The Chosen One

Chapter 18

The wolf slowly walked towards us. Without a doubt in my mind I knew it was Blake. I felt a slight pain in my chest at seeing him again. With all the angel training I’d forgotten about his rejection but seeing him now brought back the pain.

“What is going on?” Jacob asked looking between us. I realized he’d never seen Blake shift, so he doesn’t know what his wolf looks like. I can see why he was confused by Dylan’s and I reaction.

“It’s Blake.” I told him. Even I could hear the hurt in my voice.

“What does he want?” Jacob hissed. The wolf growled before darting behind a nearby tree. A few seconds later Blake reappeared in nothing but shorts.

“What the hell is going on here?” He asked using his Alpha tone. Since no one here was in his pack it had no effect on us. But still no one liked the fact that he tried to use it on us.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Dylan demanded. At some point during Blake’s arrival he had moved in front of me. I don’t know if he did it because he was jealous or just felt the need to block me from his view, either way I was grateful for that.

“I asked a question kitten and I want an answer.” Blake snarled. At first, I thought he was calling me kitten, until I saw Dylan clenching his fist, taking a threatening step forward.

“Who do you think you are? Coming here and ruining everything? You have no right to be here!” I told him getting angry. His eyes softened when he looked at me.

“Relax dude we’re not trying to cause any problems.” Jacob chimed in.

Blake’s eyes snapped to him hardening again. “Really? Then why are you in my woods?” He growled.

Jacob looked confused for a minute, before it clicked to him that the pack owned these woods. To my surprise he smirked. I didn’t know this was pack territory, quite frankly I thought they only owned the house. “I don’t believe the humans would agree that these are your woods pup.” He taunted Blake. Why was he purposely trying to make him mad? Dylan chuckled, and I glared at him. He’s so not helping.

Blake’s eyes turned black and before any of us could react he lunged towards Jacob. When he was an arm length away Jacob shot out his hand, an invisible force flung Blake into a tree. My eyes widened, what the hell was that?

Blake shifted into his wolf once he recovered from the blow, taking a fighting stance. I thought about stepping in to stop the fight, but Dylan grabbed my arm pulling me back. I glared at him.

“What are you doing? He’s going to get himself killed!” I argued, trying to get out of his hold. Dylan opened his mouth to respond but a growl from Blake had us both snapping back to the scene. Blake circled Jacob, as he just stood there. Lunging he went to attack Jacob again, but was stopped before he even got close this time.

Jacob’s eyes flashed white, I watched as he twisted his fingers. Out of nowhere a small tornado appeared, swooping Blake’s wolf up and flinging him into another tree. Blake hit the tree and slide down it no longer moving. I ran over to help him. Sure he was a jerk for rejecting me and bringing drama wherever he went, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to die.

“Oh my god Jacob what did you do!?” I asked as I knelt next to Blake’s unmoving body. After a few seconds he shifted back into his human form. There was a big gash on the side of his head. My heart stopped.

“Heal him.” Jacob told me calmly. I looked back to see him and Dylan both standing there watching me.

“I can’t heal him! He needs a doctor!” I told him, staring at him like he was crazy. He practically kills Blake then tells me to heal him? Is he insane? He needed medical attention.

“If you want him to live Ashley then you need to heal him.” He told me again.

“Did you not just hear me? I can’t heal him.” I screamed panicking as Blake’s heart started beating slower.

Jacob knelt next to me on the ground next to Blake’s body. Grabbing my hand, he placed it over Blake’s head wound.

“Healing is one of our many abilities, first you need to calm down.” I did as he said closing my eyes and taking deep breathes. “Now picture the wound healing.” Opening my eyes, I focused on his wound. Slowly I started feeling a tingly sensation. It started from my shoulders carrying down to my fingertips. I looked as wisps of white smoke started coming out my fingertips. It went to the wound and completely covered it. After a few seconds it disappeared back into my fingers. The skin was now smooth, no cut or blood. Blake opened his eyes and looked up at me.

“You healed me.” He sounded as shocked as I felt. I looked over at Jacob to see him smiling at me with pride in his eyes. My eyes widened when I looked over at Dylan. All around him was this white glow, it was beautiful, I couldn’t look away from it. That is until he smirked, and it disappeared.

I opened my mouth to ask him what that was, then decided against it. I’ll ask him later when we didn’t have an audience, meaning Blake. I focused back on Blake to see him sitting up now and looking much calmer. “Are you ok?” I asked.

“Yes, I just want to know what happened and why do I suddenly feel like I can run a marathon?” He looked at me for answers, I looked at Jacob.

“As I mentioned before it’s one of your abilities, all angels are taught to heal.” He stated proudly. He loved being an angel, I could tell.

“Angel?” Blake asked confused. Oh right he doesn’t know.

“There’s a lot you don’t know.” I sighed. He opened his mouth to speak but Jacob cut him off.

“We need to finish practicing.” He told me standing up.

“With him here?” I asked pointing to Blake. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Yes, you’ll just have to explain everything to him later.” He started walking back over to the clearing we were practicing at. He was so calm you wouldn’t have guessed that he just got into a fight with a werewolf. He’s so badass, I couldn’t wait to learn more from him. I followed him back over and stood in my original spot.

“What’s going on?” Blake asked confused.

“Will you shut your trap for a second and just watch?” Dylan snapped annoyed. I heard a growl and had to hold in my giggle. Boys are such cavemen.

“Ok let’s try another element.” Jacob suggested as I finished stretching my arms. I don’t know why I started stretching, it just felt appropriate.

“Can you teach me how to do the tornado thing you did?” I asked. I didn’t know how appropriate it was to ask that, considering he just almost killed Blake with that particular skill.

“Remember when I mentioned baby steps?” I shrugged, it didn’t even look that hard.

“So, what are we going to do then?”

“Do earth, she struggles with that.” Dylan called out making me roll my eyes. You make a rock vibrate one time and now you suck at an element. Not like he was a good teacher anyways.

Jacob laughed. “Ok let’s start with those vines over there.” I looked to where he was pointing, seeing a few vines around a tree stump. “I want you to control them.” He said.

“I hate to agree with asshole over there but he’s right. I’m not that good with earth.” I said.

“Earth is really easy, since we’re connected to it in a way. It’s usually the element we have most control over. Now I want you to look at the vines, but don’t see them as vines. Think of them as extended arms instead.” Jacob instructed me. He was like a walking angel thesaurus. Makes me wonder who his teacher was.

I did as he told me and looked at the vines. I thought of them as arms and reached out with my mind to move them. To my surprise they shot up 10 feet in the air. I screamed in surprised, losing control of them. They went flying towards Dylan. They wrapped around his ankles as he tried to run and pulled him roughly to the ground. He let out a girlish scream that put mine to shame. Dylan unwrapped the vines from his ankles and stood up glaring at me.

“I think we’ve had enough practice today.” Jacob said laughing. Even Blake cracked a smile, though he still looked confused. I guess he was just happy to see Dylan get hurt.

“I didn’t mean to!” I told Dylan for the second time today.

He glared at me walking off. “Next time I’m not coming!” He called over his shoulder. As if he would ever miss a session.

I looked back at the other two guys, to see Jacob smiling at me with pride in his eyes. “You make your parents very proud, soon enough you’ll be ready for anything.” His words made me feel powerful. Before I could respond he disappeared. Like literally vanished into thin air.

“I have to learn that!” I thought out loud. Someone cleared their throat behind me, I forgot Blake was here. “Well I guess I got some explaining to do.” Not that I really owed him an explanation, but after everything he’s seen I might as well clear up the confusion.

“Yes, you do.” I sighed as we both started walking back to my house. I walked in holding the door open for him as we went into the living room.

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