The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Doubting Nicole
“I want a background check on Nicole Lively –
everything you can find out about her, and I want it ASAP!” Evan ordered his contact on the phone.
He was walking back and forth in a secluded area of the hospital‘s corridor. “And what‘s the progress on the rape investigation?
Have you found out anything?”
“Sir, we have leads, but it wasn‘t enough. We have yet to comb through several surveillance videos around the club and within a
few blocks away, and going downtown,” said the man on the other line.
Evan had hired a private investigator since last week. He did not mean to rush, but knowing what he knew now, Evan was in a h
urry to find answers
“You see, Mister Thompson, we found a surveillance video of Miss Lively leaving with a few teenagers right in front of the club. It
did not corroborate her story. So, I took the liberty of digging further,” the investigator said.
Evan acknowledged. Nicole did say she walked alone for several blocks, hoping to get a taxi. He thought about it deeply and ass
umed that maybe this was the reason why she never wanted to press charges in the first place. A hiss escaped his lips before he
instructed, “For now, give that information to the police. I‘ll also make a phone call so the authorities will be on top of the case.” “
Then! Send me a copy of the video,” he added. After speaking to the private investigator, he marched back to Nicole‘s room. A d
octor stepped outside and quickly found Evan. “Mr. Thompson, the patient is resting. I did not think she lost that much blood, but
her body must be weak. She is still unconscious,” the doctor revealed. “It‘s normal for rape victims to be suicidal. It‘s good that Mi
ss Lively has someone like you to help her get through this.”
“I‘ll be on my way now,” the doctor said. “Best to let her rest for now.”
Evan did not count the hours that he was there. He could not even work! He doubted his decisions about Nicole and was beginni
ng to hate himself.
Finally, Nicole woke up. She appeared weak and hurt. She
glanced at Evan once and turned to give him her back. She faintly said, “You should have let me die.”
She sniffed, and her chest heaved again and again. “This is all your fault, Evan. First, you brought me here to Rose Hills only
to be cast aside and humiliated by your father. Then you left me alone

at the club.” Nicole sobbed as she added, ” I’m broken, Evan... Don‘t you realize this was all
your fault? Yet, you could not even comfort me? You would not even answer your phone. You should have let me die –”
“Was it my fault, Nicole?” Evan interrupted her. “If it were a few days ago, maybe I would feel guilty all over again, but not today.
Immediately Nicole turned her frame to face Evan. She asked, “What – what do you mean, Evan?”
“I accidentally deleted an important message today,” Evan revealed. His jaws clenched, trying
to control his anger. “I wound up checking my android cloud backup. Can you guess what I found?”
Nicole’s eyes widened. Suddenly, she seemed to be more alert than a few seconds ago. “I –
I –” Evan tapped on his phone and then showed her the message from Shantelle. He said, “Only you
could have sent this. Why did you? Why?!”
“You were the one who kept provoking Shantelle all along? Why did you do it? Why?!” At that point, he could not help but raise hi
s voice. “And don’t you think I would not know how you told Shantelle on the phone that we were living together?! Did you assum
e I’d go along with it?”
Nicole’s face turned white as a ghost. Her eyes rounded in horror. ‘A cloud backup?‘ She did not expect that. ‘And Mrs. Shaw? T
hat maid actually reported her speaking to Shantelle? Who does she think she is!‘
This was the second time Evan raised his voice at Nicole. The first time was at the villa. Nicole admitted that she had gone overb
oard. She was so excited to be with Evan that she tricked Mrs. Shaw into taking her to the villa. That was her biggest mistake.
She thought that since Shantelle and Evan were already divorced, he would eventually let her stay there. Besides, he owed her.
She blamed Evan for what had happened to her, and she saw through how he felt utterly responsible.
To her dismay, she miscalculated how Evan unknowingly valued Shantelle. He may have actually liked her, maybe even loved he
At that thought, Nicole knew she had to speed up her plans. What better way to do it than to make him feel guilty again? Making
Evan feel responsible for her misery had always worked like a charm! Beyond his overbearing exterior, deep inside, Nicole had a
lways known how thoughtful of a person Evan was.

She imagined how Evan would feel sorry for her again. She acted suicidal and slashed her wrist! He wanted to let him realize tha
t her depression was real and that he was the root cause!
Nicole imagined how Evan would rush to her and ask for her forgiveness. But what is this? After more than a month, Nicole neve
r expected Evan to retrieve that deleted text! Instead of asking for forgiveness, he looked at her with utter hatred!
Nicole frantically fished through her brain. She cried and said, “Evan –
Evan, I’m sorry.” Tears quickly flooded her face as she declared, “I love you! I did all that because I love you. I hated Shantelle fo
r getting in between us! Even before, she was always the apple of your eye “What?!” Evan snapped. His brows met when he ask
ed, “What do you mean before?”
Nicole quickly bit her lip. Her lips trembled as she replied, “Before! You had talked about her in Lockwood! You did
not recognize it!”
“Then, when I came to Rose Hills, I expected us to be together. Evan, I gave up my life in Lockwood to be with you! Instead, your
and Shantelle took you away from me,” she described. “It was unfair to me, Evan, unfair to us!”
“I wanted to show Shantelle that your heart belonged to me, even if she was married to you! Evan, she would not have agreed to
should have been two years ago!”
“Whatever gave you that idea?! My heart never belonged to you!” Evan shot back in anger. “I was wrong to think you were a good
Nicole. Shantelle may have worked with my father into our marriage, but at least she was always honest and upfront with me! On
the other hand, you made secret and underhanded methods – a scheming woman!”
“What else have
you done that I haven’t uncovered, Nicole? What else? Does it have to do with you being raped?” Evan asked. He then quickly pla
“Didn’t you say you walked
alone down the streets searching for a taxi?” Evan pointed out. When Nicole fell silent, he suggested, “Don’t worry, I already forwa
He put his phone back inside and revealed, “It won’t be long now. Those teenagers will be interrogated. We will know the truth, ev
Evan left, not allowing Nicole to give any explanation whatsoever.

Nicole was left alone, her mouth agape, thinking of what to do next. She muttered,
“He’s going to find out.” She jerked out from the hospital bed and frantically took off her IV. “I have to leave. Evan can’t know. He c
She thanked the caregiver Evan had hired for being so responsible. She had clothes inside the room’s closet. After changing into

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