The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Threat on Land

“Obsessive love wears down

both its target and the obsessor.”

-Janvier Chouteu-Chando

The streets of the seaside village were deserted as the darkness of the night had fallen. Its inhabitants had withdrawn into the safety of their homes as soon as the last light of the day disappeared.

The seagulls’ songs had died –the majestic birds had returned into their nests seeking the much-needed warmth against the chilly air of this starless night. The sound of an owl echoed through the darkness as one by one the houses of Seaworth closed their lights and let sleep reign over them.

She carefully slipped through the narrow stone alleys, avoiding the bright lights and the central points of the village. Looking over her shoulder and fixing her hood to cover her face, she made sure no one had seen her wandering around during these late hours.

Her shoes made a clicking noise as they touched the stone pavement, making her glare at them furiously. The slightest noise could be easily heard in the absolute silence that Seaworth has been sunk into. The last thing she currently wanted was to draw attention to herself.

Taking a sharp turn to the right, she followed the familiar path she had taken numerous times before. She took a left turn when she saw the small lemon tree in Mrs. Mariam’s garden and then a right one when she reached the last house of the alley. Finally, she let a sigh of relief escape her when her gaze fell upon the familiar large wooden door.

She climbed up the few steps that separated her from it, knocking three times on the door. She watched wearily her surroundings as she waited for it to open. With a creaking sound and a last suspicious glance, she entered the bright interior of the house sighing in delight as its warmth surrounded her.

Taking her black hoody off and resting it on a nearby chair, she combed through her golden strands with her fingers trying to somehow make them look presentable. Her feet guided her throughout the long hall and towards the spacious living room, where a bright fire burned into the aristocratic fireplace.

Her curious blue eyes took in the shadowed figure standing in front of it, looking inside the orange flames as if searching answers for the future. His dark short locks were wild as if he had combed his fingers through them too many times to count. He had turned the sleeves of his white shirt up, holding a crystal glass of bronze liquid –whiskey she correctly guessed.

Turning around to face her, her gaze focused on the glistening skin the few open buttons of his shirt allowed her to see. He brought the glass to his lips, taking a gulp of the burning liquid before motioning to her to sit down. Gazing into his dark eyes, she took notice of the red ring that surrounded his iris and felt a shiver going down her spine.

She should have gotten used to it by now, but she couldn’t help the fear that blossomed in her heart every time she took notice of the bloody color. It was a sign –a sign that he wasn’t completely himself any longer. He was just a pawn in a game of chess –important but yet expendable. They controlled his mind, whispering in his ears and taking control of his actions. His master’s wish was his command, even if he had to get his hands dirty to please him.

She hadn’t completely understood how she had gotten herself involved in all this mess. She only sought for his attention and love –whishing one day for him to love her the same way she did him. It seems that his affection came to a high price though, but she was willing to pay it if it meant he would finally be hers. And that’s how Petra ended up becoming his minion, stopping at nothing to gain his trust and love.

Even if it meant betraying her best friend in order to succeed.

“Did you follow her?“, his deep baritone brought her out of her thoughts.

She cleared her throat and answered him in a small voice.

“I did.”

She watched him take hold of a packet of expensive cigarettes, before taking one out and placing it on his lips. His hand reached for the lighter in his pocket, before lighting the cigarette and taking a drag from it. His dark eyes observed her hands playing nervously in her lap before he tilted his head back and let the smoke escape him.

“And?“, he asked expectedly.

“Sethelious was right”, she tucked a strand of golden hair behind her ear, “They did meet at the beach.”

Alastor Steel let a pleased smirk appear at the corner of his lips, before taking another drag from his cigarette. His master would be tremendously pleased with the news and he would be the one to receive his generosity. His plan was running smoothly.

“And what about you?“, he asked the nervous girl in front of him, “Did you do your job right?”

She opened her black bag and searched through it, before taking out the silver object he had given to her. He took hold of the camera, opening it, and searching through the saved photographs.

His gaze fell upon what he was searching for and he grinned in victory; a photo of a red-haired girl leaning against a man with a fishtail. Fortunately for him, his companion had been extra careful and took a shot where the merman was pictured perfectly clear. The photograph had a great view of his tail, making it impossible for anyone to deny what was so clearly pictured.

Closing the camera and placing it upon the wooden table, he threw his cigarette in the fireplace not interested in finishing it anymore. He moved towards the blonde who was seated on his sofa, gripping her neck tightly with his right hand. Letting a small kiss on the crown of her golden hair, he smirked when he heard her gasp in surprise.

“Such a good girl”, he mumbled against her strands, hearing her breath hitching.

He forced her body to stand up by the grip on her neck, not at all carrying at the way she desperately clawed at his arm. Petra let a few tears escape her blue eyes as she felt her chest burning from the lack of oxygen. Her tearful orbs met his crazed dark ones –the ring of scarlet seeming brighter in the dimly lighted room.

And then, his grip on her neck loosened and she took a huge gulp of much-needed air. Her neck was sore and her cheeks burned scarlet as she desperately tried to calm her racing heartbeat in her chest. She turned her gaze to him and found him watching her as she tried to regain her breathing in his embrace.

“If you ever betray me, I am going to kill you.”

His nose caressed the shell of her ear, making her shiver both in fear and delight. She gasped when he bit down on it hard, before licking the sting away with his hot tongue. He let his lips move close to her ear, whispering to her as his hand found his way around her neck once again.

“I am going to strangle you with my bare hands”, he squeezed for emphasis, “and this time, I am not going to stop unless you turn purple and unmoving.”

She felt her heart racing as fear consumed her at his words. She knew he was a man of actions –his words could become reality very easily. She also knew that this would be her only warning. She gulped nervously at the thought.

“But I know you are going to be a good girl and keep your mouth shut, aren’t you, my sweet?“, he let a humorless laugh escape him.

“Y-yes”, she answered shakenly.

Turning her around quickly, he forced her to look into his dark crazed eyes.

“Yes what?“, he asked again, gripping her shoulder tightly with his fingernails piercing her flesh.

“I’ll be a good girl”, she answered honestly.

He hummed appreciatively, letting his darkened gaze take in her smaller form. Petra gasped as she was unexpectedly thrown on the couch, watching Alastor looking hungrily at her. Soon enough, he was standing above her and his lips brushed against hers, making tremble in anticipation.

“And whose good girl are you?“, he asked against her lips.

She clenched her tights at his words and bit her lower lip, before answering.


His mouth found her own, making her dizzy. He sucked on the lip she was biting, almost drawing blood from his aggressiveness. As they tore each other clothes off and threw them carelessly on the ground, his lips made their way on her neck –leaving love bites and purple bruises, marking her as his in the eyes of others.

His darkened eyes watched as she threw back her head and moaned loudly when he found himself inside of her. His movements weren’t gentle or slow –he didn’t care about her pleasure or wellbeing, just for the fulfillment of his own personal needs. She didn’t seem to mind at his behavior from her sounds of pleasure. He ignored her yelp of pain when his thrusts became more aggressive and violent.

His mind was elsewhere – to the plan of his master and the way everything was falling into place. Soon enough, Sethelious would get his revenge and he would be the one who helped him, becoming one of the winners in the process. He would get his revenge too and Aileen would regret ever ignoring him and humiliating him. Her merman would be dead soon enough and a new ruler will rise in Atlantis.

He thrust harder at the beautiful picture, smirking at the thought of it becoming reality. Kissing the woman in front of him hard and silencing her scream of pure pleasure, he pulled out of her and finished on the soft skin of her belly as she breathlessly stared up at him. He didn’t need to worry about a bitch getting pregnant with his child right now. He had things to do and dreams to turn into reality.

Watching her eyes close in tiredness, he caressed her rosy cheek softly. Covering her with a soft blanket, he let her sleep on the comfortable couch. Dressed up, he took another cigarette out of the packet and let his gaze focus on the last flames in the fireplace.

“Soon enough...“, he whispered to himself.

Taking a drag, he let the smoke out of his nose.

“Soon enough.”


End of chapter 25!!

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