The Carrero Solution (Carrero Book 3)

Chapter 48

“Let yourself out. We will resume whatever later … Don’t wait for us.” I command and give Jake another demanding yank behind me. He just follows obediently with absolutely no expression on his face. He’s probably mulling over everything he said in the kitchen and wondering if I am having some sort of psychotic break that he should indulge in because I am fragile and pregnant … I wouldn’t put it past him.

I catch Daniel throwing a cautious look over my head at Jake. He seems confused but sees some sort of sign in Jake’s face that satisfies him, so they both slide past us and head down the stairs. Leila giggles as she mumbles, “about time.” The sound of a slapped ass echoes our way, and they disappear out the door.

I lead Jake in a very commanding manner to the biggest bedroom of the house. The one that previously held the huge four-poster bed, the one I’ve already chosen as our bedroom. It’s the master suite of the whole house with the best view, and I’ll make a goddamn start on claiming my home! Bedroom first.

It has thick plush carpets and drapes left hanging on the windows. I let go of Jake at the door and walk into the room toward the windows, grabbing the curtains and drawing them hastily. My mind is completely set on what I’m going to do to fix this little situation. Jake has spent the past couple of months fixing my emotional issues for me, and I am sure as hell going to do it to him in true grand Carrero style. Never take no for an answer; don’t back down when what you want shows resistance. I’m going to earn my future surname.

Turning to the middle of the room, I march forward and immediately start taking off all my clothes in a confident non-caring manner. Completely unbashful and not giving an actual fuck that the door is still open. I watch him stand a little taller, raising an eyebrow as he watches me.

“You have thirty seconds to get in here, shut that door, and get naked or this.” I hold up my hand with the engagement ring on. “Gets posted to you from Queens when I dump your ass. No fiancée of mine will let guilt destroy our relationship … I’m no fucking nun, and if you want a celibate girlfriend, it won’t be me!” I snap and throw one of my shoes off, letting it fly across the room at the wall beside him aggressively. It hits it with a thud, sliding down the wall, and I wonder for a moment if this is what Leila did too.

Jake watches the descent of the shoe silently before turning his eyes back to me. There’s a look of humor and a tiny upward crease to the corner of his mouth as though a smile is not far behind, yet he’s frowning.

He still hasn’t uttered a word. He moves in wordlessly and shuts the door carefully and deliberately, looking very much like a guy contemplating running away from his crazy girlfriend or fiancée or whatever. With furious intent, I continue pulling off every item of clothing I have on and throw each item at the wall by his feet very pointedly, each time with a raised eyebrow.

“Well?” I stand naked and face him with my hands on my hips. Completely unashamed at being nude with a guy who can’t seem to get over his emotional impotence. Jake runs a hand through his hair nervously and takes a deep breath. All hint of humor is gone, and he seems torn and scared, yet little hints of lust are in there. The darkening of his eyes and the way he can’t stop trailing up and down my naked body with them. He stands staring at me as I am in front of him, completely stark naked for the first time in God knows how long.

“I fucking love you.” He stalks toward me and pushes me backward at speed, walking me the full distance of the room, with eyes locked on mine. His green depths growing more lust fueled with every step. His expression changing from dubious and scared to dominating and sure. As my back hits the wall, Jake bends into me and lifts me around his waist, pushing against me and grinding into me as his mouth meets mine. He slides his tongue into my mouth, and I can already feel the difference in his kiss, a hint of old passion and burning desire switching on his more aggressive Carrero Casanova mode.

Thank the stars … Finally!

“I said naked, Carrero.” I push his face away so that I can give him my best haughtiest glare. He smirks and lets me loose from the wall, sliding me down to my feet and steps back. His sweater is off in one easy movement over his head, making him strain every one of his delicious muscles. My body is heating up in readiness as I watch him. I can’t tear my eyes off that magnificent frame.

He looks down and unbuttons his jeans easily, sliding them and his boxers down in one go, as he quickly pulls his trainers off, discarding them all in a heap. There is no hesitation in his glorious face anymore, just the look of the guy who carried me into his room the first night he ever took me as his. He wants and needs me, and nothing will stop him. My heart soars that I finally have all of him back.

Within moments he’s completely naked, and I can’t stop my eyes wandering over that hunky body, hungrily devouring every inch he’s kept from me, my eyes almost glued to the part of him that will bring me the most pleasure.

“Looking at me like that definitely helps.” His hoarse husky tone sounds exactly like the Jake I need, and he grabs my hand, yanking me toward him forcefully. He catches me behind my neck and the small of my back and flips me onto the plush carpet in one fast stroke, making me catch my breath. I squeal in delight at the obvious return of his manhandling at its finest, the grand return of Carrero. He maneuvers on top of me with a firm stroke between us, along my abdomen and thigh.

“No hands,” I murmur breathlessly, “I’m too close, and I just want you.” I lock eyes with his and suddenly catch the flicker of doubt across his face. His focus moves across my body between us as his brain starts to take over. “Look right here at me.” I urge him. His eyes come back to my face. “Look at me, Jake, don’t stop looking at how much I love you and how much I need you in this way. I forgave you and need you to forgive yourself too if this will ever work.” I silently plead, hoping my expression translates all that he needs to see.

He gazes at me with the slow change of his eyes, from darkest green to pale, as every doubt and thought starts consuming him. I push my head up and kiss him slowly and gently to stop the onslaught. He opens his mouth enough so I can slide my tongue in, and he follows me back down to the floor so that I can lie my head back. His touch raises the heat inside me once more to a soaring temperature effortlessly, and I start to let my hands roam him sexily. My kiss devours him how he always consumes me, and he starts to respond. His body hardens against mine as his hands move down over my exposed breasts.

I slide a hand between us and find him, urging him with strokes and caresses as he groans into my mouth, and I know I’m winning. I’m pushing away his doubts and indecisiveness, bringing him back to me again. I slide my legs apart so he comes to nestle between them and wrap my thighs around his hips suggestively, securely, so he has no way to escape from me. Our bodies naturally start to move against one another. He breathes in heavily and breaks from my kiss.

“I don’t want to hurt the baby.” He murmurs against my mouth, and I shake my head.

“There’s more chance of you hurting me by not doing this. The doctor told you that this is perfectly fine and even healthy for us to have sex.” I soothe and stare straight into his eyes lovingly, open trust all over my face.

He takes another deep breath, locking his focus fully onto my face, roaming over my eyes, nose, and mouth slowly as though imprinting it to memory.

“You’re so beautiful, Emma. I don’t know what I did to deserve perfection like you,” he croons softly, staring at me without fully connecting our bodies yet.

“You have no idea how often I tell myself the same thing about you. You rescued me from myself, Jake. I owe you everything. I belong with you. I belong to you, and I always will. Stop fighting yourself on this and show me how much you love me instead of telling me. I need to feel it again because I miss it so much more than you can ever imagine.” I kiss him, feeling the change in him as his body relaxes into me. His hands find my wrists, sliding them above my head and pinning them to the soft floor, a move that only my sexually competent man would make without thinking about it.

Yes, come back to me, Jake. I need you. The real you.

His body moves slowly against mine. That furious arousal in me heightens and hitches. He devours my mouth and then my neck and back again. His tongue caresses mine, helping me get lost in pleasure as his body slowly slides with mine. I wriggle a hand free and once again find him hard and ready. I maneuver myself and use my grip on him to find our way together, lifting my hips, sliding him into me very slowly, pensively, waiting for him to halt all of this and hold my breath. He tenses and pauses as his kiss stops for a mere second.

Stay with me, Jake, don’t give up on us, please.

He exhales and screws his eyes closed tight. Our bodies adjusting to the sensation of being joined again, my body stretching as he inches slowly inside of me. We’re fully connected, yet neither of us is moving. Jake lifts himself over me, using his hand by my wrist to steady his weight, and catches my free hand returning it to the same position beside the other. I let out a slow sigh of relief. Him holding me down and gazing directly into my eyes is a sure sign that he isn’t going to try to stop this.

He slowly moves back and then forward, easing in and out of me, letting us both get used to the feeling of each other again. I groan as the sensation floods through me, keeping my eyes wide open, never breaking our connection so I don’t lose him in his own head. I want how I look now to be what he sees when we make love, not the memory of that girl he broke in two. I want to erase his guilt and see only where we are now—that’s all that matters anymore.

He does it again, and some tension softens in his furrowed brow and gorgeous narrowed eyes. This time he groans softly under his breath as my body tingles and soars.

“You feel so good.” He moans softly. My answer doesn’t make it out of my mouth as he moves again, in quick succession, with a few gentler thrusts. All I can do is inhale and arch my back as my body jumps into high pleasure mode. Being held down this way, he has full access to my breasts and tips his head, catching a nipple between his teeth softly.

“Harder,” I command, in a husky tone, as he moves into me again in the same painfully slow motion. He sucks my nipple, and a shooting wave of pleasure sparks straight from there to my core, causing me to groan far more loudly than I realize. It spurs him on. The next thrusts are firmer and more intense. Jake lets go of my wrists and cages my head with his hands, so he can push his body higher above me, giving him better leverage. He thrusts again with more passion and intent, his eyes never leaving mine.

“Oh, my God.” I start whimpering as the rolling waves of hotness tingle at my toes, moving slowly up with his every push inside me. My hands come to his arms, snaking around his muscles, my nails dragging on his skin. I’m rolling around in ecstasy, and when he begins to push into me more rhythmically, with harder thrusts, I start to lose all control. “Oh, God! Yes! God … Jake.” I cry out as I scream internally with extreme divine pleasure. Every single moment of being joined with him takes away the last pains or regrets in my heart; being reunited this way is the final healing balm I need.

“Wait for me, baby. I’m really close.” He groans with a devilishly low tone that is as sexy as sin. It’s been so long for both of us that neither of our bodies can contain the pleasure, brimming close to conclusion without effort. The tidal waves and ripples growing are coursing up from my legs and over my pelvis. His thrusts harder with more intent.

I’m trying so hard to let him find his release with me, but I’m being taken over by them, crying out and groaning, panting, and clawing at his shoulders in ecstasy. I can’t contain it much longer as it consumes every fiber of my body, and my vision turns to the tingling sparks of an orgasm coming close enough to engulf me.

“Now, baby. Fuck.” Jake groans out, and we both explode together, stars and sensations crashing through my body, making me convulse and arch into him, losing all sight of the blackness that consumes me while each wave and racking spasm runs its course. It lasts for what seems like forever, bursting fireworks and satisfying ripples, then convulsions before I’m finally still.

We lie motionless, entangled in the aftermath of our release for a few moments, my fingers in his hair, and I run my nails lightly through it as he rests his head in the crook of my neck.

“I love you so much, Emma, more than I can ever tell you, baby.” His voice is raspy and deep, and I start smiling against his head.

“I’m pretty sure what you just did more than tells me.” I grin as he levers himself up to plant a firm kiss on my mouth; the look of hesitation he had is now gone, that haunting faint look in his eye that was lingering for weeks, always brimming under the surface like a tiny insecurity is completely gone.

“We just christened our house … Now we just have to do that in every room before we can officially move in.” He grins at me boyishly, his face returning to the man I missed so much, a hint of cheeky and sexual innuendo lurking in its depths.

You’re finally back. God, I missed you.

“Well, seeing as I have crazy ravaging hormones that make me sex mad, and I’m already hoping for a second round, I wouldn’t say it’s a chore.” I grin at him, seeing his body heave with a huge relaxed sigh.

“I’m game if you are,” he winks sexily; that gorgeous dark lust-filled depths to those eyes already returning.


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