The CEO's Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 26

Was she buying it? Roman couldn't tell.

He had nothing against spending time with Evelyn every once in a while but he could already see that it would be a problem down the line. It felt too real.

And by the look on Evelyn's face, this felt the same for her, too. It would be so easy to fall into this trap when she kept looking at him like that.

But still, the contract lay uselessly on her lap. Her pen had hovered on it a few times and then she'd stopped. He was sitting right next to her and could feel her indecision every time she did that. She was overthinking this.

"Shall I top up your drink?" he asked.

Dinner was done and they'd moved into the sitting room after he had done the dishes. Though he took care of himself in his apartment, it had been amusing watching her reaction when he'd been wiping things down and loading the dishwasher. Women liked a man who could do these things for them, and he had learned how even before he had become independent. His father's maids and William had taught him. It was probably why he appreciated them more than his father did.

"Thank you, but I think I've had enough for tonight," Evelyn said.

She'd put a movie on but he had no clue what was happening in it. It was hard to concentrate with a hard-on, and it didn't help matters that he knew what was under her robe. He had to keep constantly rearranging his robe.

He felt a moment of panic again like he was already in too deep, but it was fleeting. This was for one night and then things would go back to how they were when he didn't have to question her loyalty or her motives. And any comparisons to his stepmother would be put to rest once and for all.

"You're looking very tense," he said.

"This is a little bit... different, I suppose," Evelyn answered.

Different? Did she not do this with her pimply boy?

The moment that thought entered his head he pushed it away. This wasn't the time to get angry and let his imagination get the better of him.

"Well, I know what will help you relax," he said. "If you're not too invested in this movie, that is."

"I already watched this movie," Evelyn admitted, looking up at him.

Her cheeks were flushed and there was so much hope in her eyes. How the hell was he going to get through the night like this?

He took the controller and switched the TV off before he stood up and offered her his hand. There was no hiding how turned on he was. Evelyn's eyes strayed to his lower body before she put her hand in his and allowed him to help her up.

Evelyn went to put the contract on the seat she had vacated but he stopped her.

"You better bring those. You need to finish reading that and sign as soon as possible," he urged.

When Evelyn reluctantly picked the papers up, he led her out of the sitting room and towards the stairs. This was how their Friday's usually started, and moments later they would be naked. He knew tonight wasn't going to be like that but he wished his body would listen. He unconsciously slowed down when he reached the door to the playroom. When he turned his head to look at Evelyn, she was biting her lips and her eyes were full of all the lust he knew was reflecting in his.

He needed the willpower of a saint tonight. Did she realise her whole body was begging him for this? Did she know what it was doing to him?

He pulled her past the room before he gave in, and led her into her bedroom. Equally dangerous. There wasn't a room in this house that Evelyn hadn't come apart in. But the bedroom was a lot safer than the playroom.

"Take your bathrobe off and lie on your stomach," he said.

Evelyn did so eagerly. She put the contract on the bedside table and then dropped her robe. She was looking at his face the whole time so yeah, she knew what she did to him. Once she was settled in the middle of the bed, he took a moment to study the work of art in front of him. Again, he ignored the voice that told him to run. This was going exactly how he wanted it to, he wasn't going to leave now. "I'll be right back."

We wished he could take longer in the bathroom, just to take the edge off before he touched Evelyn, but the sooner he got the job done, the better it would be for everyone. Once he got the oils from the cabinet, he went back into the bedroom and found Evelyn as he had left her.

He put the oils on the nightstand.

"I have never massaged anyone before, so tell me if I'm doing it wrong."

Evelyn looked at him questioningly but he didn't say anything else as he picked one of the oils and then joined her on the bed. When he straddled her lower body he realised the willpower of a saint wasn't going to be enough. He could feel the heat of her body, and in this position, his robe had fallen open. He could see himself throbbing against her thighs, only inches from where he ached to be. "Relax," he whispered as he rubbed some oil in his hand.

The moment he touched her, he was lost. His hands gently kneaded her muscles in her shoulders before they started a slow descent. Evelyn was beautiful. Every inch of her was made to be touched like this. He repeated his motion, using his thumbs and fingers, and then his hands when her body held her captive. He wanted to follow his hands with his lips, on every curve, every smooth line of her body. When he reached her lower back he couldn't help going lower.

How was it that she could do this to him when countless others had failed?

Evelyn let out a low moan that had him gripping her hips and closing his eyes.

Who had he been kidding? He was never going to last the night. He could no longer pretend this was a massage.

"Sign the contract, Evelyn. Please," he whispered. "I need you."

Evely moaned again, arching her back and pressing her naked ass against him. Right against the weak flesh that was now violently twitching the longer he restrained himself.

"Sign it," he repeated, reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing the contract and pen.



He was begging. Shit. This was probably when he should have run. Grabbed that contract and ripped it to shreds before hightailing it out of there. But Evelyn grabbed the pen and carelessly put her signature on every page before he shoved it off the bed and pressed her ass into him again.

Then he was there, sinking into her glorious heat with an animalistic groan. His balls were tightening before he had even moved.

Evelyn's fingers dug into the bedding as he buried himself all the way, and her walls started to milk him before he had started to pull out. The whole afternoon of foreplay had come to this; a very sudden, very sharp dive into this emotional abyss.

And because of that piece of paper she had signed, he would have this indefinitely.

He didn't know how long he came but it was hard and violent, and so fucking addictive.

Maybe not his best work. But he was sleeping over tonight, so they had time. In fact, with his new contract, he could have this any night he chose.

He had a smile on his lips as he pulled her into his arms

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