The Case of the Mad Scientist

Chapter 28: Blaze Gets it in the End

Chapter 28: Blaze Gets it in the End
In the dark of the cell room, there was a loud crashing sound, followed by a heartfelt: “Damn!”
“Sled, are you okay?” asked Blaze.
“Yeah, I’m okay. But I just found out that you can’t kick down these cell doors.”
“Are you two gals okay?”
Blaze answered for both of them. “We’re okay. They haven’t gotten around to doing horrible things to us yet. But that Gato fellow
makes me nervous with the way he looks at us.”
“At least he left you with some clothing,” Sled told them. The other girls here are totally naked.”
“I don’t think we’ll get to keep these for long,” Aiko said. “Dr. Sorren plans to use us as experimental subjects. From what he told
that old Japanese man, he’s developed a virus that will alter the DNA in a human. Apparently that woman who attacked you was
his first success at it. Her sex drive has been dramatically increased.”
“Is that why she attacked me when I could no longer... ah, satisfy her?”
“It is more than that. A side effect is apparently that the woman develops a strong hatred of men. All men. That same woman
even attacked Dr. Sorren.”
“She probably didn’t get much out of that old man,” Sled commented dryly.
Aiki went on. “He’s trying to alter the DNA not only so that women will become highly sexual but also very submissive.”
“Yeah,” Blaze added, “he wants to make a race of super sexy women who are totally obedient to any man.”
There was silence for a while before Blaze spoke again. “Sled, you still awake?”
“Yeah, I was just thinking about what you said.”
“Yes, and I’ll bet you were viewing the possibility from a totally different view point than we would.”

“Well... Sort of. But we have more important things to worry about. Like getting out of here.”
Before they could discuss escape further, the door opened and the light came on. It was Gato. He came in carrying a handful of
rope in one hand and a metal rod in the other. As he got closer, they could see the rod had a fork at one end and a box at the
other. Without a word, he went to the cell with Aiko and Blaze, and unlocked the door.
Both of them had stepped through their handcuffed wrists and now had their hands in front of them. They backed away from the
door. That rod looked dangerous.
Without warning, he thrust the rod forward, making contact with Aiko’s middle. There was a slight buzzing sound and she jumped
against the wall, crying out loudly at the shock. He immediately did the same for Blaze. The electrical shock from the rod was
considerable and really hurt.
“Both of you will do exactly as you are told or I will use this on your breasts,” he told them. “And other parts,” he added with a
sadistic grin. “Both of you, down on your knees!”
They obeyed, there not being much choice in the matter. That electrical prod really hurt.
“Now lie down on the floor. Stretch your hands out before you.”
They did, the concrete cold against their bodies.
Gato enter the cell. With both of them flat on their faces, he felt he could control the situation, so he set the prod down. Stepping
carefully over them, he knelt and began binding Aiko’s ankles together. When he had them tightly tied, he ran the rope up to her
back. “Put your hands over your head and back,” he ordered with a poke into Aiko’s side. Slowly she lifted her hand and brought
them back over her head. When they were close enough, he grabbed the handcuffs and passed the rope over them and then to
her ankles. He pulled on that, forcing her arms back and her legs to bend. He looped the rope around the handcuffs again and
pulled more. Her body arched backwards until she was forced into an extreme and painful arch. Only when he could no longer
forced her body to bend did he tie the rope off at her ankles.
Unlocking the chain from around her neck, he dragged her over to the steel barred wall between that cell and the next, which
happened to be empty. There he used another rope tied to that connecting her wrists and ankles, passed it around a cross piece
in the wall and back down. He pulled that as tightly as he could so that her body was arched even more and pressed against the
wall. It was a very uncomfortable position for the Japanese girl.

Satisfied that she was not going to be moving, he went to Blaze and rolled her onto the side. He took the end of the chain still
locked to her neck and passed it around the handcuffs. When he locked the short chain to the part around her neck, her hands
were held immobile only a few inches from her chin. Pulling her to her feet, he pushed her out of the cell. He then locked the
door and grabbed her chained wrists to pull her along.
“Hey, bastard! Leave her alone!” Sled yelled to him. Gato ignored the man who would soon be eliminated.
Their destination was a small storage room in another part of the basement. Gato had planned ahead and equipped the room
with metal pipe set between two opposite walls at waist height. It looked like a part of the plumbing but was not attached to
anything else except the walls. He had also screwed two eyebolts into the wall below were the ends of the pipe were secured.
Placing Blaze with her stomach up against the pipe, he proceeded to bind her ankles to the eyebolts, forcing her legs to spread
widely apart.
With her legs tied spread, he unlocked both the handcuffs and the chain from her neck. Without allowing her time to enjoy a tiny
bit of freedom, he pulled her arms behind her back and bound them there with her wrists crossed and high up between her
shoulder blades. Rope from the wrist bondage was passed around her neck to ensure that her hands could not be lowered. Then
he tied another length of rope to that in the front of her neck and pushed her forward so that she had to bend over the pipe. The
rope from her neck went around behind her left knee, then her right knee, and then back up to her neck. When he pulled on that,
she was forced to bend even more until her head was down at the level of her knees.
Gato could feel his manhood growing harder and harder as he secured the gorgeous American girl in the exact position he
wanted her body. With all the ropes in place, nice and tightly tied, he used a pocketknife to slice the thin material of her panties,
and tossed them aside. Then, just to be complete, he also cut off her bra and tossed it into the corner. For what he wanted to do,
she could have worn the bra, but it just seemed to him more appropriate for her to be completely nude.
For a few moments he enjoyed the sight of her rear sticking up at just the right height for what he planned. Her vagina was easily
visible but that was not the part he was most interested in. It was her cute little asshole that called to him and invited him to
invade its secrets.
A little lubrication to assure that it was not too painful for him, and all was ready. Taking his hands, he spread her ass cheeks
wide, and then positioned his rigid rod at the entrance. When she felt the target of his intent, Blaze squealed and informed him
that he should not do that. It was an unnatural sex act, she told him. Of course, that logic only made him more eager to do it.
“Don’t you dare!” she called out just before he dared and took the plunge - so to speak. He shoved it in, hard and fast, the way
he liked to begin a good reaming of a tender, maybe virgin, asshole.

Blaze cried out in both surprise and at the pain of a fairly large intruder into a place where no man had gone before. Or, at least,
very few men. She jerked her body and twisted her hands, but could do nothing about this invasion of her body. With each hard
shove in, she cried out - at least at first. After the sodomy proceeded, she became used to what was happening and her cries of
pain faded to be replaced with grunts and then moans that sounded suspiciously like moans of pleasure. Well, some women find
the experience pleasurable; most consider it an extremely degrading act.
Blaze would never admit that it was enjoyable. But she found the bent-over position and the very uncomfortably tight ropes
around her neck to be much more unpleasant than the rude intrusion of her rear.

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