The Couple

Chapter 21: Trust him


I went to the office and completed my work for today. I kept yawning the whole day because of the restlessness last night. I decided to head to my apartment and sleep early after dinner.

I want to talk to Chris about what happened and what Mary told me but I couldn't get a chance to call him because of Harris. He was angry because of his interaction with Ethan yesterday, so he decided to increase my workload for today.

Whole day went in a blink but there was no call or message from Chris. For the last 3 days, he kept my phone ringing all the time but today it was so silent that it made me angry.

I think he gave up after last night. He gave up when I started to forgive him.

As I was packing my stuff, I called him to check on him. Maybe he was busy too all day. He disconnected the call.

What the hell? He disconnected my call. He wanted me to forgive him but he doesn't have an explanation nor he has time for me. Maybe Mary was wrong, he doesn't love me as she said. "Celia... Celiaaaa", I heard someone calling me. It was Tyler.

"Yeah... I am sorry, I was just lost. You were saying something."

"It is okay. Can you go to the meeting with Dantes in my place. I have some important work to do.", he asked me with fear on his face that I might refuse him.

"Umm... try postponing the meeting to tomorrow.", hell nah, I don't want to go and meet anyone. I just to give a hell of earful to my boyfriend who is avoiding me now after I avoided him.

"I cannot. Please don't refuse", he begged me with his puppy eyes. I couldn't refuse him.

"You know who I will meet?"

"Maybe Com... Mason", he stuttered.

"Is everything okay? You look nervous as if you are on gunpoint."

"Yeah, I am okay. Will you fill in for me?"

"Okay, I will. Send me the address."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Here I am waiting for Mason from Dante Construction Company for the meeting at the booth of a restaurant. The booth they booked is covered from all three sides while the entrance has thick curtains to cut of the air in the booth from outside.

The booth is quite private, it was a business meeting not a candle light dinner which might later turn into something else. I asked the host to change the table but she denied as all the other tables are booked. I was lost in my thoughts when someone walked in the booth and drew the curtains closed.

I looked up and met those intimidating black eyes, I craved to see the whole day. As my eyes met those I wanted to continue looking in those eyes but my eyes travelled down and saw his smirk.

Seeing him smirking, deeds he did started coming back to me. I got reminded of how he left after our first date without any explanation and disconnected my call today.

I moved my gaze and opened the file Tyler gave. Fuck you Tyler, you told me Mason will be here for meeting. What the hell is he doing here?

Isn't he the CEO of his company? So, what is he doing here? Shouldn't he attend only important meetings with other CEOS? Did he plan this? No, why would Tyler take his orders?

He took his place across the table and I spoke before he could. With his jacket hanging behind his chair, in his maroon shirt with top two buttons opened and his one leg over the other. He looked nothing less than a greek god.

I pressed my thighs together as I felt wet down there. This man can turn me on by just looking at me such that I am ready to jump his bones right here.

I took a deep breath before continuing.

"Shall we start?", he nodded.

"So, these are the designs our company made for the project. They are..."

"Which ones are made by you?", he asked, damn he is again doubting my abilities. I handed over him the ones I made. And he just nodded looking at them. No comment, no reaction. Again before I could proceed, he spoke.

"You tried reaching me?"

"Umm... That was for some personal reason. Here, lets just...", this time I was interrupted by the host as she came to take our order. I ordered Icetea for myself when he ordered scotch. "So, where were we? Ahh... I remember, lets discuss the personal matter", he said as he shifted towards me a little bit over the single 5 person seat.

"That was what I was saying, lets just stick to professional matters here."

"Here, these are the sketches made by us. Take them with you and I will take yours. Now, the business meeting is over."

As he said that the business meeting is over, I stood carrying my bag and his file. I grabbed the curtains to pull them apart when a hand grabbed my waist and a breath blew against my neck.

"You are not leaving before we discuss our personal matter.", he spoke in his husky lustful voice I couldn't resist and turned to take my seat back when he pulled me to his lap.

I was so lost in his eyes that I forgot I was sitting on his lap sideways. Our silent moment was interrupted by the host once again as she brought our order.

I got up and took my seat over the couch. He pulled me to him and kept his hand behind over the seat.

"There is nothing to discuss, Mr Dante."

"Sure, there is. We need to discuss when will you forgive me and what can I do for you forgiveness.", he spoke, looking directly into my eyes that made my heart flutter. He looked so handsome at that moment, that I even forgot I was angry.

I shook my head and diverted my gaze to my drink. I took a sip and regained my consciousness.

"I don't think you have time to ask for my forgiveness since you're always busy."

"I knew I would see in a moment, thats why I disconnected the call. Why talk over the phone when I can talk to you looking at your pretty face and into your amazing eyes." I blushed.

My eyes drew to his exposed chest and saw a hickey hidden under his unbuttoned shirt. And my anger rushed back to me.

"And what about that night, what about the person who needed your attention so much that you left me in the middle of the night." He looked on his chest and smirked. That man is too shameless.

"This was left on my body by the beautiful girl, lemme show you how pretty she is." He picked up his phone and showed me his phone background. I took a deep breath and shifted my angry gaze from his face to his phone.

It was me sitting in a red top and black jeans beside the lake. Looking towards the lake with just half face visible in the picture.

"When did you take it?", I asked with surprise.

"When my heaven was appreciating the beauty of nature, I captured the moment", he spoke while traced my lower lip with his thumb. "And this is the mark you left on me while assaulting my body with these lips."

My breath was hitched realising he was so close to me. I cleared my throat and gulped down his remaining drink. He smiled genuinely this time instead of smirking.

"So, can we discuss our personal matter now?" he asked as he sat back on his seat. Instead of replying to him, I pressed the button to call the host and asked her for two scotch glasses.

I avoided his presence in the booth while he was looking at me with his lustful eyes. Do I have any other questions which need to be answered? I decided to give him another chance last night. Do I still want to give him that chance?

Host came back with our refilled drinks. We both took our glasses and I gulped down mine.

"Will you talk...", he was talking when I went over to him and straddled him and captured his lips in a kiss which I desired for the last 3 days.

Without a hesitation, he responded and put his hands on back to pull me close as he deepened the kiss. I got a hold of his hair, pulled them bluntly which broke our kiss and he winced.

"Never cut my call again.", and continued the kiss again, he massaged my tongue and mouth muscles. We both were moaning and panting for air.

He pushed his hand under my office skirt and ran the back of his hand over my inner thighs, while the other travelled up to one of my breasts and cupped it harshly. I pulled away from the kiss again and moaned loudly.

"And you will never ignore me again."

He was kissing my neck and collarbone, tracing my jawline with his tongue while his one hand massaged my breasts and the other tortured my core as he increased the heat inside.

I pushed my breasts more to him as I wanted more and kept my hands over his shoulders to keep me steady. I was enjoying as well as exhausted from his tease at the same time.

"Chris...", as he pushed his one finger inside of me and pulled it out, took it to his mouth and cleaned his finger. Seeing him tasting me over his finger made me blush. I was in a trance when he pushed me away.

He got up and got his jacket back. I stood straight and pulled him using his collars with both hands. We were so close that we breathed the same air.

"Never push me away again.", he cupped my face, kissed my nose gently and smiled genuinely.

"Never again my heaven, but no one can hear you moaning except me. Lets have dinner at your place.", he kissed my forehead and got both the files and my purse in one hand and grabbed my hand with the other.

Till now, I didn't realise we were in a public place and people could hear us. As we left the booth, I saw our host looked at me as if asking if I enjoyed and I blushed. Chris cleared the bill and we left.

"Which one is your car?", and I took him to my car. He drove it and he stopped at a takeaway restaurant to get our dinner. Soon we pulled into my building's parking.

"You go and change, till then I will serve the food.", Chris told me as we got into my apartment.

I come back after changing into a tank top and really short shorts to an already served dinner with a hot shirtless boyfriend.

"It was stinking, so I thought it would be better if I would get out of it."

"That's better anyway."

"By the way, I forgot to order dessert. I hope you have some here."

"Doesn't matter, I already had some at restaurant and will have the rest here.", he smirked and we ate our dinner while talking. I got to know he knows nothing about cooking and can burn the kitchen to cook a simple chicken.

Well, I will love to feed him my cooking for the rest of our lives. Wait, did I just say the rest of our lives? Am I already thinking of my future with him. I blushed with the thought and he caught me blushing. "What is going on that intelligent mind of yours?" and started poking me head.


"Tell me."

"Firstly, you tell me where you went after our first date.", I know he will not answer this question so I used it to make him change the topic.

"Lets start practicing making babies." and he got me up from ground over his shoulder.

"What???", he threw me on the couch and got over me with his hands on his hands.

"Yup lets start practicing now, so later we won't have any issue.", he started kissing my neck and started sucking on my sensitive part which made me moan.

"Don't distract me." I tried pushing him away, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't lie, you also think about them. Even now you were thinking about our future." how does he know, can he read minds or was I thinking too loud. Thinking he knows made me red as an apple as he said. "See, I was right, you were thinking about our future and babies." and he continued his nibbling and sucking my neck.

He was sucking and kneading my breasts through my top and making me moan his name continuously, I just hope my colleagues can't hear me. He was about to go down on me when his phone rang. And he grunted just like that night.

It was Ethan. Grandma is asking for him, so he gotta go. Although I know it is something else but last night I decided to give him a chance and trust him, so I trusted him and let him go.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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