The Choice

Chapter 14 more surprises


It’s been a couple of weeks since the announcement and I was forcefully dragged back home… I want to go back to Selena so badly. Guards have been on my duty 24/7 since I got back a few weeks ago… I’m never alone anymore…

“Gwen dear, come along you have a dress fitting.” My mom tells me and I let out a heavy sigh. What could I need a dress for? We don’t have any parties here very often.

“I’m coming!” Ugh… I want to go back to Selena’s pack… I had fun there… I could live how I wanted… no rules… no political gain… just me. I follow mom to our dressmaker’s room and I see an icy blue dress waiting for me. “What’s this for?” I ask her with curiosity.

“For a Christmas or New Year’s party soon, maybe I could invite Selena and her mate.” Mom answers confidently.

“You think she’d want to go to a party thrown by you and dad?? I highly doubt it. All you ever did to us when there was a party was throw us in our rooms and told us ‘don’t make a sound this is a grownup party’” They never had a close relationship if they had one at all. I’m surprised that they actually want anything to do with me.

“No, but she’ll come if you and your brothers are going.” She says so confidently.

“I don’t intend on staying here long. I want to go back to Selena’s. I had friends, I had an actual school, I could ride as much as I wanted, I could shift whenever I wanted, maybe even find my mate if I wanted to without you and dad shoving guys’ pictures in my face all the time. All things I won’t get here.” Yeah, I went there… mom slaps me and I just stare back at her.

“That’s enough young lady! No more of this talk. Just try on the dress.” I reluctantly try it on but I do admit it is a beautiful dress. It has an ombre effect from icy top to a midnight blue bottom, slender to me but not form-fitting, a sweetheart top gown.

“Isn’t this a little much for a party? I don’t want to outshine Selena who’s not only the older princess and should have more attention but soon-to-be luna! Both of which deserve respect!”

“Nonsense you’re a princess.” She looks at me with pride and pompous on her face.

“Yeah and so is Selena! I’m not the only princess in this family! Just because we want something meaningful in our lives rather than just political gain and a marriage contract doesn’t mean she’s removed from the family! I’ll tell the dressmaker what I want from this dress and then I’m done.” I go to change out of it, and I storm out of the room and leave to go back to my room.

Anna (Selena’s mom)

After, my fight with Gwen I took a deep breath and left the dressmaker. I went to my office to make an important call.

“Ah nice of you to pick up. It took a while for you to answer.” I shouldn’t have to wait. A call from a queen should make anyone answer right away.

“Well, not everyone is royalty and can sit on their butts all day. Some of us work.”

“Watch the attitude or you can be out of a pack immediately! I can tell your alpha of our scheme and I know he would not like it at all. That’s beside the point, I want you to keep playing him like a fiddle. Use whatever you deem necessary to see how his relationship with his luna will hold out. If I hear there’s still a wedding, then you’re not trying hard enough!”

“What’s in this for me? He’s one of my closest friends! I don’t enjoy taking advantage of our friendship.” Ugh, why does friendship matter?

“Oh, boo who… I do not care! You find his flaws and flaunt them to his luna’s face!” Must it be spelled out? “What’s in it for you is that you can come here to the royal pack.”

“Really? I’ll get to be a royal?!” I love it when they sound hopeful.

“Probably not, you’ll be my other daughter’s, Gwen’s handmaid.”

“Fine… but if I get banished for this I’m blaming you.”

“No one is going to know it’s us unless you tell someone! So keep your mouth shut and do as you’re told by your queen!” Must a commoner do a royal job? “You may go now. I have to plan my own… intervention.” I hung up the phone and started planning the Christmas party…


I’m laying down on my bed screaming into my pillow. Ugh, I hate all this political crap! Why can’t I just be happy? Why do I have to be mated with another royal? I mean if my mate is then sure everyone’s happy. But I want to be happy with who my mate is, whoever he is… maybe I can talk to dad. He’ll listen. I hopped up from my bed and went to dad’s office. I knock loud enough for him to hear.

“Come in” I open the door gently and he smiles at me. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He gives me a side hug.

“Mom’s planning another party and I just want to go back to Selena’s pack. Please tell her I don’t want to do this!” I try to make it more real with some fake tears.

“I know you don’t like to be paraded around, but it’s the only way to get you a good suitor.. how about this… if you get Selena and her mate to come to the party then we’ll see about you going back.” I squeal with happiness and hug him.

“Thank you, daddy! I’m going to call Selena now!” I ran back to my room so happy and giddy.


It’s been a couple of days since I last talked to Kieran or Georgie. I don’t know how to talk to them after what I have heard and seen… I’m lost in thought when my phone rings.

“Hey Gwennie what’s up?” I smile knowing that I at least had someone to talk to.

“Hey, mom’s trying to throw a Christmas party this year.” UGH, this isn’t what I wanted! ”I know you don’t like her parties but hear me out. If you and Kieran come, I can come back with you until your wedding!” This can’t be true?

“Really?! How did you get that deal?”

“From talking to dad. You know a little sweet talking and fake tears get me almost anything I want.” True Gwen has always been dad’s favorite, and he didn’t let me forget it.

“Kieran and I haven’t spoken in a few days. Some, “close friend” of his has been extra flirty with him and he’s too blind to see it since their friendship…” I use the air quotes in my tone so she could get the point.

“Oooh ouch… I’m sorry Lena… do I have to send Liam to roughen him up a little or are you ok?” That’s my Gwennie… even if she’s my younger sister she’s still so protective of me.

“No, it’s ok but thanks though. You’ve always been so sweet when I’m down.”

“That’s what sisters are for.” I wish I could’ve hugged her…

“I better tell him about the party. I’ll call you back after I tell him.”

“Ok Lena, love you!" Sometimes I wonder who takes care of who.

“Love you too, Gwennie!” We hung up, and I checked his office but didn’t find him.

“Hey Caroline, have you seen Kieran today? I have to tell him something.” I pop my head in her office not planning on staying long.

“I think he may be in the kitchen.” She says with a smile.

“Great, thanks!” I close her office door and make my way towards the kitchen when I hear someone talking.

“So you’re still on for lunch?” It was Georgie again! Ugh, will this woman leave him alone?!

“Yeah, did you get the groceries I asked?” What was he up to?

“Already done.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks! This is going to be a great lunch!” He sounds so excited about it… I come out from my hiding spot from outside the door only to see her in her sports bra and leggings like she’s about to work out.

“And what’s going on here?” I ask them pointedly. Glaring down Georgie as she gets up from her stool.

“Just going for a run since I can tell this is my cue to leave. I’ll see you later, Alpha Kieran.” She walks nervously out of the room. He smiles at her as she leaves!

“Ok bye.” I cross my arms around my chest. “What’s on your mind?”

“What was that all about?!” I ask him angrily.

“Nothing just talking,” Just talking my foot! He’s up to something! “Oh before I forget I set up a nail and hair appointment for you and Mia. Figured you two would like someone on one.”

“I can’t, I’m leaving for my parents. They invited us to the royal Christmas party. If we go, Gwen can come home. That’s what I came to talk to you about.” I felt sheepish. I start to get teary-eyed and leave the room and I run into Mia in the common room.

“Hey, hey what’s wrong?” She asks me with concern and hugs me.

“Can we go somewhere private?” I ask through my tears.

“Yeah, I have an office here in the packhouse, we can talk there.” She leads me to her office, and it’s nicely decorated. Degrees on the wall, a nice stained desk, and a comfortable chair. “What’s wrong, Selena?”

“I overheard Kieran talking to Georgie again. The first time I caught them in his office and she was being more than just friendly. The second time it sounded like they were going on a lunch date! What am I doing wrong?!” I sob into my hands…

“Oh, hun… you’re not doing anything wrong.”

“Then why has he been so wrapped up with Georgie since the engagement announcement?! I’ve barely seen him, he comes to bed late, barely talks to me… as much as I hate to say it but he’s beginning to remind me of my father… and not in a good way.”


“My father was all work and his pack members which means no time for family and while Kieran is much kinder than my father, he’s been all work and his pack but has no time for me…” I wipe away my tears and just look down at my lap.

“Well, have you tried to listen to his side?” I look up from my lap with shock on my face. “I’ll take that as a no… if you don’t tell him about it then he won’t know he’s hurting you.”

“I told both of them to stop, but I guess she can’t since she’s a part of this pack… but when I saw them just now and she was in her workout clothes. It looked like he was checking her out!” I yell at her. “From my experiences… I’ve been taught that women should be seen and not heard… so I don’t know how to talk to him about this…”

“It may seem sexy to you since you’re not used to it, but here it’s normal. It’s not uncommon to see someone in their workout clothes before or after one.” I hadn’t thought of it like that… “Maybe the next time you have one try to flirt with him a little. Give him a tease and let him know what he’s been missing out on.”

“Yeah… I suppose you’re right!” I stand up from my chair and start to leave.

“Selena!” She calls out to me before I leave the room. “Before you leave for your family… please talk to him… he has a right to know... and then be flirty.” She smirks at me and I smile back to my room to pack. I see Kieran also there packing.

“What are you doing?” I ask him out of curiosity.

“You said we were invited to a party so I’m helping pack. I’m bringing a suit since I’m presuming it’ll be formal.”

“I wouldn’t know. I could never go.” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

“What do you mean never allowed? Christmas is about being with family?!” He almost yells at me out of frustration.

“Yeah well… nobody gave that memo to my parents… everyone but Gwen and I could go since Gwen was too young until recently, and I was always hidden away from parties. I’m sure you’ll look so handsome in your suit.” I blush at the thought.

“What was it you wanted to tell me in the kitchen?” He asks me randomly.

“Oh, it was about the party, and I was curious if you wanted an opinion on what dress I should wear.” He smiles at the thought and I blush too.

“Um… well…” He rubs his neck in nervousness… I guess he’s never done this before. “The forest green velvet dress would look nice on you.” I go into the closet and find the exact dress he was talking about even though I’m pretty sure this wasn’t in my closet earlier today. I pick out the same silver heels and the wintery jewelry I wore for the engagement announcement in the front pockets and smile at him.

“Why don’t you take the car ahead and I’ll bring Gwen’s horse. That way Gwen can ride it back home and we can ride in the car together.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. I’ll put my suitcase and the garment bags in the car.” He leaves but I grab his arm.

“There’s more that I think we should talk about…” He puts the stuff back on the bed and looks me in the eye.

“Yes? What’s wrong?” He asks me out of worry. I take a deep breath and compose myself. Trying to figure out what to say.

“All my life… I’ve been seen and not heard… so when I came here I was finally heard, but ever since the engagement Georgie has been suspiciously close to you and it’s driving me crazy! I almost lost control of myself! Seeing Georgie in your office in that dress, and just now in the kitchen in her skimpy outfit…” I take deep breaths again trying to calm Carolina down. “I wanted to fight her! That’s not like me at all!” He smiles and giggles at me.

“The mate bond once it’s connected by both parties, it’ll start to consume you until we actually mate. Carolina is possessive of Duncan just I am of you. And as I’ve seen you are of me.”

“Then why has he been so wrapped up with Georgie since the engagement announcement?! I’ve barely seen you! You come to bed late, barely talk to me… as much as I hate to say it but he’s reminding me of my father… and not in a good way.”

“How?” He asks me with a furrowed brow.

“My father was all work and his pack members which means no time for family and while you’re much kinder than my father, you’ve been all work and this pack but have no time for me…” I wipe away my tears and just look down at my lap.

“Oh, Selena… I’m so sorry…” He wraps me in a hug.

“But when I saw them just now, Georgie was in her workout clothes. It looked like you were checking her out!” I yell at him, Carolina getting angry at the memory.

“It’s not uncommon to see someone in workout clothes.” Ugh, that’s what Mia said…

“That’s what Mia had just told me… maybe next time I have a workout I’ll have to stop by your office,” I smirk at him. Thinking how I could try to tease him as Mia said.

“Oh, really?” He smirks at me and kisses me on the cheek. “You may get in trouble.”

“Really?” I look up at him worriedly and he just laughs.

“No, of course not! But the mental image is making me blush.” His hands wrap around my waist as he feels the curves I’ve developed since I’ve been here. I’ve started training with the beginner ladies with Conrad and I think it’s going well.

“I didn’t think I could make you blush.” I smile at him and he leans in close to me.

“Oh, you have a few times.”

“Really when?” I ask him out of curiosity.

“When I first met you in the forest, the first time I saw you in the hospital after we brought you here, and pretty much every day since. You’ve changed my life for the better, and even though you get jealous of Georgie, it’s nice to know that you care.” He kisses me fully on the lips and despite the initial shock, I kiss him back. It had been a while since we kissed, but it felt so good… Carolina was happy too, I could feel her purring. I break the kiss and just stare at him…

“I… I think we should get ready to go. I should tell your parents to handle things for a few days. You handle the suitcases.” He kisses my cheek again and smiles.

“I like it when you know what to do and order me around.” His smile is so mischievous, and yet I like it.


“Yeah… let me take your bags.”

“But I haven’t packed my suitcase.”

“I did it for you. I packed some outfits and dresses that I like to see you in.” He smirks again, and it makes me nervous and excited to see what he packed.

“I’ll go find your parents.” I scurry out of the room quickly so he doesn’t try to distract me again. I eventually find their office and they’re ok handling things for a few days while we’re gone with my family. They’re happy to have Gwen back. I am too, but a part of me is worried that she may find her mate at this party, but I don’t dwell on that. I make it to the stable and get Midnight and trot my way over to his car.

“I’ll try to follow you as much as I can. She’s a good horse, a few hours is no problem for her.” I pat her mane and she lets out a grunt as if she’s agreeing with me.

“Alright if you’re sure, but shouldn’t you lead? You know the way better than I do.” Oh… I guess I hadn’t thought of that.

“Yeah, I suppose I can.” I go in front of the car and start cantering down the road leading away from the house. As things got more and more familiar, I got more and more nervous about bringing Kieran to my childhood home… this will be one interesting party...

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