The Change (Fated Series: book1)

Chapter 14 - Bipolar


Marcus couldn’t believe his eyes when he finally found her, tucked away in his backyard. It was the very last place he would have search, had it not been for Vincent’s report. Her pink sneakers conveniently stuck out of the footing of the swing, while her calming scent permeated the area intermixed with fresh pine and that of his pack. The weight on Marcus’s shoulders was suddenly lifted. It was easier to breathe just knowing she was under his protection.

When he approached, Marcus discovered her asleep, curled up on her side. She had an adorable little grin on her face, her lips begging to be caressed by his. Her phone sat forgotten on the ground, probably dropped as soon as she had fallen asleep. He kneed in front of the swing, his fingertips brushing the hair away from her face, her eyelids fluttering open. The alarm in her warm brown eyes quickly subsiding as she recognized him.

“Wake-y, wake-y up!” Marcus couldn’t help himself and ran his fingertip over her neck. She closed her eyes, swatting his hand off.

“I am sleeping,” Nessa told him, focusing his attention on the dark circles under her eyes. Marcus felt extremely guilty for waking her up. Yet, he desperately needed her company. It was selfish, but her company was his reward for completing the day’s chores in a timely fashion. He had even taken mercy on Cameron and signed the declarations of allegiance and filed them with Pack Law.

She was not ready to wake up, so Marcus quietly stood up, lifting her feet off the swing enough for him to sit and placing her feet over his lap. His fingers immediately started massaging her jean’s clad calves. He liked spending time with her, and could see why she had chosen this area for her nap. It was secluded enough to have privacy but open for appreciation of the dark forest surrounding the estate. The beautiful century-old trees provided enough shade, yet did not stop the breeze from carrying the woodsy scent. It was the reason for the name of his pack.


The swing was the idea observational point. Swaying the swing with his legs, he wondered why he had never really found time to just sit and relax. Until now.

His attention shifted to Nessa who tried to pull her feet off his lap but a slight restraint from his arms prohibited the movement. She seemed to relax a little bit more than necessary, as her eyes closed again.

“You are not falling asleep again, young lady!” Marcus told her, his fingers taking off her shoe to tickle her. Her leg flexed, her feet pushing against his thigh.

“Stop it. I am trying to sleep, you know,” her voice was sleepy. Her irritation showed in the pressure she applied, attempting to push him off the swing. All she managed was to focus his attention on her behind, which lifted from the swing, giving Marcus ideas she better not know.

“What are you doing here?” She finally gave up.

“Enjoying the view.” Marcus started suggestively. Her toned behind was surely a sight to see.

“Perv,” Nessa replied.

Marcus smiled wondering what would be proper response from her Alpha. But in the end, he was never her Alpha, so why start now?

“Your perv,” Marcus shrugged, accepting the insult, his eyes admiring her body. Catching a glimpse of her in such a vulnerable position felt more intimate than even the night they spent together. It was amusing to follow her reaction. Her body tensed when she finally processed his words. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, he was hers. He would do anything to keep her safe, even if it meant taking one for the team. And he wanted to do just that – badly.

“What are you really doing here on my swing?” Nessa repeated her question.

“You mean my swing,” Marcus playfully corrected her.

“So mature, Mr. Alpha!” Nessa rolled her eyes at him.

“I missed you too, Grumpy!” Marcus retorted, enjoying how easily he could rattle her. Her foot hit his thigh in reply with enough strength to make it known she did not approve his reply. He didn’t approve being hit either, so he quickly held her ankles down to his lap. “So much aggression, and here I am just making small talk with you.”

“Then by all means,” Nessa made a pause then added, “leave.”

“You see,” Marcus started adding a pause of his own. “I can’t. I’m the Alpha here.”

“But you see, Alpha Ned is all business, grumpy, serious, and eats stones for dinner from what I hear. Marcus, on the other hand, is so approachable. It makes a girl wonder, which persona is real?”

“Both. You have heard the expression, business or pleasure, right?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Nessa was already sitting on the bench, and smacked the back of his neck. Marcus did not know how to react. She had just backhanded her alpha, and all Marcus could think about was how hot she looked. His priorities were certainly messed up. He liked her fierce nature and teasing her only fueled her.

“Speechless, I know,” he jested then caught her hand in his the moment she tried to slap his neck again. “You owe me a dinner for the first smack. The second would come with even more strings attached.”

“Wouldn’t you like that,” Nessa huffed, only for Marcus to smile brightly.

“Your punishment for raising a hand at your Alpha is to take the poor injured fellow to dinner. So by all means hit, nudge, tug, swat or spank me any time.” Marcus retorted.

“Spank?” Nessa fell in his trap.

“Anything for you,” Marcus confessed. Nessa’s cheeks colored.

“Don’t you have some Alpha chore to run?” Nessa tired to change the topic.

A small smile spread over his lips. She had been distracted enough to forget to argue with him for his proposed dinner plans.

“I took the rest of the day off,” Marcus shared his decision, stretching his arm over the swing’s neck rest. He was now an inch away from hugging her. This place was amazing. “So where did you say you’re taking me?”

“Oh,” Nessa gulped then closed her eyes. There was tension in her posture that Marcus didn’t like. Something was wrong.

“Spill it, Ness,” Marcus nudged her.

“I’m afraid it’s either my place or the Pack’s Kitchen.”

Marcus considered her answer. She was surely not reluctant to be seen in public with him. There was only one possible reason.

“Don’t tell me the shit-head didn’t support you?” Marcus questioned. When mates separated, it was up to the Alpha to support the rejected. Suddenly, everything made sense. Her junk car, her work at the dinner, and the exhaustion in her eyes were not to take her mind away from her ex-mate. She needed the money.

“It’s complicated.” Nessa tried to explain the situation.

It was hard to cut ties with the pack which raised you. However, in her circumstances, it was misplaced. She did not owe anything to an Alpha who proved incapable of taking care of his own pack members.

“Please, tell me how because from where I stand, Alpha Brandon should have taken care of your financial needs, regardless of your mating situation,” Marcus argued only to see her flinch away from him. No matter the circumstance, losing your fated opened wounds deeper than one thought. He vowed to help her heal. There was only one assassination mission standing in his way.

“You don’t know a lot of things about me,” Nessa admitted then pinched the bridge of her nose. “It’s just difficult to talk about certain topics.”

“I am a good listener,” Marcus offered.

“It’s not that simple,” Nessa replied patting his outstretch hand with hers, her fingers feeling his forearm. Marcus did the only reasonable thing - he pulled her in his arms. The feeling of having her in his arms, taking in her intoxicating scent made his canines elongate. If there was ever a doubt in his mind of what his wolf thought of his progressing relationship with Ness that was his answer. Marcus struggled to maintain control and refrain from marking her. She remained oblivious to his imposition as she breathed evenly against his shirt. Marcus knew he would ruin everything if he impatiently marked her now.

“I am game, if you need help hiding your mate’s body,” Marcus goofily joked. She laughed, then shook her head.

“No need. He’s alive,” she replied, then after a moment, she added, “It’s just difficult to talk to you about my past because we are whatever we are. Besides, I am sure as hell not saying a word to my Alpha about this. It amazes me how much you, Marcus is different than Alpha Ned. It’s like you are bipolar or something.” Nessa mumbled and then patted his chest, “Which is fine, because my Alpha can kick ass, and you’re my partner in crime.”

Marcus decided to let her talk. She needed it, seeing how she was fidgeting around something.

“I meant to ask you, what’s the protocol to enter the pack land Alpha’s approval?”

“Pick your friends, and then introduce them to your mighty Alpha,” Marcus shrugged then teased her,

“Are they cute?”

“Very mature, Alpha.” Nessa pushed away from his chest, narrowing her eyes on him.

“Someone is jealous,” Marcus grinned at his thought.

“Come on,” Marcus attempted to defend himself.

“I would not dignify such question with an answer,” Nessa jumped off the swing mumbling.

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