The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 16 - Interactions


(Blackwood Pack House hallway)

“Where have you been all my life?”

Marcus heard Lee’s voice and immediately considered the three best ways to dispose of his best friend’s body. Eliminate the threat, keep mating partner to himself. It was what nature’s laws dictated. Both Marcus and his wolf were in agreement where the brunette was concerned. Nessa might not be his Fated, but she had captivated the minds of both beast and human. They would not idly stand by and allow another male to court their girl. It did not matter that Lee was a close friend who had no intention of settling down. He was an unmated male who was openly admiring his Chosen.

The instant chemistry between Nessa and Marcus was undeniable. The pull between them wasn’t the force between Fated mates, but it was there. Different in the way it was created. Not by Fate, but by their souls. Marcus decided it was poetic in a way. Yes, different was good.

Marcus quickly rounded up the corner only to see the gentle way Lee held Vanessa. The initial shock of seeing them together wore off the moment possessiveness awoke in Marcus’ heart. Marcus was convinced, Pack Law’s visit to Blackwood would not be in vain. The only difference was it wouldn’t be Alpha Steven’s assassination that would land him in silver. Alpha Riley “Lee” Thomson was headed into the dangerously gray zone where permanent disposal was preferred.

’Never to be seen or heard of again,” a snarky, sinister voice whispered from the darkest corners of Marcus’ mind. If his wolf had its way, his childhood friend was going to be eliminated permanently.

’Preferably in the next couple of minutes,’ his wolf did not remain silent for too long.

Marcus couldn’t agree more. If Lee did not release Nessa, he would have to do it for him and it wouldn’t be gentle, nor friendly. There was a reason why Marcus immediately considered the elimination of his competition. Marcus was confident he could win any physical altercation with the blond Alpha, but the bitter, surly cynic could never win against the carefree attitude radiating from his friend. The boyish mischief spoke of happier life, one that Marcus could not give. It was a miracle Nessa saw him as badass instead of the unstable wolf he truly was. Life had tried to break and to crush him but only succeeded in bending him. His recent interest in the brunette had been the only joyful ray of light in his tortured existence.

Lee, on the other hand, was full of life and love which he did not mind sharing with any willing female -she-wolf, human or fae. Lee did not discriminate. The light brown-almost blond tousled hair and the playful smirk suggested youth that came with a no-strings-attached clause.

Nessa’s petite figure was a sight for sore eyes. While she did not appear to be hurt, she was surely beat by the day. Her wrinkled uniform reminded him she was driving further now since he had moved her to the pack house. He felt bad about adding to her drive but happy she was under his roof. There was no way he would leave her unprotected.

Marcus shifted his weight, not sure how to interrupt the staring match between the two without seeming petty or jealous. Both of which, he most definitely was. The only comforting thought was Nessa was not hurt from running into Lee, who had unmistakably turned on the charm.

Lee was quite a sturdy mountain of useless muscles!

Marcus cleared his throat, but Lee nowhere near done.

“Do tell, how did you manage to escape the Alpha?” Lee nodded towards Marcus, leaving no doubt he knew Marcus wanted to keep her all to himself. Lee was still busy ogling Nessa’s uniform when her reply came quick and short.

“Nah, he was otherwise occupied,” Nessa dismissed the challenging question. Her voice wavered, giving her jealousy away.

Dear Goddess, his beautiful mate was jealous of Danielle. Marcus did not know whether to feel flattered she would care for him deeply enough to be jealous or worried she would suspect the worst from him. Rejection came with wounds nobody could see. He only hoped he could help heal them.

His thoughts went back to just mere minutes ago when he had woken up to a kiss and discovered Danielle on his lap with a hand down his pants. Only a week ago, he would have welcomed her invitation as he had done in the past. But seven days ago everything changed. Instead of turned on, Marcus felt indignant at the liberties Danielle took with him. He was her Alpha for Goddess’ sake.

‘You should have thought about it beforehand,’ his wolf did not stay quiet.

In retrospect, Marcus hadn’t really thought much about it. It was part of what made mateless wolves dangerous. They had accepted death and did not care about the consequences. Once you had lived through the love of a Fated, everything else seemed inadequate. So you take what is given, settling for sex instead of love. Well, up until he met Nessa that way of reasoning intimacy made sense. Now, well now he had someone to live for. A Chosen mate.

‘I’ve met someone,’ were all the words Marcus needed for Danielle to scramble off him and out of his office with the speed of light. They both sated a physical hunger and never had bonds more than that.. Marcus felt too violated and dirty to consider her feelings on the matter. He had been headed to a spare bedroom to shower when he had seen Nessa.


That was exactly how Marcus felt the moment Nessa saw him existing his office shortly after Danielle. Marcus was furious at himself, at Danielle, and at the world. He tried the breathing exercises he often used to refrain from the hot fury which coursed through his veins. The darkness never felt so consuming, empowering.

It was Nessa’s scent that brought him back. He longed to taste happiness off Nessa’s lips, and to feel sanity against her skin. Before Marcus managed to work himself up in a different way, he concentrated on what was important. Although the mating bond would have carried through any unfaithfulness, Marcus was not sure if she would have known what to look for, and if she could feel his emotions about what just happened. Words were just inadequate, and Marcus wondered how humans managed to stay in relationships. He was ready to open his mind and allow her to experience his perspective even if that meant showing her how violated he felt. Nessa was more important to him than his pride.

Marcus took a deep breath. Nessa was quickly becoming his reason to live and he felt he was betraying his Fated, substituting her with another. Even than budding relationship was no threatened by something out of his hands. Nessa was strong-willed enough to hold a grudge wondered what it would take to make her understand. It wasn’t every day he would meet someone so amazing as her. She wanted him with an urgency which only matched his passion for her. And if that was not enough, she wanted the man, not the Alpha.

Marcus was angry at himself for putting himself in the situation where a misunderstanding was hurting the only person who could save him. Marcus grinned at the notion – he had someone for whom to live for. Nessa was his light and his sole purpose in life. He owed her an explanation, one that did not involve Lee’s curious ears.

“The bastard! He doesn’t deserve you,” Lee exclaimed reminding Marcus he was still in the hallway. Nessa laughed Lee’s outburst.

“You really must have a death wish,” Nessa tipped her head over to Marcus, but spared him no glance. It was surprising how she chose to punish Marcus, and shocking how much it affected him. The cold glare he shot Lee promised no leniency if Lee came between them. Lee would not stand a chance against a mate – chosen or fated.

Lee picked the worst timing to be playful and massaged Nessa’s shoulders. Marcus growled at the prolonged skin contact between the two.

“Oh, you just watch. I will knock him out right away,” Lee bragged.

If Lee’s plan was to get Marcus worked up, he had succeeded. It didn’t help Nessa ignored Marcus’ presence, even if his Alpha was more dominant than ever before. His little mate was not even remotely intimidated by the rowdy Alpha behind her.

As if on cue Lee arched his hand around her shoulders and continued jesting.

“Uh-oh. I know that constipated face. He regrets his indisposition dearly,” Lee joked but removed his hands from around Nessa’s shoulders which appeased the beast in Marcus.

“Just when I thought a handsome face can possess some wit,” Nessa sighed disappointed then untangled his arm from her shoulders.

Did she really find Lee attractive or was her comment aimed to hurt Marcus? Marcus secretly wondered if she really saw Lee as handsome or she was teasing Marcus, provoking him to sweep her off her feet and carry her to bed. Marcus would readily do it, but did not want to scare her. Besides Lee needed a lesson, and what better way to do so than to have a female reject his advances. His face would be priceless.

“Milady, you are but mistaken as I am a humble knight of heart and might. Bestow me with a kiss before my duel?” Lee started in his improvised British accent.

That was it. If she so much as leaned into Lee, Marcus’ right fist would collide multiple times with the perfectly tanned skin of Lee’s face. Of course, should pack law inquire – everything would have been purely accidental. Luckily for Lee, Nessa brushed off his comment as she continued walking down the corridor. The only indication she heard him was a dismissive wave over her shoulder. Marcus wanted to laugh. That was his Nessa all right. Despite her anger, she was staying loyal to her Alpha.

“Good night, oh, Handsome Stranger. It was good knowing you,” Nessa replied over her shoulder, clearly dismissing them both.

Marcus was infuriated and wondered if she really found Lee attractive but believed him to lose in a one-on-one fight against Alpha Ned.

“That’s my girl,” Marcus thought as the lock clicked closed.

“Feisty, I like her,” Lee continued watching Marcus suspiciously.

“Don’t even think about it. She is off limits. Before you ignore my suggestion, let me remind you, this is my territory.”

“Relax, Ned. No offense but I don’t need nor want this weedy land. Who needs them when I have the shoreline and beaches, in my land,” Lee bragged about his pack.

“Oh, you mean the overcrowded, human-infested trash-producing ones,” Marcus painted a different picture.

“Agree to disagree. Let’s drink,” Lee replied, defusing the situation and steered his friend towards the main floor.


Nessa sneaked downstairs for a quick breakfast before she headed off to class. She needed a big dose of coffee to start her day. It was surely going to be a very busy day with classes and Michelle and Nicole coming into town. To top things off, she hadn’t had a really good night-sleep, thanks to a certain green-eyed Alpha. She couldn’t stop dreaming about him and wondering if it was true that he liked her.

The coffee was brewing when Nessa quickly put together a light breakfast. Living in the Pack House made her feel uncomfortable in more ways than she cared to admit. The main concern was never being sure of how “common” and “shared” things were. The kitchen pantry and the overstocked fridge were a perfect example. She never felt right just taking food without paying a dime for it. It was a different story when she had cooked for Marcus the other night. She was cooking for them, not just for herself. She had to swallow her pride as there was no way she could afford to eat out. Besides Nessa still had to make sure she had some cash for yet another auto-repair. The poor thing was being held by tape and glue and it was only a matter of time before it completely gave out. A new car was not in the budget. Apparently, food wasn’t either.

Nessa was extremely hungry. She had gone to bed with no dinner, simply because she didn’t want to run into Marcus or much less Blondie. Hiding was definitely not her brightest idea. She knew she was behaving immaturely, but she couldn’t stomach possibly seeing them together.

“Never again!” Nessa mumbled to herself.

She pulled out some eggs from the fridge, fried them and divided them into two servings – a light breakfast and an afternoon snack.

She was almost done when she felt a presence behind her and quickly turned around to see Marcus gulping coffee from her travel coffee mug. She arched an eyebrow as he started helping himself to her plate.

“Hey! Excuse you,” Nessa exclaimed, startling him. He looked confused for a second. Perhaps he was still sleepy or he simply did not expect her to argue with him. Nessa rolled her eyes at him, then snatched her travel mug from his paws, and quickly took her plate before he could reach for it again. He didn’t deserve her time or words but it still did not sit right with her to just let him finish her breakfast.

“Manners, manners,” she mumbled getting ready to leave.

In retrospect, she should have known better. The olf would never let her get the upper hand. His strong arms wrapped around her waist even before she could protest against his advances. Not that she truly wanted to protest. His bare chest felt good against her back. He carried the scent of woods – the famous Blackwoods were a mixture of old oak and pine trees. But if she was perfectly honest she enjoyed his scent. It was alluring, empowering and tugging at something deep within her. She felt his chest rise and fall as he trapped her between his strong thighs and the kitchen island. She liked his dominance and if it wasn’t for the events from the night before, she would have enjoyed seeing where whatever-this-was would lead. The silence stretched and although it wasn’t uncomfortable, she needed him to explain himself. He nuzzled his face into her shoulder and hair, taking in her scent. That felt too intimate for her liking. A minute more and she would totally forget why she was so disappointed and angry at him. Selective amnesia was a side effect of her Marcus. Before she could fret why she thought of him as hers, she decided to put some distance between them. Surely, her brain would properly start working again soon thereafter. She quickly tried to step away from him, but his strong arms held her tighter.

“I’m not sharing, so quit acting adorable,” she told him, wondering why in the world she would tell him that.

“I was going for loving, but adorable would do just fine. So you wouldn’t feed me,” Marcus finally spoke, allowing his chin to press into her shoulder. His deep voice was melting the last of her defenses. Her body was molding itself to his touch, betraying how much she wanted him. How could she be so aroused while she was so angry at him? Maybe that was why people said angry-sex or make-up sex was the best.

“Whoa, hold on a second. Where did those thoughts come from?” Nessa scolded herself. She was never, ever going back together with him.

“Try those puppy eyes elsewhere,” Nessa’s short fuse ignited.

Did he seriously expect her things would be the same as before his hook-up with the she-wolf from just last night?

“Nessa, Nessa Nessa. Are you jealous,” Marcus playfully sang in her ear, his breath fanning over her skin, his fingers attacking her hair.

“Don’t lead me on,” Nessa whispered so low only Marcus heard her. But when he didn’t reply, she continued, “Go to that blond-ie and pester her. I am too tired for this.”

Nessa moved away from his arms, a little bit too easy as he was still processing her words. But if it was what she wanted, then why did she feel so disappointed? Nessa did not have all the answers but a clean getaway, which she gladly took. Her good fortune was short-lived, when his muscles flexed, holding her hostage against his hot body. That was what she wanted . No. Nessa felt confused with her own feelings.

“There’s nothing going on between Danielle and me,” he explained with an amused expression. She wanted to slap off the small smile off his face, but couldn’t as his arms restrained hers.

“And I believe in the tooth fairy,” Nessa retorted.

He had the nerve to chuckle at her, which only fueled her anger. How dare he!

She was so done!

“On second thought, do whatever you want. I don’t care,” Nessa told him out of spite.

His arms loosened around her, enough for her to turn around only for him to press his sinful lips against hers. His enthusiasm and passion were contagious and Nessa soon responded to the slippery invitation his tongue offered. This was not how their argument ended, but some lip and tongue play was just much needed stress-breaker. Nothing more, she told herself.

No wonder they all warned her about Alpha Ned. He was clearly not a rational wolf anymore. Although it felt beyond amazing, she needed to push him away, before she started grinding against him. His lips retreated and the fresh air she gulped cleared her lust-crazed mid. This was not her. What was he doing to her?

“What the hell, Marcus!” Nessa snapped.

“You said to do whatever I wanted. I wanted to kiss you,” Marcus explained shortly, before Nessa slapped him.

“You’re impossible,” Nessa replied, and stormed off the kitchen.

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