The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 29 - Politics


Nessa shifted in Marcus’ arms, glanced over her shoulder to discover they had company. No wonder Marcus became stiff under her fingertips. His playfulness evaporated even faster than dew on a hot summer day.

Damn it!

This Pack House suffered from overcrowding! The extremely dense population, inhabiting the pack house, drifted into the hallway in front of the kitchen. What the heck were they doing there? They surely couldn’t be all hungry all at the same time. Not even this early in the morning.

Then she remembered the high pitched scream, “The Alpha is killing Nessa!”

Anyone still sleeping after this scream must have a severe case of diminished hearing. Cross that. They would be hearing impaired. No wonder the whole pack was here to witness her utter humiliation as Marcus all but casually carried her, thumbs rubbing against her tush. Damn it. Marcus’ mate should not appear publicly in such a thoroughly kissed and ravished state! Of course, she was not ashamed of sporting the hickey of the year. Quite the contrary, she actually decided she liked wearing his mark. Her eyes slipped onto the one on his neck - she loved seeing hers on him. Regardless, she just didn’t want them to find out about it this way and surely not yet anyways.

Nessa found satisfaction in the invigorating thrill Marcus and her were the only two souls in the entire world who knew what just happened in that kitchen. Not anymore! Anyone could casually sniff her would recognize the unmistakable husky scent belonging to the Blackwood Alpha. And if that was not enough, the blood drenched clothes on both of them were a neon sign proclaiming their claims.

Nessa knew it was selfish to want to keep it a secret only to be able to enjoy Marcus’ unlimited, undivided attention. Who was she trying to fool? She wanted all of him all to herself. It was as simple as that. She knew she would always share him with the pack, which prompted her to hold onto their moment. Her possessiveness over him surprised her. Scared her even.

Was it that bad she wanted him all to myself for a couple of hours? A day at most? Was it too much to ask? She silently wondered. She was asking for one single day for honeymoon bliss without anyone’s interruption. Just Marcus and her. Her cheeks reddened and she pressed her face against his shoulder.

Marcus, on the other hand, stared their audience down expecting them to disperse the second his eyes laid on them.


As if that was going to happen! There was too much entertainment in Joel’s eyes. While he knew from last night’s events, she was involved with Marcus, she doubted he suspected the depth of such a relationship. She could see the understanding in his eyes, and the smug smile forming on his lips. He would tease Marcus to the end of times for the twelve hours he lasted without Nessa in his pack. The simple fact that most of the time, she was tucked under his paws, uh hands talked about his possessiveness.

That warmed her heart and insides!

“Alpha Ned, may I have a word?” Joel was trying to put on a serious face and have “the talk” with Marcus as any self-respecting Guardian in his position would do. Nessa immediately tried to untangle herself from Marcus, only to hear a growl emerging from behind her. The source of provocation remained unspecified. Was it aimed at her or at Joel or at both? She enjoyed how obscenely protective Marcus was of her. As if Joel would hurt her, she mentally shook her head in disbelief. In any way, if Marcus for a second actually thought she’d just let him handle this, he was sadly mistaken.

“Let me down,” she whispered to Marcus who reluctantly let her slide against his torso. His arms only slightly loosened as she turned to face Joel, only to tighten around her curvy frame once she was facing their audience. The message was clear - ‘I am not letting you go’. Nessa relaxed into his arms, letting her back lean against his hard chest. His chiseled torso was anything but soft. He was definitely not the world’s most comfortable cushion.

Her eyes immediately landed on Alex who looked ready to faint as soon as he laid eyes on her. Was it because of the blood stain covering her entire upper left chest? She simply couldn’t get past the surprise in the eyes of her brother. Was that a tingle of awe interlaced with shock? So much for the ugly duckling that nobody wanted!

Apparently, the big bad wolf, currently pressed against her back, was more than eager to hungrily pounce at her.

“It’s all right. I will spank him for ruining my clothes later on,” Nessa attempted to lighten up the atmosphere. Joel’s stony face almost cracked a smile at that, while Marcus possessively moved his left hand resting it on her hip, while his right palm fanned across her midsection, spreading warmth and tingles to the area it touched. Body language clearly proclaiming, She is mine. Stay away. The intimacy between the two was daring the world to say otherwise. Nessa huffed. As if the world, e.g. the small crowd, did not see how he was carrying her out of the kitchen mere seconds ago!

Possessive Males!

Gotta love them.

“Pups these days grow up so fast. Alpha Ned,” Joel nodded in respect to Marcus. “Do take very good care of her, or Pack Law will become permanent resident in your territory.” Joel’s promise was more of a threat judging by the way Marcus' hands fisted around her, squeezing her even tighter into his body. His lips twitched into a scowl, as if he did not like the taste of the implication. Nessa calmly patted his hands. It wouldn’t be such an awful thing to have Joel around, would it? After all, it was Joel they were talking about!

Immediately Marcus relaxed and left her a breathing room. “Nessa, I’m sorry, but I really need to speak with Alpha Ned privately! Sorry, hon.”

Marcus’ growl erupted from behind her. She gently leaned against Marcus’ right arm, arching her body to the side, until her head slipped into the crook of his elbow and she managed to obtain an unobstructed view of his face.

“Five minutes?” Nessa asked as soon as his eyes snapped at her. He was holding her, preventing her from tipping off to the side and falling.

“Stay in my sight,” Marcus told her and nodded at Joel to walk with him.

“You stay in my sight,” Nessa shot back over her shoulder to which Marcus chuckled.

“Yes, Love,” he actually turned around, completely ignoring Joel, who was openly smirking.

“Tick-tack,” Nessa shot back and spun her index finger in a circle to movement that Marcus had to be making, instead of staring at her.

He chuckled and shook his head at her, playfully scolding her, “I know I have an irresistible backside, but behave!” “Me behaving?! Always!” Nessa shot back intentionally letting a grammar error slip into her speech. Then softly murmured “Alphas!”, to which Marcus only raised his eyebrow. She winked at him, then rested her eyes onto Alex who made his way to her.


“I am aware he is headed here,” Marcus got right to the point in an attempt to save time. Rifkin nodded and then inclined his head towards the Nessa. His silent question was clear, “What are you going to do with her?”. It was about time that someone in Pack Law acknowledged (even if only semi-officially) that Alpha Stevens was a ruthless bastard, who needed to be dealt with. The disagreement was purely in the methods for his disposal.

While Marcus wanted to rip him apart; Pack Law took a more liberal approach, battling the dilemma if Junior should be allowed to take over or did they need to find a substitute Alpha. Such transitions were never easy for a pack.

Marcus’ option was more efficient. Cleaner, if you want. Let him take Alpha Stevens off their hands. They did not need to concern themselves thereafter. He could of course run the pack until the Pack Council chose another Alpha. For all Marcus cared, they could take months, years to make up their minds. Greed was not a part of his character. Marcus was just as powerful as he wanted to be. He took pride in knowing that his efforts alone brought him there. He didn’t want additional power, nor territory.

He wanted Revenge.

He wanted HIS revenge NOW.

Today! Better yet, yesterday.

He wanted BLOOD.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

He needed to have closure in order to move on. After all he had a mate to court and to please. Marking her was the only viable option, even if it did complicate their relationship. He would never be able to pretend he was into someone else, just to keep her away from the center of attention. Her budding wolf would have never forgiven him. Marking her was more dangerous, but equally effective. Nobody would dare touch her now. She was HIS and any threat to her was a threat to him.

“Would you mind greeting my nuisance? He is coming to visit you.”

“I agree, I should be the host…” Joel agreed and then asked the question he was meaning to all along, “What about Nessa?”

“I’ll take care of her”, Marcus dodged the question. Something was telling him that proclamation of his intention to fully claim and mate her before the arrival of his foe, would only serve to infuriate his mate.

“She needs you,” Joel agreed but Marcus could read between the lines. Don’t screw it up or else! “Alex wants to keep an eye on her. I’ve instructed my garrison the Luna is irritable; they will keep their distance but still keep an eye on her.”

“Thank you for your concern,” Marcus curly responded and with curt nod walked to Nessa’s side.

“You have a guest coming?” Nessa asked him as he stirred her up the stairs. His growl was vicious. He would never define your arch enemy as a guest. She didn’t seem frightened by his warning growl, but several of the pack mates started fidgeting. She must have noticed their reaction as she shot him a warning gaze of her own. “Behave”, her thought invaded his mind. Marcus realized a little bit too late that it must have been apparent how his eyes glazed over when the connection was established. “Marcus, what’s going on?”

“The convoy is approaching the Gate,” Cameron announced and Marcus quickly picked Nessa up into his arms bridal style, then called out to Cameron:

“Bring me clothes!”

“Yes, Alpha,” Cameron voice’s echoed in the hallway as Marcus started making his way to her room. He didn’t need to specify where. Cameron was smart enough to figure that one out.

“Not that I mind being swiftly whisked away, but what was that all about?” Nessa asked him calmly only to provoke another growl to start forming in the back of his throat. He was taking two steps at the time running up the stairs. “If you drop me, I am going to make your life miserable!” Nessa threatened.

His hands slowly parted underneath her and her arms quickly wrapped themselves around his neck, bringing up her torso closer to him. His wolf purred at the delightful view down her cleavage. Nessa arched her eyebrow realizing that she was played.

“You fox! Focus!”

“Wolf! And I am focused,” Marcus corrected her as they reached her room. The moment he closed the door behind his bulky shoulders, he let her stand on her own two feet. She immediately turned to face him, prepared to start interrogating him. Marcus knew he had to tell her, but damn it, why did the chauvinistic pig have to arrive right this minute! As if he knew exactly when Marcus was actually beginning to enjoy life again. He gently stroked her mark with a finger – that seemed to relax his wolf, while Nessa gasped of the sudden tingling warmth that spread through her body, “The things I want to do with you…”

“But?” Nessa prompted. He took a deep breath.

“Alpha Stevens,” Marcus started explaining and then her thought invaded his mind.

“Isn’t he the Alpha you’re trying to whack off?”

He smirked. She was getting good at this. He nodded at her and observed her as realization drew on her.

“He’s coming?”

“I can’t deny him passage,” Marcus regretfully admitted. If one was to host a Pack Law official, one had to allow safe passage of any petitioner who wanted to see said official. While Marcus had no doubt Stevens was using Rifkin’s presence as an excuse to get to him, he still had to abide by the stupid laws of engagement. Marcus had to offer safe passage and stay, food and shelter and assume responsibility for the well being of his enemy. It felt upon the honor code and Marcus respected it. However that didn’t mean he needed to personally tend to the disloyal wolf.

Or he could follow his initial instinct and kick out Pack Law from his territory. They would make a fuss but that wasn’t what stopped him. Nessa would never agree to kick out her favorite Pack Law Officer. Rifkin had surprisingly accepted a brotherly role, one which the younger Heinsfeld should have. There was a story behind the siblings' interactions from earlier and Marcus needed to prioritize the conversations with Nessa as time was of essence.

“Why would he want to see Joel?” Nessa finally found her voice.

“Rifkin is well respected. But my guess is as good as yours… He might just want to figure out why Pack Law is here and gloat that I got in trouble. Or he might try something against you to get back at me,” Marcus voiced his worst fear. He could almost hear the taunting of that old goat, “Pups these days” speech that Stevens always held. It irritated both the Alpha and the man inside him that someone would refer to him as a pup. It was a bite, a challenge to his station without classifying it as an official threat. His foe fought dirty.

“Recon on you?” Nessa quickly followed his thought.

“Why would you go to visit your most vicious enemy?” Marcus rhetorically asked her only to supply the answer a couple of short heart-beats later. “It's a wonderful opportunity to get familiar with the surroundings, judge their current defense, get more accurate and actionable intel,” as her eyes widened at the implication of impending War, he continued. “But don’t you worry, I won’t let him whack me off!” Marcus used the same words she shot at him not so long ago.

“ …You better!” Nessa agreed.

“You are now mine, so the threat applies to your we being,” he continued and before he worried her too much he added. “I don’t think he’s here for blood. He doesn’t have the balls for a full blown attack, especially with Pack Law in attendance.”

“He must know you are going to up security. Is he trying to estimate the number of enforcers?” Nessa reasoned.

“A show of strength will only supply him with information about our defense and position. Moreover, it would sit well with Rifkin. I wouldn’t put it passed Pack Law to have initiated contact with Stevens and came here to force a mediation between us. Rifkin fancies himself as a negotiator,” Marcus offered another theory.

“Even if it wasn’t, it would be what Joel would try to do. For my sake,” she looked up at him.

“He’ll do that for you,” Marcus agreed.

“Are you jealous?”

“I feel your entertainment through the bond,” Marcus pointed to his head. “I know there’s nothing romantic but I’d lie if I say I am not curious.”

“So what’s the plan?” She quickly asked changing the topic.

“We want to have Stevebs guessing the number of our enforcers, defenders, scouts or patrol routine and grounds. Am I this lax and rely on old glory or am I playing him? I want him second guessing himself, throwing him off the scent so to speak. Keeping him misinformed is the best strategy!”

“I would have never thought about it! Sly and smart!”

“Grown-ups call it politics,” Marcus winked at her, correcting her, then continuing with a lighter, huskier voice, “and that’s why, my love, I am the Alpha!”

“Modest as always,” Nessa shot back to which he chuckled.

“But of course,” Marcus agreed wholeheartedly just to taunt her. He let her put in a word but as she was speechless, he explained it, “I can’t help it, arrogance is in the Alpha Blood.”

Marcus casually pulled his shirt off, letting her enjoy the view of his bare chest even with the crusted blood over his skin.

“Excuse you, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Changing. Thanks to you, I look like I was about to choke in my own blood. I won’t give him that satisfaction.”

“You’re actually going to be his host?”

“Rifkin is his host. Cam will oversee our end. Technically, I still have to make an appearance and welcome him under my roof. Nobody said that it has to be prompt. I say we could be unfashionably late,” Markus winked at her suggestively.

His Pack House was turning into a Hotel and he despised it. First Lee’s entourage, then Rover Groove and Pack Law and now freaking Stevens was at his doorstep! If he received any more visitors, he would have to start investing into reconstruction. There was barely a room left unoccupied. He wondered how his housekeeper would find a place for everyone tonight. They would have to bunk up. He mind linked Irene, his housekeeper, right away forbidding her to assign Nessa a roommate. She already had a plus one as his office was still in ruins.

The knock on the door, prompted him to open it with a swing. Cameron had covered his eyes with one hand and outstretched his other hand with folded clothes. Marcus grinned at his Beta’s thoughtfulness as not to rattle his Alpha.

“Boss, he’s outside,” Cameron mumbled and was about to walk away blindfolded, when Marcus informed him.

“She is decent, come in,” Marcus said and Nessa arched her eyebrow at him. Cameron nervously took his hand off his eyes and walked past Marcus. He nodded respectfully to Nessa.


“What did you mind link him? He’s Luna-ing me now!” Nessa asked Marcus who shook his head and closed the door.

“I didn’t. He’s being respectful. Even though technically we haven’t mated after the marking, he acknowledges you…” Marcus began only to be interrupted by Nessa’s gasp.

“That’s what he thought we’d be doing!”

“If we were mating, we wouldn’t have answered the door,” Marcus reasoned.

“Gosh, not him. Alex!”


“My brother Alaxander,” Nessa rolled her eyes on him. “Are they all thinking we’re mating right now of all times? Seriously? No, no, no. Not gonna happen,” Nessa calmly informed him. He growled at her and she explained, “It’s bad enough they’ll know exactly what we did the moment they take a whiff at me. I won’t have them know the exact time of the deed.”

“Alpha Steven’s is coming. I can’t have you run around unmated,” Marcus ran out of patience.

“Do you hear yourself right now, Marcus? I am not having sex with you, regardless of who is visiting. So forget about it,” Nessa raised her voice and then turned to Cameron and told him, “Don’t Luna me. My relationship with grumpy pants here doesn't change our friendship!”

Cameron reluctantly nodded at her, careful not to provoke Marcus. She stormed off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Marcus took a deep breath.

“I want you, Vince and Travis to trail her. I don't care what you have to do; you don’t take your eyes off her.”

“Do you think he’d go after her?”

“I am not losing her,” Marcus replied and Cameron nodded.

“Keep Vince with you…”

“Vince is mated, you are not,” Marcus quickly summarized his point and held his Beta’s eyes to show exactly how unhappy he was with his insubordination. Cam quickly lowered his eyes.

“Alpha, if Vince is with you, then Michelle and Nicole will gravitate around Nessa. I assume you wouldn’t want Travis and I to accompany her to the ladies room...” Cameron explained his suggestion, keeping his eyes low and neck exposed to his Alpha. Ultimate submission. Marcus nodded agreeing with him and as Cam was busy investigating the hardwood floors, he finally replied, “I like your idea. Good catch.”

Then suddenly hissed and stormed off to the bathroom, popping his head into the bathroom without even knocking, “Keep touching your mark and you’ll see how quickly you’ll be mated!”

“Party pooper,” Nessa replied to which Marcus rolled her eyes. The mark was a very sensitive, erotic zone – a natural aphrodisiac, where mates were concerned.

“What do you want to wear?” Marcus tried to suppress his thoughts about what they would be doing right now, had Alpha Steven minded his god-damn business! His eyes lingered fondly at her state of undress.

“Thank you, but I’ll come out in a minute and pick something.”

“Cameron is still here and if you want his head to remain on his shoulders, you will refrain from showing him how well your bra fits you!”

“You think it fits well?” Nessa teased completely ignoring his threat. “Fine, bring me whatever your Majesty approves!”

Marcus closed the door, grinning.

“Majesty,” he liked that.

He noticed Cameron’s entertained expression.

“Wait until you get one of those,” Marcus mumbled, pointing at the bathroom.

“I heard that,” Nessa shouted through the door.

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