The Curse Conduit

Chapter 26

Derek, Uriah and Elizabeth rose as Bethie stepped closer to the table. “According to Derek you already know each other.”

The four men stood staring, speechless. Elizabeth sighed and rolled her eyes. “Well someone says something.”

Both Uriah and Urian swore at the same time making Danny and Derek laugh. They just looked at each other and then began to talk all at once. After a few moments of listening to the cacophony of male voices Elizabeth and Bethie looked at each other, smiled and they both sent out a very loud whistle. Bethie put her fingers to her lips and let fly while Elizabeth pursed her lips and did the same. The room fell silent as the four men looked at the two women who were now pointing to the chairs around the table. In unison they both said “Sit.”

The four men did as they were told and it was Derek who spoke first. “Looks like our females have a lot in common.”

Danny smiled back at them. “Too right there.”

Uriah and Urian continued to stare at each other, both wanting to say something, neither one knowing how to approach the other.

Bethie stood behind Derek and Uriah and looked over at her Danny and Urian and Elizabeth stood behind Danny and Urian looking over at Derek and Uriah, a hand on each man’s shoulder. Both Ladies smiled at each other having forged a bond that only females understood.

Bethie looked at Elizabeth. “Lizzie would you like to take this little meeting in hand?”

“It would be my pleasure Beth.”

The men remained silent, overwhelmed at the hidden strength of the women that had bubbled to the surface.

“We have a few things to discuss.” Elizabeth could see that Derek was going to say something so raised her hand to stop him. Bethie just looked at Danny, giving a silent instruction he understood as Elizabeth continued. “We are in a situation that should not exist but we are and we need to come up with a plan. I for one would like to go home.” She looked around the table at the men. “I’m sure you four have a lot to talk about.”

Bethie jumped in. “And I think the Fox and Hound down the road would be just the place.”

Each man protested and both women smiled at just how similar they were. Danny’s voice rose above the rest. “The four of us in public? Ladies.”

Elizabeth cut him off. “Boys. Just think. Get you all out there so Derek and Uriah don’t have to slink around.”

Both Derek and Uriah looked at Elizabeth amused at the word she had used.

Bethie went to stand between Danny and Urian and slipped her arms thought theirs. “You can introduce them to the others as your cousins. As soon as we change their clothes. We need to be able to move around freely. Who knows how long they will be with us.”

Again the men were silent. Bethie pushed Danny and Urian to the door. “Go on then. Help your cousins get ready. Danny you can lend Derek some clothes and I am sure Uriah will fit into the spare clothes you have left in the guest room Ian.”

Elizabeth gave Derek and Uriah a little shove. “Shooo.”

Alone in the kitchen both women sighed. “Lizzie do you think sending them out there is a good idea?”

“To be honest I have no idea but having them all in the same room was doing my head in.”

Bethie gave her a puzzled look.

“Sorry, making me crazy. I was starting to feel like I could not breathe.”

“Me to. But what do we do now?”

Elizabeth took Bethie’s hand and pulled her to the table. “You and I need to talk, find out exactly what each of us knows and fill in the gaps.”

Bethie got a serious look to her face. “I’m scared Lizzie.”

“Me to Beth, me to.”

As the four men entered the pub it immediately fell silent, all eyes fell on them and Danny spoke for all. “This was a mistake. Why did we listen to those two?”

Derek patted him on the back. “Because we love them.”

They all heard a gruff voice from the other end of the bar. It was the Colonel. “Why so quiet, who d i e d?” The Colonel’s voice trailed off as his eyes fell on the four.

Urian and Danny nodded. “Colonel.”

The Colonel just looked from one to the other. “Blimey.”

“Sir, I would like to introduce you to my cousin Derek.”

Derek held out his hand. “Colonel.”

The Colonel shook his hand and then looked at Uriah. “Ian?”

Uriah shook his head and Urian spoke. “No sir, this is Uriah. I am Ian.”

This time Uriah put out his hand and the Colonel took it. “Another cousin right? It was you two I saw earlier with Bethie wasn’t it?”

Both Derek and Uriah nodded.

“Should have known, hair’s to long for the RAF.” The Colonel locked Uriah into a stare that made him feel very uncomfortable and Derek tried to hide his smirk.

What happened next surprised them all. The Colonel broke into a big grin and threw his arm around Danny’s shoulder. “Your best attempt yet my boy. Brilliant, just brilliant. Using the family to get to your old colonel. Outstanding.” His booming laugh echoed through the still silent pub as he pulled Danny with him to the other end of the bar. The other three just followed trying not to be intimidated by the looks they received.

Within minutes the atmosphere in the pub was back to normal but every now and then someone would look over at the unusual group. The Colonel wanted all the details. Of course they could not give him any but the story they wove about Derek and Uriah turning up at the same time seemed to plicate him.

After the Colonel had consumed a few more pints of beer Danny decided to see if he could get him to agree to both he and Urian having some leave. Since their cousins had turned up so unexpectedly.

“I am not so drunk as to not know my mind their young Danny but, but….. why not. I can’t give you leave. I can put you on call. Say a week. But if I give the word you’re back on duty.”

Danny shot his hand across the table to shake the Colonel’s before he could change his mind. “Deal.”

The Colonel finished his drink as he stood to leave. “Gentleman.” He looked over the patrons of the pub. “Maybe it is a good thing you have some time off. I have a feeling the base will be all a buzz come dawn.” He nodded. “Danny, Ian.” Then looked to Derek and Uriah. “Cousins.”

After the Colonel left their talk turned to more serious things. Talk of how they had come to be together in real life, talk of each of their dreams and who knew what. Talk of why Derek and Uriah had arrived. The talk of Danny’s impending death rattled not just Danny but Urian as well. In their time, neither one had seen this. Only Derek and Uriah knew the outcome of history as it now stood. But they needed to discuss it as it was the very reason they had been flung back in time.

Derek and Uriah tried to describe what they had seen as gently as possible. But listening to how you are going to die was suffocating. Even so, Danny tried to make light of it. “You couldn’t have told me it was as simple as stopping me from getting hit by a bus.”

No one said a thing; all eyes were on the table. Danny played with his glass. “So….How much time do I have.”

Again no one spoke. “Derek. How long?”

Derek looked Danny in the eye but it was Uriah who told him. “A month. May be a month.”

Urian and Danny just stared at Uriah. Danny’s voice was grave. “How do you know?”

Derek’s voice was almost as grave. “The information we have. We know when you got married and we know when you…..”

“When I die.”

“Danny it’s hard for me as well.”

Danny shot Derek a look. “How could it be? You don’t know when you are going to die.”

“No but Urian does, Uri does. They have both seen it.’

At his words Urian shuffled uneasily in his seat and Danny gave him a questioning look. “Is that true Urian? You know?”

Urian opened his mouth to speak but again it was Uriah who spoke up. “They have seen one outcome. What is to happen if we do not change things? If we changes things all our futures will be different.” Uriah caught Derek’s questioning gaze. “You want to know how I know Derek? I have talked to them as well remember.” Uriah could have left it at that and he knew that Derek would be satisfied but he needed to be honest with his friend. “I have also seen it.”

Derek was dumfounded.

Urian swore looked at Uriah. “We have more in common do we not cousin?”

Derek’s emotions were in turmoil. How long had Uriah known about his death? Would he tell him if he asked? Did he really want to know? Was it possible that by changing the past they could change the future and save his life? If they changed the past then how much of the future would change with it?

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