The Choice

Chapter 21 New Years Eve


After, Christmas things in the market are back open again since they had been closed early for the holiday. I go into town by myself for the first time and everything is all snowy. The crunch of the snow feels cold on my boots, but I’ve grown to like it. I make my way to a local baby shop and keep the hood of my cloak up so no one will recognize me. I look around at all the cute baby clothes, shoes, toys, and furniture. Since it’s too early to tell what it’ll be I look around at some gender-neutral colors. Some light yellows, greens, but I do find some pinks and blues that I like. I also picked out some toys to add to the announcement. I get extra of what I need not just for the announcement but eventually using them for when the little one is on the outside. One announcement for the guys in his office, where I had overheard Kieran tell his brothers, say they’d be getting ready. We girls will have our suite to get ready. I also grab some plain white onesies so I can write as neatly as I can ‘future alpha or luna coming soon’. It probably won’t be the prettiest, but I hope they get the point. I couldn’t help but smile as I look at the things I bought and wonder how our future child will look in them. I only got sick on Christmas so I don’t think anyone suspects anything. I pay the employee and put them in reusable bags so no one will see through them. I sneak into my office and lock it so no one barges in on me and ruins my surprise. I write Kieran a note and put my surprise in a festive bag and sneak it into the office. Luckily for me, no one is in yet. I make it back to our room in time to have some alone time before the ladies show up. I set up a surprise for them. I put the goodies and some sparkly apple juice on the bed so they’d see it. I changed into a black, silk, knee-length robe to make it easier to get into my dress.

I get a few minutes to myself before I hear the chatter of the other ladies outside the door. I take a deep breath before letting them in.

“Hi, everyone! Should we get ready?” I smile at them. Making it seem like it’s a mostly normal day.

“Hi, sweetie!” Caroline hugs me and I hear a squeal from Raven. I turn around trying to hold back my smile.

“Is this what I think it is!?” She looks at the bag and onesie on the bed and back at me. I couldn’t help but smile. I nodded yes to her since I was too speechless to say anything. Mia squeals too when she sees it.

“You told me it was negative!” She hugs me. Caroline and Raven look at her with a questionable look.

“You knew!?” They ask in unison.

“I gave her the tests, but she said they were negative and went back to Christmas breakfast.” She’s so confused that I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah… about that. I obviously lied… I hid the second line in my hand and hid the tests in my robe. They were blazing positives.” I giggle at their shock. They all hugged me and congratulated me. Soon we hear a knock on the door and all of us are confused.

“Uh… who’s there?” I ask the door. Worried that it’d be Kieran wanting to celebrate what I left for him.

“It’s Connor, a message from Kieran!” He shouts from the door. I slowly opened the door to make sure that it was. Sure enough, it was Connor.

“Hi, Connor.” I blush at him. He gives me a smile and a small hug.

“Congratulations. I have a note from Kieran. I won’t take too much time from you getting ready, but I’m happy for the two of you.” He heads back towards the study and I just smile and blush. I rip open the envelope while sitting on my bed.

My dearest bride,

First the surprise, you left me is the most amazing gift you could’ve given me! I’m so excited about this little pup coming into our world. Today we become husband and wife. Alpha and luna… and I couldn’t be more excited. You’ve made me so happy since you literally dropped into my life. I’ve watched you blossom into a wonderful luna. One that is kind, caring, kick-butt, and will be an amazing luna. I can’t wait to be by your side for the rest of our lives and watch this pup grow up. I love you. See you soon my beautiful bride.



I read the letter over and over until I had to force myself away from it. I have orange juice in a champagne flute as my hair is being done. Simple soft curls with a braid being put up. Snowflake hair clips are going in the braid to make it look wintery. I take my beautiful black dress off the hanger where pictures were being taken of it and change behind a screen. I hear it zip up and feel relief that I’m still able to fit in it. My veil is being put in and I couldn’t help but get teary-eyed. I hear a light knock on the door and wonder who it is.

“Mia, can you go get that?” I ask her curiously.

“Lena! It’s Gwennie! I wanted to see you!” She shouts from the door. I smile again and wipe away my happy tears. Mia opens the door and all my siblings come in.

“It’s so good to see you!” I hug them all. I’ve really missed them… even Jude.

“It’s good to see you, Lena.” Liam, and I have been the closest besides Gwen. Jude has been more distant thanks to mom and dad poisoning his head. I don’t hold it against him, but it hurts to do it. I see a young man I don’t recognize in the hall. His icy blue eyes caught my attention. I don’t know why but maybe it’s the eyes. They’re so enchanting… that you can’t help yourself but pay attention to him. Dark brown wavy hair that went to his jaw. The love for my sister in his eyes and a smile as they held hands. His royal suit fitted him nicely and had a small crown on his head. Probably only worn for special occasions and ceremonies. Wonder if he knows who I really am…

“Hello?” I called the young man.

“Oh, where are my manners?! This is my mate, Prince Damian. Damian, this is my sister Selena.” Gwen smiles at us. I stick my hand out with a shy smile and he does the same.

“Charming to make your acquaintance. Gwen talks about you all the time so I was excited to meet you.” I blush at the thought of the stories she told. His smile is infectious and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“The pleasure is all mine. I don’t know what she’s said, but I tried to make life a bit happier for her when she’s with me.” I hugged Gwen and gave her a small smile. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I have a ceremony to get ready for. I’ll be ready soon.”

“Oh, of course, duh. We’ll make our way to our seats, at the church, near the front. Love you!” I could hear her heeled boots on the stairs. She looked amazing in an icy blue, lacy long-sleeved gown with a white cloak to keep her warm. I close the door as my brothers are still left.

“Mom and dad don’t know about today?” I ask them sheepishly. I hate that they’re not here, but they’ve made their opinion of me over the years loud and clear. So I’m ready to cut them off from my life.

“No… I had to make up an excuse to come here.” Jude said just as sheepish. This isn’t something that should be hidden from them, but it does. I gave them both a hug as they made their way towards the carriages to the church.

“They don’t even bother checking in on me, so no.” Liam rolls his eyes trying to not be hurt by it, but I know he is. I’ve felt it too.

“I know it hurts, Liam… but glad it’s just us. I’ll see you at the church.” I kiss their cheeks and make my way back to the makeup table.

Mia finishes my makeup and I can’t help but stare at myself. Rose gold shadow, brown liner and mascara, rosy brown cheeks, and a warm rose lip. I decided to have Jacob walk me down the aisle since he’s been more of a father figure to me than my own father… I can hear the music playing… the snow has started to lightly fall. Caroline went down first, then Raven, and Mia last. Gwen would’ve been in the wedding party, but mom has shoved her towards her new mate and couldn’t get away closer to the ceremony. I see Jacob and his back to me. I tap him on the shoulder and he smiles at me and hugs me.

“Well… what do ya think?” I absolutely loved it! Even with the makeup on, my veil, and some of the snowflake jewelry, I felt like a princess. True I am one, but it was the first time I actually felt like it.

“You look beautiful, Selena.”

“You’re handsome too. I’m sure Caroline will be happy to see you.” Jacob takes out his arm for me to take and the snow starts to lightly fall on us, picking up a little as I go into a horse-drawn carriage. We make it to the old church and I smile. Taking in the moment that I’ve been looking forward to since I said yes to Kieran. My elegant, lacy, silver-white heeled boots click on the floor. I can hear the crowd murmuring as the ladies look at me and squeal with excitement.

“Here we go… show time.” Jacob squeezes my arm and nods to the girls to go. As I came out from my hiding spot, I could hear the music playing from a small string quartet playing a Christmas version of Canon in D. The ‘oohs and aahhs’ from the crowd as I made my way to Kieran who had the biggest smile and almost a tear in his eye. As we stood in front of Jacob who was acting as our minister I quickly wiped his tears.

“Welcome everyone on behalf of Moonstone Pack we are happy to celebrate the wedding of this man… and this woman. Now Kieran, take Selena’s hands and repeat after me. Do you, Kieran Stoneshire, take Selena Westwood to be your wife and mate?”

“I do… with every fiber of my being.” He squeezes my hand with excitement. Jacob smiles at the two of us and continues the vows.

“Do you Selena Westwood take Kieran Stoneshire, to be your husband and mate?”

“I do…” I squeeze his hands too.

“Maid of honor, best man, the rings please?” Mia gives her dad my ring and Connor gives his ring to him. “Kieran, take her ring and put it on her left hand… repeat after me… with this ring I thee wed from this day forward.” As he’s saying his vow to me I got choked up… thank goodness for water-resistant mascara! The ceremony went smoothly and finally, we’re almost done. I say my vow to him trying not to cry.

“As part of our tradition, we repeat a wolf saying that has been passed down through the generations at weddings. Now it’s your turn, Kieran and Selena… you are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.” We repeat it back to each other and finally, the ceremony is done, and now the best part.

“Well, as acting alpha of Moonstone Pack, Kieran Stoneshire you may kiss your bride.” He gives me the biggest smile and kiss before dipping me. We turn to the crowd as the ceremony is done to head up the aisle.

“I now present to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Stoneshire!” I grab my bouquet from Mia and make our way up the aisle but snagging a kiss as we make it to the top. Soon we made it to the forest to take some pictures. It was still snowing, and it just made everything magical. After an hour of pictures, we decided that was enough pictures for now, and went inside to warm up. The upside of having a small crowd is I don’t have to spend hours thanking people. New Year’s dinner was delicious with all the food that was prepared for us. Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, and various desserts. Halfway through the evening, I see his dad clink his glass as if he wants to say something.

“Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve cried for a happy reason and I couldn’t be happier to have another daughter today. Selena, you’ve not only made Kieran’s life happier but all of ours. We’re so happy to officially have you in the family. So if you two would come up… Caroline and I would like to go back to the packhouse where our pack is waiting for us and have you two be officially alpha and luna of Moonstone.” I couldn’t help but shed happy tears. I grab my cloak and Kieran takes me back to our carriage. The snow has stopped, and it’s just so soft and fluffy. There was a makeshift stage decorated for the holidays. Jacob and Caroline were smiling at us as we got out of the carriage and Kieran grabbed my hand to help me down.

“Are you ready to be officially my luna?” He smiles at me.

“Absolutely. I’m kind of surprised that no one has tried to stop it.” I squeezed his hand out of nerves.

“We have this place heavily guarded. Between our warriors, Liam’s warriors, and Gwen brought a few with her. Nobody is going to ruin this day for us.” He reassured me and I relaxed a little. We walked through the fresh snow and towards his parents.

“Welcome everyone to this very special occasion of appointing a new alpha and luna. I have watched this young alpha grow and learn over the years and I could not be prouder of you. We as the current alpha and luna have seen you struggle, and watched you blossom. Selena… you came to us literally out of nowhere, but we’re so happy you came. We gave you the family you so desperately craved… but now it is time to be presented with new alpha and luna rings, say your vows to each other, and the ceremonial first mind link as alpha and luna.

“Are you ready, my dear?” Caroline asks me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I am ready.” She turns towards the crowd “Repeat after me:

I, Selena Harper Stoneshire, do solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and serve the members of the Moonstone Pack. I swear to serve the members of Moonstone Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha’s side, to guide and to lead him down the right path should he falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Moonstone with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As I was repeating the words, I saw some of my fellow she-wolves crying tears of joy. Now for Kieran to say his vows to me, Jacob turns to Kieran with a smile on his face.

“Are you ready, my son?” He looks so proud of Kieran. Just once I wish my own parents looked at me like that, but I doubt I will.

“Yes, I am ready.” He takes a deep breath “Repeat after me:

I, Kieran Emmett Stoneshire, do solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and serve the members of the Moonstone Pack. I swear to serve the members of Moonstone Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Luna’s side, to guide and to lead her down the right path should she falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Moonstone with peace and understanding. I swear to it until my final breath.” As he was repeating the words to me it felt like it was just the three of us in this field together. Our alpha and luna rings were simple gold rings that had our pack logo on them, a wolf howling at the moon made from moonstone and we put it on our right ring finger. Mine had an amber on it and Kieran’s had a moonstone.

“Welcome Alpha Kieran and Luna Selena!” We hear them cry out to us. It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I smile at them and have happy tears in my eyes. Kieran pulls me into a kiss and it is stronger than I’ve ever felt before and I know our souls are tied to each other for eternity. This man is my life now… and I couldn’t be happier… nobody can take me away from him now.

I love you.” I heard his first mind link, and I nearly squealed with excitement.

I heard you!” I look at him in shock, but excited. “I love you too.” He chuckles at my excitement and kisses my cheek.

My mind was already on the honeymoon! As much as I loved spending New Year’s with people I loved and cared for, I’m ready to spend alone time with my new husband. The events of the night went smoothly and everyone had a great time! Finally, when the night was over the crowd went outside for our send-off. To send us off everyone was given either some snow to GENTLY toss at us or some jingle bells. Our carriage was decorated by the guys with a giant JUST MARRIED sign on the back. Blankets and recently made hot chocolate in tumblers were waiting for us.

“Finally alone at last.” Kieran gets into the carriage and helps me dust off some of the snow people threw on me. Luckily I wasn’t completely soaked… but definitely cold… and gave me a long kiss before dusting himself off of snow.

“Yes, at last… let’s finally go on our honeymoon.” We went to a cabin that his family had owned in the mountains as a snowy retreat. All our luggage was packed by Mia and Connor. He grabs the reins of the horses, grabs the blankets and hot chocolate for me, and we wave goodbye to our guests.

“Happy New Year’s Selena…” As he kisses me.

“Happy New Year’s Kieran…” As I kiss him back…

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