The Curse Conduit

Chapter 17

As the waiter arrived with their food he could sense that the mood at the table had changed. He had noted that one of the females had looked very pale when they had arrived and now looked like she had been crying. He did not enquire if they needed anything else, just placed the dishes on the table and left.

Elizabeth sat up and looked at her plate. The last thing she wanted to do now was eat.

The rest of the group did a similar thing. Derek pushed at his chips with his folk, Simian turned his plate in an almost 360 degree circle, Casta just stared down at his dinner, Kimberly just sighed and Uriah looked at each of them. “We need to eat”. As much as he felt the same as the others, he picked up his knife and folk and cut a small piece off his steak and began to eat.

One by one the others followed his lead. It was a very quiet meal indeed but they did eat and all except Elizabeth finished what was on their plates. By now everyone still a little on edge, no one was willing to speak.

The waiter came over to clear the plates and ask if anyone wanted to see the desert menu. In silence everyone shook their heads. Uriah’s was the only voice to be heard. “Can we just have the cheque please?” He looked around the table as the waiter left. “I think we all need to get together and sort all this out. It has obviously been worrying Elizabeth as much as us.” Uriah turned his attention to the two women. “Would you ladies mind coming back to the room with us? We have something to show you.”

Kimberley looked at Elizabeth as she spoke. “What is it Uriah? What do you need to show us?”

Derek once again took Elizabeth’s hand. “I promise it might help.”

Uriah stood as the waiter gave him the bill. “We have been brought together for some inexplicable reason. Maybe now that we are together things will make sense. Elizabeth, I would be honoured if you would take the time to see what we have.”

He let his words settle on the others as he walked to the cashier hoping that she would accept their offer.

Uriah smiled to himself as he heard the others getting up from the table. Elizabeth voiced her reservations but she was willing to come with them. He waited for them at the lift which they all rode up to their floor in silence.

Everyone entered the room in silence. Simian and Casta sitting themselves down on the lounge not really sure what to do. Derek guided Elizabeth over to the wall which held Angus’ work with Kimberly not far behind. Both women looked not really knowing what they were looking at when Uriah launched into a description pointing to important places on the family trees.

Hearing Uriah re tell their story just made it all the more real for Derek and it unnerved him. It sounded so ridiculous he wondered how Elizabeth was ever going to believe them.

As it was she just stared at the wall hanging. Kimberly put her hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “Lizzie you okay?”

“I guess.” She looked at Uriah and then at Derek. Her voice strained and quiet. “They were real. I mean these people in my dream, in our dreams they really lived.”

Derek nodded. “And apparently we have to stop them from dying or I will.”

“DEREK!” Uriah shouted. “We don’t know that.”

Elizabeth gave Derek a look that told everyone she was upset and horrified at what he had said.

“Hey correct me if I am wrong but aren’t these guys already dead?” Kimberly had her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.

All Derek’s emotions seemed to ride to the surface. “Yes they are but that doesn’t help when they keep turning up and having a little chat now does it.!”

Kimberly matched Derek’s bitterness with some of her own. “Hey don’t jump down my throat because you’re being stalked by a ghost. Take a bloody sleeping pill!”

Derek went to shout back at her but Elizabeth beat him to it. “Kimberly!”

Uriah came to her aid “Enough!” He stood between Kimberly and Derek silently boring holes into them with his eyes but speaking more softly. “Enough.”

Simian rose and took hold of Kimberly’s hand. “Cherie, Please. I know how hard this is.” He guided her to the lounge and she sat between him and Casta.

Uriah gave Derek another look before turning his attention to Elizabeth. “I can’t tell you that I understand all this Elizabeth. All I know is that it has engulfed my life and until we can figure out how to stop it nothing is going to change.” He flashed a look to Derek knowing he would want to say something. Derek was all too aware of the look that Uriah was giving him so remained quiet.

Elizabeth sighed trying to keep her tears from flowing. “It’s just. Oh Uriah I’m so scared. What if….”

Uriah stepped a little closer meaning to take her in a hug but just as their arms touched there was a loud crackle and everyone in the room saw the flash of electricity zap between them. Uriah grabbed his arm and fell to the floor crying in pain.

Elizabeth cried out and fell to her knees holding her own arm.

Derek and Kimberly dived to her side as the others gathered around Uriah.

Simian and Casta swore, both helping Uriah to his feet.

“Are you alright?” Simian was almost as pale as Uriah was.

With Kimberly’s help Derek lifted Elizabeth to her feet. “What the hell was that? Are you okay?”

Elizabeth nodded her head as she rubbed her arm and looked at Uriah. “Are you alright Uriah?”

He gave her a weak smile. “You’ve got one hell of a hand shake. How come it didn’t hurt like that last time we touched.”

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe because we only just touched. It didn’t seem to hurt Derek very much at the signing and he has touched me since and it hasn’t happened.”

“It did so hurt. My arm ached for days after.”

Casta got himself into the conversation. “So why did it happen?” He looked at Elizabeth. “Have you shocked anyone else like that?”

She shook her head. As she did, Casta stepped forward and reached out to touch her on the shoulder bringing cries from the rest of them but it was too late, his hand rested on the top of her shoulder. Nothing happened.

Everyone took a collective breath and Casta smiled. “I am safe. I think maybe Simian will be safe as well.”

Simian shot his friend a look. “I don’t want to get shocked.”

While they were trying to get Simian to touch Elizabeth, Uriah quietly walked over to her, nodded and then touched her hand. Nothing happened. As they others saw them the room fell silent. Uriah smiled and without taking his eyes off her spoke. “I think we are all safe now. The charge has been exhausted.” He could see that Elizabeth was about to cry again and this time he did take her in a hug. She nestled into his chest feeling safe just wanting to be engulfed by his presence. “We’ll sort this out Elizabeth I promise.”

Derek tapped him on the shoulder and Uriah moved aside so he could hug Elizabeth.

She nestled into him and as safe and comfortable as she felt in Uriah’s arms it was nothing compared to the feeling she had resting in Derek’s embrace. She felt like she had been there before, like she belonged. As she breathed in his scent, it was an aroma she knew. It was old but it was new. It was like she was remembering being with someone a long time ago. She knew him, knew the contours of his body, his smell, even the way he rested his chin on her head.

That’s what Derek had done, pulled her a little closer, and resting his chin on the top of her head. “We’ll be alright Elizabeth. It will be alright.”

She heaved a sigh and looked up into Derek’s eyes. “Lizzie.”

Derek looked at her confused.

“Call me Lizzie.”

She had wanted to tell him call her Bethie but she was not ready for that. Only her Grandmother had ever called her Bethie and now fully aware of her dreams Elizabeth wondered if her Grandmother had known about her link with the past.

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