The Choice

Chapter 17 talking to dad/first heat


In the days since our first time, we’ve tried doing it more, and we did last night. I was still smiling from our time last night.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He smiles at me.

“Good morning, handsome. What’s on our schedule for the day?” I ask him with a smile.

“Well we both have training with Conrad that should be interesting, and I want us to talk to my dad.”

“What for?” I ask him.

“Just from our conversation last night. Also, I’m sure someone saw us last night and reported it to him.” I shrug my shoulders in agreement I probably would’ve as well.

“Wouldn’t surprise me if someone did. I guess that means getting up, but I’m so comfy...” I groan in protest.

“I’m sorry my luna, but we have a pack to run.”

“Technically, it’s still your parents for now,” I smirk at him, and kiss his cheek.

“Alright, smart-aleck. Come on, time to start another day.” He kisses my cheek again and nudges me gently to get up.

“Alright fine, but let’s have breakfast first. I don’t want Conrad to kick my butt on an empty stomach.” I giggle at my comment.

“But it’s a cute butt.” I blush at his comment and I go to my closet. I put my robe on, and he had already put on his shorts, but I’m sure purposely didn’t put a shirt on.

“Hun I’m sure everyone else would mind if you put a shirt on, but I certainly don’t mind,” I smirk at him and kiss his cheek.

“Fine…” He grabs a shirt quickly and we both head down to breakfast. We made our way down to the kitchen and everyone was there to greet us.

“Nice of you to join us, lovebirds,” Connor smirks at us, and I couldn’t help but blush.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Connor.” I try to play it off, but I don’t think they’re fooled.

“Uh-huh… sure…” Connor smirks at me and I just throw part of a croissant at him. We all laugh.

“Mia says you had a rough night a few nights ago, you two can come to my office and we can talk about it after your training.” It felt like I was being sent to my dad’s office only probably not as bad since Jacob is actually a nice alpha.

“Uh, sure no problem.” I blush at him.

“And after you talk to dad, I want you to come to my office, Selena. Alone this time.” Mia perks up.

“Sure…” I had a hunch about what she wanted to talk about. We all finish breakfast nicely with no more teasing thankfully. We change into our workout clothes and make our way to the field. Training goes as I expected with Conrad kicking my butt again, but I actually get a few swings at him this time.

“Nice training today, you got some on him. You’re getting stronger.” Kieran likes to watch me just so I don’t get too hurt.

“He still clobbered me though.” I rub my neck trying to get the soreness out.

“True but you’re improving. Pretty soon we can put you in with the teens.” He smiles proudly at me.

“The teens!? Ugh… I feel like I’m so behind…”

“Well, considering where you started this is a significant improvement.”

“Yeah, I suppose. Shouldn’t the Luna be stronger than a teen?”

“Well, considering where you started which was nothing, then no. You’ve improved so much. Don’t doubt yourself.” We make it to our room and change out of our workout clothes to something warm and comfortable. He shows me the way to his dad’s study. He knocked on the door like he was in a hurry and I could hear his dad getting off the phone.

“Come in, Kieran and Selena. Seems like you’ve had a rough night Selena… are you ok?”

“I’ve had better.” I smile a little at him.

“Mia told me she saw you running upstairs. Weren’t you supposed to be at your parents’ ball?” He asks me with curiosity.

“Yeah… but I couldn’t stay. I couldn’t stay there while the life I should’ve had was being flaunted in my face.”

“Yeah, I can see how that’d be painful. You know you’re safe here, right?”

“Yeah, I know. You guys have given me more love, compassion, kindness, and life lessons in just a few months than I have in my parents’ palace.” I give him a shy smile.

“You’re family now. Once you became Kieran’s mate that night in the forest, you became one of us.” He hugged me and it took me by surprise.

“Thank you… I should get to Mia’s office, so I’ll leave you two at it.” I smiled at them both and kissed Kieran on the cheek.

“Of course dear you can go.”

I make my way to the door and after getting lost only twice I find Mia’s office.

“Hey, Selena! So fun talk first. I plan on going Christmas shopping with Georgie today and would love it if you joined us.” Of all people, it had to be her...

“Georgie? Why her?” I ask her with confusion on my face.

“She is Kieran’s best friend, and this will give you some time to get to know each other not only as a pack member but why they’re friends.”

“Alright… I’ll give it a chance.” I scrunch up my nose clearly not liking the idea.

“Ok, now for the not-so-fun talk. What happened last night?”

“You want the short version or the long…” I explained to her what had happened, and she gave me a big hug and didn’t let go…

“I’m so sorry hun! That had to have been awful!”

“You have no idea… well I’ve had my share of glum for the day let’s go shopping.” I smile at the thought of shopping.

“Sure, let me go get my sweater.”

“I don’t think you need a sweater, it’s pretty warm in here.” I was almost tempted to take off my sweater and just wear my tank top.

“Selena it’s cold enough to snow outside? Are you feeling ok?” She feels my forehead, but I brush it off.

“Yeah, I feel… fine.”

“I don’t think so. I’m calling Kieran right now.” Her eyes glaze over for a minute and then they’re back to normal again. “He’ll be here in a few minutes. Just hang on.”

“I don’t know why you’re worried… I’m fine…” She grabs a thermometer and puts it under my tongue.

“Sweetie, your fever is 115 degrees Fahrenheit! The normal temperature should be around 108 and we’d be fine. Did you and Kieran… have quality time together last night?”

“Yeah? Why?” I could feel beads of sweat running down my cheeks.

“That’d do it. Once you have your first time with your mate, even if you don’t mark each other that kick starts your heat. And it’s worse for high-ranking wolves. Sorry, but this is going to be a rough few days for you.” We hear the door pounding, and I jump remembering what Kieran had told me last night. He wasn’t kidding about the unmated guys.

“Mia, it’s me! Open the door! I have to get her to our room fast!” I could tell it was him since his rum and vanilla scent was calming me. I nod my head to open the door and she does it carefully.

“I’m so sorry Lena! I knew this might happen.” He kisses my cheek. “Can you bring food and water for us in a few hours?” I look at her bashfully.

“Of course. Your first heat is a big deal. I’ll let the family know not to bother you.”


“Of course that’s what family does. Now go before you get mobbed.” I was half delirious by the time we left her office. By the time we made it to our room, we were safe from the rumbling of guys downstairs. He locked the door and put a do not disturb sign on the front.

“You ok do you want to take a cold shower or do you need me?” I growl at him… I put my hand over my mouth not knowing what’s going on with me.

“I have no idea why I did that!” I give him an apologetic look.

“It’s ok we’ll get through this together. Come on, before you get worse, maybe a cool shower will help.” We both strip and turn on the shower to barely warm, but with how hot I am it feels so good. I kiss him and I make my way down his neck and rub my hands all over his chest as he runs down mine. My heat takes over and I get down on my knees and suck on his junk. Normally I would’ve waited till much later to do that, but man it feels so good. He groans as I suck on him, turn off the shower, and hold on to the wall for a moment.

“S-shall we continue in our room?” He groaned again. I shake my head and he carries me to our bed. Laying on the soft and cool bed he plays with me and goes down on me brushing against sensitive areas and biting as I squirm.

“Oh, my!” He traces his nails up my thigh and over my quivering lips before rubbing them with his fingers. “It feels so good!” I scream at him. He nibbles at my neck and spreads my legs open while sucking on my chest. First, the left then the right, making them hard.

“I need you now!” I growl at him. He smirks at me.

“You will have me.” Carolina comes out and takes over. I can’t stop her! She growls at him and climbs on top of him. Rides him till we both make a mess.

“Duncan is going crazy!” He growls at me.

“Then let him out!” I growl back. Duncan takes over, and he sniffs my neck like it’s a drug.

“Stay with me till my knott dies down.” Carolina stayed with him. We both rock back and forth until we’ve made our first mess. Once we’re done, our wolves give us control again. I lay down and he kisses me.

“Let’s take you to a shower to get cleaned up.” I get up slowly trying not to make even more of a mess than I have. This time, I took one by myself. When I’m done, I see him with a tray of food and water.

“Where did this come from?”

“Mia must’ve brought it. I told her before we left the office.” There are sandwiches and four bottles of water and ice.

“Oh, I was barely conscious there.”

“I’ll have to tell her thank you later. But for now, I’m going to get cleaned up before the next round.” He heads towards the bathroom when I almost drop my sandwich.

“You’re welcome for the food and water. I’ll bring more in an hour.” I heard Mia! I scream a little.

“What? What’s wrong?” He asks me worriedly.

“I heard Mia!”

“That must mean your bond with the pack is getting stronger along with mine.” He smiles proudly at me.

“I-I feel sleepy…” I fell into his arms. I can feel him carry me to bed and we take the much-needed sleep. The first round lasted four hours… and I’m already exhausted. How am I going to handle this for days?! I wake up from dead asleep to this uncontrollable heat. I’m laying in bed hot and moaning. He wakes up and looks at me sleepily.

“I need you!” It’s like a hunger I can’t fill. I get on top of him… kissing him and I move down his gorgeous body and I start sucking on him. Making him nice and hard.

“Oh gosh, Lena!” He growls deeply at me. He pulls me off and pushes me against a wall and presses his body with mine. His junk still glistening from when I was on top of him, goes between my legs resting just outside the entrance. He kisses me passionately, biting my lip. Feeling him slipping past my entrance without going in is just a mean tease.

“I want you to whimper.” He growls at me again, and I whimper under him. He lines his hips up against mine and in one swift motion slides in. While his fingers play with another sensitive part. Taking a few slow thrusts before going full strokes in and out. He grabs onto my hair and growls at me again. “I’m going to fill you!” I moan and the thought and a shiver goes down my spine as I arch my back. He bites my lip and pulls me further down his body, rocking and thrusting me harder. Making sure to feel me in the right spot. I can feel the pleasure growing. “Make a mess all over me!” As he continues to rub his fingers.

“Oh gosh, Kieran!” I hold onto him, grinding my hips hard against him. I feel a throb and warmth as the cream mixes together and the rocking turns to short thrusts. He drags a hand down my body and it just feels so damn good.

“I’m…” he pants for a moment. “I’m going to get cleaned up… again.” We surprised each other this past round. Who knew you’d learn something from being in heat. We both fell asleep again for a few more hours, but my stomach woke me up, and I was so thirsty from this past round so I figured I’d see if Mia left us some food and water. I opened the door a little just to make sure no one was there and from what I could see there wasn’t. So I opened the door some more only to find the food mostly gone, the water was almost gone leaving only two bottles left for us and three guys outside the door. They all growl at me and before I realized my mistake I felt myself being pulled back into the room.

“What the heck are you doing?!” He growls at me angrily.

“I was just seeing if there was some food and water for us. Guess some pack warriors guarding the door got hungry and thought it was for them. Also, someone growled at me.” I tried not to sound scared, but I don’t think I was successful.

“Those were unmated guys, it was unintentional! Whoever’s idea that was I’ll need to talk to and then talk to the guards! Next time you’re hungry or thirsty I’ll get it. These next few days are going to be stronger than yesterday. Which means it’s going to get worse!”

“Ok… I’m sorry. You’re right I should’ve been more careful.” I grab one of the bottles of water and drink the whole thing. He pulls me into a hug and smiles.

“It’s ok. Have something to eat and then take a nap or a jacuzzi bath before the next wave happens.” I nod my head and take small bites of my sandwich. Feeling sheepish for what I did. I went back to bed and tried to take a nap, but it wasn’t very restful.

“Hi there, Kieran… my how handsome you look…” It looked like they were in his office again just like the first time this happened. Georgie slinked her arms around his waist as I had done just moments ago. Wearing what barely looked like a dress more like something you’d wear on your wedding night. A black, see-through nightgown that went to her knees and lace covering her chest.

“You look beautiful in that nightgown, Georgie.” He wrapped his arms around her too. No this can’t be happening…

“I can’t wait to be your luna…” She gives him a mischievous smile.

“I can’t wait to be your alpha…” He smiles at her back! I can’t believe this!

“But technically you already are, but I know what you mean.” She kisses him! That’s it!

“Selena, wake up!”

“No, get off of him!” I growled at her! I tried to push her off, but she dug her claws into him and deepened their kiss.

“Selena, wake up!” I vaguely heard him, but I had enough of this nightmare. I sat straight up in bed, sweat beating down my face, probably the next wave of heat about to come on. “Are you ok?” He looks at me with concern and glad to know he still cares for me.

“Bad dream... it felt so real…” I normally don’t cry very often, but I did after that nightmare. I fell into his chest and just sobbed. How was this girl still affecting me!? I could feel the burn slowly getting warmer, but all I really want is sleep. I attempt to go back to sleep, but that nightmare… I didn’t want to see it again.

“It’s ok… try to get some sleep I’ll be here.” He wraps his arms around me and puts the light sheet around me. I fall back asleep with a small smile on my face knowing that I’m his luna and no one else.


After the nightmare, Selena just slept for the rest of the day. Which I had heard could happen from just the sheer exhaustion of going at it for days on end. I’m surprised she still wants my company. I take advantage of her sleeping and do some work at my desk that I have in the room. I try to concentrate, but I can’t help but stare at her. My Selena… I somehow feel different… I’m not sure how to describe it but it just feels different… I walk over to the bed touching her soft fair skin… I smell her scent and it may smell the same but it smells different. I crave her! I feel so alive with her. I feel so alive with her. I’ve never felt like this so close to her… so exciting and inviting. I felt warm myself. My heart is beating faster... there’s something strange that makes me want to be close to her. I feel so different being this close to her this time around. Something tells me I’ll never be the same again. I feel myself shaking with desire. I think I’m going into heat! I know I should let her sleep but damn I can’t control myself!

“Selena wake up!” I growl at her. She sits up with a groggily look on her face. I pull her close to me and just kiss her with all my might. She kisses me back and I can tell she’s no longer sleepy. Caressing her petite and athletic body, the new curves that she were forming. “My mate…” Duncan said in a gravelly voice that was so primitive and raw. Selena shivered under my touch, quivering under me. She let out a small whimper as I trailed my hand along her back. Our bodies shook with want. A craving we both want to satisfy.

“My love…” I groaned.

“Love?” She looks at me with shock.

“Yes… I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time. I love you… I love all of you. And I can’t wait to spend all my days with you.” I kissed her again. A swelling desire spreads from within us. She groaned as I growled in need.

“I love you too.” She tells me in almost a whisper. She moans as my fingers crept lower on her gorgeous body. My kisses on her neck and shoulders are gentle and lavishing. Her eyes fluttered shut as the feeling of my fingers going lower on her against her.

“I need you…” I growled at her. We both could hardly take it. The heat was getting to us both and yet it felt so blissfully euphoric. I hope this feeling never gets old. I lifted her so she straddled my lap and legs spread wide open. My hands reached around to her plump butt, cupping both cheeks with a comfortably tight grip while my stiff rubbed against her… teasing her.

“Ooh… you tease!” She moaned and I could hardly control myself. I flexed my hips in an upward motion kissing her hard… moaning into each other’s mouth as I went in. An overwhelming hunger consumed me and I yearned to mark her. I smelled her delicious scent again on her neck… and I caved… I bit into her beautiful neck and she let out a loud moan.

“I-I can’t believe you did that!” She looks at me in shock but yet she’s in complete bliss.

“Do me…” I growled at her. I knew this would happen eventually if not in heat or just caught up in the moment. Sure we should’ve had a big ceremony, but this is about us. Soon I slid into her and she let out a moan. She bit into me and so did I. It felt so good! In our bliss, I let my seed into her once more. We panted until our high died down. I held her in my arms. She was officially my luna… and I couldn’t be more proud to have her mine.

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