The Carrero Solution (Carrero Book 3)

Chapter 56

I sigh as I watch him empty bag after bag onto the bedroom floor, starting to feel more than a little guilty at my mountain of purchases. Seeing it all now in the daylight, I’m sure I’ve gone and lost my mind … maybe I got a little credit card happy.

Yesterday it was easy to keep on buying, as each purchase was swiftly carried off to the car by Jefferson, and I didn’t see the entirety of it until he laid it all together on the sitting room floor. I cringe and watch Jake’s face for some reaction, but there isn’t any. He doesn’t seem to care that I probably maxed out the card he gave to me.

He rifles through some of the tiny things I purchased, holding them up with a happy expression on his face, then eyes a couple of the dresses I bought myself. I watch him lift the leggings with the weird stretch stomach panel and giggle at the confused look on his face.

“I can’t picture you this way yet.” He says as a matter of fact and stretches out the panel with his hand to simulate a bulge.

“You’ve just been presented with your crazy fiancée’s credit card, happy shopping, probably a rather obscenely large card bill, and all you’re thinking about is me getting a baby bump?” I stare at him, completely bewildered. I’m sure any normal husband-to-be would be hitting the roof right now at the momentous mountain of stuff.

Jake just shrugs and picks up a tiny little pair of fluffy booties.

“I told you to start abusing my cards. God knows I do it often enough.” He lifts a baby-grow in the tiniest size ever, holding it between us, closing one eye, squinting at me and the little suit simultaneously. Looking utterly devastating and making my inner thighs clench.

“Are you trying to envision me wearing that?” I raise an eyebrow at him and pull a hand to my hip.

I’m not sure what sorts of kinky run through his brain sometimes.

“I’m trying to figure out how something this size will fit inside something your size, and to be honest, I’m starting not to like myself very much.” He drops it back down and picks up a tiny hat instead, fingers tracing it delicately, returning that little, tugging, happy smile.

You’re so cute.

Jake is obviously one of those rare men who like babies, whether he’s aware of it or not, and I can guarantee he will be a very ‘hands-on’ daddy. The thought warms me to my core.

“I’m sure I’ll manage like every other pregnant woman on the planet, baby.” I smile indulgently at his slightly cautious look before he goes back to snooping through my purchases. As soon as he knew I’d bought items for the baby, he’d been all over the bags searching for new tiny, cute treasures. He really is odd for a guy. I try not to think of that bitch when I say pregnant women or while watching the mountain of baby things on the floor.

Inner peace … Breathe. She will not ruin this.

“You’re not just another pregnant woman, though. You’re my pregnant woman, and I must admit, baby, now I’m thinking about this whole birth thing … I’m getting pretty fuck.. goddamn scared.” Jake glances up suddenly, stopping mid-swear to correct himself, completely ashen-faced and white. I gulp in surprise, praying to God he didn’t get his first flashes of doubt about being a father. I don’t think I could handle it if he were changing his mind; after all, his happiness and being the first one excited about it. I’ve just realized how much I love and want this little bundle, and I don’t know how I’d deal with Jake if he didn’t. My heart sinks dramatically.

“You are?” My voice wobbles a little, and his eyebrows lower.

“Women still die giving birth.” Jake looks utterly devastated, and I relax. He’s so heart-destroying sometimes. I get off the bed and walk to him, sliding down into his waiting arms, finding my comfy place on his lap, and nuzzling close among the sea of pricey things … now eating away at my inner morality.

“You’d never let me die. You’re far too stubborn a man not to grip onto me for dear life.” I joke, but his tense body tells me he’s serious about this. Jake is overthinking, stressing the shit out of himself, while I’m barely two months gone. Yet another level to that quick brain and keen eye of his … he’s just too loveable for words.

“We should see your OB-GYN again. Work out all the birth details and start planning for a C-section early and….” It all comes out in a rush, and I silence him with a kiss.

“Stop and breathe.” I gaze into his bottomless green eyes and smile, calm about this whole conversation, while he’s the one doing an Emma.

Crazily turned tables.

“Shhhh,” I kiss him for a second time, trying to nudge his narrowed frown away. “We will be okay. You told me so … Remember?” I give him that ‘you’re never wrong’ face and hope it calms him.

“If I lost you….” His voice is breathy and afraid, his eyes decidedly damp, and I wrap my arms around his neck tightly, bringing us nose to nose so I can inhale his intoxicating smell. His sexy designer aftershave mingled with just Jake, that’s devastating to me.

“I’m too stubborn to let that happen,” I smile, catching a tiny glint of a grin hidden in those hazy greens, peeking through the fear. His arms come around my waist and to my back, pulling me close, bridging that tiny gap, so our noses touch, and I’m straddling him on the floor, bodies close … Intimately close; seeing as I’m in a bathrobe that’s now draped open revealing my naked body, and he’s only in a pair of very sexy boxers. It’s hard to stay on topic with so much bare skin-on-skin contact on the go.

“Maybe you could take my mind off it for the next few months?” He smiles, and I catch his eye flicker down between us; it seems being naked has its advantages at distracting him anyway. I can’t help but giggle. With a shift of wariness hitting on a full sexual glint, he swings me around onto the floor on my back, lying over me, elbows and forearms at either side of me, holding his body taut over the top. I’m still wrapped around him so add my legs around his waist tightly and suggestively.

“Are you going to let me set a date anytime soon?” His eyes come to mine; fingers tangled in my hair fanned across the carpet.

“If you think I’m getting married with a bump, then you can forget it. I’m not having pictures of me hideously lumpy as our forever photos.” I pout at him, but he only smiles at me in a way that screams, ‘You’re adorable.’

“I think it would be sexy to marry you while carrying our baby.” He smirks.

“Not a chance. I want to look and feel gorgeous on that day, and seeing as you ooze that already … I can’t have you outshining the bride.” I bring one hand down and poke him in the cheek gently.

“You will always outshine me. You are perfection in every way, not one woman in the world will ever be as beautiful as you. Bump or not, Emma, you’re stunning.” He’s deadly serious as he gazes at me.

My heart aches deeply at what he’s saying.

Could I love you anymore right now?

“I’m still not marrying you with a baby bump.” I point out with a devilish smile; heart-wrenching romantic declarations don’t sway me that easily, Mr. Carrero. I’m not completely under his spell, and I know in his head he’s still trying to manipulate me into what he wants. He just can’t help himself.

“Fine, we’ll wait until Junior comes, then get married. I’d rather it was the other way around, but I’m not in the mood for a fight over this. I don’t want to fight about our wedding in any way, so I’m going to let you decide how it goes and how you want it.” He smiles in that swoon-worthy way, and I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

“Why are you being so amenable suddenly?” It’s not like him at all. He leans in and starts running a gentle lick up my neck, shivers tingling through my body, and his hot breath is making my inner core clench.

You’re so easy, Emma. It’s pathetic.

His stubble scratches me sensually before he goes for my exposed throat, planting kisses vertically down my neck, from my ear to my shoulder.

“I have other battles to deal with, and I don’t want our happy day to be one of them.” He’s focused on making my body tingle with expert attention to the places he knows affect me most.

Good answer, Carrero.

“So, you’re fine with waiting until the baby is here and we’re all set in the Hamptons then?” I tilt my head to catch his eye as he lifts his gaze to mine.

“Sure … Just so you know, that tonight, when we go on your little Leila Operation, I’m bringing you home as soon as things look rosy for the two of them.”

He smirks, and I eye roll.

God damn you, Carrero.

I’ve convinced both girls to have a night of celebratory ‘I’m having a baby.’ Jake should’ve been flying home today, so I arranged it for this evening. Sarah’s fully on board and up to speed with all that is the ‘Leila and Daniel’ show. Marcus is even invited to tag along with the men. Fortunately, he works most evenings at a bar in Queens, so Jake and Daniel will be a duo tonight. When I called her at lunch while shopping, Leila didn’t seem to suspect a thing.

“That is in no way some sort of verbal agreement or compromise, Mr. Carrero.” I huff and get a little pouty as he smiles at me, his mouth lightly trailing my neck near my jawline. His hot, warm breath sends shivers in every direction, and his voice takes on the severe husky low tone that always drives me wild for him.

“We’ll see.”

Oh, no, you don’t. My words. Not yours.

“No, we won’t.” I turn my face away from him as though I’m completely unaffected by how his mouth is seducing me; my body is brimming with horniness right now.

“Annoying … isn’t it? Those few little words?” He nibbles my ear lobe, and I sigh, relaxing into what he’s doing because it feels good, the way he lowers his groin into me, slowly and gently rocking over me. My eyes snap open.

“Oh no, you don’t. Mr. Sexpertize! You are not bending my will with this.” I know exactly what he’s doing, and he chuckles in the most annoyingly cheeky way like a young boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Smart bastard!

“We both know I can,” and he can, it’s true. I can’t think straight with the infernal body rubbing going on. I know I should stop what he’s doing, but all my resolve is fading into nothing with his pressed to mine and those hands skimming me seductively.


“No. No. NO!” I try to push, my hands meeting his unmovable hard chest muscles, but he doesn’t budge. I want this night out to relax and let my hair loose, Hunter and Leila drama aside.

I’m looking forward to doing something sociable and glamorous.

Okay, who are you? Where is Emma?

What the hell does he bench press? Freakin yaks or something?! For God’s sake! Wow.

“You’re pregnant.” He says as though it’s the only answer in the world that should matter.

“Yes. Pregnant, not disabled, or dying, or incapable.” I point out, trying again with the pushing, getting nowhere.

“Fragile.” He says a little more forcefully.

“Please. I’m not that goddamn fragile. It doesn’t stop you maneuvering me into kinky positions, pounding into me at your heart’s content when the moment overtakes you.” I point out.

“That’s a hell of a lot different. I’m always conscious of how I lay my hands on you and how I’m fucking you.” He frowns at me and shows me his deadly serious glare. He does remain aware of the little tadpole, even during sex. My heart flutters a little.

Okay, that is unbelievably sweet … despite his use of that vulgar word.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

“I need you to loosen the reigns a little and stop saying ‘fucking’. I’m not asking to go out without you, just stop smothering me so protectively. You’re driving me insane with this. I mean, that poor doctor looked like he was afraid for his life.” I attempt to get my arms into a chest fold, but he’s too close, so I slump them down beside my head on each side.

“Good, he should’ve been. If he had the urge to touch you one more time, I was going to….” I cover his mouth with my hands.

“…That’s what I mean! He felt my stomach like he was supposed to, not feeling me up. You never once noticed that I let an actual man touch me without wanting you to rip his throat out. I was very proud of myself that I could accept he was doing his job and not being some sleazy leech. If I can accept that, then you can too.” I smile triumphantly, feeling a little courageous.

“I changed your doctor,” he says it in such a deadpan way that I choke in disbelief. I guess that’s why I haven’t received any follow-up appointments yet. Although, to be fair, I already knew this was coming because of his call straight after our appointment.

“Why?” I pretend to sound stern. I’m really not, though.

He narrows his eyes at me and sighs, rolling off me onto his back, staring at the ceiling, looking guilty as hell, arms bent at the elbow, crossed over at his forehead.

“Because I’m still a jealous dickhead. I got you a woman instead.” He throws an arm over his face and looks a bit remorseful in a sexy ’bossy little shit’ kind of way.

I know I should be angry at him. I know I should be throwing all sorts of stroppy tantrums, but I just want to kiss him, so I start giggling. Giggling turns into laughter at the realization that I’m stuck with this man-child who can be so suave and confident one minute, then this insecure, impulsive little boy the next.

“I didn’t think you would find it funny. I was sure you’d be pissed, so I was hoping to spring her on you.”

I nudge him in the ribs. If he wanted to do that, he shouldn’t have openly called for a list of female GYNs in front of me.

“She better not be prettier than me!” I laugh at the absurdity of the two of us, and he relaxes then laughs too.

“Fuck, no, baby. No woman will ever take your beauty queen crown … Are we always going to be like this?” He turns on his side and leans on his elbow, propping himself over me, his free hand coming to cup my abdomen possessively, splaying his palm out flat, covering our baby.

“Probably. I mean, maybe we won’t be as bad the longer we’re together, but I don’t think I’m capable of not being a little bit jealous about other women lusting over you.” I smile hopelessly as he leans in and kisses me softly.

“And I’ll never want to stop beating the shit out any man who dares to touch you, baby.” He smirks at me, and I sigh.

“We’re perfect for each other,” I giggle as his hand trails my face, tracing my features slowly.

“I’ve been telling you that since you met me.” He winks and leans down for another passion-fueling kiss. His mouth molding so deliciously to mine, tongue teasing me into complete submission.

“Want to spend the day in bed letting me show you all the ways in which we’re perfect for one another?” He smirks wickedly, and my body heats up almost instantly. He should know by now that lately, I never turn that down.

“So long as I’m not late for meeting Leila tonight. We have a couple of friends to sort out.” I giggle as that adoring hand moves from my abdomen to my inner thighs, sliding slowly up under my robe, arching as he connects with me divinely.

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