The Carrero Solution (Carrero Book 3)

Chapter 69

I’m breathless, exhausted, and most definitely satisfied, staring at the hotel ceiling while Jake channel-hops on the TV aimlessly. He’s sat up with his back against the headboard and a sheet at his waist, a little flushed and most definitely perspiring, showing signs of a lot of exertion for once. For the first time ever, his hair looks ruffled because I ran my hands through it crazily when we had crazy sex. It is a good look on him.

“Your stamina seems to be failing you, Mr. Carrero.” I grin at him, lying flat on my back and stretched out in the afterglow of an afternoon of kinkiness. I’m sprawled, luxuriating in how I feel right now. He smirks down at me and tweaks my nose.

“I’ve still got it, baby. You’re just catching up to match me, took you long enough.” He settles on some loud macho movie and slides back down beside me. “Want to order room service and stay here all night?” His fingers trace patterns on my collarbone softly as he leans over me on one arm.

“I wasn’t aware we had other plans while in Chicago.” I point out, snuggling into him, entangling our limbs under the sheets.

“I thought you could give me a tour of where you lived and grew up, but I don’t want you here. I want you out of this place and back where you belong. Back in the Hamptons, getting our new house together.” He places a hand on my face, stroking my cheek, bringing his nose closer to mine so we share air. Those hazy green eyes are coming to draw me in like they always do.

“I agree.” There’s nothing here for me in this city anymore, and the plan was always to stay one night and leave in the morning when I’d seen her, starting our journey to our new home directly from here. I am closing the door not only on her but also on this city and all its memories.

“Food, movies, and more sex … Sounds like my kind of night, Bambina.” He kisses me slowly, then pulls back to look at me again. I can’t resist the urge to reach up and tangle my fingers in his hair, tugging it a little, so he leans toward me, kissing me at the invitation.

“Better make the most of it. Soon our nights will be filled with feeding, crying, and a lack of sleep.” I grin and watch as that filters through his over-sexed Carrero brain. The little flicker of a frown as he contemplates life with a baby.

“That’s what grandparents are for, and often.” He smirks again, and I can’t be mad at him for that, as it’s another thing I’m looking forward to. How loved my child will be in this crazy family of people. Not just Jake’s immediate family but the extension of people who flock to the Carrero home every couple of weeks; cousins, in-laws, and all the others who live around too. Plus, our extended circle of friends will adore our little one as though they are blood relations.

“We really are going to be okay, aren’t we?” I stroke his face gazing at those beautiful eyes, losing myself in them and daydreaming, bringing Jake’s words back as a reminder that I should always trust him.

“I told you, didn’t I? I would move mountains to make sure of it. You’re my world, this …” he cups my stomach, “…is my world. I would move heaven and Earth to protect you both. You changed my entire life, Emma, for the better. I don’t think you realize how much you’ve given me.” The seriousness in his look and the way he’s lingering over my abdomen sends a sweet ache into my soul, and my voice catches in my throat.

“I haven’t given you anything but me, and you’ve given me all of this.” I wave my arms around at the five-star hotel room, the ring on my finger, and then run a hand down my stomach. Finding his hand there, I entangle our fingers. “You gave me the fairy tale, the perfect sexy man, the crazy opulent lifestyle, and the happy ever after, Jake, all I gave you was some scared girl so afraid to love.” Tears fill my eyes.

“That is the most amazing gift you can give anyone. Having you is more than all this combined. You saved me from myself, from an empty life of parties, fame, women, and booze, and driving myself into the ground with work. You gave my life meaning and feeling. You gave me a purpose and completion, Emma. I know it took a while to stop and realize that I had it all, but we’re here now, and I promise this is only the beginning. This will only get better. We have much more to look forward to, and this baby will change everything.”

I’m bowled over by the intensity of Jake’s gaze and every word he’s saying to me. His voice is husky with emotion, and I can’t breathe with how much I need him now. “Miele, I didn’t save you. You saved yourself and me in the process. I only showed you the way.”

Tears prick in my eyes over the way Jake views what we are, but he couldn’t be any more wrong. He saved me from me, emptiness and loneliness, and fear. He has given me the strength I pretended I always had, unlocking the doors to let me deal with my past. He gave me love in so many ways; in return, it enabled me to love myself and heal. He truly is my world, and I have everything I could ever need or hope for in this room.

“I love you so much, so very much. I never want to hide or run or lose you again. I swear I’ll always try my hardest to tell you everything I’m thinking and feeling and never shut you out or make you think I don’t need you. I can’t breathe without you.” I sigh tearfully, and Jake’s eyes mist up too, holding me close. My words tumble out in a way that I can’t control, and I can’t help but smile. I think back to PA Emma, she would have been verbally frozen, unable to say a word, but here I am, letting every single thought in my head pour out uncensored for him.

“I can’t wait to marry you, to have you as my wife … I want you. I want the world to know you’re mine and see how proud I am of you. I worship the ground you walk on, Emma. You’re my everything.” Jake kisses me hard, passion spiking between us. I can’t say anymore. My throat is full of tears, bursting with intense emotion, and my heart is cracking under the pressure of so much love. I wrap myself around him greedily, holding tight and committing this moment to memory.

This moment is too precious for sex or talking, so we hold each other tenderly, stroking hands and kissing; erotic but slowly and sensually, heightening our feelings for one another.

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