The Chronicles of Moon

Chapter 26


When Colin lets go of Moon, he sighs, looking at her. A thousand thoughts running in his mind, and the only one he’s willing to pursue is how to keep her safe from his brother. Colin doesn’t have the numbers to take on Caleb. Colin isn’t willing to send his people to slotter. He will need a better plan than just storming the castle, so to speak.

Moon tilts her head. Colin is doing it again. His face is a mask she can’t read, and she can’t begin to claim she knows what he’s thinking. “So, I can’t read your mind yet. I will need you to tell me what is going on in there.” Moon is half teasing, but she can’t guess what he will do.

“Well, I’m trying to figure out what to do now. I don’t think you are going to like my idea, though.” Colin raises an eyebrow, and Moon purses her lips and waits for him to just say what he’s thinking. “You and your pack should join my pack and move there for the time being. It won’t have to be forever, but I don’t have the resources to defend your pack and my own from Caleb. If you had rejected me, I could have made sure he found that out, and hopefully, he would have lost interest in your pack once we cut ties. That was my hope, but now.” Colin looks at Moon sadly. “Now I can’t do that. I probably never could have.”

“I hate the idea of moving, but the mill is gone; the town is trashed, and I don’t have any idea how we can fix it. We were in such bad shape before. We don’t have the funds to replace anything, let alone rebuild the mill and try to support ourselves again.” Moon slumps on the couch. “I know a few who will be hard to convince and may not want to go at all.” Moon is thinking of Henry and a few of the older pack members. They had helped Gramps build this town, and now it’s practically gone.

“I will have to have Ben call a meeting, and we’ll just have to see who is willing to up and move and who isn’t. I don’t want to leave anyone behind.” Moon sounds as sad as she looks, and it hurts Colin to see it, but they can’t stay. They probably never could after Caleb heard Moon yell mate like she did.

Moon sits up. She is trying to sort out so many problems at once her head is beginning to hurt. “What about us? Moon asks, not looking at Colin. “You know I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to be stuck with me.”

“Why would you even ask that?” Colin can’t hide the hurt on his face this time.

“I just mean, I know I’m well, just me. I can’t seem to shift. I have a wolf that hates me and is blaming me for being trapped. I’m just a walking disaster.” Moon flops back again. Her head is really killing her now. Colin blinks, and it occurs to him he doesn’t know what is going on with her, and he feels selfish and stupid for not even asking what happened and how she half-shifted or why he knows nothing.

“I’m sorry I should have asked what is going on; Moon, why didn’t you shift completely?” Colin gently caresses her arm as she closes her eyes, trying to think of a way to explain it to him. She tells him what Doc said and that she was trying to come home to fix her wolf.

“She seemed so upset with me like I was keeping her locked away on purpose, but I’m not. Now I can’t even hear her whispering as I did before. I don’t even dream of the white wolf.” Moon opens her eyes to look at Colin, who is staring at her wide-eyed.

“You dream of a white wolf? How often do you dream of this wolf?” Colin questions.

Moon thinks, and while she has been dreaming of it a lot lately, she can even remember dreaming of it as a child. “I have always seen it, but the dreams have been so real lately. Why do you want to know?”

“Have you told anyone about these dreams?′ Colin is looking more and more concerned now.

“No. I told Gramps when I was little, and he just said it was a beautiful dream. He also told me good dreams are wishes, and I shouldn’t tell anyone, or they won’t come true. Why Colin?” Moon is more demanding as she sits up, ignoring her pounding head.

“Do you know the white wolf stories?”

“Of course I do. Every kid knows them. Gramps told them to me at bedtime, from the time I can remember. White wolves are pieces of the Moon Goddess herself sent to earth on rays of moonlight, bringing peace and prosperity with them. White wolves are so rare that when one is found, they are thought to be the born leaders. The last white wolf was hundreds of years ago, and the legends say she and her mate ruled over all the wolves giving them peace and prosperity for their entire rain on this earth. White wolves have the power of the Moon goddess and are blessed and beloved by all. The stories Gramps told me are probably why I started having dreams about it, to begin with. They are wonderful stories to tell children.”

“Are they? Maddox didn’t think so. He has devoted his life to finding one. He learned everything he could about wolf lore. He believes they are real, and one will come again.” Colin narrows his eyes, looking Moon over. Moon rolls her eyes. The last thing she believes in is children’s stories. She has never brought peace and prosperity with her. Destruction and mayhem but not peace, and if she brought prosperity, her pack wouldn’t have to join Colin’s now.

Moon looks at Colin and giggles. “I never would have thought you believed in White wolf stories.”

“There might be something to them. I also dreamed of a white wolf when I was a child.” He gives her a funny look, and she rolls her eyes again. She is no white wolf.

“Well, I think we have real things to figure out right now. We need to talk to Ben and find out how soon we can get everyone moved. Also, we need to figure out a way to get that wolf of yours back.” Colin looks like he wants to ask her something before he stops himself.

“Colin, I need to ask what happens with us?” Moon’s cheeks turn pink, and Colin tries not to smile. All he wants is her in his arms. He’s been fighting with Farrell, who wants to hold her, caress her, kiss her, and a few other things.

“We take things as slowly as you want. I think finding a way to help you, and your wolf should be the priority. After we get your pack safe. I promise I won’t run away from you, Moon.” Colin caresses her cheek lightly, and Moon doesn’t know how he knew that was all she wanted to hear. She just didn’t want him to run from her, but taking things slowly made her feel better. Some of her fears started creeping in. What if he changes his mind about her? What if she can’t fix what’s going on with her wolf? What if she is nothing but a hopeless disaster.

Moon can’t tell him everything that scares her, and they have more important things to worry about right now. Her pack needs to move, which will be awful for everyone. Moon looks at Colin. When he gives her a small smile, her heart flutters. She just hopes he won’t be disappointed in her.

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