The Choice

Chapter 31 the trial part 2


We took the rest of the night and half the day to compress from my parents’ trial. That was a doozy! We have the next trial for King Lucian for my kidnapping this afternoon. I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror. I figured I’d be a little less poofy than my ballgown, but still dressed as I should. I decided on a red velvet long sleeve Tudor style dress since it was much cooler today. I smooth out my dress, try to shake out my nerves and put on my white and yellow gold tiara with flower rubies and a simple necklace that was a teardrop ruby surrounded by diamonds. I snitched them from the Christmas ball with no regrets. Not like I was going to inherit anything at the time, but maybe I will now. I’m broken out of my daydream when I hear a light knock on the door.

“Yes? Who is it?” I ask to the door.

“Who do you think?” I hear him laugh through the door and I smile.

“Oh, I suppose I can open it.” I open the door and it’s my Kieran..

“Shall we head down to the courtroom again?” He holds out his arm for me and with a shy smile I take it.

“I’m even more nervous than yesterday.” I admit to him. He cups my cheeks and gives me a soft and tender kiss.

“We’ll get through this together. We have our evidence, we know they did it. It’s just telling the council what happened. We did it yesterday and we’ll do it again.” He knows the right thing to say. I hugged him around his waist making my tiara crooked, but I didn’t care. We make our way to the courtroom and it feels gloomier than yesterday. If that’s even possible…

We made our way to the prosecution bench and I could hear the murmurs of the crowd. Probably people are guessing the outcome of today’s gathering or if it’s going to be as crazy as yesterday’s trial. I’d bring popcorn if it was me in the crowd. Soon I see Ayla, Danielle, Xander, Rosetta, and Jude all in their full royal attire like yesterday. I’m sitting with Kieran on the bench with my evidence. My hands are all sweaty with nerves.

“I call to order the trial of the king CedarCrown King Lucian Camus vs our new beta female Princess Selena Stoneshire.” Colin roars out in the room. We all hear a heavy and loud door open and hear chains being dragged on the floor. He comes out in plain and simple clothes like a peasant would wear along with silver chains. Once in a beautiful royal suit being reduced to peasant clothes. I can see my biological father’s disgusted face by having to wear such clothes.

“Your opening statement Princess Selena. Tell the court what happened.” Colin tells me in a gentle tone. I get up from behind the bench and take a deep breath.

“Members of the council, people of the court. I stand here today… because his majesty was the head conspirator to my kidnapping. I had just gotten home from my honeymoon and just as I was about to enjoy my wedding night with my new hubby. I get a text from Princess Gwendolyn saying to come to her room. The next thing I know I’m locked up in cuffs like a prisoner in a tower not even anywhere close to my mate! Prince Damian drags me to the Cedarcrown throne room, and I’m in front of his majesty, his queen and Princess Gwendolyn. He tells me that, despite being marked and mated, that he was going to find me a new mate!” I hear a growl from Kieran and I give him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry my dear alpha, I’m not going anywhere. Also, I want to emphasize that her majesty, the queen, Prince Xander and Princess Rosetta are innocent in this crime. They had no idea. When I met their highnesses yesterday, Prince Xander told me that had he known what was happening he would’ve stopped them. I wish I met you sooner…” I look up at the bench and see them smiling at me, but Rosetta’s eyes are getting glossy from tears. She comes down from the bench and walks up to her father. Well, this is going to be interesting…

“Is that why you sent me away ‘to a friend’s house’ so that way I could be out of the way when you kidnapped my sister!?” Whoa what happened to the sweet girl I met?? Soon a hard slap was heard throughout the room… silence again… like you could hear a pin drop. “HOW COULD YOU?! YOU SENT HER AWAY FOR BEING A GIRL BUT YET I WAS KEPT?! WHY!?” My question exactly…

“After Selena was sent away… your mother felt guilty… she had tried for years to get her back, but Oakcrown kept her for some reason. So when you were born she was adamant about keeping you, and I didn’t fight her this time.” For the first time since I’ve met him… he looks… solemn… guess Rosetta is taking over questioning. Didn’t expect that, but this is awesome! She’s going to be an amazing representative when she becomes of age. Prince Xander also comes down from his seat and just punches him in the jaw! Whoa I should’ve made popcorn!

“This is how we’re expected to treat family?? You sent me away on ‘business’ which I’m pretty sure now that you just did that to send me away as well. Otherwise I would’ve stopped this crap long before it got to the point of execution! So what if she’s a girl?! Rosie is a girl, and she’s done amazing so far, but look at Selena!” Lucian glances over to me with disgust. No surprise. “LOOK AT HER! Despite the crap you and Damian put her through along with the crap that her adopted family put her through she’s still standing! I think that makes her very strong even if you don’t think so! Not being properly cared for, ignored by most of your family. being forced to do something you don’t want to do, being banished to a strange land where she was probably so scared.” No denying that… I remember passing out from fright that night. “Fortunately, as destiny likes to be twisted sometimes, her mate is her rescuer! You disgust me… I hate to call you father…” Ouch… that has to sting. Prince Xander walks over to me like he hadn’t just scolded his father like a child. “Princess Selena. I offer you the humblest apologies on their behalf. I hope we can have an alliance and we can build a friendship out of this mess.” I give him a little smile and try to hide my blush. He walks back to his father with the most angry face. “Your punishment is also banishment! I will even set it up myself!” He also walks over to Damian and Gwen in the front row. “Your turn is next and just you wait… you think what I’m doing to father is bad… I can’t believe we’re related… and you!” Turning towards Gwen. “You were her closest family, and you stabbed her in the back!”

“If she had just listened to mother and father none of this would’ve happened!” She screams to him and a gasp is heard from the crowd with inaudible murmurs.

“Oh really? So you’d subject yourself to years of being ignored and thinking you’re not good enough just so you’re forced into an arranged marriage you don’t want??” She glares at him and just crosses her arms in a huff. “Yeah that’s what I thought. I’ll get to you two later.” He walks over to his father again in a huff clearly angry with Damian and Gwen. That trial is going to be interesting…

“Xander, please let me stay!” Lucian begs him, clinging onto his robes but Xander just stares at him with the iciest look on his face.

“You are no father to me.” He pulls him away and walks back to the stands while Rosetta follows behind him. Colin looks at them stunned and regains his composure while he bangs his gavel.

“A ten-minute recess while we set up the banishment.” We all take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief and stretch our legs for a moment. Rosie tackles me in a full hug.

“I’m so sorry for what my father and brother put you through!” She muffled her apology through my dress.

“I wish we didn’t meet this way, but I’m glad to have met you… both of you.” See Xander behind her, smiling at the two of us.

“We are too.” Rosie lets go of her hug and Xander gives me one too. From the corner of my eye, I see Damian and Gwen glaring at us.

“Your turn is next! Don’t you get any ideas!” Xander shouts to them and they back off for now. Soon we hear the thump of the doors appearing and we all take our seats, except for Xander and Rosie.

“Now you see two doors before you, Lucian. One is dragons, another is cats.” He grimaces at the cat option so I have a guess where he’s going.

“If those are my options then I’ll pick dragons. At least I won’t completely hate them. I think I may have some alliances that might take me in.” He tries to maintain his pride and keeps his head up.

“Very well… meet your fate.” Xander shows him the door and gives one last look to Damian, him and Rosie.

“Just so you know. I love you even if I didn’t show it much.”

“You should’ve shown it to Selena!” He growls at the former king. Lucian growls back, but he sounds weak.

“Very well… goodbye children… maybe I’ll write when I can.” He opens the door, and that’s the last I saw him. Good riddance. Colin bangs his gavel again, and the crowd gets quiet after all the excitement of the banishment.

“Court is adjourned for the day. The trial of Prince Damian and Princess Gwendolyn will be tomorrow at the same time. I’d take the time to rest well and say your last goodbyes.” He glares at them and they just huff at him. The crowd goes back to what they were doing and we all go our separate ways for the night. These trials are so mentally and physically exhausting. Hopefully, once all of this is over I can just forget these events ever happened and just have a happy life with Kieran. I changed out of my dress and into my nightgown and cuddled up with Kieran in bed taking in his scent to calm and relax me. After doing that for a few minutes I eventually fell asleep in his arms… as it should be.

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