The Chronicles of Moon

Chapter 7

Better Forgotten

“Hey Moon, I’m sorry,” Ben repeats when they are almost back to the pack house.

“It’s okay, Ben. I didn’t want anyone to make a big deal about it. It’s a day better left forgotten. I just wanted to, well, you know, go for a swim,” Moon says, giving Ben a small smile.

“Still…” Ben sighs sadly. “Well, come on, the Doctor will want to look at that shoulder; you probably tore something in there again.”

“Ugg, not the sling,” Moon whines. She has had more than enough injuries to know what the probable treatment will be. She is willing to do anything to get out of going to the clinic.

“How about we forget the clinic and just promise to take it easy?” Moon gives him her best pout, but Ben just shakes his head. “I’m fine, and I just want to go to my room. I won’t leave the pack house again.”

“Promise me.” Ben looks at Moon, and she beams back at him.

“Sure, I promise.” Moon smiles.

When they get to the pack house, Moon heads inside as Ben turns and heads back out to Moon Lake to look for more rogues or where they came from.


Colin and his wolf Farrell have been having an internal argument with each other since Moon left with Ben. Colin finds her to be irritating and fascinating all at once. Farrell is just growling over how rude Colin has been. Farrell doesn’t generally care about manners, but the number of times Coin reminded Moon that she is wolfless was more than Farrell can stand. Then Colin even had the nerve to say Moon was no more than human.

After the argument and Farrell calling Colin some rather colorful names, the two are giving each other the silent treatment. Colin is starting to find everything annoying when Chris walks over with a concerned look.

“You good man?” Chris asks a little reticently. Colin realizes Chris looks concerned because he’s been fuming and arguing with Farrell. All the other wolves can feel his bad mood. Colin takes a deep breath and relaxes a bit.

“Just a little disagreement with Farrell,” Colin reassures Chris that he is okay.

By this time, Ben has rejoined the party of wolves. He walks over to Colin and Chris.

“Do we know where the rogues were coming from? Why are there so many? Also, thank you, Alpha Colin, for saving Moon. I didn’t know what I would have done if… She’s like my sister, and I would hate for something to happen to her. I also promised her grandpa, Alpha Mark, that I would look out for her.”

“Yeah, well, she should be smarter than to come out here alone,” Colin says a little harsher than he intends. Ben flinches.

“I should have remembered, and I should have come with her,” Ben replies, and Colin just looks at him confused. Ben sighs, looking at Colin and Chris.

“It’s Moon’s birthday, but she doesn’t celebrate it anymore. It’s also the day Alpha Mark was killed years ago. This has been Moon’s favorite place since Alpha Mark first brought her here. Moon and I used to have a tradition of racing here on her birthday and being the first to jump in. It was a silly game she came up with, but it was our tradition. She still comes here often, but the morning swim is her birthday tradition.”

Good job, asshole. Farrell growls before retreating again, still brisling with irritation. Colin is starting to feel more and more like a jerk now. How was he supposed to know what today was? He could have been a bit kinder to her, but kindness isn’t something he is all that familiar with. He knows how to give orders, run a pack, and protect his pack. His people skills have always been lacking. He just wants people to do what they are expected to do and follow his orders. Moon is a curiosity in the fact that nothing about her is what is expected and she certainly doesn’t follow orders.

Colin thinks he should maybe apologize to the girl for what he said, but how would he even apologize? Sorry, you hate your birthday because it became a bad memory. I’m a stupid ass that just says things without thinking? Then again, maybe it is all just better forgotten.


Moon feels better after she showers and changes. She even takes a nap. She has done what she promised and stayed in the pack house for the entire day. Ben and the rest of the pack have been busy. Moon watches from the window as SUVs full of warriors begin to show up. Moon didn’t expect Colin to send for his people so soon. She guesses the attack at the lake made him rethink waiting to bring them to her pack.

Ben stopped in to check on her earlier, and so had Emily. Moon is starting to feel like their child at this point. She’s getting a little tired of everyone thinking she’s incapable of things. Then there is that stupid Alpha Calin constantly reminding her that she’s wolfless. Just the thought of him makes her angry.

Moon even stays in her room at dinner just to avoid him. That may be silly, but she really is tired of him. He can leave now. He has his own pack to run. Why is he still even here?

Moon’s stomach growls. She’s starving from missing dinner. She’s in her pajama shorts and tank top. It’s still so hot even though the sun set hours ago. Moon decides that it is late enough that slipping to the kitchen would be fine. Everyone will be asleep, and she can get a snack.

Moon slips downstairs and into the kitchen, thinking about looking for some of the ice cream she saw Emily stash in the back of the freezer. It’s so hot ice cream would be nice. Moon finds it quickly and is eating the last of it out of the container when his voice in the dark makes her jump.

“Don’t you ever eat real food?” Colin moves more into the kitchen so Moon can see him.

He’s shirtless, and Moon is trying not to stare at him, but it is difficult. Colin raises an eyebrow when she doesn’t answer him.

Moon blinks a few times, looking at her melting ice cream and taking a bite. She misses her mouth a bit, and Colin is the first to wipe the ice cream off her chin. Moon freezes at his touch. He seems to be enjoying the fact that he is making her uncomfortable. His dark eyes are looking straight into hers, and she shivers just a little making his lips quirk. He’s fighting back a smile.

“I’m sorry I was a jerk to you. It was rude what I said,” Colin says.

He’s still uncomfortably close, but Moon can’t seem to move. Colin pulls a paper bag out of his pocket.

“I was going to leave this at your door, but now I can just give it to you. Happy Birthday.”

He hands the bag to Moon, and she opens it, finding the same kinds of candy she was eating the first day they met. Moon looks up at him.

“Thank you,” she says softly, and Colin leans down just slightly.

“You’re welcome, Moon.”

Colin’s voice is low, and something in the dark hot night has Moon’s heart pounding. She wonders if he can hear it racing. Before Moon knows what is happening, Colin backs away, turns, and leaves the kitchen.

Moon stands there feeling dumb and trying to figure out what that was. Colin was nice to her. Why was he nice to her? Why was he so close? Moon wanders back to her room with the little paper bag full of candies, the melting ice cream completely forgotten on the counter.

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