The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 4 - Hunger


“This is going to be the night,” Nessa kept on chanting in her head.

Contrary to what she promised herself, the words to accept Brandon’s rejection never made it past her lips. What she accomplished was to push Brandon’s buttons and end up one step closer to emotional freedom. It was good enough for now.

Nessa took a deep breath steadying her heartbeat. It hadn’t gone down as the planned private discussion she had in mind, but it severed her ties to Rover Grove just the same. Accepting the rejection was the next task on her list, which required something stronger than a pep talk. The night out with Celia promised drinks spiked with Bane for the alcohol to take its effect, loud music to match the thundering heart and swaying bodies searching for a good time. Who knew, Nessa could even hook up with a random guy, if one caught her fancy.

As of lately her standards had risen among other things. Nessa licked her dry lips. Her Green-Eyed-Devil was packing. Nessa laughed at herself. In her imagination, he not scooped her up in his arms, carried her across the clearing, leaving no doubt of his intentions to ravish her in private. Nessa craved the public display of affection, and the acceptance in front of her peers. Hell, she even wanted the big fat wedding humans spent small fortunes on. It was the most romantic declaration of love in front of family and friends. She wanted a family. Yet, she was alone. No matter how much she liked her newest acquaintance, he hadn’t found it prudent to check in on her after the show-down.

Darn men!

Her wolf growled her disapproval of Nessa’s plan, retreating further. Nessa rolled her eyes at the impossible situation. Her wolf was so withdrawn yet still held hope things with her Fated could work out. Nessa knew better. There was no way under the moon or the stars, she was ever going to get back together with the slimy sleazeball. The small smile on his lips when he told her she was not allowed to rejoin Rover Grove upon completion of her studies, still replayed in her mind. How was it even possible for her wolf to be that ignorant to believe he still loved her?

Nessa ignored her wolf’s protest, vowing nothing would stop her from celebrating her freedom. Whether she joined Blackwood or remained rogue did not matter. With a wolf so withdrawn as hers, Nessa didn’t feel the need to belong to a pack, much less experience an Alpha command as a normal wolf would. She had recognized Brandon’s Alpha Command by the effect on the Rover Grove wolves. His loud command startled her but did not do much else. She had taken a step back away from Brandon not because of his tone because of what she saw in his eyes – wrath against all that she was. The raw hatred she witnessed hurt the most. Even after everything that happened, Nessa didn’t curse his existence. In retrospect, her judgment might have been clouded. The Green-Eyed devil’s presence beside her gave her an unexplained surge of courage and solace. Nessa regretted not finding out his name. She needed to kiss him senselessly to just get him out of her system preferably in front of Brandon. It wouldn’t have been that hard to just pull him into a duel of tongues. Something was telling her he would have been more than willing. But she was a coward, a she-wolf turned sheep because of dogmas of society.

Dog-mas. Nessa laughed. Words worked in incredible ways to uplift her spirit.

While being a werewolf had its perks of heightened scenes, the increased libido was something that proved to be an inconvenience for Nessa. Even her writing could not quite tame the ache in her heart to feel loved once again. Her mind wandered back to the sculptured torso of her Green-eyed friend. Too bad she did not have his number, or name for the matter. Nessa was certain he would have been much more efficient than the frequent cold showers and self-exploration.Another annoyance of being a werewolf was pride. Nessa was too proud to admit she needed help supporting herself. Writing took time and although she had many intriguing ideas, she still had to live somewhere and eat something. Paying the bills was a constant struggle, and her waitressing job at the family dinner down the road covered just the basic necessities. Sure the tips helped, but she needed more money to be able to live a comfortable life. When she thought about it, she even had to fix that flashing light on the dashboard of her car before it started causing real trouble. Not to mention being well overdue for another laser depilation session - hairiness was yet another aggravation to being a werewolf. Body hair was such a bitch!

Nessa sighed, remembering just how much she had wanted to lick the sweat off her Green Eyed friend. He looked just as appetizing in suit as he did shirtless and slightly dirty from the game. Nessa wouldn’t have minded stealing him away from his friends to properly bathe him. Why hadn’t she? She was a wimp, never bold enough to take what she wanted.A coward, hiding behind her writing, living in through her heroine Violet. No more.

She needed time to relax and unwind. Nessa promised herself she would not take things for granted. She would live as if every minute was her last. No more regrets. No more lost opportunities to enjoy life at its fullest.

Nessa eagerly gulped the Bane-spiked shot, letting go of all self-pitty, regret and pain. Tonight was her night.

Her eyes found Celia, dancing the night away in the company of her suitors. The blond was on fire, glowing under the male attention. Celia effortlessly encouraged their advances, but never quite selected a favorite, thus making them desperate to outdo the efforts of others to please her. It was almost comical to watch, how they were competing to tend to her needs. All of her needs, if Celia would allow the privilege and great honor. Nessa wanted to take notes, to learn the tricks of seduction. It would benefit her writing as well on a very personal front.

“Or behind’, Nessa giggled.

Celia pulled Nessa on the dancing floor, suggestively grinding against her, making her admirers bolder and more affectionate if that was even possible.

Nessa laughed. Dancing was not such a bad idea after all. She enjoyed the beat of the music and the energy rushing through her body. It was the one time she could simply let go and be herself. Then why-s and how-s did not matter. It was just her and the vibrant rhythm.

A hand snaked around Nessa’s waist, pressing her into a hard chest. Nessa didn’t need to look over her shoulder to recognize Ryan’s scent. To say she was surprised was the understatement of the year. Ryan had always tolerated her by ignoring her whenever she had visited Celia. It wasn’t until Brandon’s rejection; he had started talking to her for more than five seconds. It was also around the time when the Madisons moved to Northern Hills so that Ryan could officially pledged his allegiance to the young Alpha Reverhill, and became his Beta.

Ryan kept firm hold on her, allowing her to feel his growing arousal with each sway of her hips. There was no mistake, she was the reason for the bulge in his pants. If his moves were any indication of his intentions, he wanted her bad. For once, Nessa thought the Fates were smiling in her favor. Even though it was her intention to hook up with a guy, she much preferred someone she knew.

Ryan’s nose brushed against her ear as if he was about to whisper to her, then his lips caressed her skin, leaving a cool trail of his saliva down her heated skin. She wondered what would Brandon say if he saw her, or smelled her right now. Would he even care about her? Nessa welcomed Ryan’s advances, relaxing her body into his touch. The bulge behind her got bigger, as his hands roamed freely over her body.

Ryan playfully nibbled her earlobe, while Nessa leaned into his embrace, silently accepting his advances. One of his hands restricted her swaying movements, while the other lifted her chin up, slightly turning her face to look at him.

“Hi,” his voice was husky, a little bit out of breath.

“Hey,” Nessa repeated as finding a different response seemed impossible.

His fingers ran through her hair, pulling it over her shoulder, exposing her flushed skin to his lips. Sadly his kisses were not doing much for Nessa so she tried a different approach. Nessa turned around, and started dancing in front of him, thus putting some distance between their bodies.

Ryan grabbed her bottom, and brought her closer to his groin, letting her grind against him. He kissed her, dominating the tongue play. Ryan had game but Nessa found it ironic all that skill was going to waste on her. It undoubtedly a nice way to pass time, but he simply couldn’t stir her insides, like the Green Eyed devil did without so much as touching her.

Now, he was definitely something. She wondered if she would ever see those green eyes again, and what it would be like to be kissed by her mysterious partner in crime. Nessa decided she was an idiot not to have made a move on him in the forest and then repeated the move at the clearing.

She shook her head to chase the thoughts away, focusing on the present. Ryan did not waste time and immediately launched to kiss her exposed neck. She needed to unwind. Maybe this was all she needed to feel better.

But he wasn’t here.

Ryan was skillfully teasing her flesh, silently promising he could take care of her ache. Nessa encouragingly smiled at Ryan, who was now leading her to a quieter corner of the club, sitting her down on a comfortable sofa. Nessa relaxed into Ryan’s arms, as his hands further explored her body. When he reached to move his hand under her skirt, she placed her hand on his, thus stopping his advance. He looked at her hand then his eyes caught hers.

Nessa’s mind suddenly turned practical, contemplating the cleanness of the sofa. Surely they weren’t the first couple that decided to get it on here. Chills run down her spine at the thought of the bodily fluids which most likely were present on the sofa before they even sat down. It grossed her out enough to make her jump from the sofa.

“Hey, if you don’t want to do something, all you have to do is say so,” Ryan explained.

“It’s not that,” Nessa replied quickly. Ryan extended his hand to her, inviting her to join him back on the sofa.

‘This is what I want, right?’ Nessa asked herself and surprised both of them when she sat on his lap, instead of the sofa.

“You seem unsure,” Ryan whispered at her, while his hands traced patterns on her back and the outside surface of thigh. It didn’t feel that bad, and Nessa relaxed once more into his touch.

“The sofa, as comfy as it is, probably had seen too much,” Nessa explained it wasn’t Ryan’s fault she had jumped.

“That’s why you jumped,” Ryan inquired then chuckled, placing his hand around her waist in a friendlier manner than she hoped. “If you ever want to be part of pack life, Northern Hills will be honored to have you.”

Nessa appreciated the offer. Apparently, bringing up the sofa had efficiently killed whatever mood their dancing had stirred up. Nessa took a deep breath and wished she never opened her mouth in regards to the condition of the sofa. Now it was too late.

Sometimes things were better left unsaid.


(In his office in Blackwood)

Selfish or selfless? That was the dilemma that plagued his mind, keeping him away from the numerous documents, laid across his desk.

The return from Rover Grove had been quite frustrating mainly because Marcus was angry with himself for taking too long debating what was proper, to chase after Nessa’s delicious scent. He craved her presence more than he cared what anyone thought. He wanted to touch her the moment he saw her. He was a self-centered prick, who wanted to hear her call him Green Eyes again and again. Not Alpha or Ned, hell, not even his name.

Just Green Eyes.

The feisty brunette had a flare for drama and well rounded experience in reading people. He smiled, remembering what an effect her nickname had on everyone in the field. Brandon was certainly not happy at the exchange. Green Eyes, was certainly not a bad nickname, but it revealed a certain degree of intimacy which shocked most of the present shifters. While Marcus knew it was over the missing appetizers from the night before, he could see how others would assign more content to it, making it sexual. Not that Marcus would mind having her soft body under his. On the contrary, Marcus licked his lips as his imagination took over, giving him a glimpse of everything he could have had, had it not been his sense of righteousness and duty. He had watched her go, denying himself the only thing he wanted, because of the title he had, and the revenge he planned.

If that was not selfless then Marcus did not know what it was.

He had accused Nessa of having a flare for drama, but in reality he was the one with such inclination. Otherwise, he would simply not be able to explain his attraction to her jesting. Hadn’t he thought about her ever since they met in the kitchen?

Marcus concluded he was one selfish SOB. If he hadn’t been, then he would have already told the beautiful brunette he was her Alpha Ned, instead of misleading her, allowing her to come up with a nickname for him. Then none of this would have happened. She wouldn’t be a rogue, and he wouldn’t be rushing to backdate her acceptance paperwork. Where Marcus was anxious about the matter, his Beta was joyful at the chance to skip the amount of paperwork which was usually required for properly vet of any pack prospective. At least someone could be genuinely happy about this predicament.

His visit to Rover Grove had been insightful. For once, it confirmed Brandon would never publicly support anyone or choose a side in any conflict as the pup was scared shirtless to be on the wrong side of such conflict. Marcus sighed. The consolation prize in addition to meeting Nessa, was that Rover Grove would remain neutral in a conflict, which was still better than having them side with the enemy.

Marcus expected such indecisiveness from the young Beta turned Alpha, but he hoped the pup had ambition and foresight to see Marcus’ cause was just. Although Brandon had given Marcus a piece of the puzzle, turning over his prisoner to the visiting Alpha, and taking care of the bloodied corpse once Marcus’ justice was served, he would still not declare his public support. He was scared and understandably so, as Brandon was in over his head. He wasn’t born an Alpha, neither groomed to become one. His current status was due to his marriage and mating to Juliet Grey, Alpha Grey’s one and only daughter, who inherited the pack and the responsibility to lead it. It was clear, Brandon was not prepared to make difficult choices.

Mating in the werewolf community was sacred. Fate chose the most suitable pairings and destined them to meet. Fated mates were supposed to stay together, to treasure each other, and to love one another. Marcus knew the ultimate happiness, love and support that streamed though such connection. To lose it was one of the most difficult things a werewolf could experience. Hell, even silver didn’t sting as badly as knowing what was taken away from him, and what could never be the same.

His initial sorrow was quickly replaced by anger and determination to avenge his beloved. Revenge was the only thing keeping him from giving in the darkness. He still could not believe how long it took him to locate a lead for those responsible for her death. While he was busy meeting and executing rogues the moment they gave him a wolf higher up the conspiracy chain, Cameron was in charge of the pack.

The real work began by uncovering the motives behind her assassination. The lowlives directly having a hand in the attack were easily traced and equally quickly disposed off. Once the goons went missing, never to be seen or heard again, Marcus kept his ears to the ground and observe. Guilty wolves either scrambled or pointed fingers at others when the pressure was on and they had no way to run. Toying with his prey before sending them to the Goddess, Marcus earned his reputation of being berserk. But can you be insane and still be organized enough to conduct an investigation better than all the gadgets at Pack Law’s disposal. At first the motives were money or power. The higher up he went the gunmen cared less for the target and more of the money. Yet he question why Emma, still remained unanswered.

And all roads led to Rome, or in his case Blue Moon pack, and their leader, Alpha Aaron Stevens. A viper in wolf’s skin, who had even sneaked passed Marcus’ defense under the pretense of friendship, but turned out to be nothing but a foe. A foe, that was about to meet his maker, if Marcus could help it. Pack Law and the Council be damned. It was easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission to assassinate one of the sitting Alphas.

Marcus needed to make certain the packs either joined him or stayed neutral. He wasn’t particularly proud of muscling his way into partnerships, intimidating Alphas with less power to pledge their allegiance to Blackwood.

Soon it would be time for her blood to be answered with blood.


(@ the club then driving home and swings by to get groceries)

Nessa realized not long after her sofa comment, Ryan new-found protectiveness of her become suffocating. The few males who dared to approach Celia and Nessa quickly reconsidered their priorities when they noticed the brewing Beta.

“For the love of the Goddess, go get laid already and leave us alone,” Celia told him.

Nessa’s cheeks heated up.

Ryan rolled his eyes and disappeared only for his presence to be substituted with the Northern Hill’s Alpha.

“Oh, come on,” Celia whined when she saw him approach.

“I’m here now. Relax,” Apha Oliver Reverhill teased.

“Go be Ry’s wing-man. We’re fine. I can always mindlink you if I need you to get rid of someone,” Celia told Oliver.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, yeah. Go charm ’em, Alpha,” Celia told him ushering him in Ryan’s direction.

After his departure, Celia focused her attention on two guys, dismissing everyone else from her presence. After some time, Nessa wondered when to take her leave too, when Oliver reappeared.

“I’ll walk you to your car,” Oliver offered.

Nessa nodded and waved goodbye to Celia who probably didn’t even notice it. The fresh air felt cold against Nessa’s heated skin and erased the effects of the bane in her drinks. The tension between them was noticeable and Nessa had no doubt Oliver didn’t walk her to her car just for her safety. He had something to say. It wasn’t until Nessa unlocked the car, Alpha Reverhill decided to speak.

“Nessa, I want you to know you’re always welcome in my pack,” Oliver finally spoke.

Nessa couldn’t stop wondering about his motives and the timing of such support, to even consider it seriously. It surely wasn’t the friendly gesture he hoped she’d take.

“Thank you,” Nessa cautiously replied.

“He never deserved you,” Oliver softly told her.

“What are you talking about?” Nessa had no doubt he could hear her heart, so she faked surprise at his words.

“Brandon’s your Fated,” Oliver started and Nessa gaped at him. “I grew up with Juliet, and even though she wasn’t my Fated, I loved her nevertheless.” Oliver confessed. “I know what it is like to have your heart torn out of your chest, stamped and spat on. I am sure it was much worse for you.”

Nessa’s eyes snapped at his. Whether it was disrespectful or challenging, Nessa didn’t care.

Oliver Reverhill did not know anything about the loss of a Fated. Nessa didn’t like where this conversation was going. Reopening the old wound made it bleed and hurt like a mean bitch, and Nessa had no intentions of going down the memory lane.

“Alpha, it has been seven years,” Nessa tried to pretend she was over it. Her wolf had repeatedly ignored the very same argument Nessa gave him.

“I see the way you look at …” Oliver started only for Nessa to interrupt.

“I don’t plan on seeing him ever again,” Nessa replied and got in her car. So much for good intentions. She quickly pulled out of the parking lot.

The nerves he had talking to her about Brandon, Nessa fumed. Forget about sleeping at her childhood home, she was going home, to Blackwood.

Nessa hit the steering wheel, allowing her anger to take over. How dare he! She couldn’t believe she had looked desperate enough for the Alpha to consider having this heart-to-heart. Just when she thought she was over her rejection, this had to happen. Her mind wandered to Ryan. Did he even like her or was his evening part of whatever agenda Oliver had?

“No, no, no,” Nessa chanted. She wanted to scream and curse male-kind.

Her sobs turned into hiccups, sniveling all the words she needed to say. This had definitely not been her night. She doubted the morning would be any better. Nessa wanted to just crawl into bed, sleep off the humiliation from her Rover Grove visit, and never ever see anyone again.

Life was full of small pleasures, and she was hell bent on finding them. Like wine and cupcakes, ice-cream and chocolate lava cake.

The fridge in her little apartment was empty just as her heart. Well, not completely empty as there was still that bagel from few weeks ago. The poor thing was furry and green! When she thought about the bagel, Nessa knew she could donate it to science as it could contain a new species of fungus.

The thought of having a nice home-cooked dinner slowly crawled through her sluggish brain and once there, there was no going back. She had to do the dreaded grocery shopping then be on her way to peaceful slumber. She would have plenty of time and groceries to whip something up as soon as she recharged her brain’s “battery”.

She was hungry. Hungry in more than one way.

Ravishing someone was slowly making its way on her priority list. One sure way to avoid the concern cleanness concerns was to move the action to her apartment. She had no problem giving the boot to her random hook up. If guys did it, she didn’t see a reason why a girl couldn’t do the same.

She huffed and angrily dumped fruits in her shopping cart the moment she reached the store. She then headed towards the meat section. Being a werewolf did not imply she had to hunt her meat. Of course, she really didn’t mind hunting with a rifle, but it was much cleaner to just go to the store and buy it.

“What’s up with me and cleanliness these days?” Nessa’s mind drifted once again.

She quickly selected a round beef cut for a nice pot roast and chicken breasts for her mango chicken recipe, then stopped by the dairy section for milk and yogurt. On her way to the ice-cream she cut a corner too soon and her cart crashed with a large muscular back. She was just about to apologize when her victim turned around and faced her.

She gasped at seeing the warm green eyes she had thought of all night. She gasped. It was as if her mind had somehow conjured him. His eyes regarded her with interest, but she was too busy looking him over to keep the eye contact. Dressed in dark jeans paired with simple gray tee, stretched over his defined he was the epitome of everything male. She was appreciating the dip and raise of chest plates, when he cleared his throat. He was definitely a catch and he knew it. He smiled brightly at her, flexing his muscles. He had caught her ogling him.

“I presume an apology is coming sometime today,” he demanded.

Nessa’s eyes held his green ones before moving to his smile. He she knew exactly what he was doing to her insides and enjoyed teasing her. His playful smile was all the evidence she needed to know her advance was welcomed.

“Oh, please. You’re a big boy,” she said dismissively. Her pause was much appreciated judging by the full display of his pearly whites. She had never seen him smile this big. Before he could respond, she quickly continued, “Plus, I don’t talk to strangers.”

“Since when?”

He crossed his arms in front of him, which only brought her attention to his bulging muscles once again. Nessa decided it was liberating being caught staring and leering over someone. It allowed you to continue with the said behavior with little to no embarrassment or remorse. He was a sight for her sore, tired eyes. She only wished he was in the club last night. Now that would have been fabulous.

“Since those strangers are actually stalking me,” Nessa decided to see just how far he would allow her to go with their banter.

His surprised face was priceless. However, he quickly recovered.

“You don’t say!” The laughter in his voice was noticeable.

“But I do,” Nessa insisted, almost laughing at his theatrics.

He rounded up the cart, putting his hand protectively around her shoulders. Nessa melted into the warmth of his palm gently laid over her shoulder while her side was tightly pressed into his side.

“Fine, I’ll come to your rescue. But only this one time,” he told her. “Now where are these stalking specimens that got you so worried?”

His cologne enveloped her and she had to fight the urge to snuggle up against him. She couldn’t resist it, she smiled, wrapping a hand around his waist, hugging him, too. She theatrically patted his side, feeling his toned muscles under her palm.

“Oh, I think they got scared and left. I’m saved,” Nessa whispered looking up at him.

He laughed at her reply, while both his hands and eyes held hers captive. It wasn’t until he looked at her neck that Nessa remembered she hadn’t taken a shower after the club. There had to be transferred scent of the many weres and humans who were in her vicinity. It had been hours since making out with Ryan, and she wondered if his scent was the most prominent one. If it was, her green-eyed friend either didn’t seem to mind, or dismissed Ryan’s scent as proximity transfer.

While she was still busy worrying about her scent, his attention was transferred to the contents of her shopping cart. Nessa thanked the Goddess she had not yet reached the feminine care aisle. Goddess be gracious if that were the case. She would have turned fifty shades of red if he had seen lady pads or tampons in her cart. She quickly crumbled her shopping list in her hand as tampons were on its very top. His hand never attempted to move from her shoulder as he continued holding her to his side.

“So what are you doing here, Green eyes?” Nessa questioned.

“Marcus,” he corrected her quickly.

“For a second there I thought I would need to frisk you in order to get your name,” Nessa laughed letting her hand from around his waist fall at her side, wondering if she should pat the back pocket of his jeans where he stored his wallet. Would that scare him away? Nessa decided to play it safe, but as he took a moment longer to release her from his hold, she cursed herself for not taking the chance. Obviously, he would have enjoyed it.

“You know, I am still waiting for that apology,” Marcus reminded her.

“Fine, be a baby! Sorry for running into your back with my cart. My cart is not damaged, so let’s call it as it is - a little fender bender,” Nessa winked at him, comparing their situation with a car accident, then quickly blurted before she could think over her words. “Though I am glad I did run into you. It’s always fun to see you.”

He grinned, showing those straight, pearly white teeth she adored. The damned werewolf’s genes were simply not helping her control her attraction to this man.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Marcus finally spoke.

Nessa blushed and tried to hide her face from his watchful eyes by looking down at his cart, which even she knew it was pointless. He had to be deaf not to hear her thundering heart.

His cart contained neatly stacked six-packs. She raised her eyebrow at it. Marcus caught on her unspoken question.

“I lost a bet. I’m hosting my buds.”

“Enjoy your party,” Nessa commented..

“Hon’, it is just a poker night, certainly not a party,” he explained, then continued, twisting a stand of her hair around his finger then casually putting it behind her ear, “It will be a party if you promise to come over.”

If that wasn’t smooth, then Nessa didn’t know what would be.

“Right now?” She asked, only got Marcus to nod his approval. “I can’t. Not this I’m running on fumes. I don’t want to spoil the mood.”

“Who said anything about spoiling it by being tired? Sleeping is fine by me. I can always ask them to leave,” Marcus told her.

Nessa was surprised of this bluntness. Did he really invite her to a sleepover or did he proposition her like a random hoe?


(at the grocery store)

Marcus wanted to kick himself in the ass the moment he heard the words coming out of his own mouth. The question was not was he really willing to dump Cameron and the guys over a she-wolf he met not even a couple of days ago, because he was. Hell, whether it was the thrill of the chase or testing her limits, he didn’t care. What he was having a problem with was how crude he sounded.

Why on Earth would he say something that? He was a smooth flirt, not an ignorant asshole. You just didn’t say things like that, even if you thought them, even when you knew the person was attracted to you.

She was attracted to him enough not to slap him straight away. Which, when Marcus thought about it, was probably the best way to answer his damn question. Her eyes never left his and her silence was slowly beginning to make him feel awkward.

Was she really considering going home with him?

“Are you always this outspoken?” She finally asked him.

“No, but I find it refreshing being able to say what I think,” Marcus replied cockily.

The moment he said that he felt how she quickly distanced herself from him. Was it that bad that he felt comfortable with her to allow her to see the real him?

“Good for you then,” Nessa replied, pushing her cart away.

Marcus quickly held her elbow in his hand, stopping her. She looked at his hand before her eyes traveled up his tall frame, they finally held his captive. She arched an eyebrow at him to urge him to speak. Marcus knew the gesture too well, as it was also one of his favorites. He took a deep breath and quickly explained.

“Please, don’t take offense.”

After all once she learned he was her Alpha, he didn’t want any lingering awkwardness between them. He wasn’t going to apologize to her. He was just going to tone it down a notch. Seeing regret, clearly etched onto her pretty face made him question his bluntness. Was it hurt that flashed through her eyes? Before he could read her expression, she guarded her feelings. It wasn’t difficult to assume she was offended.

“Fine,” her short reply followed.

They were anything but fine, if her reserved body language was any indication.

“So we are cool?” Marcus pressed.

“Yeah?” Nessa looked at him and her reply seemed more of a question than an answer. He kept on observing her. She seemed very worried about something all of the sudden.

“Tired,” Marcus corrected himself.

She explained with a small smile on her lips, “It’s been a hectic twenty-four hours. I haven’t slept and I am prickly. Honestly, you’re a nice guy, and I am sure you didn’t mean anything derogatory, and my tired brain is misfiring, making a big deal out of nothing, but I can’t think straight. I am that sleepy.”

Marcus looked at her closely and recognized the signs of exhaustion. He felt protective of her and was going to offer her to drive her home, when her words “hectic twenty-four hours” and “haven’t slept” kept running through his mind.

“Someone partied hard earlier,” Marcus teased her, wishing he had been one of the many weres and males in attendance if he could judge by he transferred scents on her. Her jeans jacket covered her summer dress, and Marcus could bet he could feel everything through the thin material.

“Not as hard as she would have liked,” Nessa complained, waiting for him to reply. When he didn’t she continued, “Green eyes, I really gotta go. See you around.”

Then just like that she pushed the cart away, quickly disappearing in the adjacent aisle.

Marcus looked at the place she was just a couple of moments ago. She surely knew how to get back at him with his own jesting. He was surely looking forward to seeing more of Miss Vanessa.

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