The Contrary Mate

Chapter 5 Brute


I was wrenched backwards away from Charlie's warm body. She fell to the ground with a yelp, but before I could even think to worry about her wellbeing, a huge fist slammed into the side of my face, stunning me and making me see stars.

My hulking assailant came at me again before I could right myself, and he slammed his knee into my side and then brought down his elbow on my head. Shocked pain flooded through me.

"What the—?" My curse was cut short by another punch. This time I stumbled backwards to try to buy myself a few moments of recovery. I managed to block the next blows.

"Stop squirming!" he snapped.

Every place he had landed a hit was aching, and it would be hours before even the least was fully healed, but I was regaining my senses. What was he after? My money? Charlie? I couldn't leave her alone with him. "Charlie, run and get back inside. I'll hold him off."

My words seemed to only piss him off more. "Stay right where you fucking are, Charlie," he said, and I blocked another hammerlike punch with my arm. Fuck, that hurt, but better my forearm than my head again.

"I'll do whatever I fucking want, Kent."

My head snapped towards her, and coldness crept down my back. "What?"

She didn't answer, and he kicked me again while I was distracted. My wolf wasn't quiet anymore, and my strength surged. My wolf wanted to rip out of me and attack, but I couldn't risk a shift here. Instead, heart pumping, wolf raging, I tried to put distance between me and the brute.

"Who is he to you?" I asked, keeping my eyes focused on my attacker and maintaining a defensive stance. Had she tricked me into coming back here for some nefarious reason?

She didn't answer, but he did. "I'm her mate."

"What the fuck? You said you were mateless!" I snarled, flicking my eyes between the two of them. "You're unmarked!"

The brute who had been attacking me slumped at my words, and I almost felt bad for him, even with pain still ringing from his assault.

That near feeling only increased when she spoke again. "I'm not going to accept him. I'd rather be with you, Jack," she said, her voice pleading, her pretty eyes entreating me.

Any attraction I may have had for her was long gone as I whirled on her, stupidly turning my back to the brute. "What the hell are you thinking? You have a mate, do you know what I would fucking give to find mine?"

"But you're the one I want. I've loved you ever since—"

"Hell no." This situation had psycho stalker written all over it. I tossed my hand in his direction. "He's your mate. Accept him, live a good life, and stay the hell away from me. If I ever see you again, I'm getting a restraining order."

She ignored my words and stepped closer to me. "I don't want him. I want to make my own choices. Why do I have to simply give in to what some random destiny forced on me? I want you, and if you'd give me a chance I could—"

The brute growled, seemingly forgetting I was there and grabbed her, definitely harder than he should have. "You're mine!"

"Screw off!" she snarled.

Fuck, I was so done with this. I wanted to shift and run away from this disaster, but I couldn't just leave her to get assaulted by this man, mate or not. She was trying to pull her arm away, so I punched him in the jaw while he was distracted. It hurt my knuckles, but the revenge felt way better than my hand hurt. Charlie struggled away and gaped at us, and I glared at her. "Run!" I roared.

Finally, the foolish wolf listened, rushing around the building. It would look really bad when she emerged from the shadows looking completely ruffled, but that wasn't my current concern, because the brute's attention was focused fully on me again.

His attacks were like freight trains. What the hell did he do for a living, body build? I had a slight speed advantage, but I was definitely no match for him in strength. I would have called for help from Paul, but he was long gone with Vander and Kylie. Lenora was still close enough I could link her, but I wouldn't put her in danger. We'd trained together so I knew she wasn't much of a fighter. So, that left me with one less than ideal option. Trying to talk my way out of it.

"Listen, man, I wouldn't have touched her if I'd known she had a mate, and I never will again, if you'll just calm down and—" I jumped back to get out of the way "—listen for one fucking second!"

"It's your fault she's like this!" he snarled, his wolf dangerously close to the surface. "She was supposed to be mine, but it's always been you in her head ever since she met you at some fucking convention a couple of years ago. Fucking Jack Wright from the sophisticated Greyclaw pack, the tech CEO who impressed her so fucking much! Fucking rich, fucking handsome, fucking seventy-ninth most eligible bachelor, fucking Aquarius, and I can't fucking compete with any of fucking that, can I?"

"I don't even remember meeting her before tonight. I've talked to thousands of people. I can't help what she thinks." I was frankly stunned that any stranger had this insane level of stalker-like information on me. Another red flag I was not going to ignore. I hoped she didn't have my home address.

He growled.

This guy probably saved my ass by beating me up when he did, but my wolf wasn't keen on thanking him for potential concussions. Still I had been just stupid enough to sleep with her, and if I hadn't screwed her like an animal against the wall, it would have been in a hotel room or somewhere else. I'd dodged a bullet big time, and a ton of future regret. "Listen man..." I began, but my attention was caught by a nearing police siren.

I wasn't the only one who heard it. The brute's head turned in that direction as the noise came closer, and then he sprinted off in the other direction. I could hear his feet slamming the pavement long after he was out of sight.

Lenora's voice rang in my mind. "Some humans saw a dishevelled woman run away and heard your fight so they called the police. Try to stick as close to the truth as possible when they talk to you. I'm on my way out back to help you."

"No, stay put. He ran off, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I am. Just keep schmoozing and deflect, I'll deal with them as quick as possible and come back inside."

I was beyond irritated with everything by the time the police were done with me. They didn't do anything wrong, but my patience had been exhausted by the roller coaster ride of the night. Charlie had disappeared into the night just like her mate had, so I was the only one present to give a statement. I minimized concerns about my injuries—sure it hurt, but any injuries I had accrued would be gone fairly quickly and I didn't press charges.

I doubted they would find the guy anyway, but I could at least get where he was coming from. I couldn't imagine what would happen to me if my mate didn't want me if—when—I found her. My wolf whimpered at the terrible thought.

No, that wouldn't happen. Most women liked me nowadays, and there was no reason my mate wouldn't be the same as the majority, especially with the bond influencing her in my favour.

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