The Choice

Chapter 19 Georgie and family shock


I’m in my office just finished with a patient. I’m working on the paperwork when I hear someone in the hallway.

“Yes, I’ve done everything you’ve said, and she’s still with him!” That sounds like Georgie… what is she up to? “No, I don’t care anymore! He is my friend! I’m done hurting him! He loves his luna! He’s already marked her! There’s nothing I can do! I don’t care if you send someone or a group to kill me! It’s too late! It’s over! I did what you told me, now hold up your end of the bargain and tell me where my family is!” I stay frozen listening with my ear against the door. I’m so confused about what Georgie means. I hear her trying to run away, but I try to catch up to her.

“Hey what’s wrong?” She doesn’t respond and just keeps on crying in my arms. “Come on, let’s go talk in my office.” I led her to my office and let her sit on my couch.

“I was called by the queen… if I tried to split Kieran and Selena up she’d offer me membership in the royal pack as a handmaiden to her younger daughter and tell me where my family is. So I tried to be flirty with him, tried to make Selena mad, but nothing worked. But between you and me I wasn’t trying hard since Kieran is my friend and I don’t want to split him and Selena up. She smooths out his rough edges, and He has made her so confident. It’s like she’s a new person since she’s been here.” I can’t argue that Selena has blossomed here.

“Wait, wasn’t your family part of our pack?” I asked her, confused.

“I thought so too, but I was told by the queen that your parents took me in and my parents adopted me. She also told me that if I wanted to know more all I had to do was to break them up.” I comfort her the best I can. I hug her and let her cry onto my shoulder.

“It’s ok Georgie, thanks for telling me. Let’s get rid of this phone. I don’t care what you do but just destroy it. We can get you a new one and the queen won’t bother you again. I can ask my parents about this.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her to my parents’ office. I knock on their door and thankfully they’re there.

“Come in!” I hear my dad say. We both walk in and I try to smile but hearing Georgie on the phone I’m not sure if I can. “What can I do for you ladies?” He asks me with a curious look on his face.

“Can you please tell me-” All of us stop when we hear a crowd outside?

“Hold that thought, Georgie. Sounds like we got company.” He turns serious and walks his way out. I follow close behind him to make sure no one gets hurt.

“To what do we owe the pleasure of having our king and queen here?”

“We come because King Camus wants to see Selena.” Gwen looked more like the queen than Selena did, but Selena is so better off without them. I can see why she doesn’t like them. The queen seems so cold.

“Of course, she is in her office, I’ll show you the way.” I see dad heading my way, and I bow my head to the king to respect him. “This is my daughter Mia. She’s one of the heads at our pack hospital along with my son Connor. Excuse us, Mia.” He kisses my cheek quickly just as a reassurance that he’s ok. I don’t feel good about this. I wait with Georgie in my dad’s office where she’s just as worried as I am.

“Everything ok outside?” She asks me worriedly?

“Yeah, they weren’t here for you, but King Camus wanted to see Selena,” I tell her honestly.

“I hope Selena will be ok…” She leans her head on my shoulder.

“Me too…”


I’ve been working on more plans for the ceremony when I hear a knock on my door. It’s odd that I get visitors besides Kieran and he wouldn’t knock.

“Come in?” I tell the person with a confused tone. The door opens, and it’s just dad. “Oh hi, dad, what’s up?” I smile at him. He may not be my biological dad, but he’s treated me with more kindness than my real one.

“King Camus has come with your parents to see you.” He tells me with a serious face. I run to my window and sure enough, there’s a sizeable crowd of royal guards on horses and some shifted. I look at my parents and they just glare at me like I’m scum on their polished shoes.

“Of course let him in.” He opens the door and I bow my head to him as a sign of respect. “What can I do for you, your highness?” It’s not often a king comes to visit me besides Jude but unfortunately, he’s not king yet.

“Hello princess.” He bows his head respectfully.

“Let me cut you off there. I’m no princess. I haven’t been treated like one for a long time. It’s Luna Selena soon.” I try not to be angry, but it’s hard.

“But not yet.” He says with a serious face.

“What can a small pack luna do for you today, your highness.” Trying to get back on topic.

“I came here today because I found out from your parents you were here.” He’s so calm and yet that hasn’t always been good for me.

“Ok? And what can I help you with?” I ask again, getting a little bit annoyed.

“I know this will be hard to hear, but… you’re my daughter.” My eyes go wide and I start to freak out. I try to have a brave face.

“That’s not possible! If you’re my supposed father… what’s my full name? What’s my wolf’s name? When’s my birthday?” I tried to hide my shocked face but I don’t think I was very successful.

“Selena Harper Camus, your wolf’s name was chosen by you so I do not know, but your birthday is in the fall. Haven’t you always wondered why you never fit in with your family?” I try to hold on to something to prevent myself from fainting. This was beginning to be too much.

“What are you talking about?” I ask him once I finally have the nerve to talk.

“I didn’t want a girl at first… so I banished you… your mom is friends with my wife, your real mom so she took you in. They had always wanted kids, and it didn’t matter to them that you were a girl.” This made me angry. Everything that I endured in life didn’t exactly show they wanted me.

“Well, they had a funny way of showing it! I’ve been treated like crap by them my whole life! Only my siblings cared for me and loved me! They kept me from shifting, kept shoving suitors in my face since I was 16, and only showed my younger sister, Gwen the love I should’ve been given! I want to cut them out of my life! And now you just waltz in here and be like “oh I’m your father?!” I don’t think so! Even if you are a king!”

“Gwen is your sister?” He asks me like he knows her.

“You know her?” I ask him with the same curiosity.

“Gwen is my son, Damian’s mate.” That must have been the cheering I heard as we were leaving. “And speaking of mates. I came here to take you back home. You’re meant to marry a royal, not some… commoner.” Ok, now he’s messed with the wrong luna.

“How dare you! You banished me, an innocent child, all because I was a girl and now you come here like you own the place taking me away from my mate and family!? Absolutely not! If you haven’t noticed, I am a marked woman! So even if I wanted to you can’t! You can’t just waltz into my life and tell me how to live my life! I think you should leave now before I do something I regret. Tell Gwen I congratulate her on finding her mate, but I hope your son takes good care of her. She’s the real princess of the family and she better be treated like it.” I say while anger is pouring out of me.

“Gwen will still be your sister so you can still see her.” I hear another knock on the door and speaking of them it’s my mother…

“What is it, mother? Or should I even call you that?” I ask her with even more anger. My face is beet red and I can feel myself almost shift.

“How dare you! We treated you like our own and loved you so! You were raised the way a queen is supposed to be! You ungrateful child!” She slaps me on the cheek. Though it stung it wasn’t the first time she had done this. “I’m glad we banished you not once, but twice!” She says a ‘humph’ and stomps her way out of my office.

“Very well… I shall take my leave.” He starts to leave and I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Before I go…” I hear a frantic knock on my door and I know it’s Kieran checking in on me. King Camus starts to take his leave and steps aside for Kieran to come in.

“Are you alright?” He cups my cheeks and kisses me.

“I had an… interesting meeting, that’s all.” I felt calmer when he holds me in his arms. I glare at the king as Kieran tries to calm me.

“I could feel your anger and pain through our bond. I would’ve arrived sooner, but I didn’t want to be disrespectful.” He’s so kind and thoughtful. I kiss his cheek and smile at him.

“Our meeting is none of your concern!” The king says to Kieran and I growl at him.

“He is my mate! Of course, it’s his concern!” Normally I wouldn’t growl at a king, but I had to stand up for myself and my mate.

“This isn’t over girl… I will be back.” He growls at us and finally leaves.

“Change in plans about the ceremony… we’re having it tonight,” I tell him with a dead serious look on my face.

“Ok.. I’ll let my parents know. Did you…” I growl as he asks his question. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“Heck, no I want them there! Any of them! I just want a small ceremony… your family and maybe my siblings that’s it. If the pack wants to be there, that’s their decision but I’m not forcing them.”

“Ok… I’ll let them know. I’ll see you soon… my bride.” He kisses me and I give him the deepest kiss I can give. He walks away to tell his family what happened and I just sob on my couch. I hear another gentle knock about ten minutes later.

“Come in…” I tell the person through my tears.

“Oh, Selena…” Caroline runs to me and hugs me. “What happened with your meeting with the king?” I couldn’t even tell her I just sob. She rubs my back and doesn’t say a word… just lets me cry for as long as I wanted.

2 days later…

It’s been two days since I found out that I was unwanted by not one family but two! Banished not once but twice! I have a meeting with Kieran’s parents about our ceremony. I wanted to rush it, but once we were able to talk it out Caroline suggested giving it a couple of days once I calmed down. I’m just so hurt… Kieran has given me some space and told me to let Carolina out for a run and man did that help! Even she felt my pain and anger. Why didn’t either family want me? Why didn’t they care for me? I howl sadly… broken-hearted… I just keep on running until I find myself at the river where we had our first date. If Carolina could cry, I’m sure she would… I take a drink and run back some of the snow melted some but not much. I could feel it crunching under my paws… smell the evergreens and wet ground… I could see the packhouse and Kieran was outside waiting for me.

“Feeling better?” He wraps a blanket around me, and I shift back into myself. Shifting has gotten easier since the first time when I first met him.

“Yeah, a little… I should get back to my office. I have a meeting with your parents.” I used to love my office… now I just want to burn it. I don’t ever want to step foot in it ever again since I get reminded that I’m unwanted… I keep some spare clothes in the dresser I have. I changed into a comfy sweater and jeans. Waiting for his parents to show up. I must’ve fallen asleep since I was jolted awake by a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I rub my eyes to get the sleep off. Kieran and his parents walk in with smiles. “Hi, guys…”

“Hey, sweetie…” Caroline hugs me and gives me a motherly smile. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, a little… went for a run and must’ve taken a nap before you got here.” I gave them a small smile for the first time in days.

“That’s good… so the three of us talked it over and we think we should still have it on New Years.”

“What!? Why??” I ask her, confused.

“I know you’re hurt, but this gives us time to plan and you time to not only process what just happened but to give you the ceremony you deserve. It’s only three more weeks and that will come quickly.” She smiles at me again trying to comfort me.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I just don’t feel like we have time with King Camus trying to set me up with someone I don’t want.” The thought of being separated from Kieran and my family I have here just made me upset and angry. “Sometimes I wish it was just the four of us in one of our offices… just a simple thing… no pomp or circumstance… but that’d deny the rest of the family the joy of us having our ceremony.” I let out a deep sigh… I know they’re right but I just want to be his luna already. Kieran wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

“I know it’s hard to wait, but we’ll get there. I love you.” I smile at him and kiss him.

“I love you too.” He hugs me and I just hold on to him.

“Well, we better leave you two alone.” Caroline and Jacob leave and we’re left alone.

“Are you going to be alright, for real?” He looks me in the eye and I see concern and love.

“No… I feel like I’m constantly looking out the window or over my shoulder making sure someone isn’t taking me away from here. This is my home… my family is here… my life is here… but I’m going to fight for it if I have to.”

“I hope not, but maybe some extra lessons with Conrad, and I wouldn’t hurt.”

“I’m ready to go now. Let me change into some workout clothes. I need to take my aggression out on something.” I changed into some leggings and a sports bra.

“Easy there I know you have a lot on your mind but you don’t have to right now.” Kieran looks at me with concern.

“I have to, otherwise I feel like I’m going to explode!” I head towards the door and he grabs my hand.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes, and I’ll let Conrad know you’re on your way.” I can mind link Kieran but no one else yet. Not until the ceremony when I’m officially luna. I make my way to the training ground and I see a punching bag set up. I run towards it hoping no one takes it and just punch my feelings onto it. I’m so focused on it that I don’t even notice Kieran or Conrad coming up to me. I’m startled and almost punch Conrad in the face!

“Easy there luna… your punching skills have gotten better.” I know he’s trying to lighten the mood but I’m in no mood for joking.

“Better the bag than you!” I growl at him. “Everyone seems to think they know how to run my life better than me!” I keep punching the bag “I want the life I have here! I don’t want anything else!” I could feel the angry tears in my eyes starting to sting.

“We know that. Let’s just calm down-” Conrad tries to lead me away from the bag but I pull his hand away.

“If someone tells me to calm down one more time, it won’t be the bag I punch!” I growl at them and they cautiously take a step back from me. Smart idea. I took it out on the bag for what felt like hours but was probably 20 minutes. I move on from just punching to kicking too. Conrad tries to coach me but I’m too focused to listen. I’ve had this anger built up over the past few days and I just need a release…

“Luna! I think that’s enough!” Conrad growls at me and I growl at him back.

“You dare piss off an angry luna?! I don’t think that’s a wise idea!” I get up in his face and we have a stare down.

“You’ve been at this for 30 minutes! You’ve beaten your hands almost until they’re bleeding. Your feet are beaten up pretty good… yeah we get it you’re pissed so are we! For now, we can’t do anything about it! At least this is a healthier way to let out aggression instead of taking it out on people, but this” as he grabs my hands, “isn’t healthy either!” He leads me to a bench. “I know you’ve been through a lot over the past few days that have been crappy, to say the least, but we all know you’re not afraid to put up a fight when needed. Especially when it comes to us… which I appreciate. If they want a fight we’ll give them one, but for now, we just gotta live life as if that jerkface didn’t show up! Now… if you’re done beating the living daylights out of that bag why don’t you take it out on one of us.” He points to himself and Kieran.

“Fine, you asked for it.” We continued my training for another hour. I get some swipes in on them, but not much.

“Alright, I think that’ll do for now. Why don’t you head inside to take a shower and cool off.” Conrad grabs onto my shoulder and we all head back to the house. With my aggression under control, I feel like I can be decent around people again. When we got back to our room, he ran a warm bath in the jacuzzi and lit some candles.

“You take as long as you need. I’ll find us a movie to watch and we can lay in bed. I’ll have someone bring dinner for us. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, and all I want to do is just make you feel loved and wanted.” He leads me into the tub and when he closes the door I just sit and cry. He loves me so much and is so sweet… no one has ever made me feel more loved and wanted than him. After my relaxing bath, I blow out the candles and wrap myself in a towel. Dinner has been brought up and I see a new nightgown waiting for me on the bed.

“I presume this is for me?” I smirk at the gift.

“Yeah… thought it’d make you smile.” He smiles at me and I put on the silk, dark blue gown that went to my knees.

“Thanks for everything… you’ve put up with my attitude and being angry this whole time without getting angry at me.” I kiss him and wrap my arms around him. We enjoy our beef stew and mashed potatoes while watching a show called Psych. A cop show that didn’t take itself seriously which is exactly what I needed. Empty bowls put away on the tray, and a comfy fuzzy blanket… I was asleep on his chest halfway through the episode. I hear him turn off the TV and cuddle with me for the night.

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