The Case of the Mad Scientist

Chapter 20: The Test

Chapter 20: The Test
Gato left on his task. There were a number of sexual “toys” in one of the rooms that Watanabe used as a “playroom”. When he
returned, a large plug-in vibrator in hand, he was surprised to hear cries of distress. Hurrying in, he saw a strange sight. Dr.
Sorren was lying on his back on the floor, most of his clothing ripped away. The subject was kneeling over him, hands around his
neck and banging his head against the floor while strangling him. Already his face was turning a nice shade of purple.
Gato rushed over, grabbed the naked woman by the arm and pulled her off Sorren. Immediately she turned on him, trying to
score his face with her fingernails. Fortunately, he was a bigger, stronger man than Dr. Sorren and was able to overpower her
before any damage was done. Forcing her over, he pulled her arms behind her back and managed to get the one free wrist back
into the empty cuff. Even with her hands locked behind her, she continued to fight him, kicking and trying to bite. He was forced
to grab the handcuffs that had been taken from her ankles and force them back on. Then he grabbed a third pair and turned it
into a handcuff hogtie by connecting the other two pairs behind her. Even then, she struggled both against the handcuffs and in
an attempt to do harm to the two men.
With Midori safely restrained, Gato went to Sorren. “What happened?” he asked.
The shook-up doctor could hardly talk, but his words finally made sense. He had taken the handcuff from one wrist so he could
replace it with her hands in front. He assumed that it would be easier to see if she had changed mental attitude if she had more
freedom to move. But as soon as he had the cuff off, she attacked him. Clawing and hissing, she leapt upon him, forcing him to
the floor. Then she was ripping his clothes off, desperate to get at his manhood. When she had pulled his pants down and
exposed enough for her purpose, she sucked on it briefly, just enough to get an erection going, then squatted over him and
lowered herself onto his erection.
“She raped me!” he gasped out. “I couldn’t stop her. And when that was... Ah, finished, she got mad. I guess she wanted more.
Well, of course, I was in no condition to give her more, having just... Well, you know. Then she attacked me.”
“I told you she was horny,” Gato said sagely. Then he helped the doctor to his feet. The doctor was about to leave to change his
torn clothing, but turned back. “Fix her on the table,” he told Gato. “Tie her down very tightly with her legs spread wide. I still want
to run some tests on her sexual reactions.”
When the doctor was gone, Gato muttered, “Seems you have seen her sexual reaction.” But he proceeded to place the test
subject as the doctor ordered. When Sorren returned, Midori’s arms had been bound behind her back, elbows quite tightly

together, and her upper body was lashed down to the table with numerous windings of rope. Her ankles were also roped and
spread widely with the lower legs over the edges and tied down below table. He freshly shaved pubic area was readily available.
Sorren looked her over, noted that Gato had a fresh scratch on the side of his face, but did not ask if he had had any trouble with
the woman. He plugged in the large vibrator and brought it between her legs and up against her pussy. He switched it on. The
vibrator hummed, and a strange look came over the woman’s face. She began trying to thrust her sex against the vibrator.
Sorren switched it off and held it up before the woman’s face.
“Do you want this?” he asked.
There was no need to translate. She nodded vigorously and began repeating over and over, “Dozo.”
“Gato, keep time from the moment I touch her with this until the time she has an orgasm. I hope we will be able to judge when
that happens.”
He switched on the vibrator and placed it against her vagina.
Midori Sato began the thrusting of her hips the tiny amount allowed by her bondage, and rocking her head from side to side. Her
eyes closed, and they could see muscles all over her body tensing. This continued, the thrusting growing more and more
impatient and urgent with every passing second. Suddenly, she tilted her had back and howled. Her body went rigid. The ropes
creaked and the table shook as she tried to close her legs together. Had she not been tied down, she would have curled up into
a ball.
“I guess that tells us she has had her orgasm,” Sorren said.
Gato, recovering from the interesting show, looked down at his watch. “One minute and ten seconds! That must be some kind of
world record!”
Sorren was about to hand the now quiet vibrator to Gato so he could make notes on his clipboard when she spoke. “Ketsubou!
“What’s she saying?”
“She says she wants it.”
“Oh? So soon again?”

For a few long seconds, Sorren considered the rather unexpected situation. The tied down girl continued to plead and wiggle her
hips. With a muttered, “This should be interesting,” Sorren put the vibrator up against her sex again and switched it on.
This time she reached a howling orgasm in fifty-two seconds.
“This is rather unexpected,” Sorren said, mostly to himself. “I had hoped for an increased sexual drive, but this is incredible.
Look, Gato, she’s asking for it again. I wonder how many times she will have an orgasm.”
The next half hour yielded the answer. Before she eventually passed out from exhaustion, she had endured an incredible twenty-
seven orgasms, each as strong as the first. For a while, it seemed as if she could not be satisfied no matter what they did. To
judge by the way her thigh muscles twitched and her hips moved languidly, she might still be begging for more had exhaustion
not overtaken her.
“This is incredible,” he commented. “She averaged just a little under an orgasm a minute. Only towards the end was it taking
longer for each one.”
“Yeah! She’s a hot one!” was all Gato had to say.
After that awesome show, Gato untied the unconscious girl from the table and carried her to her cell. There he left her with her
arms bound behind her and her ankles locked in handcuffs.

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