The Chronicles of Moon

Chapter 10

Inner Struggle

Colin was quick to chase after his beta and hold him back as the Doctor grabbed the paddles off the crash cart. The Doctor ordered “Clear.” And Moon covers her mouth to stifle her gasp. Three more shocks and Johnny’s heart started beating again.

“Doc! You have to tell me is he going to make it?” Chris half shouts at the man.

“I don’t want to say for sure, yet he lost a lot of blood, but his wolf seems to be a strong one. He’ll start improving once we get some more units in him, but I don’t want to push it. He died on us twice just getting the wound closed. I think he’s stable now, but we need to watch him closely. I need to get some information on him.”

Moon steps forward, staring at Johnny hooked up to many machines. She had never seen anything like this, and it wasn’t something she wanted to see again.

“I can answer any questions, Sir,” Moon says, eyes still fixed on the monitor. She almost felt like if she stopped watching it, his heart my stop again.

“That would be very helpful, Miss. Will you come with me?” The Doctor spoke so kindly that she blinked and looked at the older man. His thick silver hair and round blue eyes looked so much like her grandpa that, for a moment, she let out a gasp. The look of shock on her face must have caught everyone by surprise.

“What is it, dear? Are you all right?” The Doctor moved closer to her, and Moon blinked a few times.

“Oh yes, I’m sorry, you just look so much like someone. I’m sorry. What do you need to know about Johnny?” Moon regained herself quickly.

“Why don’t you come with me, and we can get you in a room too. That’s a pretty good bump on your head, and I would feel better if I checked it. I’m Doctor Lewis, but you can just call me Doc or even Leo.” He smiled at her, and once Moon looked at the monitor and saw Johnny’s heart was keeping a steady rhythm. Chris had already grabbed the chair and pulled it close to the bed.

“I think Johnny will be fine with Chris watching over him. Moon, go with Doc, and I’ll let you know if anything changes.” Colin was as calm as ever, and Moon wondered if anything bothered him other than her. She only saw any emotion from him when she was nearly killed by rogues, or she refused to listen to his orders. The rest of the time, Colin was calm and emotionless. At least, that’s how Moon saw him. Something told her that Colin was anything but that under that calm facade.

Moon finally gave a reluctant sigh, and the Doc smiled, “I’m not that bad, am I?” He gestured for her to lead the way out of the room, and Moon just sighs again.

“Just not a fan of doctors,” Moon says flatly.

Doctor Lewis laughs, “Well, I can’t say I’m that fond of them either. Bunch of pushy no-it-alls.”

Moon looks at the man half in shock, then she smiles. He’s reminding her more and more of her gramps.

Seems like so many people just remind Moon of her gramps, and it’s always this strange mixture of comfort and sadness that he’s gone, but she still remembers him and seems to see him everywhere. Grief has been a terrible monster that every time she thinks it might have retreated for good, it reminds her all over again that the pain is still there.

Once they are in a room, Moon walks in and carefully sits on the bed. Doctor Lewis doesn’t miss her wince in pain as she sits.

“All right, let’s take a look at your head, and from the way you are moving, I think your ribs too.” He cocks an eyebrow, and Moon rolls her eyes.

She lets him examine her, and he takes some notes about Johnny and her.

“So you say you don’t have a wolf?” Doctor Lewis sounds unsure and confused as he looks at her head again.

“Yeah, why?” Moon replies, but her curiosity is peeked now.

“Well, this cut is nearly closed. Have you always healed fast?” He asks, still looking at the cut on her head.

“No, I’m practically human in every way.” Moon almost laughs.

“Well, no, that’s not true. You are far from human. I don’t know why you didn’t get your wolf when you were supposed to, but I think you have one. Have you had any more symptoms? Sleeplessness? Heightened senses? Or hearing your wolf perhaps?”

Moon sucks in a breath as she thinks back over the last few days, and she nods slowly, wide-eyed. “Do you really think?” Moon doesn’t want to finish asking the question, nervous about the Doctor’s answer.

“I think it’s possible. I would like to do a little blood test. You don’t know who your parents could have been?”

“No, I was just left at the packhouse, and Alpha Mark wanted to keep me. He didn’t have any family.”

“I see. Did your Alpha Mark ever have a genetic test done?”

Moon shrugs if gramps had; he didn’t tell her about it. Doc Lewis pats Moon on the shoulder

“Well, I’ll send a nurse in and get that blood sample. You are staying here for a few days, aren’t you?” He questions, and Moon doesn’t hesitate.

“I’m not leaving ’til I know Johnny is okay. I’m sure Chris is great and all, but I’m staying.”

Doctor Lewis smiles at her and leaves the room. When the nurse comes in, Moon eyes her and then the tray with a sour look on her face.

The nurse is a sweet-looking woman, but Moon hates needles and is dreading being poked.

“It’s okay, honey. I promise I’m quick, and it will be over in a minute.” The nurse is clearly confident in her abilities, but Moon is still unsure.

Three pokes later, the nurse finally got all the blood she needed, and Moon was starting to think a vamp would have taken less blood from her veins. Moon left the room before the nurse was even done, and Moon ran right into Colin’s chest in her race to escape. Nearly falling backward. Luckily for her, he wraps an arm around her waist, steadying her.

Moon looks up at him and gave an embarrassed smile as he let her go.

“Sorry about that. Is Johnny okay?” Moon took a few steps back and nearly walked into the nurse, leaving the room behind her.

Colin pulls Moon back to him just in time to save the nurse and her tray of blood samples. As he pulls Moon closer, she loses her balance again and ends up knocking into him and fully wrapped in his arms as he braces both of them up on the wall behind him. With an oomph as his back hit the wall, Colin gives Moon an odd annoyed look as she smiles sheepishly.

“Sorry,” Moon said again as she untangles herself from him.

“Johnny is still unconscious. I just came to find you. I thought you might like to get cleaned up at the packhouse. Doc said you would stay as long as Jonny is still in the clinic.” Colin put a little space between them as Farrell protested in colin’s head. Talk nicer, dummy. Tell her she’s cute. Tell her she’s lovely in our arms, tell her she’s perfect, tell her anything you stupid jerk!

Colin acts like he couldn’t hear Farrell. He wasn’t about to agree with his wolf. Farrell was crazy over Moon and didn’t seem to care that she was clearly not their mate. Farrell, will you shut up! she is not our mate, and we agreed to wait for our mate, remember? Colin reason with the wolf when it was clear he wasn’t going to stop.

You’re stupid, and I think she could be. She’s different. I can feel it; why can’t you? She smells like pretty flowers and rain.

Colin just groans internally, fed up with his crazy wolf. Colin didn’t feel or smell anything for Moon other than she was the clumsiest and most annoyingly defiant person he had ever met. He hated how she just ignored him when he ordered her to stay put earlier, and he hated that she avoided him before he left her pack and he had tried to be nice to her. He hated that he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

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