The Chosen One

Chapter 32 (Ashley’s POV)

A hiss left my lips as a gust of wind threw me back into a tree. I could feel blood running down my elbow as I fell to the forest floor.

“You’re not leaving here alive tonight.” Penelope glared down at me. She pushed her foot against my throat pinning me to the tree. I latched my hands onto her heel and toe preparing to use fire, when I heard a deep growl from the middle of the clearing. Penelope paused as she looked back. But it was too late. A big black flaming panther tackled her to the ground. I sucked in air as her foot released me. There was a trail of fire following the path the panther had ran. I looked over to see the panther pinning her to the forest floor. She had her hands stretched out trying to avoid his teeth.

I got up to my feet feeling pain everywhere. I took a deep breath, calling out to my angel to heal me as I headed towards them. The panther looked up at me as I neared. With Dylan checking on me he took his focus off Penelope. She got a grip on his neck and started to squeeze. I watched as her arm started freezing, I knew what was coming next.

“Dylan watch out!” I screamed, but it was too late. I watched the tip of the ice come out from her palm and into the side of his neck. He let out a painful yowl, I screamed.

I ran towards them as fast as I could. Suddenly I felt a pain in my back, next thing I know I was lifted off the ground. I was now flying towards Penelope as she sat up, pushing Dylan off her. Rage filled me, I felt my body heat up. I growled landing next to her. Before she could attack me, I grabbed her around the next. My whole body was consumed in flames, including my wings. “You made a big mistake.” I let out a deep growling squeezing her tighter. I watched as blood started running out of her eyes. I screamed as she exploded, blood covering me.

“Ashley!” I turned to see Jacob walking towards me. This was all his fault! I stretched my arm out towards him. A string of flames darted out, wrapping around his neck. My mate is dead because of him! I pulled him towards me as he tried to free his neck. “Ashley stop! T-this isn’t you.” He pleaded. I was done listening to excuses. Just as I got him within reach, I felt something hard hit me in the side of my head. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I fell.


I buried my face into Jacobs shoulder as I sobbed. He wrapped an arm around me, raising the umbrella higher. It was our turn to pay our respects next and I didn’t think I could do it. I felt like this was my entire fault. If it wasn’t for me he would have never been there.

“Come on Ashley it’s time, he’d want you to do this.” Jacob smiled encouragingly at me. I cringed when I saw the scar around his neck. I don’t know what beef Penelope ever had with Jacob, but now I knew he would never betray me. Even after I attacked him and almost killed, he stuck around. My mom had knocked me out, explaining that the darker part of my angel had taken over. She said I probably would have killed everyone there that night if she hadn’t. every archangel has a dark side, something Jacob didn’t know so he couldn’t warn me about it. I had to stay in the hospital for two days after that, because I had used way too much power that day. On the bright side though, I could now use my wings.

I nodded my head, following him up to the casket. I felt the tears build up again as I placed my flowers on top of it.

“Would you like to say some words about him?” The priest asked me. I knew I should say something. After all I was the last person to see him alive. Let everyone know it’ll be ok, but I couldn’t. It’d hurt too much. I shook my head no, the priest smiled sadly at me. “I understand.” Jacob led me back to my seat. I sat with my head buried in his chest for the rest of the funeral.


I lay on my bed with my face buried in the pillow. I heard my bedroom door open but didn’t bother to look up.

“You need to eat.” I felt my bed dip as he sat on it. I moved my face from the pillow and into his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair.

“This is all my fault.” I cried silently. He frowned.

“It’s not, and I want you to stop blaming yourself.” He told me sternly. I looked up at him through teary eyes. There was a scar on the side of his neck, were the spear had pierced him. It started healing the moment I attacked Penelope. Thanks to his angel side he healed faster than normal. Had he been a regular cat shifter it would’ve killed him.

“I love you.” I told him. Realizing how easy it is to lose someone. We should cherish every moment we have with the living. I’m more than thankful that it wasn’t Dylan being buried, but still sad that I lost a friend. Dylan couldn’t make it to the funeral because he was house shopping with my parents, my archangel parents that is. They decided instead of going back to heaven they would live on earth with me. Help me get more in tune with my angel, and how to control the dark part of me I didn’t know even existed. Which also meant I wouldn’t be seeing much of Jacob anymore.

Right after Derek felt his mate die his wolf went crazy and started attacking everyone, including his own pack. Blake had to put him down. The werewolves haven’t spoken to us since, but they did let us join the funeral. It was clear we were no longer allies or even friends, even Lizzy stopped talking to me. I was sad to have lost her, but I understood her need for distance. We killed her brother mate, and in the end killed him.

“I love you too.” He placed a small kiss on my lips. There was something I needed to tell Dylan. Something I’ve known for days but never knew how to bring it up. One of the reasons I knew I had to get out of Penelope’s dungeons. Now felt like the right time.

“Dylan...I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened, before he attacked my face with kisses. I giggled.

Bonus Chapter

I took a deep breath as I stared at my reflection, today was the day. I would finally be known as Mrs. White. I placed my hand on my huge belly and smiled.

Just then the dressing room door flew open as Amanda walked in.

“Oh my god you look gorgeous! I’ve never seen a pregnant lady look as good as you.” She gushed. I knew she was just saying this because she didn’t want bridezilla to make another appearance.

I smirked at her. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I smiled when I saw the little girl come in after her.

“Mommy! You’re squeezing my brother!” My three-year-old said to me. She ran up to me with a glare on her face.

“Kandice honey we had this talk, I’m not hurting your baby brother.” I giggled. She was a gorgeous little girl. She took after me a lot but had her dad eyes. Once I told Dylan I was pregnant he went into daddy mode. Every craving I had, he made sure to get it for me by the bundle. When I was pissy and yelling he’d simply give me kisses or drew me a warm bath, even if I didn’t want to take one. It made me love him even more. All the little things he did. Even now while I’m pregnant with Ethan he’s the same way. He wanted me to hold off the wedding until Ethan was born, I refused. I was tired of waiting.

“Daddy said you’re hurting him from all the chocolate you eat,” She told me pouting. “Why do you keep eating chocolate mommy?” I’m going to kill him. He knew I had huge cravings for chocolate lately. He must’ve told her, so he wouldn’t have to go get me anymore. He was not happy about all the chocolate I’ve been eating.

“Ok ladies its time!” My mom announced walking in. My adoptive mother stood in the doorway smiling. I still loved my adoptive parents, I’ll always remember how they took care of me. Ever since I got my real parents back I’ve been spending as much time with them as I could. We grew close over the years, it was like they never went missing. They loved Dylan of course, from the moment he came to rescue me. Speaking of Dylan, I once asked him about meeting his parents. He disclosed to me that they died when he was six, leaving him to run the pack from a young age. I was shocked and sad to know that I’ll never get to meet them.

I took a deep breath before handing Kandice over to my mom. She was the ring carrier and flower girl. She was more than happy to have two important parts. I knew she was going to be a strong leader when she grew up. Even now she bosses people around.

I smoothed down my dress as much as I could with my big belly, before walking out of the room. I watched as everyone went before me, then it was my turn to walk. Since I didn’t really have any friends I asked Amanda to be my bridesmaid, she was ecstatic. I stood at the door of the church and frowned. Dylan wasn’t at the altar, only his best man Ryan. Have I been stood up? It’s a little late for him to be getting cold feet.

Just then all the lights turned off. I started to panic, until I heard the music. I felt my heart squeeze and fresh tears start. I’m going to ruin my makeup.

“When your legs don’t work like they used to before.” I heard him sing from behind me. I spun around to see him standing in the only light in the room, smiling at me. He held a mic in his hand. “And I can’t sweep you off of your feet,” he started walking towards me. I smiled remembering the first time we performed this song at prom. Only this time there will be no dancing. “Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks.“? His voice was mesmerizing, I was lost in it.

He paused when he reached me placing a kiss on my cheek. He held out his arm, I grabbed on to it. “And darling I, will, be loving you till we’re 70. And baby my, heart, could still fall as hard at 23.” He started leading me down the aisle never breaking eye contact with me as he sang. “And I’m thinking ’bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe just the touch of a hand, well me I fall in love with you every single day, and I just want to tell you I am.” We made it to the altar, he got down on one knee hugging my legs.

“So, honey now, take me into your loving arms,” I giggled as he kissed my belly before standing back up. The lights turned on and I was momentarily blinded. “Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars.” I looked up as he pointed to the ceiling. Scattered across the ceiling were hundreds of golden stars. My attention snapped back to him when I felt him grab my hand. “Place your hand on my beating heart.” I smiled as he used his own lyrics. “I’m thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are. Oh, baby we found love right where we are.” He ended staring at me. I saw nothing but love in his eyes.

I barely heard the words the priest was saying, which was Jacob. It seemed fitting since he was an angel and wanted a role in the wedding for some reason. Just as I finished saying my part I felt a liquid run down my leg. Dylan paused placing the ring on my finger.

“Dylan...” I bit my lip. He grinned at me, quickly sliding the ring on my hand picking me up bridal style.

“Out of the way! Water broke here!” He yelled running through the church. I heard gasps and applause as we made our way out.


“Can I hold him mommy?” Kandice asked. I looked up at Dylan. He looked ready to say no, causing me to grin.

“Yes baby, tell daddy to help you.” Dylan sighed as he walked over taking Ethan out of my arms. He carefully placed him in her hands, standing extra close. I smiled at the sight.

My family.

Dylan looked up at me, smiling when we made eye contact. ‘I love you’ he mouthed to me.

“Can you get me some chocolate?”


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