”

Declan’s words settled a deep dark foreboding over the group and Derek got even more distressed. “But that was before we got here Declan, I have no idea how we have changed things by just being here. My dreams have changed. I see different things.”

Elizabeth took hold of Derek’s hand to reassure him as Declan continued. “Then this is what you should tell the King. Be honest with him Derek, share all that you know.”

Uriah stepped forward so he was standing shoulder to shoulder with Derek. “I’m coming with you.”

As Declan was going to protest Urian, Danny and Bethie stepped forward to join their three companions. Declan knew there was no point in trying to fight their silent solidarity. He just hoped the King understood. He knew if it came down to it he would stand by their side as well.

By the time the group got back to the main hall Geoffrey was nowhere to be seen, however Declan knew he would not be far away, he had a knack for being in the right place at the right time or was that the wrong place at the right time.

Uri and the King stood as the group entered the room and they all saw the look of disbelief on the King’s face. He had not yet come to terms with the fact that they all looked so much alike, different, yet the same and from a future that bewildered him.

Derek stepped forward and bowed. “Your highness wanted to see me?”

The King was impressed with Derek’s manners as he was with the others, all of whom bowed or curtsied. “I see you brought re enforcements.”

Derek was far more nervous than he had expected to be. He had met many a dignitary as a member of Synergy but this was different. This man, this King expected him to give him the answer to solve a problem that dealt with the lives of so many. “Willing volunteers your Highness.”

No one moved until the King beckoned them all to join him at the table. “I fear that my request has caused you some distress?”

Derek thinking that was the understatement of the century, any century but he was polite in his answer. “Yes sir. I’m not sure that I can help you the way you want me to. I don’t want to let anyone down.”

“Any information you have will be worthy of consideration. You have seen things with fresh eyes. You have seen a battle we have yet to fight.”

Derek went to say something but the look he got from Uri told him to keep his silence until the King had finished.

“I understand from Uri that your dreams have changed. I would consider it a great help if you would recall all your dreams for me Master Derek and allow me to take what information I can to help my people.”

Derek sighed; it was turning into a long day, an emotionally exhausting day. First their talk with Uriah and now this. “As you wish Sir. I will do my best.”

The King smiled and slapped Derek a little too hard on the back. “That is all I ask of any man Master Derek.”

As the group settled around the table Uri sent one of his staff back to the kitchen for drink and food. He had assumed rightly that they would not be going anywhere for some time.

As Derek told his story by recounting his dreams it was the first time that any of them had heard them all. Even Uriah, who had been dreaming almost the same dreams was shocked at just how many more Derek had struggled with on his owns. Tears dampened the cheeks of all three ladies.

Derek did not mention what he had seen as a child but he did tell them of his teenage years and that he now understood that if they had all met sooner things may have been very different. As he was telling of one of his dreams he mentioned where he was living at the time and Elizabeth let out a shocked gasp. “Derek where did you say you were living?”

They all looked from Elizabeth to Derek, not sure of the significance of her question. Within minutes they would all be stunned by the implication.

“Schriever Air Base. Why?”

They all saw Elizabeth go deathly pale. “Colorado Springs right?”

Derek nodded.

“And that is when your dreams started again?”

Again Derek nodded.

“Derek…. I was there.”

The stunned disbelief of her friends reverberated around the table, registering in their eyes. “My father, he spent two years teaching. I was there for two years Derek.”

“But I never saw you. I mean. How, I never saw you at school.”

“We lived off base, I didn’t visited the Base much and I was home schooled. My parents wanted me to continue with my studies from England knowing we would be going back.”

She looked at Derek. “If we had met then?” She left her words to fade.

Derek looked to Uriah. “Please tell me you were not on the base at the same time. I don’t think I could take it.”

Uriah shook his head. “Nowhere close, I was still in Switzerland.”

The King had followed most of their conversation and thought it best to bring them back to where he needed them to be. It was obvious that these strangers had much to discuss, but later.

“It seems that destiny was having her way with you many years past my friend. I am sorry if I have opened hurtful wounds but my people are very important to me.”

No one missed the implication in the King’s words and Derek continued. “I am sorry your Highness. Forgive me it was such a shock.”

The King tilted his head slightly but remained silent waiting to hear what else this stranger had to say.

The others all waited as well but for other reasons. How many more surprises would come out of the retelling of his dreams.

Again Derek’s retelling brought the females to tears and the men to the understanding that although their dreams had been vivid they had not been subject to the same intensity as Derek or for the same amount of time. For most, their dreams had come and gone until recently and only Uriah had suffered as much as Derek over the recent months. The King asked to see Uriah’s scars when it was explained to him what had been happening. Uri lifted up his shirt as well to show his King the identical scars on his own body, and then Uriah showed him the horse bite. The King marvelled at what he saw but a cloud crossed his face. “You talk of such scars and wounds yourself Master Derek. May I see?”

Both Derek and Declan raised their shirts at the same time to gasps of pain from the women. The King was a little shocked at the rawness of the most recent scars. Scars that Declan did not possess. The King had a lifetime of battlefield fighting experience and he instantly knew which weapon had caused the wounds on Derek’s body. The King stood, walking over to Derek still looking at the scars. As he got closer he touched them gently with his fingers. “How do you come to still be alive after being injured by such a weapon?” The King looked at Derek with eyes full of concern. “You say you feel these injuries as though they were real but yet you dream?”

Derek nodded about to put his shirt back down when the King stopped him, making him turn around so he could look at his whole body. The King himself had many a battle scar but Derek was covered with what looked like old wounds. There were so many more than what Declan had. Yes they had identical scars but on closer inspection the King understood that each time Derek dreamt, even if it was the same dream, if he was in battle and injured he would wear the scar of that injury. Were as Declan had one or two sword wounds Derek had many, the King pulled Derek’s shirt down for him and placed his hands on his shoulders. “You have suffered far greater than any man I know my friend. Your most wicked torment has been to survive, to live, to keep living only to be inflicted with so much pain over and over again. No man deserves such a curse. A curse that has been borne so many years before your time.” The King took a deep breath. “We must undo this curse for the sake of all.”

As he was returning to his seat the King stopped at Uriah and pointed to his torso. He wanted to see if Uriah had also suffered so much. In silence Uriah lifted his shirt and the Kings heart ached for the young man. Like his friend Uriah had multiple scars, old wounds. “I am sorry my friend. You have suffered so much.”

Elizabeth stood between Uriah and Derek taking both their hands. How much more would they have to suffer before this was all over?

The King looked to Beth-Elena, Bethie and Elizabeth. “My dear ladies what we have to discuss now is not for the ears of such fair maidens. War should not pass over the lips or be seen by the eyes of ones who hold so much beauty between them.”

Elizabeth and Bethie were about to protest at being dismissed but Beth-Elena saved them from embarrassment. “As you wish Uncle.” She looked to Elizabeth and Bethie who still had somewhat stunned looks on their face. “Ladies we have much to discuss. If you will follow me.”

As they got up to leave Elizabeth and Bethie looked back to the men. Danny and Derek, Uriah and Urian shrugged their shoulders in unison, secretly wishing they could leave with the women.

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