The Cherished Wife

Chapter 5

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I’m here to help." Charles tapped his cufflink, his gaze steady and serene as he
watched Noelle.
A wave of alarm washed over her. Something about this guy screamed that he was more complicated than he was making
himself out to be. "I don't need your help."
"Really? Then why were you here last night, trying to drink away your troubles? Your boyfriend is now your brother-in-law, your
parents don't trust you, and now, you're the town's favorite punching bag. Did you miss the front page of the news?"
"That’s none of your business." Noelle's jaw tightened. "You helped me out yesterday, and yes, I'm thankful for that." She swung
her legs out of bed and started searching for her clothes, but they were nowhere in sight. "Hey, mister!"
"Charles." He leaned against the wall with an easy grace, watching Noelle's panicked search. "That's my name."
Hearing the name 'Charles' made her eyebrows twitch. It rang a bell. "Are you related to Xavier?"
"I'm going to say no, but it's up to you to choose to believe me or not." Charles shot back without waiting for a reply.
"Do you really think I would fall for that? What’s your real game here, getting to save the damsel in distress?" Noelle eyed
Charles warily, convinced he was up to no good. "Are you trying to use me to get back at Xavier?"
"Get back at him?" Charles chuckled with a sneer, looking at Noelle as if she had made a joke. "Please. He's not worth the
Noelle gasped, taken aback by Charles's bold arrogance. "If it's not about Xavier, then we've got nothing to talk about."
"Don't you feel any bitterness, Ms. Shaw?" Charles locked eyes with her, probing. "Doesn't it burn you up, being betrayed by
someone you trusted?"
"What do you really want from me?"
"Marry me," he said with a sly grin. "I can offer you a kind of happiness that's out of reach for everyone else in this world!" He
moved closer, each step deliberate, as Noelle backed away.
Her heart raced, and as she looked up, she found herself lost in Charles's intense gaze. She was caught off guard by the
intensity in his eyes. He squinted slightly and leaned in close, his breath warm against her neck and stirring a mix of feelings, yet
it was anything but romantic. "Like what you see?"

Jolted back to reality by the warmth on her neck, Noelle felt a shock run through her, pushing Charles away with all her might
and stumbling back. "You're despicable!"
Charles's gaze intensified as he strode over and pulled Noelle to him, trapping her against the wall in a classic wall-pinning
maneuver. He tilted his head down, his fingers deftly lifting her chin.
His breath was faint, a playful twinkle in his attractive eyes as he leaned in and whispered with a laugh, "I’d say that was pretty
"Back off!" Noelle was not a fan of Charles invading her personal space. Her heart raced uncontrollably. "I don’t owe you a walk
down the aisle just because you saved me. What year do you think it is? You're acting like we’re still in the dark ages."
"Looks like you're not keen on the idea of our marriage," Charles teased, his fingertip tracing the line of Noelle's cheek.
Her skin was soft and inviting to the touch. He spoke with a playful edge, "What's a guy to do, then? I can't seem to shake you
off. The less you want to marry me, the more I’m convinced you should."
"Why? We're practically strangers, and besides, you know my story. You would have to be out of your mind to tie the knot with
someone as notorious as me."
Charles's brow creased, clearly not fond of Noelle's self-deprecation. "I'm Charles."
"I know that," Noelle snapped, convinced the man was utterly clueless.
"So, I know you’re Noelle, and you know I’m Charles. How can you say we don’t know each other?" Charles retorted, his eyes
locking onto hers. "Don't sell yourself short. You're wrong if you think you've got nothing left. From now on, you've got me."

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