The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

Chapter 121

I start packing up my case, my phone on charge in its dock by my bed as I take my time and breathing space from Jake so I can think. He's like a tornado that devours everything in its wake when he's with you and sometimes I just need some time to process things more slowly.

I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt, which skim my figure, Converse on my feet and a denim jacket. This is probably the most casual he's ever seen me other than my gym attire, but for some reason, I like being this way around him. So far removed from the Emma he met a year ago who didn't even own jeans at all, so he has to see how much he's changed me. I want him to see how different I want to be with him. My hair alone is a huge deal, changed from long, sleek, and always tied back immaculately, to short and wild waves hanging just under my jaw, blonde highlighted which makes me seem young and carefree. I catch sight of myself in the mirror, free of make-up. He's seen me this way before, in hotels early morning, late at night, but I look different to me. My skin rosy, my eyes softer blue, my lips stained pink from being kissed endlessly. I am happy and almost beautiful. Even for me to see, it's amazing.

Love really changed you.

I pick up my phone, now it's charged, and call Wilma Munro knowing this has to be done.

"Emma, darling ... I didn't expect to hear from you today." She sounds overjoyed and it makes my heart sink because I really do like this woman. I'll miss working beside her even though it's only been a couple of weeks.

"Wilma ... Hey..." I sound as awkward as I feel. "I need to tell you something." I hesitate, knowing I should get straight to the point.

"I already know... I'm really happy for you, honestly. The sixty-fifth is getting a great asset back." She beams down the phone and I hesitate as I catch my breath.

"How?" I'm confused as hell.

"Oh, honey, you and Jake are the talk of the building. Apparently, his storming over and kissing you passionately in front of a few hundred people will do that... Besides, he called me about twenty minutes ago." I can almost hear her smiling and I resist the urge to facepalm at my own dumbness.

"He did?" I'm beyond speechless. I don't even want to start contemplating the public display we put on and what gossip will be doing the rounds about it right now.

Why do these things always shock me? I know him ... I should have known this. Eternal domineering boss mode.

"Yes, he told me that you're being rehired as his PA effective as of this morning and you'll come see me when you get back from a little trip." She sounds positively ecstatic, despite losing an employee. "Right," I say floundering, heat in my face. I'm kind of lost for words that he's always one step ahead.

I really need to get my man to stop doing this crap to me

"Okay, I guess I'll see you on my return... Right?" I reply softly, there's so much more I want to say, she deserves more after listening to my woes and being my shoulder to cry on. I want to say more but I can't find the words.

"Just tell me, Emma... Did he tell you he loved you yet?" she asks cheekily, and I blush and smile despite myself.

"Endlessly." I laugh, and she joins me.

"Good, thought he might. Was pretty obvious by the way he stormed into my office a couple days ago, demanding to know where you were. Just remember my invite to the wedding." She laughs again. "I better go, dear, I've some irate man in a suit glaring at me."

We say our goodbyes and she hangs up. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or be angry at Jake, either way, I am relieved that Wilma isn't upset about my departure.

My door opens and Jake strolls in, as though it's the most natural thing in the world. All anger dissipates when I see him, his jeans, white T-shirt sculpted to his body and leather jacket make me weak. Effortlessly Hollywood. I bite my lip as I try not to fall into a daydream about the things he does to me.

"Ready? You've been an age, baby." His all too perfect smile flashes my way, spying the case, he moves forward to pick it up and checks for my passport and iPad inside. I stand watching him, bemused. He walks over to my bedside table and lifts a couple of books I'm in the process of reading and slides them into my case along with my phone which is now on the bed.

"Need any help there?" I ask with a laugh.

Fairly sure he could have packed my clothes too at this rate.

"Toiletries?" He raises an eyebrow, ignoring my sarcasm as I steadily watch him with the overwhelming desire to sigh at him. Nothing he does should surprise me.

"In the case," I reply blandly.

"Sexy lingerie? You know that corset thing I spied way back when I helped you clear out your clothes?" He looks me up and down. I guess it's been on his mind since then and that thought pleases me, the fact he still remembers, and I've never actually worn it.

"In the drawer." I point at the dresser and go to move past him, but I halt as he yanks it open, empties the entire contents into my case.

"What are you doing?" I ask, laughing at him in surprise as he attempts to pad them down to fit.

"I think, as your boyfriend, I should know every piece of your underwear intimately ... For future gift buying." He smirks and closes the case, pushing it closed to conceal the bulge. "You can model it for me when we get to the boat... I think I should get a job as your un-dresser."

I sigh this time and can only shake my head.

What the hell am I going to do with him? I don't think I'll be getting much of a tan on this yacht break. I'm starting to think keeping me in a bed as a sex slave has been his plan all along. And he said he wanted to take me away so our relationship would be more than sex! I'm starting to wonder if he's capable of that at all.

He stops by my oversized bear and frowns at him.

"You won me him in Las Vegas. He's called Joey." I remind him, following his death glare with amusement.

"You've been sharing your bed with this fella?" he asks seriously. I can't see any humor in his eye but he's obviously not being serious.

"I have." I smile demurely and wink at Joey for added effect. He picks the bear up by the throat rather aggressively.

"By the time we come back, buddy, I want to find that you've moved back into the wardrobe or there'll be hell to pay ... I share her bed now... I'm the only guy she'll be cuddling up with." He grins at me and throws the bear across the room at my door in grand fashion and I watch as it slumps ungracefully into an unloved heap.

"Poor teddy, he never did anything wrong... A perfect gentleman every night." I pout. "I never took you for the jealous type." I poke at him, but he drops my bag, grabs my hand, and pulls me into his embrace. "I'm not the jealous type... I wasn't... But with you... ... Maybe." He kisses me firmly, my body melting to his.

"Just don't turn cray-cray on my ass ... I don't mind jealous as long as you don't take a lighter to my teddy bear." I giggle only his face turns serious momentarily, leaning back to look at me with mock dead pan focus.

"Don't put ideas in my head." He catches me with a swift kiss then turns me in a twirl and pats my butt to get me moving before scooping up my case.

"You don't need any encouragement." I flutter my lashes back at him. Catching my face in his free hand, he squeezes my cheeks slightly, so my lips pucker up.

"You're just so freaking cute. I could eat this face." He leans in, nibbles my lip, then kisses me on the nose amid my giggles and protests.

Sarah meets me in the hall and gives me a huge cuddle as she adorns me with all her departing advice, obviously brought up to speed by Jake about our little holiday. Be safe, don't drink too much, don't sleep in the sun, send her updates. I smile and peck her on the cheek. A little overwhelmed with the speed in which this is happening. Such is life with Jake, and I should be used to the whirlwind that he is by now. "Don't let Marcus sleep in my bed when you have a fight... Jake may take a blow torch to him; I think he just killed my teddy bear." I pass her with a pat on the head and move toward the front door. "What can I say?" He shrugs at Sarah leaning down to plant an unexpected kiss on her cheek, she looks surprised and flushes. "Dirty fur-ball had been sleeping with my girl." She waves us off amid a flurry of giggles and I roll my eyes at him. Leading the way out of the front door and pulling it closed behind him when he gets out beside me.

"You can stop torturing girls wherever we go, Casanova ... I know you get your kicks out of the reaction, but your new 'girl' might have reason to start feeling jealous." I mean it light-heartedly but somehow it comes out more serious than I intended, insecure Emma clawing free and I hate that I just doubted my best friend. He pushes my bag under his arm with one hand and grabs me with the other, catching my wrist and hauling me back to him.000

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