The Chronicles of Moon

Chapter 4

Rushing In

Moon is busy counting heads and mentally recalling all the pups and older wolves that need to be protected then. Sees a frantic mother searching for her missing pup.

“Moon, have you seen him?” The near historical woman yells to Moon. “Where is Sammy?”

The mother is Grace, and she’s due to have her second pup in another month, and Sammy is five. Moon knows Sam well, and she knows how much he wants to be a worrier and help like his dad, Tim, does.

“Get inside, Grace. I’ll get him, don’t worry,” Moon yells back as an older woman takes Grace inside. Moon takes off in the direction she’s sure Sammy would have gone. Running fast for the north border. Moon is convinced the boy followed after Ben and the other men, and right now, Moon just has to find the child before a rogue does.

Moon gets to the tree line, huffing and wishing she did have a wolf straining her ears and trying to hear or see any sight of Sammy. After a painfully long time trying to find some sign of the boy, Moon hears him scream and runs off to the sown, hoping that she isn’t too late.

She rushes through the trees and crashes right into the rogue wolf about to jump at little Sam. the rogue and Moon tumble to the ground. The rogue shakes himself as he gets up and turns on Moon.

“Sammy, gets up that tree and do it now, please; just like all those games, the first one up it wins, okay?” Moon says, trying to keep her voice calm but never taking her eyes off the tremendous shaggy wolf in front of her.

Sammy wastes no time climbing the nearest tree as the wolf snaps his teeth and starts to circle Moon. She was never very good at training, but at least she went and knows a little about how to fight. Moon manages to dodge when the wolf lunges at her, and she grabs a large branch hoping she can at least hit the ugly wolf with it.

“You know you really smell. I think you skipped one too many showers.” Moon says, wrinkling her nose if she can smell him; it must be terrible.

The wolf growls and charges her. Moon swings the branch as hard as she can, and the wolf bites down on it shaking it. Moon shrieks as the beast shakes her and the branch like a dog toy. She finally loses her grip and falls to the ground as the rouge flings the branch away. Moon is sure this will be the end of her when three wolves come racing to her rescue.

Moon knows the light brown wolf is Benny, but the black and gray wolf she doesn’t know. She doesn’t have a wolf, so she can’t link Ben and find out who they are. The three quickly chase the retreating rogue wolf, and Moon looks away as she sees hears the wolf yelp and a crunch of bone. She is already heading to the tree Sammy is in and looking up at the small boy.

“You can come down now. I promise it’s okay now.” Moon holds her arms up, and the boy climbs down, burying his face into her shoulder, and she holds him tight.

“Moon, what the Hell do you think you are doing!” Ben scolds her, and she turns to face him, the small boy clinging to her.

“Oh, Sammy,” Ben says as he realizes what must have happened and feels about two inches tall for yelling at Moon like that.

“I’m sorry, Moon, I…” Ben can’t even finish before Moon just shrugs at him.

“Nope, I can say I didn’t think about it,” Moon says before walking off and leaving all three of the men standing in their shorts in the woods. At least she knows who the other two wolves are, and it surprises her that they would help. The other Alphas and Betas didn’t seem that interested.

“Hey Sammy, what did you think you would do out there?” Moon asks the small boy as they walk back to town.

“I just wanted to help. I wanted to do what daddy does, but when I saw the rogue, he was so big, and I got scared. I’m a coward.” Sammy sniffles and starts to cry.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. You were pretty brave to me. You did just what I said without hesitation. You got up that tree prey fast too.” Moon says.

“Hiding isn’t brave. I was scared. You faced the rogue, and you don’t have a wolf.” The child says, and Moon laughs just a little.

“I was terrified, Sam. I just did what I had to do the same as you did. Being scared doesn’t mean you aren’t brave. Doing something you have to do even when it scares you makes you brave.”

“So I’m still brave?” the boy asks, looking at Moon now.

“The bravest, but do me a favor and wait till you have had some training before taking on any more rogues, okay?”

“Okay, Moon, thank you for saving me,” Sammy says, hugging Moon tight as Sam’s father, Tim, comes rushing to them just as they clear the tree line.

“Oh, Sammy! Thank you, Moon. Ben said you found him in there.” Tim exclaims relief, washing over him to see his son, and Sammy flings himself into Tim’s arms.

“Daddy Moon fought a rouge!” Sammy yells, and Tim looks at Moon in disbelief.

“Well, I wouldn’t say fought.” Moon shrugs off Sammy’s prase.

“I would.” Alpha Colin says as he and Betas Ben and Chris follow him.

Moon shrugs again, “I think Grace would like to have her son in her arms now. I need to go find my candy. I think I dropped it in the mill.” Moon starts walking off again, but Ben catches up with her.

“I’m sorry for what I said, Moon; I didn’t know the boy was there,” Ben says sheepishly.

“I know, Benny. Now hopefully, one of these Alphaholes will still want to make a deal with you, and we can get the help we need.” Moon skips off before Ben can manage to say anything else to her.

“Is she always like that?” Alpha Colin asks.

“Yep,” Ben replies, shaking his head. “Well, I don’t suppose we will be able to come to some sort of a deal, will we?” Ben asks, dreading the answer. He can see the other two Alphas’ cars driving off down the road.

“Yeah, I think we can. Let’s get cleaned up and meet in your office. I want to expand my pack, and we need lumber for houses, so let’s work something out.” Colin says, but his face is hard to read. He doesn’t look happy or annoyed. Ben would really hate to play poker with this man.

“Okay, let’s go back to the pack house and well show you to a room you can get cleaned up in.” Ben is trying to hide his excitement, but he’s pretty sure he’s failing miserably.


“Colin, you really want to make a deal with this little pack?” Chris question’s after they get cleaned up and before they meet ben in the office to make things official.

Colin has never been one to do anything out of the goodness of his heart. “We could just wait for them to beg to join us. From the look of things, it will be sooner rather than later.” Chris says, looking and Colin skeptically.

“No, I want to do this, and I don’t know what it is, but something about that girl or this place has Farrell acting strangely, and I want to know what it is.”

“Do you think she is your mate? She has no wolf. She may as well be a human.”

“I don’t know, but I didn’t think you would be the type to care, Chris.” Colin is growling now.

“I didn’t. I was just checking if you cared.” Chris says, smirking at the angry Alpha. “Seems you are a little touchy about her.”

“I don’t know what is going on, but I plan on finding out,” Colin says as they walk out into the hall. Heading to the small office to make a lumber deal just so Colin has a reason to hang around this little pack in the middle of nowhere.

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