The Contest

Chapter Dogged Obsession

Hugh shrugged and went up to his room. He was feeling good, they had enjoyed a great day together and he could definitely sense that Eemay was trying to put Scott behind her and move on. He knew, that to win her over, he needed to be patient and supportive.

He could still feel the sand, gritty in his hair, and as he took off his trainers, more of it spilled out onto the floor. For a moment, he allowed himself to bask in the mental images of Eemay, frolicking in the waves, and lying by his side, relaxed and happy, soaking up the sun

Feeling hot and sticky, he stepped into the shower, letting the fierce cooling jets sting his body. He dressed and wandered over to the window, humming cheerfully to himself.

Eemay had taken the path from the courtyard that leads down to the meadow beyond. He watched her throwing a ball for the dogs, before settling down in the grass to savour the late afternoon sunshine, with both dogs jumping and barking around her.

The familiar knot tightened in the pit of his stomach, as he witnessed the obvious bond she shared with them. How she playfully tickled and tenderly stroked them, as they lay down beside her.

He could feel tension building inside him until every muscle in his body was rigid. The fact that Scott had become one of Eemay’s much loved and pampered pets now filled him with bitterness and jealousy, and a desperate feeling of panic overwhelmed him.

He was still seething with resentment when he went down for dinner with Eemay and her parents that evening. The King and Queen had welcomed him warmly, but he just could not get Scott out of his mind, so much so, he could think of nothing else. Even in his transformed state, he found Scott’s continued presence at the palace absolutely unbearable, and knew he would never be able to relax completely, until he had disposed of him for good.

He stood up from the table, slumping heavily into an old armchair, which gave way under the added pressure and swallowed him up like a Venus Fly Trap!

Deep in thought and completely oblivious, he just sat there engulfed in the manky depths of the moth eaten fabric, with just his head and feet visible, staring distractedly into space.

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